Feature of the Day

This page contains an archive of announcements that have appeared on the NEDC Home Page.

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017

  • (20240520) We have revamped the locations of our corpora in preparation for several major new releases. The new landing page is here.

  • (20240113) TUSZ (v2.0.2): We have removed two duplicate sessions and fixed one bug in the annotations. Performance on seizure detection should not change significantly.

  • (20230916) A new version of our annotation tool, nedc_eas, is available here. A tool that allows rapid annotation of EEG signals. The tool includes spectrogram and energy plots, and is capable of transcribing data in real time. Learn more about this tool from our IEEE SPMB 2018 paper. This release includes better Windows support and several bug fixes related to montages.

  • (20230527) We have released a system that performs seizure detection on EEG signals. This includes a real-time EEG seizure detection system based on a ResNet-18 neural network and transfer learning. This package is described in this publication.

  • (20230212) We have released our EEG seizure detection system. The code is available here. You can learn more about the technology in this publication.

  • (20221207) We have released new versions of the NEDC TUH EEG corpora, and obsoleted our old releases. These new versions contain many enhancements and will be our last releases of this data. See our TUH EEG project for more details.

  • (20220807) TUSZ (v1.5.4): We have fixed a few small bugs with the annotations (negative start times) that were introduced due to a problem with our annotation tool. Evaluation results should not change significantly. Please use rsync to update your copy of our distribution.

  • (20220423) We have released NEDC Eval EEG (v5.0.0). This version fully supports our csv and xml annotation file formats.

  • (20220211) Since we have received feedback regarding issues using rsync from Windows when trying to access our data, we have uploaded a tutorial video. This video will demonstrate how to install MobaXterm on Windows and how to download data using the command line.

  • (20220124) A long time of hard work on behalf of a large team of researchers has finally made possible the second major release of The Temple University Hospital Digital Pathology Corpus (TUDP)! Additionally, over the next six months, we will be releasing over 80,000 slides that we have already scanned. We are hopeful that this release will represent a major contribution to machine learning research in digital pathology.

  • (20211214) This year's symposium was a success. Congratulations to all of the authors, presenters and speakers and thank you to all of those who made this year's conference possible. You can visit the conference web site to view recordings of the presentations. We will be looking forward to seeing you at IEEE SPMB 2022 next year!

  • (20211202) Our 11th annual IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium (IEEE SPMB) is coming up very soon. We are only two days away from this virtual conference that will host 18 oral presentations, 18 poster presentations and two plenary speakers. There are a number of excellent papers regarding EEG science and signal processing. Additionally, the two very interesting plenary talks are about quantum computing and conversational artificial intelligence. If you would like to learn more about our symposium visit our website and the technical program . Join us this Saturday, December 4th, by registering free-of-charge here .

  • (20210809) The call for papers for IEEE SPMB 2021 has ended. We have received 35 papers and 16 abstracts.

  • (20210721) We have released v5.0.3 of our EEG annotation tool which now includes support for Python 3.9 and the new version of PyQT.

  • (20210617) v5.0.2 of our NEDC EEG annotation tool has been released with new support for csv and xml file formats. Users can alternatively download the tool from our anonymous rsync server.

  • (20210609) Congratulations to Dr Golmohammadi on having his paper featured on the Brain Imaging and Stimulation Editor's Pick of 2021.

  • (20210602) The call for papers for IEEE SPMB 2021 ends July 1st. We look forward to seeing everyone at our eleventh annual conference.

  • (20210414) We are pleased to announce the official publishing of the book titled "Biomedical Signal Processing: Innovation and Applications" found here. Additionally, there is an included book chapter from our own researchers titled "Objective Evaluation Metrics for Automatic Classification of EEG Events" which is an interesting read!

  • (20210409) We have almost 5,000 subscribers to our TUH EEG resources. Please follow this link to subscribe.

  • (20210319) We are pleased to announce our recent collaboration with IBM has yielded a research paper covering the topic of automatic seizure detection.

  • (20210317) A recent presentation regarding Machine Learning in Signal and Image Processing presented by Dr. Obeid can be found here.

  • (20210301) The Call For Papers for IEEE SPMB 2021 has been made available. Following from last year's COVID-19 protocols, we have decided to host the conference virtually once again. Consider joining us in our virtual symposium this year on December 4th!

  • (20210218) The Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium (SPMB) are now available from IEEE Xplore

  • (20210214) We have releaased the newest version of our EEG annotation tool. This is available as a tar file and from our anonymous rsync server. You can view the source code directly at v4.0.3. This version has been upgraded to run under Python v3.7.x and is much easier to install and run.

  • (20210202) Our TUH EEG users group reached a major milestone this week when we exceeded 4,000 participants.

  • (20210202) We have now processed over 3,600 DvDs for the TUH EEG Corpus. The master database contains over 41,000 patient sessions.

  • (20210111) We have reorganized our web server to better accomodate for anonymous rsync services.

  • (20210107) Windows users can look at this brief tutorial on utilizing rsync, which is now included in MobaXterm, to download large corpora.

  • (20201220) We have released v1.0.0 of nedc_pyprint_edf. This software accurately reads EDF headers and signal data.

  • (20201210) Planning has begun for IEEE SPMB 2021. The tentative date is December 4, 2021. Send email to the IEEE SPMB 2021 Organizing Committee if you want to get involved.

  • (20201205) Our data annotation team announced details on two important upcoming releases of EEG corpora. Please visit our IEEE SPMB 2020 presentations to learn more about our upcoming releases.

  • (20201204) Join us tomorrow for the 10th annual IEEE SPMB by registering here.

  • (20201125) IEEE SPMB 2020 is coming up soon! Click here to join our virtual conference on December 5th.

  • (2020102) This past weekend, a team of our students attended OwlHacks, Temple University's annual hackathon. A variety of workshops and panels were available, including seminars on game development, full-stack web application and even mobile app development. Our students were able to network with companies such as RSM, Vanguard and Lincoln Financial Group. The hackathon was a thoroughly enjoyable experience for our students and we look forward to future events!

  • (20200925) The first round of paper reviews for IEEE SPMB 2020 have been completed. Please note that revised submissions are due by October 15th.

  • (20200925) We have released v4.0.0 of our NEDC annotator with full Python 3 support as well as numerous bug fixes.

  • (20200821) We have released v4.0.0 of our scoring software, NEDC Eval EEG. It is also available on our rsync server.

  • (20200805) Congratulations to Vinit Shah on a successful presentation of his PhD dissertation proposal. Vinit's research focuses on improving segmentation for automated seizure detection.

  • (20200725) We have released an update of the TU Artifact Corpus (TUAR) which can be found here, and is also available from our anonymous rysnc server.

  • (20200702) The IEEE SPMB 2020 call for papers has closed as of July 1st 2020. We plan on accepting 18 papers for oral presentation.

  • (20200624) We submitted this video to the NSF STEM DIVE competition that highlights how we promote STEM education and the professional development of our students.

  • (20200611) The deadline for paper submission for IEEE SPMB 2020 has been pushed to July 1. Please consider joining us for our special 10 year conference.

  • (20200528) A new version of our seziure detection database, TUH EEG Seizure (TUSZ) v1.5.2, is now available.

  • (20200528) A simplified version of the EEG scoring software (v3.3.3) used in the Neureka 2020 Epilepsy Challenge to compare seizure events identified in our TUH EEG Seizure Corpus (v1.5.1) database is available.

  • (20200425) An updated version of our report describing the electrode locations and channel labels for the Temple University Hospital EEG Seizure Corpus (TUEG) has been updated.

  • (20200412) We have released a new version of our paper titled "Objective Evaluation Metrics for Automatic Classification of EEG Events" that will be published as a chapter in an upcoming book being produced for IEEE SPMB 2019.

  • (20200412) The paper submission deadline for IEEE SPMB 2020 is June 1, 2020. Please review the Call for Papers (CFP) for further details.

  • (20200408) Our paper describing our annotation standards for the Temple University Hospital EEG Seizure Corpus has been published and is now available.

  • (20200402) As part of the 10th anniversary of IEEE SPMB, we are collaborating with Novela Neurotech and NeuroTechX to host the Neureka 2020 Epilepsy Challenge. We hope you will participate in this very interesting seizure detection challenge.

  • (20200329) We are pleased to announce that a book containing expanded papers from IEEE SPMB 2018 is now available here. A second book covering the 2019 symposium is under the development. Further, the 2020 symposium is now open for submissions. See IEEE SPMB 2020 for more details.

  • (20200328) We have released our simplified EEG scoring software (v3.3.1) to be featured in an upcoming open source seizure detection competition. This version reads a list of seizure events that have been identified in a database and compares them to the reference annotations of our recent database release: TUH EEG Seizure Corpus (v1.5.1).

  • (20200125) Katherine Degerberg visited Temple on January 24, 2020 to present a seminar on engineering career management. We had an excellent turnout and the students really enjoyed the event. Relive some fond memories of that event here.

  • (20200124) Please join us in giving Katherine Degerberg a warm welcome to Temple University as she presents a seminar on career development issues in engineering.

  • (20191216) Congratulations to Meysam Golmohammadi on a successful presentation of his PhD dissertation proposal. Meysam's research focuses on integration of temporal and spatial context into deep learning systems. More details can be found here.

  • (20191210) Congratulations to Nabila Shawki for completing her PhD preliminary exam. She presented very interesting work on the use of autoencoders for feature extraction. We look forward to seeing her complete a dissertation on this topic in a couple of years.

  • (20191215) It is never too early to start planning for IEEE SPMB 2020. The paper submission deadline is June 1, 2020. More information can be found here. IEEE SPMB 2020 will be the 10th year of the symposium. Several special events are planned to commemorate a decade of wonderful experiences.

  • (20191207) IEEE SPMB 2019 was the 9th year for the conference and the 6th year we hosted it at Temple University. 18 papers and 11 posters were presented with an attendance of 62 people. The technical program can be found here.

  • (20191106) IEEE SPMB 2019 is taking place tomorrow at Temple University! Hope to see you there.

  • (20191104) IEEE SPMB 2019 is quickly approaching! Please remember to register to be able to attend SPMB on December 7

  • (20191025) The TUH EEG Corpus: Annotation File Formats: We have released an official document containing information regarding how the annotations are represented in label files.

  • (20190714) Our paper On the Use of Non-Experts for Generation of High-Quality Annotations of Seizure Events has been submitted for publication and is now available.

  • (20190510) The semester is finally over! The ISIP group had our annual end of the year party to celebrate the end of the academic year.

  • (20190509) Congratulations to Noah Capp and the class of 2019 on their graduation! We wish the best of luck to them.

  • (20190329) Our ECE 1111 students challenged the upper-level ECE 3822 students in an advanced programming competition and came out on top. Fortunately, the ECE 3822 students were not Bamboozled!. Congratulations to all the students for participating in a four-hour Hackathon based on HackerRank problems.

  • (20190323) NEDC TUH EEG Seizure (v1.5.0): This release includes the expansion of the training dataset from 1,984 files to 4,597. Calibration sequences of the new data have been manually annotated and added to the seizure spreadsheet. Annotation corrections were made to the files already existing in the training set.

  • (20190308) IBM TUSZ Pre-Processed Data (v1.0.0): This is our first release of IBMPPD which preprocesses the TUH Seizure Detection Corpus using two methods, both of which use an FFT sliding window approach (STFT) in the beginning.

  • (20181217) Meysam Golmohammadi attended the International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA) and presented his paper on Deep Architectures for Spatio-Temporal Modeling.

  • (20181206) NEDC TUH EEG Artifact Corpus (v1.0.0): This is our first release of the TUH EEG Artifact Corpus. This corpus was developed to aid in EEG event classification such as seizure detection algorithms. This corpus is a subset of the TUH EEG Corpus and contains files with 5 different types of artifacts: (1) eye movements (EYEM), (2) chewing (CHEW), (3) shivering (SHIV), (4) electrode pop, electrode static, and lead artifacts (ELPP), and (5) muscle artifacts (MUSC).

  • (20181201) Congratulations to our team for hosting IEEE SPMB 2018. We had a lot of wonderful papers and posters presented, as well as two excellent plenary talks. The technical program can be found here.

  • (20181113) The Neural Engineering Data Consortium gave a presentation at the John Hopkins University HLT CoE on EEG Event Classification Using Deep Learning.

  • (20181102) NEDC Eval EEG (v1.3.0): In this release, the FPR definition of the TAES metric has been updated to the standard definition which is #FP / (#FP + #TN) or in other words (1 - TNR).

  • (20181025) The Temple University Hospital Seizure Detection Corpus manuscript has been approved for production and accepted for publication in Frontiers in Neuroinformatics.

  • (20181022) NEDC TUH EEG Seizure (v1.4.0): This release includes improvements to the quality of annotations. Annotation corrections were made in the development test and training sets

  • (20180817) NEDC TUH EEG Seizure (v1.3.0): This release contains quality improvements of the annotations, as manually labeled calibration sequences. The main reason for this release is that we have created a blind evaluation set, often referred to as a held-out set. This is not being released, but will be used in an upcoming Kaggle-style challenge hosted by IBM. More details about this challenge will follow within the next few months.

  • (20180716) NEDC presented several posters at the 26th Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology. To view these presentations, click here.

  • (20180710) NEDC EEG AutoAnnotations (v1.1.0): This release includes the addition of automatically generated annotations using a six-way classification approach. In six-way classification, the first three events are of clinical interest: (1) spike and/or sharp waves (SPSW), (2) periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges (PLED), and (3) generalized periodic epileptiform discharges (GPED). The remaining three events are used to model background noise: (1) eye movement (EYEM), (2) artifacts (ARTF), and (3) background (BCKG).

  • (20180703) The NEDC group had a going away party to celebrate Eva's time here in our research group.

  • (20180621) The TUH EEG Events Corpus (v1.0.1): The EDF files in the previous release with corrupted headers have been fixed. All files should pass processing using standard open source tools.

  • (20180609) We are releasing automatically generated annotations of a large subset of v1.1.0 of TUH EEG: These annotations are only for EEG files that are under an hour in duration and contain 22 channels.

  • (20180530) The sixth floor lab had a going-away party to celebrate Eva Von Weltin's last week working with us. We are incredibly grateful for having Eva work with us these past few years, and wish her the best in her future endeavours!

  • (20180509) The end of the semester is finally here! The ISIP group had our annual end of the year party to celebrate the end of the academic year. Time to have a productive summer!

  • (20180504) Congratulations to our research team for the acceptance of their abstract submissions for the 2018 ISMB conference! Abstracts discuss the automatic interpretation of abnormal EEGs, curriculum based deep learning techniques, and a deep residual learning framework for convolutional neural networks.

  • (20180501) V1.2.0 of NEDC Eval EEG has been released. This scoring software results using 5 different scoring methods: NIST, DP Align, Epoch Based, Any-Overlap, and TAES.

  • (20180417) The TUH EEG Corpus (v1.1.0): This is the official version of the TUH EEG Corpus. This release organizes each session by the montage definition it fits. File naming conventions have been adjusted and files not containing any usable brain signal have been removed.

  • (20180416) The TUH EEG Seizure Corpus (v1.2.1): This release includes small annotation fixes and an addition to the _SEIZURES spreadsheet of calibration start and end times, as well as other small cleanups.

  • (20180416) The TUH EEG Seizure Corpus (v1.2.1) This release includes small annotation fixes and an addition to the _SEIZURES spreadsheet of calibration start and end times.

  • (20180412) The TUH Abnormal EEG Corpus (v2.0.0): This is a subset of the TUH EEG corpus that can be used for automatic detection of abnormal EEGs. This release contains patient numbers that have been re-mapped to be consistent with v1.1.0 of TUH EEG. Some cleanups including the removal of duplicate files have been made.

  • (20180412) The TUH EEG Slowing Corpus (v1.0.1): This is a small data set that can be used to study the difference between slowing and seizures in EEGs. This release contains patient numbers that have been re-mapped to be consistent with v1.1.0 of TUH EEG.

  • (20180327) The TUH EEG Six-Way Event Classification Corpus (v1.0.0): This release contains the data used to develop our initial version of AutoEEG. Sections of EEG signals are annotated for one of 6 events: spike, gped, pled, eye movement, artifact and background. Please review the AAREADME file for more information about the release.

  • (20180208) Visualize and modify EDFs with the beta release of our visualization tool!

  • (20180123) Our digital scanner is now operational. This scanner will help create an open-source database of pathology slides. Learn more about our MRI project here.

  • (20171207) v1.2.0 of the TUH EEG Corpus has been released. See TUH EEG Corpus for more details.