Feature of the Day
(20240523) We have re-released the TUH Digital Pathology Breast Tissue Corpus following our new release conventions. Go here for more details. We expect to update the annotations during Summer 2024, and two release two more pathology corpora.
(20240520) We have revamped the locations of our corpora in preparation for several major new releases. The new landing page is here.
(20240113) TUSZ (v2.0.2): We have removed two duplicate sessions and fixed one bug in the annotations. Performance on seizure detection should not change significantly.
NSF PFI TT Project
By specializing in real-time computer assisted monitoring of electroence-phalograms (EEGs) in the intensive care unit (ICU), we have demonstrated a clear and urgent market for such technology. The primary focus of this project is to develop efficient and marketable technology.
Recently Released Corpora
Our newest subset of the TUEG Corpus - the TU Artifact Corpus (TUAR) contains 310 EEG files in which every artifact has been annotated. The corpus was annotated using a five-way classification developed to meet the needs of our constituents.