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3.3.1 Rapid Prototyping: Getting Started
Section 3.3.1: Getting Started

This example shows how to build a simple signal flow graph to measure energy and then use the results of the graph to extract energy features.

The steps to create the signal flow graph include:

  1. I/O: Learn how to configure a signal flow graph to accept external data by configuring the transform builder components named Input and Output.

  2. Algorithms: Learn how to create and configure specific algorithm components.

  3. Graph Manipulation: Learn how to insert and delete arcs and perform other graph manipulations.

  4. Transformations: Once you have completed the steps to build a signal flow graph, you will perform the actual feature extraction process by executing isip_transform.

  5. Verification: Learn how to verify the results produced by the example described above.
In addition to this tutorial, our workshop notes contain useful examples of how to perform feature extraction using our software.
Section 3.3.1: Getting Started

Configuring I/O: To begin this phase of the tutorial run transform builder by executing the command isip_transform_builder. Next, follow these steps to create the Input and Output components in your workspace:

Step 1: In the main panel, click Components and select Input. Step 2: Add the Input component to the workspace by clicking in the white area. Repeat Step 1 for the Output component and place it in the workspace as well. Step 3: After placing the Input and Output components, right click on the input component and select Configuration from the popup menu. Configure the parameters for the Input component. Repeat this process for the Output component.
Make sure that implementation in your Output box is set to "Features." This will direct isip_transform to output feature vectors.

Selecting Algorithm Components: Placing the Algorithm components is much like placing the Input and Output components.

Step 1: In the main panel, click Components and select the Window component. Step 2: Add the Algorithm component to the workspace by clicking in the white area of the window. Repeat steps one and two for the Energy component. Step 3: After placing the Algorithm component, right click on it and click Configuration in the pop-up menu. Configure the parameters for the Window component. Repeat this process for the Energy component.

Graph Manipulation: Once the Input, Output, and Algorithm components are placed, connect them using arcs.

Step 1: From the Edit menu select Insert Arc. Step 2: Connect two components with an arc by selecting one component and then selecting another component. An arc will appear, connecting the two Algorithm components. Continue this step until all the necessary components are connected in the correct order. Step 3: If you make a mistake, an arc can easily be deleted. To delete an arc, click Edit in the main panel, then Delete Arc. Click on the arc (the actual line connecting the components). Now the arc will disappear.

Transformations: Your completed signal flow graph should look similar to the one on the right of this page. Now you need to save the signal flow graph to an Sof file.

To save the file, select Save As from the File menu. A dialog box will pop up. Go to the directory $ISIP_TUTORIAL/sections/s03/s03_03_p01. Name the file recipe_energy.sof and then click Save. Click here to download an example result.

Section 3.3.1: Transformations

The following command extracts the features configured in recipe_energy.sof from speech.sof. Run this command in the directory $ISIP_TUTORIAL/sections/s03/s03_03_p01.

    isip_transform -param recipe_energy.sof -suffix _energy -type text -verbosisty BRIEF speech.sof


    total recipes 1
    loading parameter file: recipe_energy.sof
      processing file 1: speech.sof
        processing pfile 1: recipe_energy.sof
    isip_transform: processed 1 file(s), attempted 1 file(s).
This command stores the energy measurements in a file named speech_energy.sof. (Note: If the file speech_energy.sof already exists, the file will be named speech_energy_n.sof where n indicates the number of occurrences of the file in the current directory.) Click here to see an example result for this command.

Note the format of the file. The top portion contains header information from the configuration, such as number of features extracted, frame duration, and sample frequency. The data values are shown in the latter part of the file. Since Sof files are text files, you may view them from any text editor or software which displays text.

You may also compare your feature file, speech_energy.sof, to the example results using the diff command, at a Unix command line as shown:
    diff speech_energy.sof ./compare/speech_energy_compare.sof
See Unix on-line manual pages for further details on diff. (Note: there may be small differences in significance of the numeric values due to architectural differences in the computer you are using and the one on which the example features file was produced.) For more information on isip_transform proceed to the next section.

Configuring An Input Component:

Section 3.3.1: Input Configuration (Detailed) Audio Front End Configuration:
  • input_data_type: either sampled data or features. For this example select SAMPLED_DATA.
  • data_mode: select FRAME_BASED.
  • frame_duration: the duration in seconds of each data frame, accept the default value, 10 ms.
  • signal_duration: not used in this example, accept default value of 0.1
Click the configure button to the left to configure the dialog below.
SubInput Configuration:
  • audio_input: Click the Audio button to the right to configure Audio_Input. The configuration window below will open.

Section 3.3.1: Input Configuration (Detailed)

Section 3.3.1: Input Configuration (Detailed)
Audio Input Configuration:
  • sample_frequency: units are Hz, accept the default value of 8000.
  • file_type: options include binary data or text. Select BINARY since in this example we are inputing a binary audio file.
  • file_format: options include SOF, RAW, WAV, or SHPERE. Select SOF.
  • byte_order: select LITTLE_ENDIAN. machine architecture
  • compression_type: select LINEAR.
  • sample_precision: select NONE.
  • sample_num_bytes: accept default value of 2..
  • num_channels: since provided file is mono select 1.
  • amplitude_range: defines the amplitude range multiplier, accept the default value of 1.

Configuring An Output Component:

Note: Configure your Output component as shown in this example.

Section 3.3.1: Output Configuration (Detailed)
Output Configuration:
  • algorithm: data is currently the only option supported.
  • implementation: options include FEATURES or SAMPLED_DATA; select FEATURES.
SubOutput Configuration:
  • feature_output: click on the Feature button to the right for the Feature configuration dialog.
  • file_extension: enter Sof the default format.
  • data_mode: options include SAMPLE_BASED or FRAME_BASED; select FRAME_BASED.
  • debug_level: options include NONE, BRIEF, DETAILED, or ALL; select NONE.
Section 3.3.1: Output Configuration (Detailed)
Section 3.3.1: Output Configuration (Detailed) Feature Output Configuration:
  • file_type: option include TEXT or BINARY; select TEXT.
  • file_format: options include SOF, or RAW; select SOF.
  • compression_type: defines the compression type of the output file; select the default, LINEAR.
  • num_channels: defines the number of channels. Enter the default value which is 1.
  • amplitude_range: defines the amplitude range multiplier; accept defualt of 1.

Configuring An Energy Component:

Note: Configure your Energy component as shown in this example.

Section 3.3.1: Energy Configuration (Detailed)
Output Configuration:
  • algorithm: choices are either SUM or FILTER; select SUM.
  • implementation: defines the scaling mode to be used; select LOG.
SubEnergy Configuration:
  • floor: limits the minimum value of energy (useful when performing log operations).
  • debug_level: select NONE.
Section 3.3.1: Energy Configuration (Detailed)

Configuring A Window Component:

Note: Configure your Window component as shown in this example.

Section 3.3.1: Window Configuration (Detailed)
Window Configuration:
  • algorithm: defines the window functions; select RECTANGULAR.
  • implementation MULTIPLICATION is currently the only supported option.
SubWindow Configuration:
  • constants: used to override the default constant values; leave blank.
  • alignment: controls the alignment of the window with respect to the frame; select LEFT.
  • normalization: select NONE.
  • compute_mode: select CROSS_FRAME since the window of data extends outside the current frame.
  • duration: defines the duration or length of the windows, units in seconds.
  • debug_level: select NONE.
Section 3.3.1: Window Configuration (Detailed)
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