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5.5.1 Cross-Word CD Phones: Triphone Generation
black fading line

To begin, we must generate the triphones. For cross-word context dependent models, only triphones are used to model speech since the models cross word boundaries. Once again, a list of all units seen in the transcription database will be generated. For an explanation of the purpose of this step, see Section 5.4.1. Go to the directory:
From this directory, run the following command:
    isip_recognize -param params_context.sof -list $ISIP_TUTORIAL/research/isip/databases/lists/identifiers_train.sof -verbose all
Expected Output:
Command: isip_recognize -param params_context.sof -list $ISIP_TUTORIAL/research/isip/databases/lists/identifiers_train.sof -verbose all

Version: 1.23 (not released) 2003/05/21 23:10:45
  loading audio database: $ISIP_TUTORIAL/research/isip/databases/db/tidigits_audio_db.sof
  *** no symbol graph database file was specified ***
  loading transcription database: $ISIP_TUTORIAL/research/isip/databases/db/tidigits_trans_word_db.sof
  loading front-end: $ISIP_TUTORIAL/recipes/frontend.sof
  loading language model: $ISIP_TUTORIAL/models/xword_phone_models/lm_xword_jsgf.sof
  loading statistical model pool: $ISIP_TUTORIAL/models/xword_phone_models/smp_xword.sof
  loading configuration file: $ISIP_TUTORIAL/sections/s05/s05_04_p01/config.sof
  processing file 1 (ae_12a): $ISIP_TUTORIAL/research/isip/databases/sof_8k/train/ae_12a.sof
  retrieving annotation graph for identifier: ae_12a, level: word
  transcription: ONE TWO 
  processing file 2 (ae_1a): $ISIP_TUTORIAL/research/isip/databases/sof_8k/train/ae_1a.sof
  retrieving annotation graph for identifier: ae_1a, level: word
  transcription: ONE 
  processing file 3 (ae_2789385a): $ISIP_TUTORIAL/research/isip/databases/sof_8k/train/ae_2789385a.sof
The context list generated by the step above can now be used to generate the triphone model file. From the same directory, run the command:
    isip_recognize -param params_generate.sof -verbose all
Expected Output:
Command: isip_recognize -param params_generate.sof -verbose all

Version: 1.23 (not released) 2003/05/21 23:10:45
  loading audio database: $ISIP_TUTORIAL/research/isip/databases/db/tidigits_audio_db.sof
  *** no symbol graph database file was specified ***
  loading transcription database: $ISIP_TUTORIAL/research/isip/databases/db/tidigits_trans_word_db.sof
  loading front-end: $ISIP_TUTORIAL/recipes/frontend.sof
  loading language model: $ISIP_TUTORIAL/models/xword_phone_models/lm_xword_jsgf.sof
  loading statistical model pool: $ISIP_TUTORIAL/models/xword_phone_models/smp_xword.sof
  loading configuration file: $ISIP_TUTORIAL/sections/s05/s05_04_p01/config.sof
The context independent phone models generated and trained in Section 5.3 are used to build the triphone acoustic model. For a more in-depth explanation of triphone generation, see Section 5.4.1.
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