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3.2.3 Signal Flow Graphs: Recipes
Section 3.2.3: Recipes

Our front-end software entails two general steps to extract features:

  1. Create and configure a signal flow graph using the Transform Builder Graphical User Interface (GUI). This includes configuring the format of the speech input, configuring the algorithms for extracting the features, and configuring the format of the output, where the features data will be stored. Once the graph is complete, the information for each component is stored in a single entity, called a recipe. This recipe is stored in a file.

  2. Run isip_transform. This tool is a program which can be run from a Unix command line. It uses the information from the file containing the recipe to determine how to extract the features, including i) the speech input format , ii) the algorithms and their implementations to apply to extract the features, and iii) the format of output file to store the features.
The figure below illustrates a simple signal flow graph for extracting energy. It shows how the configuration information for each component in the graph gets stored in a single file containing a recipe.

Section 3.2.3: Recipes
Section 3.2.3: Recipes
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