Call for Papers


The Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding (ASRU), sponsored by the IEEE Signal Processing Society, will be held in December, 1997 in Santa Barbara, California. The workshop will focus on the recent progress as well as new, ground-breaking paradigms of automatic speech recognition and understanding, with robust modeling as the main theme. Technical papers in the areas shown below are solicited for presentation at the workshop. For more information about the nature of each focus area, please contact the appropriate session coordinator by clicking on the link provided.

Paper Categories
Session Coordinators
Robust Modeling in Acoustics, Lexicon and Language
Richard Stern / Kiyohiro Shikano / Jean-Claude Junqua
Efficient Decoding Algorithms and Implementations
Volker Steinbiss / Ponani Gopalakrishnan
Mathematical Foundations and New Paradigms of SRU
Chin Lee / Joe Picone
Dialogue Systems and Voice Agent Technologies
Jay Wilpon / Rich Schwart
Applications of Speech Recognition and Understanding (SRU) Systems
Brian Hanson / Wu Chou
Lessons Learned from Human Speech Recognition System
Roger Moore / Mari Ostendorf

Summary Submission

orange ball Prepare an extended summary of the paper (3 pages)
orange ball Complete a summary cover sheet
orange ball Send the summary along with the cover sheet via email or anonymous ftp.


Submission of extended summary September 1, 1997
Notification of acceptance September 15, 1997
Submission of camera-ready paper November 1, 1997
Pre-registration before October 15, 1997
Late registration (no on-site registration) after October 15, 1997
Registration will not be accepted after November 15, 1997


Please follow the deadlines given in this Call for Papers and not the one published in the IEEE journal. Since the publication of the Call for Papers in the journal, the committee has made significant changes.

For more information, please email or (601) 325-3149(phone), (601) 325-2298(fax).
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