Electronic Submission


For your final paper submission, you are required to submit:

Orange ball a camera-ready copy (hard copy) of your final paper and a signed copyright form via postal mail
Orange ball a postscript version of the paper via ftp
Orange ball the original wordprocessor source file via ftp
Orange ball an ASCII abstract via ftp
This section provides instructions on how to send your paper electronically. For instructions on how to send your paper via postal mail go here.

The deadline for final paper submission is November 1, 1997. To submit, please follow these instructions:

Final paper/abstract submission--by FTP

Orange ball Follow these instructions:
Orange ball ftp isip.msstate.edu
Orange ball Name: anonymous
Orange ball Password: <your email address>
Orange ball ftp>cd asru97 (Change directory to asru97.)
Orange ball ftp>bin (Transfer is binary.)
Orange ball ftp>put <your filename> (Please follow our naming convention.)
Orange ball Here's an example:

[arrakis] anl1 % ftp isip.msstate.edu
Connected to isip.msstate.edu.
220 isip00 FTP server (Version wu-2.4(1) Wed Dec 27 21:20:53 CST 1995) ready.
Name (isip.msstate.edu:anl1): anonymous
331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.
230-Welcome to the Institute for Signal and Information Processing (ISIP)
<... stuff deleted ...>
230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
ftp> cd asru97
250 CWD command successful.
ftp> bin
200 Type set to I.
ftp> put JDoe_1_pa.fm
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for JDoe_1_pa.fm.
226 Transfer complete.
local: JDoe_1_pa.fm remote: JDoe_1_pa.fm
5 bytes sent in 0.00021 seconds (23 Kbytes/s)
ftp> bye
221 Goodbye.

Filename Convention

For those of you who submit your summary by anonymous ftp, we request that you follow our filenaming convention to facilitate identification of your submission. Your file(s) must be named with the first initial and last name of the paper's first author, followed by an underscore, followed by the file number, followed by an underscore, followed by a paper type (given below) followed by a period, followed by a file type (also given below).

Below is a list of the paper types. Please adhere to these abbreviations.

Orange ball su = summary
Orange ball co = summary cover sheet
Orange ball ab = abstract
Orange ball pa = final paper
The following is a list of the accepted filetypes. Use the following filetypes to indicate the type of your original document file. If your filetype is not listed below, please contact asru97@isip.msstate.edu.
Orange ball .doc = Microsoft Words
Orange ball .tex = Latex
Orange ball .fm = FrameMaker
Orange ball .wp = WordPerfect

Examples of the above naming convention are given below:

JDoe_1_co.fm 1st author Jane Doe, 1st cover sheet, in frame
JDoe_1_su.fm 1st author Jane Doe, 1st summary, in frame
JDoe_1_pa.fm 1st author Jane Doe, 1st paper (original document format), here in frame
JDoe_1_pa.ps 1st author Jane Doe, 1st paper (Unix viewable format), here in Postscript
JDoe_1_ab.txt 1st author Jane Doe, 1st abstract, in ASCII text
JDoe_2_co.fm 1st author Jane Doe, 2nd cover, in frame
JDoe_2_su.fm 1st author Jane Doe, 2nd summary, in frame
JDoe_2_pa.fm 1st author Jane Doe, 2nd paper (original document format), here in frame
JDoe_2_pa.ps 1st author Jane Doe, 2nd paper (Unix viewable format), here in Postscript
JDoe_2_ab.txt 1st author Jane Doe, 2nd abstract, in ASCII text

For more information, please email asru97@isip.msstate.edu or (601) 325-3149(phone), (601) 325-2298(fax).
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