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  • (12/18/00) IFC isip_r00_n05 (don_quixote) : This release was a long time in the making and constitutes a heavily reengineered version of the previous releases. This code is a good example of what the remaining code will look like, and embodies many new software engineering methodologies designed to streamline the code and improve quality. This release includes the following libraries: system, I/O, math (scalar, vector, and matrix), and dstr.

  • (11/29/00) TIDIGITS Toolkit (v5.7): An easy-to-use toolkit that demonstrates the essential steps in building a state-of-the-art speech recognition system. Recommended for novices.

  • (10/27/00) Prototype System v5.7: In this release we have incorporated vocal tract length normalization into the extract_feature utility. Also, we have made significant efficiency modifications. The trace_projector decoder has been benchmarked at 33% faster than v5.6 with the same error performance. We have also made minor bug fixes.

  • (08/22/00) Prototype System v5.6: This is a maintenance release. Since version 5.5, the configure file had inadvertently left out the commands that create the isip_decoder_demo utilities. This release corrects that problem. If you already have either the 08/08/00 or 08/17/00 version, you may download only the changes.

  • (08/17/00) Prototype System v5.6: This is a bug-fix release. A memory-related bug was reported in the trace projector which caused segmentation faults on linux systems. This release corrects that problem. If you already have the 08/08/00 version, you may download only the changes.

  • (08/08/00) Prototype System v5.6: This release includes an updated configure script containing more helpful comments, based upon user input. It also contains a new utility, subtract_mean, which does side-based cepstrum mean subtraction (cms) upon mfcc files generated without mean subtraction. Note that there is a new option, "make test" that runs a small TIDIGIT training and evaluation test suite to ensure that the programs were installed correctly.

  • (06/15/00) IFC isip_r00_n04 (cobra) : This release added significant improvements to the front-end over the previous release, including the ability to run cepstral mean subtraction. It also includes a first cut of the production recognition system. This release includes the following libraries: system, I/O, math, and dstr, shell, mmedia, algo, stat, sp, search, and asr.

  • (06/07/00) Prototype System v5.5: This release fixes a bug in trigram decoding, and comes with the Java front-end GUI that was introduced at SRSTW'00 for building front-end transform recipes for the forth-coming production system based on the IFCs. Also included is a tcl/tk decoder demo for visualizing the decoding process.

  • (05/15/00) Prototype System v5.4: This release, a bug-fix release of the previous version v5.3 which is based on a system used in a recent Hub 5E evaluation, includes Baum-Welch training, and a standard GNU configure-based installation.

  • (02/24/00) IFC isip_r00_n03 (beowulf): This release includes the first version of the first official ISIP utility - isip_transform. This release includes the following libraries: system, I/O, math, and dstr, shell, mmedia, algo, and sp.

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