Pennsylvania Commonwealth Universal Research Enhancement Program (PA CURE):
Enabling the Application of Deep Learning to Automated Seizure Detection


Our goal is to quadruple the size of the TUH EEG Seizure Detection Corpus by manually annotating three years’ worth of EEG data collected at Temple Hospital. This additional data, to be released into the public domain, will allow us to improve our seizure detection technology, enhance a commercialization effort, as well as strengthen a significant research contribution to the field.

Active Annotation
What's New

(20200527) NEDC TUH EEG Seizure (v1.5.2): We have released v1.5.2 of the TU Seizure Detection (TUSZ) Corpus. This version include new annotations for the entire training database.

(20200408) Annotation Standards: Our paper describing our for the Temple University Hospital EEG Seizure Corpus has been published and is now available.

(20200320) NEDC TUH EEG Seizure (v1.5.1): We have released v1.5.1 of the TU Seizure Detection (TUSZ) Corpus. We have manually reviewed the annotations for the dev and eval sets in preparation for the Neureka™ 2020 Epilepsy Challenge .

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Since this database is quite large, it is best to transfer it via hard disk. If you are interested in this option, please follow the instructions here.

Active Annotation