Our Team

Dr. Çagla Tükel

Lead Principal Investigator

Dr. Tükel is an Associate Professor and Director in the Center for Microbiology & Immunology at Temple University. Her research is primarily focused on the role of amyloids during infections.

Email: ctukel@temple.edu

Dr. Gillian Queisser

Co-Principal Investigator

Dr. Queisser is an Associate Professor within the Department of Mathematics and College of Science and Technology at Temple University. His main interests include Applied and Computational Mathematics.

Email: gillian.queisser@temple.edu

Dr. Joseph Picone

Co-Principal Investigator

Dr. Picone is a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Temple University College of Engineering. His main focuses are speech and signal processing.

Email: joseph.picone@temple.edu

Dr. Bettina Buttaro


Dr. Buttaro is an Associate Professor for Biomedical Education and Data Science. She researches how structural arrangements of bacterial biofilms influence their biological behavior.

Email: bettina.buttaro@temple.edu