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4.4.2 Forced Alignment: Example
Section 4.4.2: Forced Alignments

Forced alignment can be a very useful debugging tool. Finding out where the system thinks certain words are being spoken in an utterace provides us with useful information that we can use to improve performance of the system.

In this experiment, we will use forced alignment to generate a transcription database for our test data that contains the start and stop times of each word spoken. This is something that our original transciption database for test data doesn't provide.

Go to the directory:
Run the command
    isip_recognize -param params_align.sof -list $ISIP_TUTORIAL/research/isip/databases/lists/identifiers_test.sof -verbose all
Expected output:
Command: isip_recognize -parameter_file params_align.sof -list /ftp/pub/research/isip/projects/speech/software/tutorials/production/
fundamentals/current/examples/research/isip/databases/lists/identifiers_test.sof -verbose all Version: 1.23 (not released) 2003/05/21 23:10:45 loading audio database: $ISIP_TUTORIAL/research/isip/databases/db/tidigits_audio_db_test.sof *** no symbol graph database file was specified *** loading transcription database: $ISIP_TUTORIAL/research/isip/databases/db/tidigits_trans_word_test_db.sof loading front-end: $ISIP_TUTORIAL/recipes/frontend.sof loading language model: $ISIP_TUTORIAL/models/ci_phone_models/compare/lm_phone_jsgf_8mix.sof loading statistical model pool: $ISIP_TUTORIAL/models/ci_phone_models/compare/smp_phone_8mix.sof *** no configuration file was specified *** opening the output file: $ISIP_TUTORIAL/sections/s04/s04_04_p02/results.out processing file 1 (ah_111a): $ISIP_TUTORIAL/research/isip/databases/sof_8k/test/ah_111a.sof retrieving annotation graph for identifier: ah_111a, level: word transcription: ONE ONE ONE hyp: ONE ONE ONE score: -9122.6484375 frames: 138 processing file 2 (ah_1a): $ISIP_TUTORIAL/research/isip/databases/sof_8k/test/ah_1a.sof retrieving annotation graph for identifier: ah_1a, level: word transcription: ONE hyp: ONE score: -5187.28173828125 frames: 79 ....
The parameter file params_align.sof contains a few significant differences than the decoding parameter files we've used earlier in this section. First of all, the algorithm parameter has been changed from DECODE to FORCED_ALIGNMENT to indicate that we are using forced alignment for this experiment. We also have to include a transcription database that contains the true transcriptions of the test data. We add a new parameter, transciption_database, and set it to the path of the correct database. We also have to add a parameter to indicate the level of the transcriptions. This parameter, transcription_level, is set to "word" since we're using word transcriptions.

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