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Last month's tutorial presented an introduction to the control flow of our hybrid approaches to application of support vector machines (SVMs) and relevance vector machines (RVM) to continuous speech recognition system. This tutorial is second in a series of three tutorials that explains how to train and evaluate a HMM/SVM hybrid system. In the last tutorial, we will provide a similar tutorial for the RVM system. Both of these systems will be released with version r00_n12 of our production system. You can monitor the progress of this release on our asr mailing list.

This tutorial provides steps on how to run our hybrid system approach to implementing risk minimization-based approaches such as SVMs. The theory behind this implementation is covered in the dissertation:

The next tutorial will provide steps on how to run our hybrid system approach to implementing risk minimization-based approaches such as RVMs. The theory behind the RVM system implementation is covered in the dissertation:

A number of conference publications and seminars are also available on our publications web site.

In last month's tutorial, we described our two-pass hybrid system approach that essentially uses a HMM system to generate the N-best lists and alignments, and a SVM (or RVM) system to rescore these results. This tutorial explains the command lines for various utilities required to build this SVM system.

HMM/SVM Hybrid System:

In this section, we will cover the process of intergration of the HMM output to the SVM based hybrid system. As discussed in the first tutorial in the series of three tutorials, the two basic steps to build the SVM-based hybrid system are: SVM training, and SVM-based N-best list re-scoring. In this tutorial, we describe the command line interfaces of the utilities required for these two steps.

  • SVM Training:

    In the first tutorial that presented the overview of SVM/RVM hybrid systems, we learned that training the support vector models (SVMs) consists of a sequence of four steps: Segmental Feature Generation, Segmental Feature Selection, Core SVM Training, and Posterior Creation. For simplicity, lets assume that we are training SVMs corresponding to each monophone contained in the phone-set of the database under consideration. As shown in the figure below, the output at the end of these sequence of four steps is a set of posteriors corresponding to each of the monophones.

    i. Segmental Feature Generation on Symbol (Phone) Basis:

    The first step in SVM Training is to extract the segmental features from the normalized 39-dimensional mel-cepstral (MFCC) training data using the corresponding segmental information (symbol-alignments). The concatenated segmental feature vectors representing the in-class data for a specific symbol (monophones in our case) can be extracted using the isip_segment_concat utility. First, we compute the minimum and maximum value for each dimension of the input feature vectors:

    isip_segment_concat -min_max \
    -min_max_file min_max.sof \
    -output_type text -list ident_sdb.sof \
    -audiodb audiodb.sof -input_format sof \
    -input_type binary -verbosity brief
    Further details on isip_segment_concat utility's interface can be accessed using the following command:

    isip_segment_concat -help
    Posterior Generation
    Next, we normalize the mel-cepstral features between [1, -1] using the minimum and maximum value for each dimension of the input feature vectors on the fly, and extract the segmental features on symbol (phone) basis. The feature-vectors corresponding to a typical alignment is divided into three parts following a heuristic ratio 3:4:3 which is specified using the -ratio option. The feature-vectors in each of these portions are averaged to form a single feature vector. All the three averaged feature vector corresponding to the three portions are then concatenated. A log of length of this alignment is appended to the output concatenated feature-vector. The command line to extract the segmental features in symbol basis is:

    isip_segment_concat -duration -normalize -min_max_file  min_max.sof -list ident_sdb.sof -audiodb audiodb.sof \
    -input_format sof -input_type binary -symbol_list symbols_sdb.sof -dimension 39 -ratio "3:4:3" \
    -transdb   transdb.sof -level phone -output_type binary -output_format sof -suffix binary \
    -extension sof  -verbosity brief
    ii. Segmental Features Selection:

    In this step, the out-of-class data for each of the symbols is selected from in-class data of rest of the other symbols using the isip_feature_select utility. The training data for a symbol is constructed by selecting equal amount of segmental features from in-class data (data belonging to the same symbol), and out-of-class data (data belonging to other symbols) for that specific symbol by specifying the -ratio_class option as "1:1". Further, half of the out-of-class data is randomly selected from the phonetically similar symbols (phone) set, and the remaining half is randomly selected from rest of the symbols (phones) by specifying the -ratio_similar option as "1:1". The command line to create the out-of-class data is:

    isip_feature_select -audiodb database/inclass_db.sof -symbol aa -list lists/aa_similar_symbols_sdb.sof \
    -symbol_list lists/all_symbols_sdb.sof -ratio_class "1:1" -ratio_similar "1:1" -suffix _out_of_class \
    -input_format sof -input_type binary -verbose brief
    This command line is repeated for creating out-of-class data corresponding to each of the symbols (phones). Next, we create an audio-database of inclass-feature files and out-of-class features files using the isip_make_db utility. Now, we are ready to run the SVM training. Further details on isip_feature_select, and isip_make_db utility's interface can be accessed using the following command:

    isip_feature_select -help
    isip_make_db -help
    iii. Core SVM Training:

    Next, as shown in figure to the right, given the in-class and out-of-class data, Support Vector Models corresponding to each symbol (phone) in the symbol-set are trained using one vs. all training scheme using the isip_svm_learn utility. The output of the SVM training is the set of support vectors corresponding to each of the symbols. To train SVM for symbol "aa" using an RBF kernel, with gamma value as 1.0, and penalty as 10, run the following command line:
    isip_svm_learn -par params_train_aa.sof -pos_examples identifiers_train_in_aa.sof \
    -neg_examples identifiers_train_out_aa.sof -log_file logs/learn_aa.log -penalty 10 -gamma 1.0 -verbose brief
    Similarly, we train SVM models for rest of the symbols (phones) in the database. Further details on isip_svm_learn utility's interface can be accessed using the following command:

    isip_svm_learn -help
    iv. Posterior Creation:

    Finally, for each of the SVMs trained in the previous step, a posterior probability is estimated by fitting a sigmoid to a set of SVM-distances. This set of distances corresponding to each of the SVM is computed by classifying a held-out cross-validation set on the SVMs using the isip_svm_classify utility. The command line to create the set of positive and negative distances for the symbol "aa" is:
    isip_svm_classify -audio_database audio_db.sof -list identifiers_cross_valid.sof -model_file svm_model_aa.sof
     -output_file hyp_aa.out -verbose brief -log_file classify_aa.log
    Similarly, a set of distances are computed for each of the symbols (phones). Next, we create a posterior model for each of the symbols that converts the SVM distances to a probability using the isip_posterior_creator utility.

    isip_posterior_creator -model_file svm_model_aa.sof -output_file sigmoid_fit_aa.sof \
    -pos_examples pos_examples_list.sof -neg_examples neg_examples_list.sof
    Next, we need to generate a statistical model pool file that maps the states in the language model file to probability models generated in the previous step. The statistical model pool file is required by the recognizer during the decoding process. The statistical model pool file can be generated using the isip_model_combiner utility.

    isip_model_combiner -param model_combine.text -output_file stat_model.sof -output_level 2 -type binary -verbose verbose -brief

    Now, we are ready for N-best re-scoring. Further details on the interface of isip_svm_classify, isip_posterior_creator, and isip_model_combiner utilities can be accessed using the following commands:

    isip_svm_classify -help
    isip_posterior_creator -help
    isip_model_combiner -help
  • SVM-based N-best List Re-scoring:

    In this section, we will describe the process of SVM-based N-best list re-scoring. The figure below gives the overview of decoding process used in the HMM/SVM hybrid system. First, the segmental features are extracted from the mel-cepstral test data (MFCC) using the segmental information from the baseline HMM system. In the second step, the N-best list output from the baseline HMM system is re-scored to get the final hypotheses.

    i. Segmental feature generation on an utterance basis:

    Instead of generating segmental features on a symbol basis, as done during the training process, the segmental features are generated on an utterance basis using the isip_segment_concat utility. The symbol alignments corresponding to all the utterances in the test database are generated using the baseline HMM system.

    isip_segment_concat -duration -normalize \
    -min_max_file min_max.sof -list ident_sdb.sof \
    -audiodb audiodb.sof -input_format sof \
    -input_type binary -ratio 3:4:3 \
    -transdb transdb.sof -level phone \
    -output_type binary -output_format sof \
    -suffix text -extension sof -verbosity brief
    ii. N-best re-scoring:

    In the first pass of decoding, the N-best lists corresponding to each of the utterance in the test database are generated by the baseline HMM system. This process is described in N-best Generation of our online tutorial. These N-best lists are then re-scored using the SVM models (posteriors) in the second pass to get the output hypotheses. This procedure is same as the re-scoring process described in the Word Graph Re-scoring.
    Hybrid Decoding

    In this tutorial, which is second in the series of three tutorials, we introduced the command line interfaces of the utilities needed to train and evaluate the HMM/SVM hybrid system. In the last tutorial in this series, we will introduce the command line interface of utilities required to build a HMM/RVM hybrid system.