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DARPA Communicator Server
Search Demo
DARPA Communicator This demo provides a recognition server based on our prototype system that is integrated into the DARPA Communicator hub/server architecture. The recognition system used in this demo is based on the DARPA Resource Management application. Search Integrated into the prototype system release is a Tk/Tcl demo that lets you step through the search process in speech recognition frame by frame. This demo is an excellent way to learn how the search algorithm in speech recognition works.
Signal Display Tools
Transcription Tools
Display Signal This tools, written in Tk/Tcl, allows you to view a signal, display its spectrogram in real-time, and listen to segments of the signal. It is useful for studying the properties of speech signals. Transcriber This tool was developed to be a highly efficient way to transcribe large speech databases. It was originally developed for our Switchboard transcription project but has been used for many other projects since then. It includes a spectrogram display.