The Friday Report: Week of January 19
Industry Hilights, Company Profiles
(STARKVILLE) Today we take a look at the
twelve companies that make up our early Bulldog Stock Exchange. At the
forefront are two corporations in fierce competition at the heart of Mississippi's
own silicon valley. Sensing technology and precise measurement with the
aid of silicon-based materials are what SiCorp (SIC), and Valley Laboratories
(VL) know best. SiCorp is researching the use of emerging silicon materials
to develop alternatives to the current standards in microelectronic devices,
while Vallley Labs uses the like-fuled research in silicon carbide to
create advanced sensing for semiconductors in extreme environments. AviSense
(AVI) is also utilizing silicon technology in the valley, currently developing
a system to be used in flight to diagnose performance of the aircraft
tested. The state's outstanding medical research grand has been put to
good use by MicroMedical Technologies (MMT), who are working on affordable,
compact, wireless monitoring of cardiopulmonary activity in humans. The
devices in production are the gateway to heart attack prevention. However,
the arts are not ignored by the Bully Market. Perhaps the most unique
company is Deus Ex Production Engineers (DEX), a troupe of special effects
gurus and wireless network engineers to build remotely controllable custom
staging systems apparati, including lighting and ambient effects...
Joe Picone is the chairman of the Bulldog
Stock Exchange.