Other Conferences


Below are other conferences and workshops related to speech processing:

Orange ball 1997 IEEE Workshop on Speech Coding
Orange ball 1997 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing
Orange ball 1997 International Conference on Signal Processing Applications and Technology, featuring DSP World Expo, San Diego, California, U.S.A.
Orange ball 1997 LVCSR Workshop at Johns Hopkins University
Orange ball Eurospeech '97, The Fifth biennial European Conference on Speech Communication Technology, Rhodes, Greece
Orange ball IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory
Orange ball Other IEEE Conferences
Orange ball Other IEEE-sponsored Signal Processing Conferences
Orange ball Acoustical Society of America
Orange ball Other Linguistics-Related Conferences
Orange ball Interactive Voice Technology for Telecommunications Applications
Orange ball International Conference on Signal Processing Applications and Technology (ICSPAT)
Orange ball International Speech Research Conferences
Orange ball 1997 Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics
Orange ball 1997 Erlangen Symposium: Advances in Digital Image Communication
Orange ball 1997 Speech Technology in the Public Telephone Network Workshop
Orange ball 1997 International Voice Input/Output Applications Conference
Orange ball 1997 International Conference on Speech Processing
Orange ball 1997 Texas Instruments DSPS Fest
Orange ball Proposal for Speaker Recognition Workshop
Orange ball 1998 International Conference on Spoken Language Processing
Orange ball ICSLP '98, The Fifth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Sydney, Australia
Orange ball 1998 IEEE Digital Signal Processing Workshop
Orange ball 1998 Modeling Pronunciation Variation for Automatic Speech Recognition
Orange ball 1998 IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems
Orange ball ICASSP 1998
Orange ball ICPhS 99, XIVth International Congress on Phonetic Sciences

Please submit your suggestions for other links to asru97@isip.msstate.edu.

For more information, please email asru97@isip.msstate.edu or (601) 325-3149(phone), (601) 325-2298(fax).
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