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This is a discrete HMM toolkit that we hope will be useful in learning about the fundamental properties of HMMs. The current release contains a program run from the command line. Future releases will provide a Java-based web interface, including a GUI that will help visualize various aspects of HMM theory.

The code closely parallels the theory presented in:

 J.R. Deller, Jr., J.G. Proakis, and J.H.L. Hansen,
 Discrete-Time Processing of Speech Signals,
 MacMillan, 1993, ISBN: 0-02-328301-7.
It is written entirely in C++ (using GNU's gcc compiler), and should fairly easily compile on most machines. To build the code, change directories to src, and execute make. You will need a make utility that supports GNU's make extensions (we recommend GNU's make).

The binary found in the bin directory, hmm.exe, is compiled on a Sun Sparc running Solaris 2.4. The binary supports four major modes of operation:

  1. Training

    The training mode is typically enabled by first creating a file containing sequences of symbols. For example, to emulate coin toss experiments, you might consider creating a file of random sequences of heads and tails:


    You can train an HMM on this data by using the following command line:

    hmm.exe -train -K 2 -S 2 -P 2 -viterbi file.data file.model

    The arguments are described in the help message (hmm.exe -help). The above line generates a 2-state HMM with a 2-symbol codebook, using two passes of training based on the Viterbi algorithm (Baum-Welch training is also available).

    The input data is contained in file.data; the output model will be found in file.model.

  2. Generation

    Once you have a model, you can generate data from the model using the command line:

    hmm.exe -generate -L 100 file.data file.model

    Here, the model in file.model is loaded, and 100 random sequences are generated from the model. These can be used to train a new model, or evaluate an existing model.

  3. Testing

    Given a model, you can evaluate the data set:

    hmm.exe -test -viterbi file.data file.model

    This will compute the probability of the data given the model. This allows you to compare various models on the same data, or investigate the effects of various training and testing algorithms.

  4. Update

    Given a model and a data set, you can update a model:

    hmm.exe -update -viterbi -P 10 file.data file.model

    In this mode, the model contained in file.model is loaded, 10 passes of reestimation of the parameters are performed, and the model in file.model is replaced (beware, this overwrites the file).
We hope this is the beginning of some fairly easy to use tools to understand and apply HMMs. This code was written primarily to support simple experiments typically found in introductory chapters on HMMs (coin tosses, selecting colored balls from urns, etc.). It is not intended to be a full-blown speech recognizer - but then again, hopefully, that will be coming soon.

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