name: SysChar


g++ [flags ...] file ... -l /isip/tools/lib/$ISIP_BINARY/lib_system.a

#include <SysChar.h>

SysChar(const SysChar& arg);
SysChar(byte* data, ENCODE encoding = DEF_ENCODE);

boolean assign(byte arg);

boolean isAlnum() const;
boolean isAlpha() const;
boolean isDigit() const;
quick start:

SysChar c0;
SysChar c1(c0);


if ((!c0.isAlnum()) ||
   (!c1.isAlnum())) {
  Console::put(L"Error in isAlnum");

if ((!c0.isAlpha()) ||
   (!c1.isAlpha())) {
  Console::put(L"Error in isAlpha");

if ((c0.isDigit()) ||
    (c1.isDigit())) {
  Console::put(L"Error in isDigit");

The SysChar class manages unicode characters. The SysChar class is implemented as an index into the Unicode standard list of characters. The class supports automatic conversion to and from UTF8 (which includes standard 7-bit ASCII) and UTF16 encoded byte streams. In the future this class will also support other character encoding formats, such as shift JIS and UEC.

The SysChar object may be assigned a value in many different ways. It can be directly passed a unicode index (in the form of a SysChar integral type), it can be passed a single byte, or it can be passed a byte-stream. When passed a single byte it assumes ASCII encoding. When passed a byte stream the default encoding is ASCII for byte streams as well as single bytes, but the user may specify any other coding for automatic conversion.


public constants:

error codes:

protected data:

required public methods:

class-specific public methods:

private methods:

