quick start:g++ [flags ...] file ... -l /isip/tools/lib/$ISIP_BINARY/lib_system.a #include <Error.h> static boolean handle(const SysString& cname, const SysString& mname, long ecode, char* file, long line, EXIT level = DEF_EXIT, SysString& extras = DEF_EXTRAS); static boolean set(EXIT exit_level); static boolean reset();
description:Error::debug(L"testing reset & warning"); // release the setting // Error::reset(); // set the mode to never exit, try a regular error // Error::set(Error::NONE); Error::handle(Error::name(), L"error, still no exit", Error::TEST, __FILE__, __LINE__);
static const SysString CLASS_NAME = L"Error"
static const long ERROR_MESSAGE_SIZE = 256
static const SysString CODE_FMT = "%8.8ld"
static const SysString DEF_EXTRAS = L""
static const SysString ERROR_MESSAGE_00 = L":"
static const SysString ERROR_MESSAGE_01 = L": Error in "
static const SysString ERROR_MESSAGE_02 = L"Error in "
static const SysString ERROR_MESSAGE_03 = L"::"
static const SysString ERROR_MESSAGE_04 = L" ["
static const SysString ERROR_MESSAGE_05 = L"] "
static const SysString ERROR_MESSAGE_99 = L"\n"
static const SysString UNDEFINED_MESSAGE = L"Undefined error code"
enum EXIT { NONE = 0, ERROR, WARNING, DEF_EXIT = ERROR }; These levels affect the behavior of error handling: NONE - never exit; ERROR - exit only on errors; WARNING - always exit, even if it is only a warning.
static const long FILE_NOTFND = 0
static const long IO = 1
static const long PERMISSION_DENIED = 2
static const long SEEK = 3
static const long WRITE_CLOSED = 4
static const long READ_CLOSED = 5
static const long WRITE = 6
static const long READ = 7
static const long MOD_READONLY = 8
static const long FILE_LOCK_READONLY = 11
static const long FILE_LOCK = 12
static const long FILE_UNLOCK = 13
static const long FILE_REOPEN = 14
static const long FILENAME_EXPAND = 15
static const long ENV_VAR = 21
static const long SYS_CALL = 24
static const long TEST = 25
static const long INTERNAL_DATA = 41
static const long BAD_CSTR = 45
static const long DESTRUCTOR = 50
static const long UNK_CMODE = 51
static const long ARG = 52
static const long RELEASE = 53
static const long MEM = 54
static const long NOMEM = 55
static const long MEM_OFLOW = 56
static const long STATIC_CLASS = 57
static const long TEMPLATE_TYPE = 58
static const long ENUM = 59
static const long NULL_ARG = 60
static const long STACK_EXCEEDED = 61
static const long DATATYPE_RANGE = 62
static const long BOUNDS = 65
static const long NOT_IMPLEM = 66
static const long ALLOC_MODE = 75
static const long VIRTUAL_PTR = 80
static const long NO_PARAM_FILE = 500
static const long NO_INPUT_FILE = 501
static const long ERR = 1800
static boolean initialized_d;
static Error::EXIT exit_level_d;
static Integral::DEBUG debug_level_d;
static const SysString& name();
static boolean diagnose(Integral::DEBUG debug_level);
static boolean setDebug(Integral::DEBUG level);
static boolean debug(const unichar* message);
the constructors and destructor are private so that Error objects cannot be instantiated
these methods are omitted because Error objects can not be instantiated
these methods are omitted because Error objects can not be instantiated
these methods are omitted because Error can not be instantiated
these methods are omitted because Error objects can not be instantiated
these methods are omitted because Error objects can not be instantiated
static boolean set(EXIT exit_level);
static boolean reset();
static boolean handle(const SysString& cname, const unichar* mname, long ecode, char* file, long line, EXIT level = DEF_EXIT, const SysString& extras = DEF_EXTRAS);
static boolean handle(const SysString& cname, const SysString& mname, long ecode, char* file, long line, EXIT level = DEF_EXIT, const SysString& extras = DEF_EXTRAS);
static boolean setSofPointer(boolean (*method)(void));
static boolean closeSof();
static volatile void exit();
static boolean isExiting();
Error(const Error& arg);
static boolean getMessage(SysString& msg, long code);examples:
#include <Error.h> #include <Console.h> #include <SysString.h> int main(int argc, char** argv) { SysString str1(L"test"); SysString str2(str1); if (!str1.eq(str2)) { str2.debug(str2); Error::handle(str1.name(), L"warning", Error::TEST, __FILE__, __LINE__, Error::WARNING); } else { Console::put(L"str1 and str2 are equal"); } // exit gracefully // Integral::exit(); }
if (arg < 0) { return Error::handle(name(), L"method", Error::ARG, __FILE__, __LINE__); }But place the entire check inside of a ISIP_FULL_CHECK macro call, ie:
ISIP_FULL_CHECK( if (arg < 0) { return Error::handle(name(), L"method", Error::ARG, __FILE__, __LINE__); })During development, this code will be compiled in and hence the check will be made. However, when code is compiled with optimization (by specifying a -O flag), then this check will be removed.