actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class inputSignals
Handles action to the input signal frame
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class MainMenu
method listens for actions taking place on text only menu items
addComponents() - Method in class MainMenu
adds components to the control panel
addComponents() - Method in class OutputPanel
add canvas to the panel
addComponents() - Method in class ProcessBox
add components to the input panel
attachData(int[], int) - Method in class DrawingPanel
accept the path d[], copy to data[].
attachData(lpcData) - Method in class EnergyPanel
send lpcData to canvas
attachData(lpcData) - Method in class EnergyPlot
accept lpc coded signal, compute energy for each frame and store the value in data[]
attachData(int[], int) - Method in class OutputPanel
send path and its length to canvas
attachData(lpcData) - Method in class SignalPanel
This method sends lpcData to canvas.
attachData(lpcData) - Method in class SpectrumPanel
set signal and relative parameters, compute spectrogram
attachPath(int[], int) - Method in class SignalPanel
This method sends warping path to canvas to draw spectrogram for warped signal
attachPath(int[], int) - Method in class SpectrumPanel
send warping path to canvas to draw spectrogram for warped signal


bestMatch() - Method in class match
This method is used to recognize and compute the matching path between test signal and each template and find out the template with least cost
bestPathLength() - Method in class match
access method for getting length of the best path


changeTitle(String) - Method in class EnergyPanel
changes title label
changeTitle(String) - Method in class SignalPanel
This method changes title according to attached signal.
changeTitle(String) - Method in class WavePanel
This method sets the title.
clearPanel() - Method in class DrawingPanel
clear the whole canvas
clearPanel() - Method in class EnergyPanel
clear canvas
clearPanel() - Method in class EnergyPlot
clear canvas
clearPanel() - Method in class OutputPanel
clears the whole canvas
clearPanel() - Method in class SignalPanel
This method clears the canvas
clearPanel() - Method in class SpectrumPanel
clear the canvas
colortable - Static variable in interface Constants
array to store the colormap to draw the spectrogram
Constants - Interface in <Unnamed>
this file defines useful constants that will be used in DTW applet
constrain(Container, Component, int, int, int, int, int, int, double, double, int, int, int, int) - Method in class SubPanel
This method creates the constraints of a component in a container and then adds the component to the container.
costRecord - Variable in class match
array to store the associated cost for each template
createHelpFrame() - Method in class MainMenu
method create the help frame to show the help files
createMessageFrame() - Method in class MainMenu
method create the message frame to inform the user when error occurs
createScaleFrame() - Method in class MainMenu
method create the scaling frame to accept the change to the canvas display area


data - Variable in class lpcData
array to store lpc vectors this applet using 12-order lpc coded signal
dataAttached - Variable in class DrawingPanel
detachData() - Method in class DrawingPanel
Method assigns null to data variable, 0 to datalenghth, and false to dataAttached flag
detachData() - Method in class OutputPanel
Method assigns null to data variable, 0 to datalenghth, and false to dataAttached flag
DetermineDimensions() - Method in class DrawingPanel
find out the size of current canvas, assign value to panelwidth and panelheight
drawHorizontal() - Method in class SpectrumPanel
to draw the spectrogram horizontally
DrawingPanel - Class in <Unnamed>
DrawingPanel is a canvas to draw the grid path as the result of grid match hierarchy: JPanel -> DrawingPanel
DrawingPanel() - Constructor for class DrawingPanel
default class constructor
drawWarped() - Method in class SpectrumPanel
to draw the spectrogram for warped template according to the matching path
dtwApplet - Class in <Unnamed>
dtwApplet is the main driver program that extend JApplet and is the class called when the applet is loaded, which inturn initialize all other objects and components need to run the applet hierarchy: JApplet->dtwApplet
dtwApplet() - Constructor for class dtwApplet
class default constructor


EnergyPanel - Class in <Unnamed>
EnergyPanel is used as a frame of a EnergyPlot.
EnergyPlot - Class in <Unnamed>
EnergyPlot is a canvas to draw the energy plot of a lpc signal.
EnergyPlot() - Constructor for class EnergyPlot
default class constructor


getAudioFile() - Method in class match
access method for getting URL of audio file
getDistanceType() - Method in class match
access method for getting distance type
getLength() - Method in class lpcData
access method for length
getLength() - Method in class WaveformPanel
access method for length
getLength() - Method in class WavePanel
This method gets the canvas length
getLpcURL() - Method in class match
access method for getting lpc URL
getRawURL() - Method in class match
access method for getting the raw URL
getReference() - Method in class match
access method for getting the lpcData reference
getSignal() - Method in class match
access method for getting signal
getSlope() - Method in class match
access method to get slope
getXMargin() - Method in class DrawingPanel
access function of xMargin
getXMargin() - Method in class OutputPanel
access method to get XMargin
getXMax() - Method in class DrawingPanel
access function of xMax
getXMax() - Method in class OutputPanel
access method to get xMax
getXMin() - Method in class DrawingPanel
access function of xMin
getXMin() - Method in class OutputPanel
access method to get xMin
getYMargin() - Method in class DrawingPanel
access function of yMargin
getYMargin() - Method in class OutputPanel
access method to get YMargin
getYMax() - Method in class DrawingPanel
access function of yMax
getYMax() - Method in class OutputPanel
access method to get yMax
getYMin() - Method in class DrawingPanel
access function of yMin
getYMin() - Method in class OutputPanel
access method to get yMin
gridbag - Variable in class SubPanel


init() - Method in class dtwApplet
this method is called when the applet is started
initTemplates() - Method in class match
method to load in the templates
inputSignals - Class in <Unnamed>
Frame that handles the input signals
inputSignals(dtwApplet, match, SignalPanel, EnergyPanel, OutputPanel, String) - Constructor for class inputSignals
default class constructor


lefttorightMatch() - Method in class match
the major method to compute the matching score between selected test signal and reference.
lpcData - Class in <Unnamed>
lpcData is used to represent a lpc coded speech signal.
lpcData(URL) - Constructor for class lpcData
This constructor opens file specified by input argument, read in signal, and store in data[][].


MainMenu - Class in <Unnamed>
MainMenu implements a menu driven system that acts as the primary control panel for the applet as a whole.
MainMenu(match, OutputPanel, ProcessBox, SignalPanel, SignalPanel, SignalPanel, EnergyPanel, EnergyPanel, WavePanel, inputSignals, AppletContext, Vector) - Constructor for class MainMenu
default class constructor that initializes objects of the main menu
match - Class in <Unnamed>
match is the search engine of the recognizer
match(dtwApplet) - Constructor for class match
default class constructor
models - Static variable in interface Constants
array to store the label for template spectrogram panel


OutputPanel - Class in <Unnamed>
OutputPanel is used as a frame of a DrawingPanel.
OutputPanel() - Constructor for class OutputPanel
default class constructor


paint(Graphics) - Method in class DrawingPanel
the major draw method clear the canvas, draw the grid, draw the path if data attached
paint(Graphics) - Method in class EnergyPlot
the major draw method clear the canvas, draw the grid, compute the energy of lpc coded signal and draw the energy signal if signal attached
paint(Graphics) - Method in class SpectrumPanel
the main paint method.
paint(Graphics) - Method in class WaveformPanel
the main paint method for wave form display range is limited by xMax and xMin waveform will be drawn by connecting adjacent samples
pathRecord - Variable in class match
array to store the best path for each template
ProcessBox - Class in <Unnamed>
ProcessBox implements the text area at the southwest of the applet that acts as a process description.
ProcessBox() - Constructor for class ProcessBox
constructor initializes the text area and scroll bar objects


recogResult - Variable in class match
recoverPanel() - Method in class DrawingPanel
draw the original path after reset
recoverPanel() - Method in class EnergyPanel
recover the canvas
recoverPanel() - Method in class EnergyPlot
set display range to full range
recoverPanel() - Method in class OutputPanel
draw the original path after rest
recoverPanel() - Method in class SignalPanel
This method recovers the canvas.
recoverPanel() - Method in class SpectrumPanel
draw spectrogram in full range after reset
recoverPanel() - Method in class WaveformPanel
set display range to full range and repaint panel
recoverPanel() - Method in class WavePanel
This method recovers the panel.
reFresh() - Method in class EnergyPanel
repaint canvas
reFresh() - Method in class OutputPanel
repaints the canvas
reFresh() - Method in class SignalPanel
This method repaints the canvas.
reFresh() - Method in class WavePanel
This method repaints the canvas.


setAudioFile(URL) - Method in class match
access method for setting URL of audio file
setDistance(String) - Method in class match
access method for setting distance type
setDrawMode(String) - Method in class EnergyPanel
set draw mode for canvas
setDrawMode(String) - Method in class EnergyPlot
set the drawing mode
setDrawMode(String) - Method in class SignalPanel
This method sets drawing mode for canvas.
setDrawMode(String) - Method in class SpectrumPanel
set the drawing mode
setErrorInfo(String) - Method in class MainMenu
This method sets the error info
setMenu(MainMenu) - Method in class inputSignals
Sets the main menu
setMenu(MainMenu) - Method in class match
access method for setting main menu
setReference(URL) - Method in class match
access method for setting the reference with URL
setReference(int) - Method in class match
access method for setting the reference with an index
setRefIndex(int) - Method in class match
access method for set reference index
setSignal(URL) - Method in class match
access method for setting the signal with a URL
setSignal(int) - Method in class match
correct the datapath to match each case of speech sound
setSignal(URL) - Method in class WaveformPanel
open raw file specified by input url, read in sample value and store in data[] then draw the wave form
setSignal(URL) - Method in class WavePanel
This method sets the signal given the URL
setSlope(double) - Method in class match
access method to set slope
setXMax(int) - Method in class DrawingPanel
set the max of x to the parameter
setXMax(int) - Method in class EnergyPanel
set max value of x for canvas
setXMax(int) - Method in class EnergyPlot
set display range for max of x
setXMax(int) - Method in class OutputPanel
set max value of canvas drawing range for x
setXMax(int) - Method in class SignalPanel
This method sets max value of x for canvas.
setXMax(int) - Method in class SpectrumPanel
set maximum value of display range
setXMax(int) - Method in class WaveformPanel
Sets xMax.
setXMax(int) - Method in class WavePanel
This method sets xMax
setXMin(int) - Method in class DrawingPanel
set the min of x to the parameter
setXMin(int) - Method in class EnergyPanel
set min value of x for canvas
setXMin(int) - Method in class EnergyPlot
set display range for min of x
setXMin(int) - Method in class OutputPanel
set min value of canvas drawing range for x
setXMin(int) - Method in class SignalPanel
This method sets min value of x for canvas.
setXMin(int) - Method in class SpectrumPanel
set minimum value of display range
setXMin(int) - Method in class WaveformPanel
Sets xMin.
setXMin(int) - Method in class WavePanel
This method sets xMin
setYMax(int) - Method in class DrawingPanel
set the max of y to the parameter
setYMax(int) - Method in class OutputPanel
set max value of canvas drawing range for y
setYMin(int) - Method in class DrawingPanel
set the min of y to the parameter
setYMin(int) - Method in class OutputPanel
set min value of canvas drawing range for y
SignalPanel - Class in <Unnamed>
SignalPanel is used as a frame of a SpectrumPanel.
SignalPanel(String) - Constructor for class SignalPanel
The default constructor initializes variables and components.
SpectrumPanel - Class in <Unnamed>
SpectrumPanel is a canvas to draw the spectrogram for attached signal each frequency interval of each frame will be painted as a color cell connect the color cells together to form a spectrogram.
SpectrumPanel() - Constructor for class SpectrumPanel
constructor initializes variables and components
SubPanel - Class in <Unnamed>
creates a panel with layout type of GridBagLayout.
SubPanel() - Constructor for class SubPanel
sets size, background properties, layout manager


testsignals - Static variable in interface Constants
array to store the label for signal spectrogram panel
totalCost - Variable in class match
array to store the total cost for the best path of each template


updateYMax() - Method in class DrawingPanel
updateYMax() - Method in class OutputPanel
update canvas drawing range of y according to the range of x
updateYMin() - Method in class DrawingPanel
sets the yMin variable to data[xMin] value
updateYMin() - Method in class OutputPanel
update canvas drawing range of y according to the range of x


WaveformPanel - Class in <Unnamed>
class WaveformPanel is a canvas to draw the waveform of a speech signal hierarchy: JPanel -> WaveformPanel
WaveformPanel() - Constructor for class WaveformPanel
constructor, just set background to white
WavePanel - Class in <Unnamed>
class that handles the wave panel sub panel
WavePanel(String) - Constructor for class WavePanel
default class constructor
words - Static variable in interface Constants
array to store the vocabulary