Contact Information:

Time MWF: 10 - 11 AM
Place 213 Simrall
Instructor Joseph Picone, Assoc. Prof.
Office 413 Simrall
Office Hours 8-9 MWF (others by appt.)
Class Alias
Textbook T.M. Cover and J.A. Thomas, Elements of Information Theory, Wiley Interscience, 1991
Suggested Reference R.M. Gray, Entropy and Information Theory, Springer-Verlag, 1990.
Prerequisite Survival in any of the instructor's previous courses.
Other Reference Materials ISIP Library

Grading Policies:
Exams (3) 75%
Final Exam 25%
Special Project 25%


Exams are closed books and notes. You will be allowed one 8 1/2" x 11" double-sided sheet of paper containing notes. For the final, you will be allowed three such sheets of paper (typically the ones you used for the semester exams).


Homework problems are posted on the course outline. Homework is not collected. Solutions are posted on the door outside my office. Typically, students meet as a group and work the homework problems - this is encouraged.


Attendance does not figure directly into your grade. However, historically students who do not attend class regularly do not do well in this class. Further, most students end up with a grade on a borderline at the end of the semester. In this case, I use attendance and classroom participation to determine the final grade.


You are expected to read the textbook, do the homework problems, and integrate course material to solve problems on exams. Doing all this will merely guarantee survival - not entitle you to an "A."

Since this is an 8XXX course, you will be expected to develop both a theoretical and practical working knowledge of the material. Exams will not be template filling exercises, but attempt to teach you new things through interesting and inventive problems.

No. Due Date Chapter Problems
1. 02/05 2 1, 8, 10, 15, 16, 20, 24,31, 32, 35
2. 02/12 3 3, 5
3. 02/26 4 1, 3, 6, 9, 10, 13
4. 03/05 5 4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 15, 21, 23
5. 03/19 6 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8
6. 03/26 7 1, 2, 3, 10
7. 04/02 8 1, 2, 3, 4
8. 04/09 8 5, 6, 9, 12
9. 04/16 9 1, 3, 4, 6
10. 04/23 10 1, 2, 3, 4
11. 04/23 11 1
12. 04/23 12 1, 2, 6
13. 04/30 12 7, 8, 12
14. 05/05 13 1, 2, 3, 4, 8
15. 05/05 14 2, 3, 4


Click here for a detailed course outline.

Class Date Sections Topic
1 01/11 1.0 Introductions and Key Concepts
2 01/13 1.1 Functions of Random Variables; The Binary Symmetric Channel; Entropy Calculations
3 01/15 2.1,2.2 Entropy, Joint Entropy, and Conditional Entropy
4 01/20 2.3,2.4,2.5 Mutual Information, Chain Rules, Conditional Relative Entropy
5 01/22 2.6,2.7 Convex Functions, Jensen's Inequality
6 01/25 2.8 Log Sum Inequality, Concavity of Entropy
7 01/27 2.9-2.11 Sufficient Statistic, Fano's Inequality
8 01/29 3.1 Weak Law of Large Numbers, The Asymptotic Equipartition Property
9 02/01 3.2,3.3 Data Compression, The Typical Set
10 02/03 N/A Intoduction to Markov Processes
11 02/05 4.1,4.2 Stationary Markov Chains
12 02/08 4.3,4.4 Entropy Rate Bounds on Markov Processes
13 02/10 5.1 Definitions of the Types Of Codes, The Kraft Inequality
14 02/12 5.3,5.4 Bounds on Optimal Codes, Uniquely Decodable Codes
15 02/15 5.5 McMillan Theorem
16 02/17 5.6-5.8 Huffman Coding
17 02/19 Chps. 1-3 Exam No. 1
18 02/22 5.9,5.10 Shannon Coding
19 02/24 5.11 Competitive Optimality of Optimal Codes
20 02/26 5.12, 6.4 Discrete Distributions, Bounds on the Number of Fair Bits, Markov Models of English Text
21 03/01 6.1-6.6 Gambling, Wealth, Side Information, and The Shannon Guessing Game
22 03/03 7.1,7.2 The Definition of Kolmogorov Complexity, Models of Computation, Turing Machines
23 03/05 7.3,7.4 Theorems Relating To Kolomogorov Complexity
24 03/15 7.5-7.12 Incompressible Sequences, Occam's Razor, Sufficient Statistics
25 03/17 8.1-8.3 Examples of Binary Channels, Symmetric Channels, Properties of Channel Capacity
26 03/19 8.4,8.5 Preview of the Channel Coding Theorem, Definitions, Jointly Typical Sequences
27 03/22 8.6,8.7 The Channel Coding Theorem
28 03/24 8.8,8.9 Fano's Inequality
29 03/26 8.11 Hamming Codes
30 03/29 8.13 Joint Source Channel Coding
31 04/01 Chps. 4-7 Exam No. 2
32 04/05 9.1-9.6 Continuous Random Variables, Differential Entropy
33 04/07 10.1-10.2 Power-Limited Gaussian Channels
34 04/09 11.1-11.6 Maximum Entropy Spectral Estimation
35 04/12 12.1, 12.2 The Method of Types, The Law of Large Numbers
36 04/14 12.3-12.4 Universal Source Coding, Large Deviation Theory
37 04/16 12.5-12.6 Sanov's Theorem, The Conditional Limit Theorem
38 04/19 12.7-12.9 Hypothesis Testing, Neyman-Pearson Lemma
39 04/21 12.10-12.11 Lempel-Ziv Coding, Fisher and Chernoff Information
40 04/23 Chps. 8-13 Exam No. 3
41 04/26 13.1-13.2 Introduction to Rate Distortion Theory, Binary Sources
42 04/28 13.3-13.5 Gaussian Source, Parallel Gaussian Sources
43 04/30 13.6-13.8 Computation of the Channel Capacity and Rate Distortion Function
44 05/03 14.1, 14.4 Gaussian Multiple Access Channels, Encoding of Correlated Sources
45 05/05 16.1-16.9 Review of the Communications Channel Model (Student Participation)
46 05/10 Comprehensive Final Exam (3 - 6 PM)