- Lecture 01: Introduction (Sect. 1.0)
Welcome to EE 8993: Information Theory
Review the course syllabus
Review the concept of a histogram and probability
density function
Key concepts in Information Theory
- Lecture 02: Motivation (Sect. 1.1)
Entropy Calculations
Introduce the Binary Symmetric Channel (BSC)
Generalization to a Finite State Machine/Transducer
Introduce the need for a measure such as relative entropy
- Lecture 02: Entropy (Sects. 2.1, 2.2)
Definition of entropy
Examples of entropy calculations
Joint entropy
Conditional entropy
(see handout_01.pdf)
The Chain Rule
Examples of conditional entropy calculations
- Lecture 03: Mutual Information (Sects. 2.3, 2.4, 2.5)
Definition of mutual information
Relationship between entropy and mutual information
Chain rule for entropy
Conditional mutual information
Chain rule for information
Conditional relative entropy
- Lecture 04: Useful Inequalities (Sects. 2.6, 2.7, 2.8)
Convex and concave functions
Jensen's inequality and the Information inequality
Independence bound on entropy
The log sum inequality and its application to relative
entropy and mutual information
Properties of Markov chains
The data processing inequality and its consequences
- Lecture 05: Sufficient Statistics and Fano's Inequality (Sects. 2.9, 2.10, 2.11)
- Homework
Easy: 2.1, 2.8, 2.16
Harder: 2.10, 2.15, 2.20
Ouch!: 2.24, 2.31, 2.32, 2.35
- Lecture 06: The Asymptotic Equipartition Property
Theorem (Sect. 3.1)
The AEP Theorem
The definition of a Typical Set
Properties of typical sets
- Lecture 07: Consequences of the AEP (Sects. 3.2, 3.3)
Generalized approaches to data compression
The Data Compression Theorem
High probability sets and the typical set
- Homework
Easy: 3.3
Harder: 3.5, 3.6
- Lecture 08: Markov Chains (Sect. 4.1)
Definition of a Markov chain
Definitions of stationarity and time-invariance
Examples of Markov chains
- Lecture 09: Entropy Rate (Sects. 4.2)
Definition of entropy rate
Examples of some stochastic processes and their rates
Theorems about the rates of stationary processes
Entropy rates of Markov chains
(see handout_05.pdf)
- Lecture 10: Random Walk (Sects. 4.3)
Definition of a random walk process
Computation of the entropy rate
An example drawn from chess
- Lecture 11: Hidden Markov Models (Sects. 4.4)
What is an HMM?
A lower bound on the entropy rate of a stationary HMM
An upper bound on the entropy rate of a stationary HMM
- Homework
Easy: 4.6, 4.10
Harder: 4.3, 4.9
Ouch!: 4.1, 4.13
- Lecture 12: The Kraft Inequality (Sects. 5.1, 5.2)
Examples of source codes
Definitions of various properties of codes
The Kraft inequality
The extended Kraft inequality
- Lecture 13: Bounds on Optimal Codes (Sects. 5.3 - 5.5)
Expected length and entropy rate
Properties of the minimum expected codeword length
Uniquely decodable codes and the Kraft inequality
- Lecture 14: Huffman Coding (Sects. 5.6 - 5.8)
An example of a binary Huffman code
An example of a ternary Huffman code
Properties of an optimal code
Proof of the optimality of a Huffman code
- Lecture 15: Shannon Coding (Sects. 5.9 - 5.11)
Description of the Shannon coding procedure
(see handout_06.pdf)
An overview of arithmetic coding
Competitive optimality of the Shannon code
- Lecture 16: EXAM NO. 1 (Chaps. 1-4)
- Lecture 17: Discrete Distributions (Sect. 5.12)
Motivation based on computer-based random number generation
An example of how to generate a simple pdf
Formulation of the general problem as tree generation
Derivation of the relation between the expected tree depth
and the entropy
Bounds on the expected number of fair bits required
An equality relation for dyadic distributions
An example of tree generation for a non-dyadic distribution
- Homework
Easy: 5.4, 5.5, 5.6
Harder: 5.8, 5.12, 5.15
Ouch!: 5.21, 5.23
- Lecture 18: Examples of Channel Capacity (Sects. 8.1 - 8.3)
Definition of a discrete channel and channel capacity
The capacity of a noiseless binary channel
The capacity of a binary symmetric channel
Symmetric channels
Properties of channel capacity
- Lecture 19: Formal Definition of Rate and
Jointly Typical Sequences (Sects. 8.5 - 8.6)
Definition of a discrete channel
Definition of a code
Definition of rate
Definition of a jointly typical sequence
The Joint Asymptotic Equipartition Theorem
- Lecture 20: The Channel Coding Theorem - Part I (Sect. 8.7)
Statement of the achievability theorem
New ideas introduced by Shannon to prove the theorem
Outline of the proof
- Lecture 21: The Channel Coding Theorem -
Part II (Sects. 8.7 - 8.8)
Calculation of the probability of error
Bounds on the probability of error
Strengthening the conditions of the proof
Zero-error codes: proof that a probability of error equal to
zero implies the rate is less than the capacity
- Lecture 22: Fano's Inequality (Sects. 8.9 - 8.11)
Proof of Fano's inequality
Capacity per transmission
Converse to the channel coding theorem
The critical nature of capacity
Characteristics of codes that achieve capacity
- Lecture 23: Joint Channel Source Coding (Sects. 8.12 - 8.13)
Feedback Capacity
Data Compression and Data Transmission
The Two-Stage Implementation
The Source-Channel Coding Theorem
- Homework
Easy: 8.3, 8.5, 8.9
Harder: 8.1, 8.2, 8.4
Ouch!: 8.6, 8.12
- Lecture 24: Properties of Differential Entropy (Sects. 9.1 - 9.3)
Definition of differential entropy
Example computations and the Normal distribution
The AEP for Continuous Variables
Definitions and theorems analogous to the discrete case
- Lecture 25: Joint and Conditional Differential Entropy for
Continuous Random Variables (Sects. 9.4 - 9.7)
Definition of joint entropy
Entropy of a multivariate normal distribution
Relative entropy
Properties of differential entropy and mutual information
- Homework
Easy: 9.1, 9.3
Harder: 9.4
Ouch!: 9.6
- Lecture 26: The Coding Theorem for Gaussian Channels
(Sects. 10.1 - 10.2)
The importance of the Gaussian channel model
An overview of the digital communications problem
Definition of the information capacity of a
power-constrained channel
Calculation of the capacity of a power-constrained Gaussian
- Lecture 27: Bandlimited Gaussian Channels (Sects. 10.3 - 10.4)
The Sampling Theorem revisited
The capacity of a bandlimited channel
The capacity of parallel Gaussian channels
An implementation based on the "water-filling" approach
- Lecture 28: Colored Noise and Feedback (Sects. 10.5 - 10.6)
Properties of colored noise
Derivation of a strategy to maximize the capacity
The capacity of a Gaussian channel with colored noise
Does feedback increase capacity?
Derivation of the capacity of a feedback channel
- Homework
Easy: 10.2, 10.3
Harder: 10.1
Ouch!: 10.4
- Lecture 29: The Method of Types (Sect. 12.1)
Definition of a type
Definition of a set of types
Definition of a type class
The size of a set of types
Probability and type
Size of a type class
Probability of a type class
- Lecture 30: EXAM NO. 2 (Chaps. 5,6,8,9)
- Lecture 31: Universal Coding (Sects. 12.2 - 12.5)
Why universal codes
Properties of universal codes
Sanov's theorem
Sanov's theorem
Examples of Sanov's theorem: fair dice
- Lecture 32: The Conditional Limit Theorem (Section 12.6)
Approximations for the probability of a set of types
The Pythagorean Theorem for relative entropy
An overview of the proof of the theorem
An example involving n fair dice
- Lecture 33: Hypothesis Testing (Section 12.7)
The general hypothesis testing problem
The Neyman-Pearson lemma
Log-likelihood ratios
- Lecture 34: Chernoff Information and Bound (Sects. 12.8 - 12.9)
Stein's lemma
Chernoff information
Bayesian decision rules
An example involving baseball batting averages and football
Chernoff's bound
- Lecture 35: Lempel-Ziv Coding (Section 12.10)
Description of the algorithm
Definition of a parse
The Lempel-Ziv lemma
Bounds on the entropy for Lempel-Ziv coding
Asymptotic bounds on Lempel-Ziv coding
Extensions and enhancements of the basic approach
- Lecture 36: Fisher Information (Section 12.11)
Definition of an estimator
Definition of Fisher information
An example of an efficient estimator
- Homework
Easy: 12.1, 12.12
Harder: 12.2, 12.7
Ouch!: 12.6, 12.8
- Lecture 37: Rate distortion theory (Sects. 13.1 - 13.2)
Intuitive arguments for joint quantization
Non-uniform quantization
Definition of a rate distortion code
Minimum achievable rate for a given distortion
- Lecture 38: Explanation of rate distortion theory (Section 13.3)
The vector quantization problem
Example calculation of rate distortion functions
- Lecture 39: Lossy Compression (Sects. 13.4, 13.5)
Achievability of the rate distortion function
Gaussian sources and channels
- Lecture 40: Characterization of the Rate Distortion Function
(Sects. 13.6, 13.7)
The method of Lagrange multipliers
- Lecture 41: Computation of the Rate Distortion Function
(Section 13.8)
Maximizing relative entropy
An iterative approach for finding a rate distortion function
- Homework
Easy: 13.1, 13.2
Harder: 13.5
Ouch!: 13.8
- Lecture 42: Network Information Theory (Sects. 14.1 - 14.5)
Multiple access channels
Channel Capacity
Slepian-Wolf coding
Channel Capacity
- Lecture 43: The Relay Channel and
Side Information (Sects. 14.6 - 14.10)
Degraded broadcast channels
Relay Channels
Channels with side information
- Homework
Easy: 14.1, 14.2
Harder: 14.8
Ouch!: 14.10
- Lecture 44: Maximum Entropy Spectral Estimation (Chapter 11)
Maximum entropy distributions
Examples using maximum entropy solutions
Variational principles applied to spectral estimation
The relationship between linear prediction and maximum
entropy spectral analysis
- Homework
Easy: 11.1, 11.3
Harder: 11.5
Ouch!: 11.7
- Lecture 45: The Stock Market (Chapter 15)
Mathematical definition of a portfolio
The mean-variance approach to stock market modeling
The Capital Assets Pricing Model
The log-optimal portfolio
Properties of the log-optimal portfolio
Investments in stationary markets
May 12, 8 AM to 11 AM, 2nd Floor Seminar Room