• J. Hamaker, N. Deshmukh, A. Ganapathiraju and J. Picone, "SWITCHBOARD Resegmentation" /research/isip/resources/technology/, Mississippi State University, 1998.

  • N. Deshmukh, A. Ganapathiraju, A. Gleeson, J. Hamaker, and J. Picone, "Resegmentation of Switchboard," submitted to the International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Sydney, Australia, November 1998.

  • N. Deshmukh, A. Ganapathiraju, A. Gleeson, J. Hamaker, and J. Picone, "Resegmentation and Transcription of Switchboard," Proceedings of the Hub-5 Conversational Speech Recognition Workshop, Washington DC, September 1998.