Z. Long, J. Picone, and V. Rudis,
"The Optimization of Edge and Line Detectors for Forest
Image Analysis,"
presented at the 4th World Multiconference on Systemics,
Cybernetics and Informatics,
Orlando, Florida, USA, July 2000.
X. Zhang, V. Ramani, Z. Long, Y. Zeng, A. Ganapathiraju and J. Picone,
"Scenic Beauty Estimation Using Independent Component Analysis and
Support Vector Machines,"
Proceedings of the IEEE Southeastcon, pp. 274-277,
Lexington, Kentucky, USA, March 1999.
S. Balakrishnama, A. Ganapathiraju and J. Picone,
"Linear Discriminant Analysis for Signal Processing Problems,"
Proceedings of the IEEE Southeastcon, pp. 78-81,
Lexington, Kentucky, USA, March 1999.
A. Le, J. Ngan, J. Shaffer, A. Ganapathiraju and J. Picone,
"A Comparison of Classification Algorithms on
Highly Nonlinear Signal Processing Problems,"
accepted to the
IEEE Southeastcon,
Orlando, Florida, USA, April 1998.
J. Burnham, J. Hardy, K. Meadors and J. Picone ,
"A Comparison of the Roberts, Sobel, Robinson, Canny and
Hough Image Detection Algorithms,"
submitted to the IEEE Southeastcon,
Orlando, Florida, USA, April 1998.
V.A. Rudis, R.E. Thill, J.H. Gramann,
J. Picone, N. Kalidindi and P. Tappe,
"Understory structure by season following
uneven-aged reproduction cutting: a
comparison of selected measurement
methods two and six years after treatment,"
presented at the
First Biennial North American Forest Ecology Workshop,
Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, June 1997.
N. Kalidindi, A. Le, J. Picone, L. Zheng, H. Yaquin and V.A. Rudis,
"Scenic Beauty Estimation of Forestry Images,"
Proceedings of the IEEE Southeastcon,
pp. 337-339, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, April 1997.