Sessions 1.2-4.3: The Meat of the Matter.
A complete breakfast helps Issac Alphonso start the day off right.
Dr. Picone telling the ISIP story.
Everyone is spellbound by the wonderous tale.
Naveen Parihar discussing benchmarks.
Dr. Picone explains how the IFC's are going to save the world from medicore
speech recognition.
Midmorning break.
Data Structures are described by Jon Hamaker.
Hualin Gao discusses his favorie subject, signal processing.
Jon chugs so that he can get back to the lectures, while everyone else is
taking their time.
The audience participates in Bohumir's presentation.
Naveen is ecstatic because his presentation is not until Friday.
Bohumir and Kaihua independently explain the meaning of life.
Issac thinks, "So that is how they get it to compile."
Kaihua explains the meaning of life to everyone.
"The importance of communication" from Feng Zheng.
Dr Picone wraps up by writing cryptic symbols on the board.