Help is available for all utilities. Extended help messages can be
obtained by inserting "-help" anywhere on the command line:
isip_make_sof -sample_frequency 8000 -help -num_bytes 2
This will display the help message show below:
isip221_[1]: isip_make_sof -help
name: isip_make_sof
synopsis: isip_make_sof [options] file(s)
descr: coverts raw audio files to Sof audio files
example: isip_make_sof -encoding linear -sample_frequency 8000.0 file.raw
-encoding: format of the raw data (default = linear)
-num_bytes: the number of bytes for each sample (default = 2)
-sample_frequency: sample frequency for the data
-byte_order: byte order for raw data (default = native)
-list: file containing input file list in Sdb format
-output_directory: output directory
-new_extension: output file extension
-dir_pres_level: number of levels of subdirectories to preserve (def 0)
-debug: debug level, either NONE, BRIEF, DETAILED, or ALL
-verbose: how verbose should the output be? (default NONE)
-help: display this help message
arguments: sdb or sof files can be passed as arguments
man page: none