This file makes the minimum number of links in a user's home directory to run the environment. Note that the links are not made dependent on the file system, but relative to the home directory.
debugger_gdb_dmalloc_init.text: This is a little helper to use dmalloc within gdb, use it via "source dmalloc.gdb"

It will provide a command dmalloc, which will ask the user for arguments to provide to the dmalloc application. The output will be in gdb format and will be parsed by gdb. Its main purpose is to generate breaks at allocations of unfreed memory (via dmalloc -a ...).

As gdb's language is very basic, there is no back substitution and variable arguments to user defined commands. Therefore the user defined command dmalloc will use a shell escape to ask the user for the arguments to the dmalloc applications. The dmalloc applications will execute with the provided arguments and write the output to a temporary file. This temporary file will then be read by gdb and deleted afterwards.
debugger_gdb_dmallocrc.text: Sample RC file for the debug malloc library. Rename this to .dmallocrc and place in your $HOME directory to activate. See for more information.

This file maps tags to certain combinations of debug tokens. The tags here are provided as an example. You can also roll your own. Lines in this file should have the form:
tag token1, token2, ...

To use the above line you say 'dmalloc tag' which enables the debugging facilities token1, token2, ... You must pass the output from dmalloc through your shell's eval command to change your environment. See for more information.

Lines can end with a '\' meaning it continues onto the next line. Lines beginning with '#' and empty lines are ignored
editor_emacs_bindings.el: This file defines a few custom keyboard shortcuts for the emacs compiler
editor_emacs_init.el: this file creates some local customizations of emacs that are considered standard parts of the ISIP environment.
  • Shareware customizations
  • ISIP customizations
editor_emacs_library_general.el: This file contains some useful emacs lisp functions that are used by the basic isip environment.
  • C++ mode-related functions
  • Spell mode-related functions
  • Screen management
  • Edition operations
  • Search mode-related functions
editor_emacs_modes.el: This file sets various variables and modes.
  • Assists in the moderation of mailing lists
  • Adjusts settings for backups, journals, and auto-saves
  • Contains a customization of the C++ mode
  • Establishes various C++, java, shell, and perl file settings This is the standard /bash_profile file. A user's account should create a link to this file in their home directory. This the standard .bashrc file. A user should execute this file at the top of their personal .bashrc file.
  • Defines the locations of the ISIP environment, web disk, tools, data, prototype system, and other environmental variables
  • Defines ISIP libraries
  • Defines compiler-related tools, including the make file tool priority, the location of include files, and the C++ compiler
  • Defines things that affect the user's interactive environment, including the preferred printer, useful host names, the default xterm, and a group dictionary
  • Defines directory commands and short unix commands This file contains the correct spellings of the names of ISIP team members. This is the ISIP standard twm init file.
  • Establishes basic twm characteristics
  • Binds the mouse's buttons to make the environment more friendly to a two-button mouse
    • Defines the window operations, which are carried out using the left and middle mouse buttons
    • Defines the utilities menu, accessed using the right mouse button This file creates an ISIP-standard environment.
  • Sets access control, loads the xresources, sets the background, cleans up the index file, and starts the clock
  • Waits until the use exits, and resets everything back to default This is the ISIP-standard xresources file.