name: SymbolGraph


g++ [flags ...] file ... -l /isip/tools/lib/$ISIP_BINARY/lib_search.a

#include <SymbolGraph.h>

boolean readDataText(Sof& sof_a, const String& pname, long size, boolean param, boolean nested);
boolean readDataBinary(Sof& sof);
boolean writeTextData(Sof& sof, const String& pname, Vector<Long>& nodes, Vector<Triple<Long, Long, String> >& symbols, Vector<Triple<Pair<Long, Long>, Float, Float> >& arcs) const;
boolean writeBinaryData(Sof& sof, const String& pname, Vector<Long>& nodes, Vector<Triple<Long, Long, String> >& symbols, Vector<Triple<Pair<Long, Long>, Float, Float> >& arcs) const;
boolean getFormat(String& arg);
boolean setFormat(const String& arg);
float getScale() const;
boolean setScale(const float arg);
float getPenalty() const;
boolean setPenalty(const float arg);
long getOrder() const;
boolean setOrder(const long arg);
SingleLinkedList<SymbolGraphNode>& getNodes();
long getNumNodes() const;
boolean setNumNodes(const long arg);
long getNumArcs() const;
boolean setNumArcs(const long arg);
SymbolGraphNode* getStart();
SymbolGraphNode* getTerm();
boolean incrementNodes();
boolean decrementNodes();
boolean incrementArcs();
boolean decrementArcs();
boolean find(const SymbolGraphNode* obj);
boolean contains(const SymbolGraphNode* obj);
SymbolGraphNode* insertNode(long frame, const String& str = DEF_SYMBOL);
boolean removeNode(SymbolGraphNode* obj);
boolean prune();
boolean compact(SymbolGraph& graph);
boolean convert(SearchLevel& level, DiGraph<SearchNode>& digraph);
quick start:

SearchSymbol symbol_str;
ulong frame_index = 7;

SymbolGraph symbol_graph;
SymbolGraphNode* start_node;

start_node = symbol_graph.getStart();
symbol_graph.insertNode(frame_index, symbol_str);


This class represents the graph data structure that is used in the combination with the SymbolGraphNode class to represent a word-graph, which is used for the word-graph generation and rescoring modes in the recognizer.


public constants:

error codes:

protected data:

required public methods:

class-specific public methods:

private methods:

