quick start:g++ [flags ...] file ... -l /isip/tools/lib/$ISIP_BINARY/lib_algo.a #include <NonLinearOptimization.h> NonLinearOptimization(); NonLinearOptimization(const NonLinearOptimization& arg); static boolean levenbergMarquardt(VectorDouble& params, double& chi_square, const VectorDouble& x, const VectorDouble& y, const VectorDouble& stddev, LEV_MARQ_FUNC_DOUBLE func, double convergence=DEF_LEVMARQ_CONVERGE); static boolean levenbergMarquardt(VectorFloat& params, float& chi_square, const VectorFloat& x, const VectorFloat& y, const VectorFloat& stddev, LEV_MARQ_FUNC_FLOAT func, float convergence=DEF_LEVMARQ_CONVERGE);
description:VectorFloat v_fl(L"1, 2, 3"); float chi_sq_fl = 0; VectorFloat x_fl(L" 0, 1, 1"); VectorFloat stddev_fl(L"1, 1, 1"); VectorFloat y_fl; NonlinearOptimization::levenbergMarquardt(v_fl, chi_sq_fl, x_fl, y_fl, stddev_fl, NonlinearOptimization::diagnoseSigmoidFl);
static const String CLASS_NAME = L"NonLinearOptimization";
static const String DEF_PARAM = L"";
static const float LEVMARQ_INIT_LAMBDA = 0.001;
static const float DEF_LEVMARQ_CONVERGE = 0.1;error codes:
static const long ERR = (long)35200;
static const long ERR_LEV_MARQ = (long)35201;
typedef boolean (*LEV_MARQ_FUNC_FLOAT)(float&, VectorFloat&, const float, const VectorFloat&);
typedef boolean (*LEV_MARQ_FUNC_DOUBLE)(double&, VectorDouble&, const double, const VectorDouble&);
static Integral::DEBUG debug_level_d;
static MemoryManager mgr_d;
static const String& name();
static boolean diagnose(Integral::DEBUG debug_level);
boolean setDebug(Integral::DEBUG debug_level);
boolean debug(const unichar* message) const;
NonLinearOptimization(const NonLinearOptimization& arg);
boolean assign(const NonLinearOptimization& arg)
NonLinearOptimization& operator= (const NonLinearOptimization& arg);
long sofSize() const;
boolean read(Sof& sof, long tag, const String& name = CLASS_NAME);
boolean write(Sof& sof, long tag, const String& name = CLASS_NAME) const;
boolean readData(Sof& sof, const String& pname = DEF_PARAM,long size = SofParser::FULL_OBJECT, boolean param = true, boolean nested = false);
boolean writeData(Sof& sof, const String& pname = DEF_PARAM) const;
boolean eq(const NonLinearOptimization& arg) const;
static void* operator new(size_t size);
static void* operator new[](size_t size);
static void operator delete(void* ptr);
static void operator delete[](void* ptr);
static boolean setGrowSize(long grow_size);
boolean clear(Integral::CMODE ctype = Integral::DEF_CMODE);
static boolean levenbergMarquardt(VectorFloat& params, float& chi_square, const VectorFloat& x, const VectorFloat& y, const VectorFloat& stddev, LEV_MARQ_FUNC_FLOAT func, float convergence=DEF_LEVMARQ_CONVERGE);
static boolean levenbergMarquardt(VectorDouble& params, double& chi_square, const VectorDouble& x, const VectorDouble& y, const VectorDouble& stddev, LEV_MARQ_FUNC_DOUBLE func, double convergence=DEF_LEVMARQ_CONVERGE);
template <class TMatrix, class TVector, class TIntegral> static boolean levMarqTemplate(TVector& params, TIntegral& chi_square, const TVector& x, const TVector& y, const TVector& stddev, boolean (*)(TIntegral&, TVector&, const TIntegral, const TVector&), TIntegral convergence);
template <class TMatrix, class TVector, class TIntegral> static boolean levMarqChiSquare(TIntegral& chi_square, TMatrix& alpha, TVector& beta, const TVector& x, const TVector& y, const TVector& inv_variance, const TVector& params, boolean (*)(TIntegral&, TVector&, const TIntegral, const TVector&));
template <class TMatrix, class TVector, class TIntegral> static boolean scaleDiagonal(TMatrix& mat, const TIntegral& scale);
static boolean diagnoseSigmoidFl(float& y, VectorFloat& derivatives, const float x, const VectorFloat& params);
static boolean diagnoseSigmoidDoub(double& y, VectorDouble& derivatives, const double x, const VectorDouble& params);
#include <NonLinearOptimization.h> #include <Console.h> int main() { // declare the measured data // VectorFloat params_fl; VectorFloat x_fl; VectorFloat y_fl; VectorFloat stddev_fl; VectorFloat final_params_fl; // open the test file // String test_file(L"diagnose.sof"); Sof test_sof; test_sof.open(test_file); // read in the test data // String x_tag(L"x"); String y_tag(L"y"); String stddev_tag(L"stddev"); String init_params_tag(L"initial_params"); String final_params_tag(L"final_params"); params_fl.read(test_sof, 0, init_params_tag); x_fl.read(test_sof, 0, x_tag); y_fl.read(test_sof, 0, y_tag); stddev_fl.read(test_sof, 0, stddev_tag); final_params_fl.read(test_sof, 0, final_params_tag); test_sof.close(); // test levenbergMarquardt // float chi_sq_fl = 0; NonlinearOptimization::levenbergMarquardt(params_fl, chi_sq_fl, x_fl, y_fl, stddev_fl, NonlinearOptimization::diagnoseSigmoidFl); // verify that results match // if (!final_params_fl.almostEqual(params_fl)) { params_fl.debug(L"actual params"); final_params_fl.debug(L"expected params"); Console::put(L"Error in levenbergMarquardt method"); } // exit gracefully // Integral::exit(); }