name: XMLParser


g++ [flags ...] file ... -l /isip/tools/lib/$ISIP_BINARY/lib_mmedia.a

#include <XMLParser.h>

boolean parseXML(String document_a);
boolean setValidTokenValues(Vector valid_values_a);
boolean markUnhandledTokens();
boolean removeUnhandledTokens();
static const boolean setTokenDepths();
quick start:

String xml_string = L"<xml_tag attrib1='val1'> cdata tokens </xml_tag>"; 
XMLPaser parser;

The XMLParser class is used to parse an XML format document from a String and store the document in a Vector of XMLToken objects which will contain all of the raw information needed to process the XML document. This class can also perform the service of filtering out unwanted XML tag types along with data contained within the unwanted tags, and resetting the depths of Vectors of XMLToken objects which have been created or modified outside of the XMLParser class.

This class is built on top of the Expat parser, which checks for well-formedness but does not perform validation. For more information on the Expat parser,
click here.


public constants:

error codes:

protected data:

required public methods:

class-specific public methods:
