quick start:g++ [flags ...] file ... -l /isip/tools/lib/$ISIP_BINARY/lib_io.a #include <SofSymbolTable.h> SofSymbolTable(); long add(const SysString& name); boolean remove(long number); long getIndex(const SysString& name) const;
description:SofSymbolTable table0; SysString n1(L"Long") table0.add(n1); table0.remove(n1); SysString bad_name(L"oscar had"); if (table0.checkName(bad_name)) { return Error::handle(name(), L"checkName", Error::TEST, __FILE__, __LINE__); }
static const SysString CLASS_NAME = L"SofSymbolTable";
static const long MAX_SYM_LENGTH = 64;
static const long GROW_SIZE = 256;
static const SysString INVALID_CHARS = L" {}=\\;\"'/`:#";
static const long MAX_WASTED_SPACE = 1024;
static const long NO_SYMB = -1;
static const long ERR = 10200;
static const long ERR_ADD = 10201;
static const long ERR_NOTFND = 10202;
static const long ERR_NOVEC = 10203;
static const long ERR_SYMB = 10204;
SysString* table_d;
long* ref_count_d;
long table_size_d;
long num_syms_d;
long table_capacity_d;
long* transform_d;
long transform_size_d;
Integral::DEBUG debug_level_d;
static const SysString& name();
static boolean diagnose(Integral::DEBUG debug_level);
boolean setDebug(Integral::DEBUG debug_level);
boolean debug(const unichar* msg) const;
SofSymbolTable(const SofSymbolTable& arg);
boolean assign(const SofSymbolTable& arg);
SofSymbolTable& operator=(const SofSymbolTable& arg);
these methods are omitted because SofSymbolTable can not write itself to an sof file
these methods are omitted because they are not useful for SofSymbolTable objects
boolean clear(Integral::CMODE ctype_a = Integral::DEF_CMODE);
boolean assignCompact(const SofSymbolTable& arg);
long memSize() const;
long getIndex(const SysString& name) const;
boolean getSymbol(SysString& name, long num) const;
long getRefCount(const SysString& name) const;
long getRefCount(long index) const;
long getCount() const;
long add(const SysString& name);
long add(long index, long refs, const SysString& name);
boolean remove(const SysString& name);
boolean remove(long number);
boolean checkName(const SysString& name) const;
boolean isEfficient() const;
long convert(const SofSymbolTable& old, long index) const;
long convert(long index) const;
boolean transformInit(const SofSymbolTable& old);
boolean transformDelete();
long addNew(const SysString& name);
boolean growCapacity();
boolean freeMem();
SofSymbolTable table0; SofSymbolTable table1(table0); SysString n1(L"Long"); SysString n2(L"Short"); SysString n3(L"Float"); SysString n4(L"Long"); // add symbols into table // table0.add(n1); table0.add(n2); table0.add(n3); table0.add(n4); // check the entry // SysString symbol; if (!table0.getSymbol(symbol, 0) || symbol.ne(n1)) { Console::put(L"Error in add/getSymbol"); } long i = table0.getIndex(n1); if (i == SofSymbolTable::NO_SYMB) { return Error::handle(name(), L"getEntry", Error::TEST, __FILE__, __LINE__); } // remove a symbol // table0.remove(n1);