quick start:g++ [flags ...] file ... -l /isip/tools/lib/$ISIP_BINARY/lib_io.a #include <SofParser.h> SofParser(); boolean setImplicitParam(); boolean setNest(); long countTokens(const SysString& param);
description:SofParser parser; static String implicit((unichar*)SofParser::IMPLICIT_PARAM); // interface for data-only object // parser.setImplicitParam(); SysString pname(L"values"); pname.assign(implicit); parser.setNest();
static const SysString CLASS_NAME = L"SofParser";
static const long MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = SysString::MAX_LENGTH;
static const long IMPLICIT_NAME = SofSymbolTable::NO_SYMB - 1;
GPI stands for good previous input; LWS stands for last character whitespace
static const SysString STATE_NO_GPI = L"no_gpi";
static const SysString STATE_COMMENT_OP_NO_GPI = L"comment_op_no_gpi";
static const SysString STATE_LITERAL_OP = L"literal_op";
static const SysString STATE_GPI = L"gpi";
static const SysString STATE_QUOTE_OP = L"quote_op";
static const SysString STATE_LITERAL_OP_IN_QUOTE = L"literal_op_in_quote";
static const SysString STATE_GPI_LWS = L"gpi_lws";
static const SysString STATE_COMMENT_OP_GPI = L"comment_op_gpi";
static const SysString STATE_TERMINAL_TRIM_LWS = L"terminal_trim_lws";
static const SysString STATE_BLOCK_GPI = L"block_gpi";
static const SysString STATE_BLOCK_GPI_LWS = L"block_gpi_lws";
static const unichar LITERAL_CHAR = L'\\'';
static const unichar QUOTE_CHAR = L'"';
static const unichar NEWLINE_CHAR = L'\n';
static const unichar NULL_CHAR = L'\0';
static const unichar SPACE_CHAR = L' ';
static const unichar DEF_TERMINATOR_CHAR = L';';
static const unichar DEF_ASSIGNMENT_CHAR = L'=';
static const unichar DEF_COMMENT_CHAR = L'\'';
static const unichar DEF_BLOCKSTART_CHAR = L'{';
static const unichar DEF_BLOCKSTOP_CHAR = L'}';
static const unichar DEF_DELIMITER_CHAR = L',';
static const long NO_SYMB = -1;
static const long ALL_TOKENS = -1;
static const long FULL_OBJECT = -1;
static const long BASE_TAG = 0;
static const long ERR = 10300;
static const long ERR_PARSE = 10302;
static const long ERR_LVALUE = 10303;
static const long ERR_RVALUE = 10304;
static const long ERR_RANGE = 10305;
SofSymbolTable table_d;
SofList index_d;
boolean* used_d;
long used_size_d;
SysChar terminator_char_d;
SysChar assignment_char_d;
SysChar comment_char_d;
SysChar blockstart_char_d;
SysChar blockstop_char_d;
SysChar delimiter_char_d;
STATE state_d;
long param_d;
long block_count_d;
long token_count_d;
long token_start_d;
long token_stop_d;
long statement_asgn_d;
long statement_term_d;
long statement_last_token_d;
long base_position_d;
long full_size_d;
boolean open_index_d;
boolean implicit_object_d;
boolean implicit_block_d;
boolean nest_d;
boolean is_token_d;
boolean load_error_d;
Integral::DEBUG debug_level_d;
static const SysString& name();
static boolean diagnose(Integral::DEBUG debug_level);
boolean debug(const unichar* msg) const;
boolean setDebug(Integral::DEBUG debug_level);
SofParser(const SofParser& arg);
these methods are omitted because they are not useful for SofParser objects
these methods are omitted because they are not useful for SofParser objects
these methods are omitted because SofParser can not write itself to an sof file
these methods are omitted because they are not useful for SofParser objects
new and delete are omitted because memory for SofParser objects is not managed by the MemoryManager class. the clear method is omitted so the user is forced to use the destructor for handling the SofParser
SofParser(const SysChar terminator, const SysChar assignment, const SysChar comment, const SysChar block_start, const SysChar block_stop, const SysChar delim);
long memSize();
boolean load(Sof& sof_a, long size = FULL_OBJECT);
boolean read(SysString& value, Sof& sof, long size = FULL_OBJECT);
long getEntry(Sof& sof, const SysString& param, long tag = BASE_TAG);
long getEntry(Sof& sof, const SysString& param, long token_offset, long num_tokens);
long countParams();
boolean checkParams(const SysString* param_list, long num);
boolean checkParams(Sof& sof);
long getParams(SysString* param_list, long max_num);
static const SysString& implicitPname();
boolean setImplicitParam();
boolean setNest();
boolean isPresent(const SysString& param_name);
long countTokens(const SysString& param);
boolean reset();
boolean preParse(long& olen, unichar* buffer, long ilen, long offset);
boolean assignName(const unichar* buffer, long clen);
boolean setString(SysString& str, STATE state) const;
reportIndexError(long param, long tag, long pos);
SofParser parser; String buffer; SysString pname(L"value"); String cname(L"Buffer"); // create an sof file // Sof sof0; String tmp_file; Integral::makeTemp(tmp_file); // open the file in write mode // sof0.open(tmp_file, File::WRITE_ONLY); // add an entry to sof file // sof0.put(cname, 0, Sof::ANY_SIZE); String data(L"value = some text;\n"); sof0.puts(data); sof0.close(); // open the file in read mode // sof0.open(tmp_file); // find object in index and make this current // sof0.find(cname, 0); // load the parser // parser.load(sof0); // read the elements // if (!parser.read(buffer, sof0, parser.getEntry(sof0, pname))) { return false; } // close the sof file // sof0.close(); buffer.debug(L"read this buffer");