# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ werkzeug.contrib.testtools ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This module implements extended wrappers for simplified testing. `TestResponse` A response wrapper which adds various cached attributes for simplified assertions on various content types. :copyright: (c) 2014 by the Werkzeug Team, see AUTHORS for more details. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. """ from werkzeug.utils import cached_property, import_string from werkzeug.wrappers import Response from warnings import warn warn(DeprecationWarning('werkzeug.contrib.testtools is deprecated and ' 'will be removed with Werkzeug 1.0')) class ContentAccessors(object): """ A mixin class for response objects that provides a couple of useful accessors for unittesting. """ def xml(self): """Get an etree if possible.""" if 'xml' not in self.mimetype: raise AttributeError( 'Not a XML response (Content-Type: %s)' % self.mimetype) for module in ['xml.etree.ElementTree', 'ElementTree', 'elementtree.ElementTree']: etree = import_string(module, silent=True) if etree is not None: return etree.XML(self.body) raise RuntimeError('You must have ElementTree installed ' 'to use TestResponse.xml') xml = cached_property(xml) def lxml(self): """Get an lxml etree if possible.""" if ('html' not in self.mimetype and 'xml' not in self.mimetype): raise AttributeError('Not an HTML/XML response') from lxml import etree try: from lxml.html import fromstring except ImportError: fromstring = etree.HTML if self.mimetype == 'text/html': return fromstring(self.data) return etree.XML(self.data) lxml = cached_property(lxml) def json(self): """Get the result of simplejson.loads if possible.""" if 'json' not in self.mimetype: raise AttributeError('Not a JSON response') try: from simplejson import loads except ImportError: from json import loads return loads(self.data) json = cached_property(json) class TestResponse(Response, ContentAccessors): """Pass this to `werkzeug.test.Client` for easier unittesting."""