"""Easy install Tests """ import sys import os import shutil import tempfile import unittest import site from setuptools.compat import StringIO, BytesIO, next from setuptools.compat import urlparse import textwrap import tarfile import distutils.core from setuptools.compat import StringIO, BytesIO, next, urlparse from setuptools.sandbox import run_setup, SandboxViolation from setuptools.command.easy_install import easy_install, fix_jython_executable, get_script_args from setuptools.command.easy_install import PthDistributions from setuptools.command import easy_install as easy_install_pkg from setuptools.dist import Distribution from pkg_resources import Distribution as PRDistribution import setuptools.tests.server try: # import multiprocessing solely for the purpose of testing its existence __import__('multiprocessing') import logging _LOG = logging.getLogger('test_easy_install') logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, stream=sys.stderr) _MULTIPROC = True except ImportError: _MULTIPROC = False _LOG = None class FakeDist(object): def get_entry_map(self, group): if group != 'console_scripts': return {} return {'name': 'ep'} def as_requirement(self): return 'spec' WANTED = """\ #!%s # EASY-INSTALL-ENTRY-SCRIPT: 'spec','console_scripts','name' __requires__ = 'spec' import sys from pkg_resources import load_entry_point if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit( load_entry_point('spec', 'console_scripts', 'name')() ) """ % fix_jython_executable(sys.executable, "") SETUP_PY = """\ from setuptools import setup setup(name='foo') """ class TestEasyInstallTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_install_site_py(self): dist = Distribution() cmd = easy_install(dist) cmd.sitepy_installed = False cmd.install_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: cmd.install_site_py() sitepy = os.path.join(cmd.install_dir, 'site.py') self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(sitepy)) finally: shutil.rmtree(cmd.install_dir) def test_get_script_args(self): dist = FakeDist() old_platform = sys.platform try: name, script = [i for i in next(get_script_args(dist))][0:2] finally: sys.platform = old_platform self.assertEqual(script, WANTED) def test_no_find_links(self): # new option '--no-find-links', that blocks find-links added at # the project level dist = Distribution() cmd = easy_install(dist) cmd.check_pth_processing = lambda: True cmd.no_find_links = True cmd.find_links = ['link1', 'link2'] cmd.install_dir = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(), 'ok') cmd.args = ['ok'] cmd.ensure_finalized() self.assertEqual(cmd.package_index.scanned_urls, {}) # let's try without it (default behavior) cmd = easy_install(dist) cmd.check_pth_processing = lambda: True cmd.find_links = ['link1', 'link2'] cmd.install_dir = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(), 'ok') cmd.args = ['ok'] cmd.ensure_finalized() keys = sorted(cmd.package_index.scanned_urls.keys()) self.assertEqual(keys, ['link1', 'link2']) class TestPTHFileWriter(unittest.TestCase): def test_add_from_cwd_site_sets_dirty(self): '''a pth file manager should set dirty if a distribution is in site but also the cwd ''' pth = PthDistributions('does-not_exist', [os.getcwd()]) self.assertTrue(not pth.dirty) pth.add(PRDistribution(os.getcwd())) self.assertTrue(pth.dirty) def test_add_from_site_is_ignored(self): if os.name != 'nt': location = '/test/location/does-not-have-to-exist' else: location = 'c:\\does_not_exist' pth = PthDistributions('does-not_exist', [location, ]) self.assertTrue(not pth.dirty) pth.add(PRDistribution(location)) self.assertTrue(not pth.dirty) class TestUserInstallTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() setup = os.path.join(self.dir, 'setup.py') f = open(setup, 'w') f.write(SETUP_PY) f.close() self.old_cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.dir) if sys.version >= "2.6": self.old_has_site = easy_install_pkg.HAS_USER_SITE self.old_file = easy_install_pkg.__file__ self.old_base = site.USER_BASE site.USER_BASE = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.old_site = site.USER_SITE site.USER_SITE = tempfile.mkdtemp() easy_install_pkg.__file__ = site.USER_SITE def tearDown(self): os.chdir(self.old_cwd) shutil.rmtree(self.dir) if sys.version >= "2.6": shutil.rmtree(site.USER_BASE) shutil.rmtree(site.USER_SITE) site.USER_BASE = self.old_base site.USER_SITE = self.old_site easy_install_pkg.HAS_USER_SITE = self.old_has_site easy_install_pkg.__file__ = self.old_file def test_user_install_implied(self): easy_install_pkg.HAS_USER_SITE = True # disabled sometimes #XXX: replace with something meaningfull if sys.version < "2.6": return #SKIP dist = Distribution() dist.script_name = 'setup.py' cmd = easy_install(dist) cmd.args = ['py'] cmd.ensure_finalized() self.assertTrue(cmd.user, 'user should be implied') def test_multiproc_atexit(self): if not _MULTIPROC: return _LOG.info('this should not break') def test_user_install_not_implied_without_usersite_enabled(self): easy_install_pkg.HAS_USER_SITE = False # usually enabled #XXX: replace with something meaningfull if sys.version < "2.6": return #SKIP dist = Distribution() dist.script_name = 'setup.py' cmd = easy_install(dist) cmd.args = ['py'] cmd.initialize_options() self.assertFalse(cmd.user, 'NOT user should be implied') def test_local_index(self): # make sure the local index is used # when easy_install looks for installed # packages new_location = tempfile.mkdtemp() target = tempfile.mkdtemp() egg_file = os.path.join(new_location, 'foo-1.0.egg-info') f = open(egg_file, 'w') try: f.write('Name: foo\n') finally: f.close() sys.path.append(target) old_ppath = os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH') os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = os.path.pathsep.join(sys.path) try: dist = Distribution() dist.script_name = 'setup.py' cmd = easy_install(dist) cmd.install_dir = target cmd.args = ['foo'] cmd.ensure_finalized() cmd.local_index.scan([new_location]) res = cmd.easy_install('foo') self.assertEqual(os.path.realpath(res.location), os.path.realpath(new_location)) finally: sys.path.remove(target) for basedir in [new_location, target, ]: if not os.path.exists(basedir) or not os.path.isdir(basedir): continue try: shutil.rmtree(basedir) except: pass if old_ppath is not None: os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = old_ppath else: del os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] def test_setup_requires(self): """Regression test for Distribute issue #318 Ensure that a package with setup_requires can be installed when setuptools is installed in the user site-packages without causing a SandboxViolation. """ test_setup_attrs = { 'name': 'test_pkg', 'version': '0.0', 'setup_requires': ['foobar'], 'dependency_links': [os.path.abspath(self.dir)] } test_pkg = os.path.join(self.dir, 'test_pkg') test_setup_py = os.path.join(test_pkg, 'setup.py') test_setup_cfg = os.path.join(test_pkg, 'setup.cfg') os.mkdir(test_pkg) f = open(test_setup_py, 'w') f.write(textwrap.dedent("""\ import setuptools setuptools.setup(**%r) """ % test_setup_attrs)) f.close() foobar_path = os.path.join(self.dir, 'foobar-0.1.tar.gz') make_trivial_sdist( foobar_path, textwrap.dedent("""\ import setuptools setuptools.setup( name='foobar', version='0.1' ) """)) old_stdout = sys.stdout old_stderr = sys.stderr sys.stdout = StringIO() sys.stderr = StringIO() try: try: reset_setup_stop_context( lambda: run_setup(test_setup_py, ['install']) ) except SandboxViolation: self.fail('Installation caused SandboxViolation') finally: sys.stdout = old_stdout sys.stderr = old_stderr class TestSetupRequires(unittest.TestCase): def test_setup_requires_honors_fetch_params(self): """ When easy_install installs a source distribution which specifies setup_requires, it should honor the fetch parameters (such as allow-hosts, index-url, and find-links). """ # set up a server which will simulate an alternate package index. p_index = setuptools.tests.server.MockServer() p_index.start() netloc = 1 p_index_loc = urlparse(p_index.url)[netloc] if p_index_loc.endswith(':0'): # Some platforms (Jython) don't find a port to which to bind, # so skip this test for them. return # I realize this is all-but-impossible to read, because it was # ported from some well-factored, safe code using 'with'. If you # need to maintain this code, consider making the changes in # the parent revision (of this comment) and then port the changes # back for Python 2.4 (or deprecate Python 2.4). def install(dist_file): def install_at(temp_install_dir): def install_env(): ei_params = ['--index-url', p_index.url, '--allow-hosts', p_index_loc, '--exclude-scripts', '--install-dir', temp_install_dir, dist_file] def install_clean_reset(): def install_clean_argv(): # attempt to install the dist. It should fail because # it doesn't exist. self.assertRaises(SystemExit, easy_install_pkg.main, ei_params) argv_context(install_clean_argv, ['easy_install']) reset_setup_stop_context(install_clean_reset) environment_context(install_env, PYTHONPATH=temp_install_dir) tempdir_context(install_at) # create an sdist that has a build-time dependency. self.create_sdist(install) # there should have been two or three requests to the server # (three happens on Python 3.3a) self.assertTrue(2 <= len(p_index.requests) <= 3) self.assertEqual(p_index.requests[0].path, '/does-not-exist/') def create_sdist(self, installer): """ Create an sdist with a setup_requires dependency (of something that doesn't exist) and invoke installer on it. """ def build_sdist(dir): dist_path = os.path.join(dir, 'setuptools-test-fetcher-1.0.tar.gz') make_trivial_sdist( dist_path, textwrap.dedent(""" import setuptools setuptools.setup( name="setuptools-test-fetcher", version="1.0", setup_requires = ['does-not-exist'], ) """).lstrip()) installer(dist_path) tempdir_context(build_sdist) def make_trivial_sdist(dist_path, setup_py): """Create a simple sdist tarball at dist_path, containing just a setup.py, the contents of which are provided by the setup_py string. """ setup_py_file = tarfile.TarInfo(name='setup.py') try: # Python 3 (StringIO gets converted to io module) MemFile = BytesIO except AttributeError: MemFile = StringIO setup_py_bytes = MemFile(setup_py.encode('utf-8')) setup_py_file.size = len(setup_py_bytes.getvalue()) dist = tarfile.open(dist_path, 'w:gz') try: dist.addfile(setup_py_file, fileobj=setup_py_bytes) finally: dist.close() def tempdir_context(f, cd=lambda dir:None): """ Invoke f in the context """ temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() orig_dir = os.getcwd() try: cd(temp_dir) f(temp_dir) finally: cd(orig_dir) shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) def environment_context(f, **updates): """ Invoke f in the context """ old_env = os.environ.copy() os.environ.update(updates) try: f() finally: for key in updates: del os.environ[key] os.environ.update(old_env) def argv_context(f, repl): """ Invoke f in the context """ old_argv = sys.argv[:] sys.argv[:] = repl try: f() finally: sys.argv[:] = old_argv def reset_setup_stop_context(f): """ When the setuptools tests are run using setup.py test, and then one wants to invoke another setup() command (such as easy_install) within those tests, it's necessary to reset the global variable in distutils.core so that the setup() command will run naturally. """ setup_stop_after = distutils.core._setup_stop_after distutils.core._setup_stop_after = None try: f() finally: distutils.core._setup_stop_after = setup_stop_after