# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2013 Vinay Sajip. # Licensed to the Python Software Foundation under a contributor agreement. # See LICENSE.txt and CONTRIBUTORS.txt. # from __future__ import unicode_literals import base64 import codecs import datetime import distutils.util from email import message_from_file import hashlib import imp import json import logging import os import posixpath import re import shutil import sys import tempfile import zipfile from . import DistlibException from .compat import sysconfig, ZipFile, fsdecode, text_type, filter from .database import DistributionPath, InstalledDistribution from .metadata import Metadata from .scripts import ScriptMaker from .util import (FileOperator, convert_path, CSVReader, CSVWriter, cached_property, get_cache_base) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if hasattr(sys, 'pypy_version_info'): IMP_PREFIX = 'pp' elif sys.platform.startswith('java'): IMP_PREFIX = 'jy' elif sys.platform == 'cli': IMP_PREFIX = 'ip' else: IMP_PREFIX = 'cp' VER_SUFFIX = sysconfig.get_config_var('py_version_nodot') if not VER_SUFFIX: # pragma: no cover VER_SUFFIX = '%s%s' % sys.version_info[:2] PYVER = 'py' + VER_SUFFIX IMPVER = IMP_PREFIX + VER_SUFFIX ARCH = distutils.util.get_platform().replace('-', '_').replace('.', '_') ABI = sysconfig.get_config_var('SOABI') if ABI and ABI.startswith('cpython-'): ABI = ABI.replace('cpython-', 'cp') else: ABI = 'none' FILENAME_RE = re.compile(r''' (?P[^-]+) -(?P\d+[^-]*) (-(?P\d+[^-]*))? -(?P\w+\d+(\.\w+\d+)*) -(?P\w+) -(?P\w+) \.whl$ ''', re.IGNORECASE | re.VERBOSE) NAME_VERSION_RE = re.compile(r''' (?P[^-]+) -(?P\d+[^-]*) (-(?P\d+[^-]*))?$ ''', re.IGNORECASE | re.VERBOSE) SHEBANG_RE = re.compile(br'\s*#![^\r\n]*') if os.sep == '/': to_posix = lambda o: o else: to_posix = lambda o: o.replace(os.sep, '/') class Mounter(object): def __init__(self): self.impure_wheels = {} self.libs = {} def add(self, pathname, extensions): self.impure_wheels[pathname] = extensions self.libs.update(extensions) def remove(self, pathname): extensions = self.impure_wheels.pop(pathname) for k, v in extensions: if k in self.libs: del self.libs[k] def find_module(self, fullname, path=None): if fullname in self.libs: result = self else: result = None return result def load_module(self, fullname): if fullname in sys.modules: result = sys.modules[fullname] else: if fullname not in self.libs: raise ImportError('unable to find extension for %s' % fullname) result = imp.load_dynamic(fullname, self.libs[fullname]) result.__loader__ = self result.__package__, _ = fullname.rsplit('.', 1) return result _hook = Mounter() class Wheel(object): """ Class to build and install from Wheel files (PEP 427). """ wheel_version = (1, 0) hash_kind = 'sha256' def __init__(self, filename=None, sign=False, verify=False): """ Initialise an instance using a (valid) filename. """ self.sign = sign self.verify = verify self.buildver = '' self.pyver = [PYVER] self.abi = ['none'] self.arch = ['any'] self.dirname = os.getcwd() if filename is None: self.name = 'dummy' self.version = '0.1' self._filename = self.filename else: m = NAME_VERSION_RE.match(filename) if m: info = m.groupdict('') self.name = info['nm'] self.version = info['vn'] self.buildver = info['bn'] self._filename = self.filename else: dirname, filename = os.path.split(filename) m = FILENAME_RE.match(filename) if not m: raise DistlibException('Invalid name or ' 'filename: %r' % filename) if dirname: self.dirname = os.path.abspath(dirname) self._filename = filename info = m.groupdict('') self.name = info['nm'] self.version = info['vn'] self.buildver = info['bn'] self.pyver = info['py'].split('.') self.abi = info['bi'].split('.') self.arch = info['ar'].split('.') @property def filename(self): """ Build and return a filename from the various components. """ if self.buildver: buildver = '-' + self.buildver else: buildver = '' pyver = '.'.join(self.pyver) abi = '.'.join(self.abi) arch = '.'.join(self.arch) return '%s-%s%s-%s-%s-%s.whl' % (self.name, self.version, buildver, pyver, abi, arch) @property def tags(self): for pyver in self.pyver: for abi in self.abi: for arch in self.arch: yield pyver, abi, arch @cached_property def metadata(self): pathname = os.path.join(self.dirname, self.filename) name_ver = '%s-%s' % (self.name, self.version) info_dir = '%s.dist-info' % name_ver metadata_filename = posixpath.join(info_dir, 'METADATA') wrapper = codecs.getreader('utf-8') with ZipFile(pathname, 'r') as zf: with zf.open(metadata_filename) as bf: wf = wrapper(bf) result = Metadata() result.read_file(wf) return result @cached_property def info(self): pathname = os.path.join(self.dirname, self.filename) name_ver = '%s-%s' % (self.name, self.version) info_dir = '%s.dist-info' % name_ver metadata_filename = posixpath.join(info_dir, 'WHEEL') wrapper = codecs.getreader('utf-8') with ZipFile(pathname, 'r') as zf: with zf.open(metadata_filename) as bf: wf = wrapper(bf) message = message_from_file(wf) result = dict(message) return result def process_shebang(self, data): m = SHEBANG_RE.match(data) if m: data = b'#!python' + data[m.end():] else: cr = data.find(b'\r') lf = data.find(b'\n') if cr < 0 or cr > lf: term = b'\n' else: if data[cr:cr + 2] == b'\r\n': term = b'\r\n' else: term = b'\r' data = b'#!python' + term + data return data def get_hash(self, data, hash_kind=None): if hash_kind is None: hash_kind = self.hash_kind try: hasher = getattr(hashlib, hash_kind) except AttributeError: raise DistlibException('Unsupported hash algorithm: %r' % hash_kind) result = hasher(data).digest() result = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(result).rstrip(b'=').decode('ascii') return hash_kind, result def write_record(self, records, record_path, base): with CSVWriter(record_path) as writer: for row in records: writer.writerow(row) p = to_posix(os.path.relpath(record_path, base)) writer.writerow((p, '', '')) def build(self, paths, tags=None): """ Build a wheel from files in specified paths, and use any specified tags when determining the name of the wheel. """ if tags is None: tags = {} libkey = list(filter(lambda o: o in paths, ('purelib', 'platlib')))[0] if libkey == 'platlib': is_pure = 'false' default_pyver = [IMPVER] default_abi = [ABI] default_arch = [ARCH] else: is_pure = 'true' default_pyver = [PYVER] default_abi = ['none'] default_arch = ['any'] self.pyver = tags.get('pyver', default_pyver) self.abi = tags.get('abi', default_abi) self.arch = tags.get('arch', default_arch) libdir = paths[libkey] name_ver = '%s-%s' % (self.name, self.version) data_dir = '%s.data' % name_ver info_dir = '%s.dist-info' % name_ver archive_paths = [] # First, stuff which is not in site-packages for key in ('data', 'headers', 'scripts'): if key not in paths: continue path = paths[key] if os.path.isdir(path): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for fn in files: p = fsdecode(os.path.join(root, fn)) rp = os.path.relpath(p, path) ap = to_posix(os.path.join(data_dir, key, rp)) archive_paths.append((ap, p)) if key == 'scripts' and not p.endswith('.exe'): with open(p, 'rb') as f: data = f.read() data = self.process_shebang(data) with open(p, 'wb') as f: f.write(data) # Now, stuff which is in site-packages, other than the # distinfo stuff. path = libdir distinfo = None for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): if root == path: # At the top level only, save distinfo for later # and skip it for now for i, dn in enumerate(dirs): dn = fsdecode(dn) if dn.endswith('.dist-info'): distinfo = os.path.join(root, dn) del dirs[i] break assert distinfo, '.dist-info directory expected, not found' for fn in files: # comment out next suite to leave .pyc files in if fsdecode(fn).endswith(('.pyc', '.pyo')): continue p = os.path.join(root, fn) rp = to_posix(os.path.relpath(p, path)) archive_paths.append((rp, p)) # Now distinfo. Assumed to be flat, i.e. os.listdir is enough. files = os.listdir(distinfo) for fn in files: if fn not in ('RECORD', 'INSTALLER', 'SHARED'): p = fsdecode(os.path.join(distinfo, fn)) ap = to_posix(os.path.join(info_dir, fn)) archive_paths.append((ap, p)) import distlib wheel_metadata = [ 'Wheel-Version: %d.%d' % self.wheel_version, 'Generator: distlib %s' % distlib.__version__, 'Root-Is-Purelib: %s' % is_pure, ] for pyver, abi, arch in self.tags: wheel_metadata.append('Tag: %s-%s-%s' % (pyver, abi, arch)) p = os.path.join(distinfo, 'WHEEL') with open(p, 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join(wheel_metadata)) ap = to_posix(os.path.join(info_dir, 'WHEEL')) archive_paths.append((ap, p)) # Now, at last, RECORD. # Paths in here are archive paths - nothing else makes sense. records = [] hasher = getattr(hashlib, self.hash_kind) for ap, p in archive_paths: with open(p, 'rb') as f: data = f.read() digest = '%s=%s' % self.get_hash(data) size = os.path.getsize(p) records.append((ap, digest, size)) p = os.path.join(distinfo, 'RECORD') self.write_record(records, p, libdir) ap = to_posix(os.path.join(info_dir, 'RECORD')) archive_paths.append((ap, p)) # Now, ready to build the zip file pathname = os.path.join(self.dirname, self.filename) with ZipFile(pathname, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zf: for ap, p in archive_paths: logger.debug('Wrote %s to %s in wheel', p, ap) zf.write(p, ap) return pathname def install(self, paths, dry_run=False, executable=None, warner=None): """ Install a wheel to the specified paths. If ``executable`` is specified, it should be the Unicode absolute path the to the executable written into the shebang lines of any scripts installed. If ``warner`` is specified, it should be a callable, which will be called with two tuples indicating the wheel version of this software and the wheel version in the file, if there is a discrepancy in the versions. This can be used to issue any warnings to raise any exceptions. """ pathname = os.path.join(self.dirname, self.filename) name_ver = '%s-%s' % (self.name, self.version) data_dir = '%s.data' % name_ver info_dir = '%s.dist-info' % name_ver wheel_metadata_name = posixpath.join(info_dir, 'WHEEL') record_name = posixpath.join(info_dir, 'RECORD') wrapper = codecs.getreader('utf-8') with ZipFile(pathname, 'r') as zf: with zf.open(wheel_metadata_name) as bwf: wf = wrapper(bwf) message = message_from_file(wf) wv = message['Wheel-Version'].split('.', 1) file_version = tuple([int(i) for i in wv]) if (file_version != self.wheel_version) and warner: warner(self.wheel_version, file_version) if message['Root-Is-Purelib'] == 'true': libdir = paths['purelib'] else: libdir = paths['platlib'] records = {} with zf.open(record_name) as bf: with CSVReader(record_name, stream=bf) as reader: for row in reader: p = row[0] records[p] = row data_pfx = posixpath.join(data_dir, '') script_pfx = posixpath.join(data_dir, 'scripts', '') fileop = FileOperator(dry_run=dry_run) fileop.record = True # so we can rollback if needed bc = not sys.dont_write_bytecode # Double negatives. Lovely! outfiles = [] # for RECORD writing # for script copying/shebang processing workdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() # set target dir later # we default add_launchers to False, as the # Python Launcher should be used instead maker = ScriptMaker(workdir, None, fileop=fileop, add_launchers=False) maker.executable = executable try: for zinfo in zf.infolist(): arcname = zinfo.filename if isinstance(arcname, text_type): u_arcname = arcname else: u_arcname = arcname.decode('utf-8') row = records[u_arcname] if row[2] and str(zinfo.file_size) != row[2]: raise DistlibException('size mismatch for ' '%s' % u_arcname) if row[1]: kind, value = row[1].split('=', 1) with zf.open(arcname) as bf: data = bf.read() _, digest = self.get_hash(data, kind) if digest != value: raise DistlibException('digest mismatch for ' '%s' % arcname) is_script = (u_arcname.startswith(script_pfx) and not u_arcname.endswith('.exe')) if u_arcname.startswith(data_pfx): _, where, rp = u_arcname.split('/', 2) outfile = os.path.join(paths[where], convert_path(rp)) else: # meant for site-packages. if u_arcname in (wheel_metadata_name, record_name): continue outfile = os.path.join(libdir, convert_path(u_arcname)) if not is_script: with zf.open(arcname) as bf: fileop.copy_stream(bf, outfile) outfiles.append(outfile) # Double check the digest of the written file if not dry_run and row[1]: with open(outfile, 'rb') as bf: data = bf.read() _, newdigest = self.get_hash(data, kind) if newdigest != digest: raise DistlibException('digest mismatch ' 'on write for ' '%s' % outfile) if bc and outfile.endswith('.py'): try: pyc = fileop.byte_compile(outfile) outfiles.append(pyc) except Exception: # Don't give up if byte-compilation fails, # but log it and perhaps warn the user logger.warning('Byte-compilation failed', exc_info=True) else: fn = os.path.basename(convert_path(arcname)) workname = os.path.join(workdir, fn) with zf.open(arcname) as bf: fileop.copy_stream(bf, workname) dn, fn = os.path.split(outfile) maker.target_dir = dn filenames = maker.make(fn) fileop.set_executable_mode(filenames) outfiles.extend(filenames) p = os.path.join(libdir, info_dir) dist = InstalledDistribution(p) # Write SHARED paths = dict(paths) # don't change passed in dict del paths['purelib'] del paths['platlib'] paths['lib'] = libdir p = dist.write_shared_locations(paths, dry_run) outfiles.append(p) # Write RECORD dist.write_installed_files(outfiles, paths['prefix'], dry_run) return dist except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover logger.exception('installation failed.') fileop.rollback() raise finally: shutil.rmtree(workdir) def _get_dylib_cache(self): result = os.path.join(get_cache_base(), 'dylib-cache') if not os.path.isdir(result): os.makedirs(result) return result def _get_extensions(self): pathname = os.path.join(self.dirname, self.filename) name_ver = '%s-%s' % (self.name, self.version) info_dir = '%s.dist-info' % name_ver arcname = posixpath.join(info_dir, 'EXTENSIONS') wrapper = codecs.getreader('utf-8') result = [] with ZipFile(pathname, 'r') as zf: try: with zf.open(arcname) as bf: wf = wrapper(bf) extensions = json.load(wf) cache_base = self._get_dylib_cache() for name, relpath in extensions.items(): dest = os.path.join(cache_base, convert_path(relpath)) if not os.path.exists(dest): extract = True else: file_time = os.stat(dest).st_mtime file_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(file_time) info = zf.getinfo(relpath) wheel_time = datetime.datetime(*info.date_time) extract = wheel_time > file_time if extract: zf.extract(relpath, cache_base) result.append((name, dest)) except KeyError: pass return result def mount(self, append=False): pathname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.dirname, self.filename)) if not is_compatible(self): msg = 'Wheel %s not mountable in this Python.' % pathname raise DistlibException(msg) if pathname in sys.path: logger.debug('%s already in path', pathname) else: if append: sys.path.append(pathname) else: sys.path.insert(0, pathname) extensions = self._get_extensions() if extensions: if _hook not in sys.meta_path: sys.meta_path.append(_hook) _hook.add(pathname, extensions) def unmount(self): pathname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.dirname, self.filename)) if pathname not in sys.path: logger.debug('%s not in path', pathname) else: sys.path.remove(pathname) if pathname in _hook.impure_wheels: _hook.remove(pathname) if not _hook.impure_wheels: if _hook in sys.meta_path: sys.meta_path.remove(_hook) def compatible_tags(): """ Return (pyver, abi, arch) tuples compatible with this Python. """ versions = [VER_SUFFIX] major = VER_SUFFIX[0] for minor in range(sys.version_info[1] - 1, - 1, -1): versions.append(''.join([major, str(minor)])) abis = [] for suffix, _, _ in imp.get_suffixes(): if suffix.startswith('.abi'): abis.append(suffix.split('.', 2)[1]) abis.sort() if ABI != 'none': abis.insert(0, ABI) abis.append('none') result = [] # Most specific - our Python version, ABI and arch for abi in abis: result.append((''.join((IMP_PREFIX, versions[0])), abi, ARCH)) # where no ABI / arch dependency, but IMP_PREFIX dependency for i, version in enumerate(versions): result.append((''.join((IMP_PREFIX, version)), 'none', 'any')) if i == 0: result.append((''.join((IMP_PREFIX, version[0])), 'none', 'any')) # no IMP_PREFIX, ABI or arch dependency for i, version in enumerate(versions): result.append((''.join(('py', version)), 'none', 'any')) if i == 0: result.append((''.join(('py', version[0])), 'none', 'any')) return result COMPATIBLE_TAGS = compatible_tags() del compatible_tags def is_compatible(wheel, tags=None): if not isinstance(wheel, Wheel): wheel = Wheel(wheel) # assume it's a filename result = False if tags is None: tags = COMPATIBLE_TAGS for ver, abi, arch in tags: if ver in wheel.pyver and abi in wheel.abi and arch in wheel.arch: result = True break return result