The purpose of this experiment was to analyze phonetic classification accuracy using feature vectors composed of standard MFCCs and nonlinear invariants. Three invariants are tested: lyapunov exponents, correlation dimension, and correlation entropy. Phone classification was performed on each frame of the WSJ corpus (5427149 frames total) for different combinations of features. The different combinations tested were: ./exp_xx exp_01: MFCCs + energy (baseline) exp_02: correlation dimension exp_03: lyapunov exp_04: correlation entropy exp_05: MFCCs + energy + correlation dimension exp_06: MFCCs + energy + lyapunov exp_07: MFCCs + energy + correlation entropy exp_08: correlation dimension + lyapunov + correlation entropy exp_09: MFCCs + correlation dimension + lyapunov + correlation entropy The figures in the 'exp_xx' directory show classification counts for each phone. ./compare The figures in the 'compare' directory show a classification accuracy comparision between 6 of the feature combinations. From left to right, the order is exp_01, exp_05, exp_06, exp_07, exp_08, and exp_09. The baseline accuracy is in the foreground of each bar for easy comparison. ./confusion_matrices These are a first attempt at generating the normalized confusion matrices. The lighter the color, the higher the classification count.