
In-Vehicle Publications and Presentations: This section contains a list of presentations and publications that have been developed by the In-Vehicle Dialog Team.

  • J. Picone, "Introducing Human and Systems Engineering at the Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems," Department of Defense, June 8, 2004 [ppt].

  • J. Baca, "Spoken Language Dialog Systems," Department of Computer Science and Engineering Graduate Seminar, March 3, 2004 [ppt].

  • J. Picone, "Applications of Risk Minimization to Speech Recognition," Department of Computer Science and Engineering, February 11, 2004 [ppt].

  • J. Baca, J. Picone, "Voice Dialog Systems," CAVS Open House, November 4, 2003 [ppt].

  • J. Baca, F. Zheng, H. Gao, and J. Picone, "Dialog Systems for Automotive Environments," European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, pp. 1929-1932, Geneva, Switzerland, September 2003 [pdf, doc, ppt].

  • J. Baca, "Overview of Voice Dialog Research in CAVS," Computer Science Advisory Board Meeting, April 24, 2003 [ppt].

  • J. Baca, "Research Challenges for Spoken Language Dialog Systems," Computer Science Seminar, November 2002 [ppt].

  • F. Zheng, "An In-Car Dialog System for Navigation," ECE Seminar, October 2002 [html].

  • F. Zheng, J. Hamaker, F. Goodman, B. George, N. Parihar, and J. Picone, "The ISIP 2001 NRL Evaluation for Recognition of Speech in Noisy Environments," presented at the Speech In Noisy Environments (SPINE) Workshop, Orlando, Florida, USA, November 2001 [html].

  • B. George, B. Necioglu, J. Picone, G. Shuttic, and R. Sundaram, "The 2000 NRL Evaluation for Recognition of Speech in Noisy Environments," presented at the Speech In Noisy Environments (SPINE) Workshop, Naval Research Laboratory, Alexandria, Virginia, USA, October, 2000 [html].

Related Papers: This section contains papers related to dialog systems in general.

  • J. Baca and J. Picone, "Effects of Navigational Displayless Interfaces on User Prosodics," accepted for publication in Speech Communication, Spring 2005 [doc].

  • J. Baca, D. Brown, and J. Picone, "Spoken Language Dialog Systems for E-Learning Applications," submitted to International Journal of Speech Technology, October 2004.

Project Reports: This section contains reports that have not been reviewed but have been very useful in the development of our research.

  • Miao Liu, "Issues on mobile computing field," Mississippi State University, February 20, 2006 [doc].

  • Miao Liu, "List of papers in mobile computing field" Mississippi State University, February 20, 2006 [doc].

  • Wesley Holland, "Handheld Device Review for Mobile Computing Research" Mississippi State University, February 2, 2006 [doc].