this section contains some reviews of the papers that
published in mobile application area.
- C. Schmandt, K. H. Lee, J. Kim, and M. Ackerman,
"Impromptu: Managing Networked Audio Application for Mobile
Users", In Second International Conference on Mobile
Systems, Applications, and Services,
June 6-9, 2004, pp. 59 - 69.
- C. Schmandt, J. Kim, K. Lee, G. Vallejo, and M. Ackerman,
"Mediated Voice Communication via Mobile IP", in
Proceedings of UIST,
2002, pp. 141 - 150.
- A. Solon, P. Mckevitt, and K. Curran,
"Mobile MultiModal Presentation", in Proceedings of the
12th ACM International Conference on Multimedia,
October 10-16,
- E. Kangas, T. Kinnunen,
"Applying User-centered Design to Mobile Application
Development," Communications of the ACM, vol. 48, pp. 55-59,
July 2005.
- J. Preece, Y. Rogers, and H. Sharp,
"A Product Design Process for Internet Appliances,"
Interaction Design : Beyond Human-computer Interaction,
Phoenix Color Corp. pp 191-192.
- A. Khella, B. B. Bederson,
"Pocket PhotoMesa: A Zoomable Image Browser for PDA",
MUM 2004, Oct, 27-29.
- D. Raptis, N. Tselios, N. Avourism,
"Context-based Design of Mobile Applications for
Museums: A Survey of Existing Practices", MobileHCI,
Sep. 2005.
- S. Burigat, L. Chittaro,
"Visualizing the Results of Interactive Queries for
Geographic Data on Mobile Devices ", GIS, Bremen,