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HTK Tutorials

TI Short Tutorial:

This tutorial is designed to be used with the folder hierarchy and files contained in "HTK_tutorialTemplate" which can be found in the Downloads tab. Rather than accidentally copying over this framework, copy the folder HTK_tutorialTemplate and rename it as "htk_tutorial". For our purposes we save this folder in the directory /usr/local/isip/exp/ although any directory can be used (be sure to make any necessary changes to path names in the given files if you use a different directory).

Shell scripts are written and provided in the HTK_tutorialTemplate but for learning purposes each step in the speech recognition system is outlined below.

*If an error occurs indicating that "Permission is denied" try typing the following:

chmod 755 fileName (EX. chmod 755 prompts2mlf or chmod 755 *.pl)

Data Preparation Training Decoding