package; import*; import java.util.*; import java.text.*; import java.sql.*; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; // This file displays a user's Holdings and the startup Member page // when a user logs in. public class Portfolio extends HttpServlet { // Initialize BullyDB Object static BullyDB sessionbase = new BullyDB(); // System parameters are stored in the database, retrieve the values // through the BullyDB object. static String SystemURL = sessionbase.getURL(); static String ServletURL = sessionbase.getServletURL(); static String SystemEmail = sessionbase.getEmail(); static String SystemPath = sessionbase.getPath(); static String SystemName = sessionbase.getName(); static String SystemShortName = sessionbase.getShortName(); public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { // Initialize variables String AccountId = (String)null; String task = request.getParameter("task"); // Get user's session HttpSession session = request.getSession(); String SessionId = session.getId(); // Retrieve AccountId AccountId = sessionbase.getAccountId(SessionId); if (AccountId == null) { // User must not be logged in. Redirect accordingly. response.sendRedirect(ServletURL + ".nonMember?task=LI&Type=1"); } else { // Make sure user isn't locked if (sessionbase.checkAccount(SessionId)) { task = "Locked"; } if (task == null) { String query = (String)null; ResultSet result = null; String Type = (String)null; // No task specified, simply display the user's Holdings // Set up the output stream response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); // Print top section sessionbase.printTop(out, 2); out.println("\"BSE
"); // Check the type of user. If this is a regular user, // use the BullyDB showHoldings method. If it is a // company, use the BullyDB showCompany. query = "select Type from Account where AccountId = " + sessionbase.getAccountId(SessionId); result = sessionbase.doQuery(query); try { while ( { Type = result.getString("Type"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (Type.equals("U")) { out.println("
"); sessionbase.showHoldings(out, 1, SessionId); out.println("
"); } else { out.println("
"); sessionbase.showCompany(out, SessionId); out.println("
"); } // Print bottom section sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 1); out.close(); } else if(task.equals("Locked")) { String Reason = (String)null; // Set up the output stream response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); String query = "select Reason from Locks where AccountId = " + sessionbase.getAccountId(SessionId); ResultSet result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { Reason = result.getString("Reason"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } sessionbase.printTop(out, 2); out.println("\"BSE
"); out.println("

Error: Account Locked

"); out.println("Your account is currently locked.
"); out.println(Reason); out.println("
Email " + SystemEmail + " with any questions."); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 1); out.close(); sessionbase.doLogout(SessionId); session.invalidate(); } else if(task.equals("Members")) { // When a member logs in, they are redirected to this // section. // Set up output stream response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); String Name = (String)null; String query = (String)null; ResultSet result = null; // Retrieve user's first name Name = sessionbase.getFname(SessionId); sessionbase.printTop(out, 1); out.println("\"BSE
"); // Check the User Type. Username will be displayed for Company Users. String Type = ""; query = "select Type from Account where AccountId = " + sessionbase.getAccountId(SessionId); result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { Type = result.getString("Type"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (Type.equals("C")) { out.println("Welcome, " + sessionbase.getUsername(SessionId) + "! Here is a summary of today's market activity, pulled live from our chart generation site.

"); } else { out.println("Welcome, " + Name + "! Here is a summary of today's market activity, pulled live from our chart generation site.

"); } sessionbase.displayGraph(out, "1", "SYS", 0); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 1); out.close(); } else if(task.equals("history")) { // ****************** // Not currently used // ****************** String query = (String)null; String Symbol = request.getParameter("Symbol"); String Trans = (String)null; String name = (String)null; java.util.Date transDate = new java.util.Date(); java.util.Date transTime = new java.util.Date(); int numShares = 0; double shareCost = 0.00; ResultSet result = null; Locale locale = new Locale("en","US"); // Set up decimal formatting for digits. // This will force at least $0.00. DecimalFormat curFormat = new DecimalFormat("$###,###,##0.00"); // Set the format for time and date DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG, locale); DateFormat timeFormat = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, locale); // Set up output stream response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); query = "select Name from Companies where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while( { name = result.getString("Name"); } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } query = "select * from Trades where AccountId = " + AccountId + " and Symbol = '" + Symbol + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); sessionbase.printTop(out, 2); out.println("\"BSE
"); out.println("Personal Trading History of " + name + "(" + Symbol + ")
"); out.println(""); out.println(""); try { while( { Trans = result.getString("Trans"); numShares = result.getInt("NumShares"); shareCost = result.getDouble("TradedAt"); transDate = result.getDate("Dtime"); transTime = result.getTime("Dtime"); if(Trans.equals("B")) { Trans = "Buy"; } else { Trans = "Sell"; } out.println(""); } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } out.println("
Transaction DateTransaction TypeNumber of SharesTrade Cost
" + dateFormat.format(transDate) + "
" + timeFormat.format(transTime) + "
" + Trans + "" + numShares + "" + curFormat.format(shareCost) + "
"); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 1); } } } public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { // A user shouldn't be here. Nothing fancy, just display Error response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); out.println("Error"); out.close(); } static public void reload() { SystemURL = sessionbase.getURL(); ServletURL = sessionbase.getServletURL(); SystemEmail = sessionbase.getEmail(); SystemPath = sessionbase.getPath(); SystemName = sessionbase.getName(); SystemShortName = sessionbase.getShortName(); } }