package; import*; import java.util.*; import java.text.*; import java.sql.*; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // // This file handles all of the Administrative features and abilities // within the Exchange. // public class Admin extends HttpServlet { static BullyDB sessionbase = new BullyDB(); // Initialize System variables. These load the parameters from the // Parameters table. static String SystemURL = sessionbase.getURL(); static String ServletURL = sessionbase.getServletURL(); static String SystemEmail = sessionbase.getEmail(); static String SystemPath = sessionbase.getPath(); static String SystemName = sessionbase.getName(); static String SystemShortName = sessionbase.getShortName(); static String SystemFreeze = sessionbase.getFreezeStatus(); static String SystemLock = sessionbase.getLockStatus(); public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { // Initialize variables String query = (String)null; String AccountId = (String)null; String task = request.getParameter("task"); String Symbol = (String)null; String Owner = (String)null; String Trans = (String)null; String userName = (String)null; int Shares = 0; double Cost = 0.00; ResultSet result = null; // Set up decimal formatting for digits. This will force at least 0.00. DecimalFormat curFormat = new DecimalFormat("$##,###,###,###,###,##0.00"); DecimalFormat numFormat = new DecimalFormat("################0.00"); DecimalFormat intFormat = new DecimalFormat("################0"); // Initialize the output stream response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); HttpSession session = request.getSession(); String SessionId = session.getId(); // Retrieve AccountId AccountId = sessionbase.getAccountId(SessionId); if ( AccountId == null || !AccountId.equals("1") ) { response.sendRedirect(ServletURL + ".nonMember?task=LI&Type=1"); } else { if (task == null) { // Default action, display the main Administrative page sessionbase.printTop(out, 21); out.println("\"Admin\"
"); out.println("Welcome to the Bulldog Stock Exchange
"); out.println("Please select an Administrative option from the list above or choose a task from the links to the left.

"); out.println("From here you can go to the " + SystemName + " Parameters.

"); if (SystemFreeze.equals("N")) { out.println("Freeze all trading on " + SystemName + ".
"); out.println("This will prevent any trading from taking place. Users can still
"); out.println("log in but will not be able to buy or sell.

"); } else { out.println("Allow trading on " + SystemName + ".
"); out.println("This will allow buying and selling to resume.

"); } if (SystemLock.equals("N")) { out.println("Lock " + SystemName + ".
"); out.println("This will prevent anyone from being able to log in.
"); } else { out.println("Unlock " + SystemName + ".
"); out.println("This will allow users to log in.
"); } sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("showOwners")) { Symbol = request.getParameter("Symbol"); String Name = (String)null; ResultSet users = null; query = "select Name from Companies where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { Name = result.getString("Name"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } query = "select Username from Account where Username != 'root' order by Username"; users = sessionbase.doQuery(query); sessionbase.printTop(out, 25); out.println("\"Admin\"
"); out.println("View Owners of " + Name + "(" + Symbol + ")
"); try { while ( { userName = users.getString("Username"); query = "select NumShares, Trans from " + userName + " where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "' and Trans = 'C' or Symbol = '" + Symbol + "' and Trans = 'S' or Symbol = '" + Symbol + "' and Trans = 'FS' order by Trans"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); int userShares = 0; Trans = (String)null; while ( { userShares = result.getInt("NumShares"); Trans = result.getString("Trans"); if (Trans.equals("C")) { out.println("User " + userName + " owns " + userShares + " shares.
"); } else { out.println("User " + userName + " is selling " + userShares + " shares.
"); } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("confirmresetUsers")) { // We will need to change all user Balances to the default values // keeping in mind User and Company have different defaults. Then // all user holdings will be removed and given back to the Company. String Username = (String)null; // Loop through the list of regular users query = "select AccountId from Account where AccountId != 1 and Type != 'C'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query); try { while ( { Username = result.getString("AccountId"); deleteHoldings(Username); resetBalance(Username, "U"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Cycle through all Company users to reset their balance query = "select AccountId from Account where Type = 'C'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query); try { while ( { Username = result.getString("AccountId"); resetBalance(Username, "C"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Delete all Frozen transactions query = "delete from Frozen"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query); // Everything should be done, print a success message sessionbase.printTop(out, 21); out.println("\"Admin\"
"); out.println("Clear Holdings Complete
"); out.println("All user holdings have been cleared from " + SystemName + "
"); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("confirmresetQueues")) { // All pending or frozen sales will be deleted and the Selling shares // will be restored to the original owner. ResultSet result2 = null; // First loop through all Company Queue tables then go through // the Frozen table. Lastly, all User tables, deleting their // pending and frozen jobs query = "select Symbol from Companies where Symbol != 'SYS'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query); try { while ( { Symbol = result.getString("Symbol"); // Delete all Buy offers query = "delete from qt" + Symbol.toLowerCase() + " where Trans = 'B'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query); // Restore all Sell offers to the user query = "select AccountId, NumShares from qt" + Symbol.toLowerCase(); result2 = sessionbase.doQuery(query); while ( { Owner = result2.getString("AccountId"); Shares = result2.getInt("NumShares"); sessionbase.modHoldings(sessionbase.getUser(Owner), Symbol, Shares); } // Delete the remaining offers query = "delete from qt" + Symbol.toLowerCase(); sessionbase.doUpdate(query); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } query = "delete from Frozen where Trans = 'B'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query); // Restore all Sell offers to the user query = "select AccountId, NumShares, Symbol from Frozen"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query); try { while ( { Owner = result.getString("AccountId"); Shares = result.getInt("NumShares"); Symbol = result.getString("Symbol"); sessionbase.modHoldings(sessionbase.getUser(Owner), Symbol, Shares); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Now go through all User holdings, deleting anything pending // or frozen. query = "select Username from Account"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query); try { while ( { Owner = result.getString("Username"); query = "delete from " + Owner + " where Trans = 'B' or Trans = 'S' or Trans = 'FB' or Trans = 'FS'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Everything should be done, print a success message sessionbase.printTop(out, 21); out.println("\"Admin\"
"); out.println("Clear Transactions Complete
"); out.println("All transactions have been cleared from " + SystemName + "
"); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("confirmdeleteUsers")) { // Will need to delete all except Company users. All shares will be // restored to the Companies. ResultSet result2 = null; String User = (String)null; query = "select Username from Account where AccountId != 1 and Type != 'C'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query); System.out.println("Hi."); try { while ( { User = result.getString("Username"); AccountId = sessionbase.getAccountId(User, 1); deleteHoldings(AccountId); query = "drop table " + User; sessionbase.doUpdate(query); query = "delete from Frozen where AccountId = " + AccountId; sessionbase.doUpdate(query); query = "delete from Portfolio where AccountId = " + AccountId; sessionbase.doUpdate(query); query = "delete from Account where Username = '" + User + "'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query); // Delete any user pending jobs from the Company queues query = "select Symbol from Companies where Symbol != 'SYS'"; result2 = sessionbase.doQuery(query); while ( { Symbol = result2.getString("Symbol"); query = "delete from qt" + Symbol.toLowerCase() + " where AccountId = " + AccountId; sessionbase.doUpdate(query); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Everything should be done, print a success message sessionbase.printTop(out, 21); out.println("\"Admin\"
"); out.println("Delete Users Complete
"); out.println("All users have been removed from " + SystemName); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("confirmdeleteCompanies")) { // Delete all Companies and their users. User holdings will be converted // to cash based on the current value of the company. // Get a list of companies query = "select Symbol from Companies where Symbol != 'SYS'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query); try { while ( { Symbol = result.getString("Symbol"); deleteCompany(Symbol); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Clear SYS in the Companies table query = "update Companies set Tshares = 1, Open = 1, Last = 1, Volume = 1, 52WkHi = 1, 52WkLo = 1, DayHi = 1, DayLo = 1, Previous = 1 where Symbol = 'SYS'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query); // Everything should be done, print a success message sessionbase.printTop(out, 21); out.println("\"Admin\"
"); out.println("Delete Companies Complete
"); out.println("All companies have been removed from " + SystemName); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("confirmStartOver")) { String Username = (String)null; String UserId = (String)null; String Company = (String)null; // We're clearing everything. Start with the users. // Limit the results to make sure we don't touch the admin account query = "select Username, AccountId from Account where AccountId > 1"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { Username = result.getString("Username"); UserId = result.getString("AccountId"); // For every user in the list we must: // Delete their Holdings table // Remove them from the Accounts table // Remove them from the Personal table // Remove them from the Portfolio table query = "drop table " + Username; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); query = "delete from Account where Username = '" + Username + "'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); query = "delete from Personal where AccountId = '" + UserId + "'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); query = "delete from Portfolio where AccountId = '" + UserId + "'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Now get the companies query = "select Symbol from Companies where Symbol != 'SYS'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { Company = result.getString("Symbol"); // For each company we must: // Delete the Queue table // Delete the History table // Delete the Extended History table // Remove from Companies table query = "drop table qt" + Company.toLowerCase(); sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); query = "drop table ht" + Company.toLowerCase(); sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); query = "drop table eht" + Company.toLowerCase(); sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); query = "delete from Companies where Symbol = '" + Company + "'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Clear any Frozen jobs, News items and Locked accounts query = "delete from News"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); query = "delete from Frozen"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); query = "delete from Locks"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // Final sweep of Account and Portfolio to make sure they are clean query = "delete from Account where AccountId != 1"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); query = "delete from Portfolio where AccountId != 1"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // Clear out any potential holdings in the Admin portfolio // Admin username may change so get it query = "select Username from Account where AccountId = 1"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { Username = result.getString("Username"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } query = "delete from " + Username; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // Clear SYS in the Companies table query = "update Companies set Tshares = 1, Open = 1, Last = 1, Volume = 1, 52WkHi = 1, 52WkLo = 1, DayHi = 1, DayLo = 1, Previous = 1 where Symbol = 'SYS'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query); // Everything should be done, print a success message sessionbase.printTop(out, 21); out.println("\"Admin\"
"); out.println("Restart Complete
"); out.println(SystemName + " has been cleared of all data.
"); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("resetUsers")) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 21); out.println("\"Admin\"
"); out.println("


"); out.println("

Are you certain you want to clear all user holdings?
"); out.println(""); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("resetQueues")) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 21); out.println("\"Admin\"
"); out.println("


"); out.println("

Are you certain you want to clear all trade queues?
"); out.println(""); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("deleteUsers")) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 21); out.println("\"Admin\"
"); out.println("


"); out.println("

Are you certain you want to delete all users from " + SystemName + "?
"); out.println(""); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("deleteCompanies")) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 21); out.println("\"Admin\"
"); out.println("


"); out.println("

Are you certain you want to delete all companies from " + SystemName + "?
"); out.println(""); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("StartOver")) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 21); out.println("\"Admin\"
"); out.println("


"); out.println("

Are you certain you want to fully clear off " + SystemName + "?
"); out.println(""); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("reset")) { // This section gives access to various methods that will clear // out portions of the Exchange. This can be useful when returning // the system to an initial trading status. sessionbase.printTop(out, 21); out.println("\"Admin\"
"); out.println("" + SystemShortName + " Reset Options

"); out.println("Note: Be careful when using these options. They should only be used when resetting the system to an initial state.

"); out.println("

  • User Reset Reset the holdings and balance of all users in the system, this sets the users balance back to the default value.

    "); out.println("
  • Queue Reset Resets all Exchange trading queues so that no trades are currently in progress.

    "); out.println("
  • User Delete Deletes all standard users from the system.

    "); out.println("
  • Company Delete Deletes all companies from the system.

    "); out.println("
  • Fresh Start Wipes everything.
    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("params")) { // All parameters should already be stored except those for the // market changes. Retrieve those. double changeCap = 0.00; double changeVal = 0.00; double Commission = 0.00; double userBalance = 0.00; double companyBalance = 0.00; query = "select ChangeCap, ChangeValue, Commission, userBalance, compBalance from Parameters"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { changeCap = result.getDouble("ChangeCap"); changeVal = result.getDouble("ChangeValue"); Commission = result.getDouble("Commission"); userBalance = result.getDouble("userBalance"); companyBalance = result.getDouble("compBalance"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } sessionbase.printTop(out, 21); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("" + SystemShortName + " Parameters
    "); out.println("Here you can change parameters affecting how the Exchange works.

    "); out.println("Warning: Several of these parameters are vital to the Exchange working properly. Please be careful when making changes.
    "); out.println("
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    Exchange Name:
    Short Name:
    Path to Exchange Files:
    Exchange URL(HTTP):
    Exchange URL(Servlet Server):
    Exchange Email Address:
    Administrative Password:
    Verify Password:
    What do you want the commission to be when a user makes a transaction?
    The default amount of money a user should start with when created.
    User Balance:
    The default amount of money a company should start with when created.
    Company Balance:
    The next parameters modify the rules used with the automatic transaction filters. Changing these will modify what transactions are allowed to go through.

    What percent can a users offer change the value of a stock? (Note, setting this to 0 will prevent any percentage checks.
    (decimal value)
    How much can a transaction change a companies Market Capitalization? (Note, setting this to 0 will prevent any Capitalization checks.
    Execute the changes:
    "); out.println("
    "); out.println("If you are wanting to clean out some area of the system, go to the reset options."); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("confDelUsr")) { String User = request.getParameter("User"); String AcId = (String)null; Vector Syms = new Vector(); double Bal = 0.00; AcId = sessionbase.getAccountId(User, 1); deleteHoldings(AcId); query = "drop table " + User; sessionbase.doUpdate(query); // Get user's balance, add this value to it, and add balance to // the Administrative account query = "select Balance from Portfolio where AccountId = " + AcId; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { Bal = result.getDouble("Balance"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } sessionbase.modBalance("1", Bal, "+"); query = "delete from Portfolio where AccountId = " + AcId; sessionbase.doUpdate(query); query = "delete from Locks where AccountId = " + AcId; sessionbase.doUpdate(query); query = "delete from Account where AccountId = " + AcId; sessionbase.doUpdate(query); // User is gone, redirect back to Users main response.sendRedirect(ServletURL + ".Admin?task=account"); } else if (task.equals("confDelCmp")) { Symbol = request.getParameter("Symbol"); // Get company name String Name = (String)null; query = "select Name from Companies where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query); try { while ( { Name = result.getString("Name"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } deleteCompany(Symbol); // Add Breaking News item String Title = "Company Closing: " + Name + "(" + Symbol + ")"; String Author = "Exchange Administrator"; String Date = "NOW()"; String Type = "2"; String Story = "Announcing the closing of " + Name + "(" + Symbol + ") .

    Market administrators today have liquidated all holdings of " + Symbol + "
    and have closed all trading of this company."; addNews(Title, Author, Type, Story, SessionId); // Redirect to Company main response.sendRedirect(ServletURL + ".Admin?task=companies"); } else if (task.equals("showNews")) { // Display the News page displayNews(request, response, SessionId); } else if (task.equals("showHeadlines")) { displayHeadlines(request, response, SessionId); } else if (task.equals("showArchives")) { displayArchives(request, response, SessionId); } else if (task.equals("showArticle")) { displayArticle(request, response, SessionId); } else if (task.equals("showAll")) { // List Company quotes displayAll(request, response, SessionId); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("companies")) { // Manage user accounts sessionbase.printTop(out, 24); out.println("\"Admin\"

    "); out.println("Please select an option:
    "); out.println(""); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("lockCompany")) { String companyName = request.getParameter("companySym"); if (companyName == null) { companyName = ""; } sessionbase.printTop(out, 24); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Lock Company"); out.println("
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    Symbol of Company to Lock:
    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("unlockCompany")) { String companySym = request.getParameter("companySym"); if (companySym == null) { companySym = ""; } sessionbase.printTop(out, 24); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Unlock Company"); out.println("
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    Symbol of Company to Unlock:
    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("modifyUser")) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 22); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Modify User"); out.println("
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    Name of User to Modify:
    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("modifyCompany")) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 24); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Modify Company"); out.println("
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    Symbol of Company to Modify:
    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("modCompany")) { Symbol = ""; String Name = (String)null; String Last = (String)null; String numShares = (String)null; String Open = (String)null; String Volume = (String)null; String ftHi = (String)null; String ftLo = (String)null; String DayHi = (String)null; String DayLo = (String)null; String Previous = (String)null; String Email = (String)null; String Locked = (String)null; String CmpAccountId = (String)null; Symbol = request.getParameter("companySym"); double Bal = 0.00; query = "select * from Companies where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { Symbol = result.getString("Symbol"); Name = result.getString("Name"); Last = result.getString("Last"); numShares = result.getString("Tshares"); Open = result.getString("Open"); Volume = result.getString("Volume"); ftHi = result.getString("52WkHi"); ftLo = result.getString("52WkLo"); DayHi = result.getString("DayHi"); DayLo = result.getString("DayLo"); Previous = result.getString("Previous"); Locked = result.getString("Locked"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } query = "select Email, AccountId from Account where Username = '" + Symbol + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { Email = result.getString("Email"); CmpAccountId = result.getString("AccountId"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Get Company balance query = "select Balance from Portfolio where AccountId = " + CmpAccountId; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { Bal = result.getDouble("Balance"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (Symbol.length() < 1) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 24); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } } } public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { String AccountId = (String)null; String task = request.getParameter("task"); String query = (String)null; ResultSet result = null; // Set up decimal formatting for digits. This will force at least 0.00. DecimalFormat curFormat = new DecimalFormat("$##,###,###,###,###,##0.00"); DecimalFormat numFormat = new DecimalFormat("################0.00"); DecimalFormat intFormat = new DecimalFormat("################0"); // Initialize the output stream response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); HttpSession session = request.getSession(); String SessionId = session.getId(); // Retrieve AccountId AccountId = sessionbase.getAccountId(SessionId); if ( AccountId == null || !AccountId.equals("1") ) { response.sendRedirect(ServletURL + ".nonMember?task=LI&Type=1"); } else { if (task.equals("mod")) { String Symbol = request.getParameter("Symbol"); String Trans = request.getParameter("Trans"); String askP = request.getParameter("Cost"); String numShares = request.getParameter("Shares"); String Owner = request.getParameter("Owner"); String userName = request.getParameter("Name"); int error = 0; int lenCheck = 0; char Checkit; String numCheck = ""; Integer convInt; Double contP; double Cost = 0.00; int Shares = 0; int oShares = 0; double oCost = 0.00; double Balance = 0.00; askP = askP.trim(); lenCheck = askP.length(); for (int i = 0 ; i < lenCheck ; i++) { Checkit = askP.charAt(i); if (Checkit != '$' && Checkit != ',') { numCheck += Checkit; } } askP = numCheck; try { convInt = new Integer(numShares); Shares = convInt.intValue(); contP = new Double(askP); Cost = contP.doubleValue(); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Error:

    "); out.println("

    Invalid characters entered."); out.println("Please go back and correct the problem.

    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); error++; } if (error == 0) { // First lock the tables needed sessionbase.doUpdate("lock tables " + userName + " write, qt" + Symbol.toLowerCase() + " write, Portfolio write, Account write", SessionId); // Check to make sure the transaction still exists. Don't // want to try and modify what someone has already acted on query = "select AccountId from qt" + Symbol.toLowerCase() + " where Trans = '" + Trans + "' and AccountId = " + Owner; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { Owner = result.getString("AccountId"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (Owner == null) { sessionbase.doUpdate("unlock tables", SessionId); sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("


    "); out.println("

    The transaction you are attempting to modify"); out.println("is no longer in the queue. A possible reason for this is someone"); out.println("has already responded to the transaction.

    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else { // Modify the transaction. For a Buy transaction, the Queue, // users Holdings and users Balance need to be modified. // For a sell only the Queue and Holdings need be modified. if (Trans.equals("B")) { // Modify Buy offer // Load the old transaction query = "select * from qt" + Symbol.toLowerCase() + " where AccountId = " + Owner + " and Trans = 'B'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { oShares = result.getInt("NumShares"); oCost = result.getDouble("tradeAt"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Extract users balance query = "select Balance from Portfolio where AccountId = " + Owner; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { Balance = result.getDouble("Balance"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Add cost of original transaction back in Balance = Balance + (oCost*oShares); // Take out cost of modified transaction Balance = Balance - (Cost * Shares); // Make sure the user doesn't have a negative balance if (Balance < 0) { Balance = 0; } // Update Balance query = "update Portfolio set Balance = " + numFormat.format(Balance) + " where AccountId = " + Owner; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); query = "update qt" + Symbol.toLowerCase() + " set NumShares = " + Shares + ", tradeAt = " + Cost + " where AccountId = " + Owner + " and Trans = 'B'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); query = "update " + userName + " set NumShares = " + Shares + ", tradeAt = " + Cost + " where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "' and Trans = 'B'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); } else if (Trans.equals("S")) { // Modify Sell offer // Load the old transaction query = "select * from qt" + Symbol.toLowerCase() + " where AccountId = " + Owner + " and Trans = 'S'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { oShares = result.getInt("NumShares"); oCost = result.getDouble("tradeAt"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Update the Queue table query = "update qt" + Symbol.toLowerCase() + " set NumShares = " + Shares + ", tradeAt = " + Cost + " where AccountId = " + Owner + " and Trans = 'S'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // Update the User table query = "update " + userName + " set NumShares = " + Shares + ", tradeAt = " + Cost + " where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "' and Trans = 'S'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // Check to see if any shares need to be added back in if (Shares < oShares) { int newShares = oShares - Shares; // First see if there are any Completed shares query = "select NumShares from " + userName + " where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "' and Trans = 'C'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); int cShares = 0; try { while ( { cShares = result.getInt("NumShares"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (cShares > 0) { newShares += cShares; query = "update " + userName + " set NumShares = " + newShares + " where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "' and Trans = 'C'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); } else { query = "insert into " + userName + " (Symbol, NumShares, tradeAt, Trans, Dtime) values ('" + Symbol + "', " + newShares + ", " + Cost + ", 'C', NOW())"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); } } // Check to see if any shares need to be removed if (Shares > oShares) { int newShares = Shares - oShares; // First see if there are any Completed shares query = "select NumShares from " + userName + " where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "' and Trans = 'C'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); int cShares = 0; try { while ( { cShares = result.getInt("NumShares"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (cShares > 0) { if (cShares <= newShares) { // User would be left with 0, just // remove from their holdings query = "delete from " + userName + " where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "' and Trans = 'C'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); } else { int tShares = cShares - newShares; query = "update " + userName + " set NumShares = " + tShares + " where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "' and Trans = 'C'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); } } } } // Send an email to the user about the change. String Email = (String)null; String from = (String)null; String Subject = (String)null; String Text = (String)null; if (Trans.equals("B")) { Trans = "Purchasing"; } else { Trans = "Selling"; } query = "select Email from Account where AccountId = " + Owner; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while( { Email = result.getString("Email"); } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Get current balance query = "select Balance from Portfolio where AccountId = " + Owner; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { Balance = result.getDouble("Balance"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } from = SystemEmail; Subject = SystemShortName + " - Offer Modified Notice"; Text = "This note is to inform you that one of your offers has been\nmodified by a " + SystemName + " administrator.\n\nOriginal Transaction: " + Trans + " " + intFormat.format(oShares) + " shares of " + Symbol.toUpperCase() + " at " + curFormat.format(oCost) + ".\n\nNew Transaction: " + Trans + " " + intFormat.format(Shares) + " of " + Symbol.toUpperCase() + " at " + curFormat.format(Cost) + ".\n\nBalance: " + curFormat.format(Balance) + "\n"; sessionbase.sendEmail(Subject, Email, from, Text, SessionId); sessionbase.doUpdate("unlock tables", SessionId); response.sendRedirect(ServletURL + ".Admin?task=loffers"); } } } else if (task.equals("buy")) { // Initialize variables String Symbol = request.getParameter("symbol"); String nums = request.getParameter("numShares"); String askP = request.getParameter("askPrice"); Integer convInt; int numShares = 0; // Cost per share container double shareCost = 0.00; // Current balance container double Balance = 0.00; // Total cost of purchase container double tCost = 0.00; // End balance container double endBalance = 0.00; // Available shares container int availShares = 0; // Remaining shares available int endShares = 0; int error = 0; Double contP; double askPrice = 0.00; String numCheck = ""; char Checkit; int lenCheck = 0; String Locked = ""; // Everything is type String, convert everything to its proper type. askP = askP.trim(); lenCheck = askP.length(); // Filter out $ and , from the Cost for (int i = 0 ; i < lenCheck ; i++) { Checkit = askP.charAt(i); if (Checkit != '$' && Checkit != ',') { numCheck += Checkit; } } askP = numCheck; try { convInt = new Integer(nums); numShares = convInt.intValue(); contP = new Double(askP); askPrice = contP.doubleValue(); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { // User must have entered something else wrong sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("


    "); out.println("

    Invalid characters entered."); out.println("Please go back and correct the problem.

    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); error++; } // Make sure user isn't trying to sell 0 shares or < $0.01 if (numShares < 1 || askPrice < 0.01) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("


    "); out.println("

    0 and negative values not allowed for Shares or Amount."); out.println("Go back and enter a different number.

    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); error++; } // Make sure they entered a valid company and that it isn't locked query = "Select Last, Locked from Companies where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while( { shareCost = result.getDouble("Last"); Locked = result.getString("Locked"); } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if(shareCost == 0.00) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("


    "); out.println("

    You have entered an invalid symbol."); out.println("Please go back and enter a different one.

    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); error++; } if (Locked.equals("Y")) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("


    "); out.println("The stock you are trying to buy is currently frozen, no buy or sell transactions can take place until this is lifted."); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); error++; } // Get user balance and make sure they have enough money query = "select Balance from Portfolio where AccountId = " + AccountId; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while( { Balance = result.getDouble("Balance"); } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } tCost = 20 + (askPrice * numShares); endBalance = Balance - tCost; if(endBalance < 0) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("


    "); out.println("

    You cannot afford the number of stocks requested. Keep in mind there is a $20 commission on each transaction."); out.println("Please go back and enter a different one.

    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); error++; } // Check to see if user already has an offer out for this symbol query = "select Symbol from " + sessionbase.getUsername(SessionId) + " where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "' and Trans = 'B'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); String Sym = (String)null; try { while( { Sym = result.getString("Symbol"); } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (Sym != null) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("

    Existing Trade

    "); out.println("

    Only one \"buy\" or \"sell\" offer can be made at a time."); out.println("You can have a \"buy\" and \"sell\" offer at the same time but only one of"); out.println("each. To change your transaction, go back"); out.println("and cancel the existing trade.

    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); error++; } if (error == 0) { // Everything must be ok. Prompt user to ensure they // really want to do the trade. sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("


    "); out.println("

    Please confirm your purchase bid:
    "); out.println("" + numShares + " shares of " + Symbol.toUpperCase() + " at " + curFormat.format(askPrice) + " per share.
    "); out.println("Commission Cost: $20
    "); out.println("Transaction Cost: " + curFormat.format(tCost) + "
    "); out.println("Ending Balance: " + curFormat.format(endBalance) + "
    "); out.println(" "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } } else if(task.equals("sell")) { // Initialize variables String Symbol = request.getParameter("symbol"); String nums = request.getParameter("numShares"); String askP = request.getParameter("askPrice"); int userShares = 0; double Balance = 0.00; double shareCost = 0.00; double endBalance = 0.00; double Profit = 0.00; int error = 0; Integer convInt; int numShares = 0; String numCheck = ""; int lenCheck = 0; char Checkit; Double contP; double askPrice = 0.00; String Locked = ""; askP = askP.trim(); lenCheck = askP.length(); for (int i = 0 ; i < lenCheck ; i++) { Checkit = askP.charAt(i); if (Checkit != '$' && Checkit != ',') { numCheck += Checkit; } } askP = numCheck; try { convInt = new Integer(nums); numShares = convInt.intValue(); contP = new Double(askP); askPrice = contP.doubleValue(); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("


    "); out.println("

    Invalid characters entered."); out.println("Please go back and correct the problem.

    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); error++; } // Make sure they entered a valid company query = "select Last, Locked from Companies where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while( { shareCost = result.getDouble("Last"); Locked = result.getString("Locked"); } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (shareCost == 0.00) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("


    "); out.println("

    The Symbol you have entered doesn't exist."); out.println("Go back and enter a valid symbol.

    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); error++; out.close(); } // Make sure user isn't trying to sell 0 shares or < $0.01 if (numShares < 1 || askPrice < 0.01) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("


    "); out.println("

    0 and negative values not allowed for Shares or Amount."); out.println("Go back and enter a different number.

    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); error++; } // Make sure user has the number of shares they try to sell query = "Select NumShares from " + sessionbase.getUsername(SessionId) + " where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "' and Trans = 'C'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while( { userShares = result.getInt("NumShares"); } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if ((userShares - numShares) < 0 ) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("


    "); out.println("

    You don't have that many shares to sell."); out.println("Go back and enter a different number.

    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); error++; } if (Locked.equals("Y")) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("


    "); out.println("The stock you are trying to buy is currently frozen, no buy or sell transactions can take place until this is lifted."); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); error++; } // Check to see if user already has an offer out for this symbol query = "select Symbol from " + sessionbase.getUsername(SessionId) + " where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "' and Trans = 'S'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); String Sym = (String)null; try { while( { Sym = result.getString("Symbol"); } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (Sym != null) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("

    Existing Trade

    "); out.println("

    Only one \"buy\" or \"sell\" offer can be made at a time."); out.println("You can have a \"buy\" and \"sell\" offer at the same time but only one of"); out.println("each. To change your transaction, go back"); out.println("and cancel the existing trade.

    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); error++; } if (error == 0) { // Everything seems ok, confirm the sale // Get user's balance query = "select Balance from Portfolio where AccountId = " + AccountId; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while( { Balance = result.getDouble("Balance"); } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Profit = (numShares * askPrice) - 20; endBalance = Balance + Profit; sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("


    "); out.println("

    Please confirm your sale bid:
    "); out.println("" + numShares + " shares of " + Symbol.toUpperCase() + " at " + curFormat.format(askPrice) + " per share.
    "); out.println("Sale Value: " + curFormat.format(Profit + 20) + "
    "); out.println("Commission Cost: $20
    "); out.println("Ending Balance: " + curFormat.format(endBalance) + "
    "); out.println(" "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } } else if (task.equals("createCompany")) { String Name = request.getParameter("Name"); String Symbol = request.getParameter("Symbol"); String curBal = "0"; curBal += request.getParameter("cash"); String nums = "0"; nums += request.getParameter("numShares"); int numShares = 0; String curVal = "0"; curVal += request.getParameter("curVal"); String Email = request.getParameter("Email"); String Pass = request.getParameter("Pass"); String Pass1 = request.getParameter("Pass1"); String Rand = ""; Rand += request.getParameter("Random"); Integer convInt; Double contP; double CmpBal = 0; double Value = 0.00; char Checkit; String numCheck = ""; String Message = ""; int error = 0; double startBal = 0; query = "select compBalance from Parameters"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { startBal = result.getDouble("compBalance"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Everything is type String, convert everything to its proper type. curBal = curBal.trim(); int lenCheck = curBal.length(); // Filter out $ and , from the Value for (int i = 0 ; i < lenCheck ; i++) { Checkit = curBal.charAt(i); if (Checkit != '$' && Checkit != ',') { numCheck += Checkit; } } try { contP = new Double(curBal); CmpBal = contP.doubleValue(); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { // User must have entered something wrong Message += "Invalid characters entered in Balance.
    "; error++; } numCheck = ""; curVal = curVal.trim(); lenCheck = curVal.length(); // Filter out $ and , from the Value for (int i = 0 ; i < lenCheck ; i++) { Checkit = curVal.charAt(i); if (Checkit != '$' && Checkit != ',') { numCheck += Checkit; } } try { convInt = new Integer(nums); numShares = convInt.intValue(); contP = new Double(curVal); Value = contP.doubleValue(); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { // User must have entered something wrong Message += "Invalid characters entered in Shares or Value.
    "; error++; } if (Name.length() < 1) { Message += "Name field cannot be left empty.
    "; error++; } if (Symbol.length() < 2) { Message += "Symbol must be at least 2 characters long.
    "; error++; } if (Symbol.equals("SYS")) { Message += "SYS cannot be used since it is a symbol reserved for the Exchange.
    "; error++; } if (numShares <= 0) { Message += "Number of Available Shares must be a positive value.
    "; error++; } if (Value < 0.01) { Message += "Current Value must be at least $0.01.
    "; error++; } if ((Pass.length() < 1 && Pass1.length() > 0) || (Pass.length() > 0 && Pass1.length() < 1)) { Message += "You must fill in both password fields or choose Random Password.
    "; error++; } if (Rand.equals("rand") && (Pass.length() > 0 || Pass1.length() > 0)) { Message += "You cannot enter a password and choose Random Password, please pick one or the other.
    "; error++; } if (!Rand.equals("rand") && Pass.length() < 1 && Pass1.length() < 1) { Message += "You must either enter a password or choose Random Password.
    "; error++; } if ((Pass.length() > 4 && Pass1.length() > 4 ) && !Pass.equals(Pass1)) { Message += "The passwords you have entered do not match.
    "; error++; } // Check for duplicate Symbol query = "select Name from Companies where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); String checkSym = ""; try { while ( { checkSym = result.getString("Name"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (checkSym.length() > 0) { Message += "Another Company (" + checkSym + ") is using the symbol you specified. Please enter another.
    "; error++; } // Make sure the Email address entered doesn't belong to another // company. query = "select Email from Account where Email = '" + Email + "' and Type = 'C'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); String checkComp = ""; try { while ( { checkComp = result.getString("Email"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (checkComp.length() > 1) { Message += "The email address you entered is already being used for another company.
    "; error++; } if (error > 0) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 24); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Company Creation
    "); out.println("Error:
    "); out.println(Message); out.println("

    "); out.println("Modify a Company- " + Symbol + ""); out.println("Error: Invalid Symbol Entered
    "); out.println("Please go Back and enter a different symbol.
    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else { sessionbase.printTop(out, 24); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println(""); out.println("
    "); out.println("Modify a Company- " + Symbol + ""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); if (Locked.equals("Y")) { out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); } else { out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); } out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    Company Name:
    Note: Lowering the Total Shares could result in bad things happening since this wouldn't remove shares held by users.
    Modifying the company here won't change any details on the Company user.
    Total Shares
    Previous Close
    Current Value:Opening Value:
    Day High:Day Low:
    52 Week High:52 Week Low:
    Company Balance
    Company Email Address:
    Company Password:
    Verify Password:
    Choose this option to have the Exchange select a new Random password, to be emailed to the company.
    Note: Changing the status to Locked will prevent any users from buying or selling this stock.
    "); out.println("
    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } } else if (task.equals("createCompany")) { double startBal = 0; query = "select compBalance from Parameters"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { startBal = result.getDouble("compBalance"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } sessionbase.printTop(out, 24); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    "); out.println("Add a Company"); out.println("
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    Number of Shares Available:
    Current Value:
    Company Balance:
    Company Email Address:
    Company Password:
    Verify Password:
    Choose this option to have the Exchange select a new Random password, to be emailed to the company.
    "); out.println("
    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("addNews")) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 26); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Add News"); out.println("
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    Author's Username:
    (Must be the name of a registered user)
    (60 character limit)
    Article Type:
    General News
    Breaking News
    Front Article
    Story: (HTML Tags Accepted)
    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("account")) { // Manage user accounts sessionbase.printTop(out, 22); out.println("\"Admin\"

    "); out.println("Please select an option:
    "); out.println(""); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("lockit")) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 21); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Lock " + SystemName + "
    "); out.println("Locking the system will prevent anyone from logging in. This can be useful during times of maintenance. Are you sure you want to do this?
    "); out.println(""); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); } else if (task.equals("unlockit")) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 21); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Unlock " + SystemName + "
    "); out.println("Unlocking the system will allow users to continue logging in. Are you sure you want to unlock it?
    "); out.println(""); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); } else if (task.equals("freezeall")) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 21); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Freeze " + SystemName + "
    "); out.println("Freezing the system will prevent anyone from buying or selling. All transactions will be frozen. Users will still be allowed to log in but no buying and selling will be able to take place. Are you sure you want to do this?
    "); out.println(""); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); } else if (task.equals("unfreezeall")) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 21); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Unfreeze " + SystemName + "
    "); out.println("Unfreezing the system will permit transactions to take place once again. Are you sure you want to do this?
    "); out.println(""); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); } else if (task.equals("confirmSysLock")) { query = "update Parameters set Locked = 'Y'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); sessionbase.loadParams(); response.sendRedirect(ServletURL + ".Admin"); } else if (task.equals("confirmSysUnlock")) { query = "update Parameters set Locked = 'N'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); sessionbase.loadParams(); response.sendRedirect(ServletURL + ".Admin"); } else if (task.equals("confirmSysFreeze")) { query = "update Parameters set Frozen = 'Y'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); sessionbase.loadParams(); response.sendRedirect(ServletURL + ".Admin"); } else if (task.equals("confirmSysUnfreeze")) { query = "update Parameters set Frozen = 'N'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); sessionbase.loadParams(); response.sendRedirect(ServletURL + ".Admin"); } else if (task.equals("lockUser")) { String lockUser = request.getParameter("User"); if (lockUser == null) { lockUser = ""; } sessionbase.printTop(out, 22); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Lock a User Account"); out.println("
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    User to Lock:
    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("confUnlock")) { userName = request.getParameter("User"); AccountId = (String)null; String Email = (String)null; // Lock required tables sessionbase.doUpdate("lock tables Account write, Locks write", SessionId); // Change lock status on user account query = "update Account set Locked = 'N' where Username = '" + userName + "'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // Get user's AccountId, Email Address and confirm Username query = "select Email, AccountId, Username from Account where Username = '" + userName + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { Email = result.getString("Email"); AccountId = result.getString("AccountId"); userName = result.getString("Username"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Remove entry from Locks table query = "delete from Locks where AccountId = " + AccountId; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // Unlock tables sessionbase.doUpdate("unlock tables", SessionId); // Email user String from = SystemEmail; String Subject = SystemShortName + " - Account Unlock Notice"; String Text = "Your account on the " + SystemName + " has been unlocked.\n"; sessionbase.sendEmail(Subject, Email, from, Text, SessionId); sessionbase.printTop(out, 22); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("The Account of " + userName + " has been unlocked.
    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("confCompUnlock")) { String companySym = request.getParameter("companySym"); // Lock required tables: Companies sessionbase.doUpdate("lock tables Companies write", SessionId); // Switch company to Unlocked status query = "update Companies set Locked = 'N' where Symbol = '" + companySym + "'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // Unlock tables sessionbase.doUpdate("unlock tables", SessionId); sessionbase.printTop(out, 24); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Company " + companySym + " has been unlocked."); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("confCompLock")) { String companySym = request.getParameter("companySym"); // Lock required tables: Companies sessionbase.doUpdate("lock tables Companies write", SessionId); // Switch company to Locked status query = "update Companies set Locked = 'Y' where Symbol = '" + companySym + "'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // Unlock tables sessionbase.doUpdate("unlock tables", SessionId); sessionbase.printTop(out, 24); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Company " + companySym + " has been locked."); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("confLock")) { userName = request.getParameter("User"); String Reason = request.getParameter("Reason"); int lenS = Reason.length(); String tempS = ""; String tempG = ""; String Email = (String)null; String LockId = (String)null; // Convert any 'special characters' back to their original form // for processing into the database. // The String is placed into two variables. One will be emailed to // the user, the other placed into the database. The database string // needs some checks of its own, thus the difference. for (int i = 0 ; i < lenS ; i++) { if (Reason.charAt(i) != '^') { tempS = tempS + Reason.charAt(i); tempG = tempG + Reason.charAt(i); } else { if (Reason.charAt(i+1) == '!' && Reason.charAt(i+3) == '!' && Reason.charAt(i+4) == '^') { if (Reason.charAt(i+2) == '1') { tempS += ' '; tempG += ' '; i += 4; } else if (Reason.charAt(i+2) == '2') { tempS += '\\'; tempS += '\"'; tempG += '\"'; i += 4; } else if (Reason.charAt(i+2) == '3') { tempS += '\\'; tempS += '\''; tempG += '\''; i += 4; } else if (Reason.charAt(i+2) == '4') { tempS += '?'; tempG += '?'; i += 4; } else if (Reason.charAt(i+2) == '5') { tempS += '&'; tempG += '&'; i += 4; } } else { tempS = tempS + Reason.charAt(i); tempG = tempG + Reason.charAt(i); } } } Reason = tempG; // Modify any ' in the string char Checkit; String rsnChek = ""; for (int i = 0 ; i < Reason.length() ; i++) { Checkit = Reason.charAt(i); if (Checkit == '\''){ rsnChek += "\'"; } else { rsnChek += Checkit; } } Reason = rsnChek; // Lock required tables: Account, Locks sessionbase.doUpdate("lock tables Account write, Locks write", SessionId); // Switch user to Locked status query = "update Account set Locked = 'Y' where Username = '" + userName + "'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // Get user's AccountId query = "select AccountId from Account where Username = '" + userName + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { LockId = result.getString("AccountId"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Log lock in Locks table query = "insert into Locks (AccountId, Reason, When) values (" + LockId + ", '" + tempS + "', NOW())"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // Email user. While we're at it, make sure we have the proper // format for Username query = "select Email, Username from Account where Username = '" + userName + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while( { Email = result.getString("Email"); userName = result.getString("Username"); } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String from = SystemEmail; String Subject = SystemShortName + " - Account Lock Notice"; String Text = "Your account on the " + SystemName + " has been locked. Reason:\n" + Reason + "\n\nPlease email " + SystemEmail + " with any questions.\n"; sessionbase.sendEmail(Subject, Email, from, Text, SessionId); // Unlock tables sessionbase.doUpdate("unlock tables", SessionId); sessionbase.printTop(out, 22); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("The Account of " + userName + " has been locked.
    "); out.println("Reason:
    "); out.println(Reason); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("unlockUser")) { String unlockUser = request.getParameter("User"); if (unlockUser == null) { unlockUser = ""; } sessionbase.printTop(out, 22); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Unlock a User Account"); out.println("
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    User to unlock:
    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("displayUser")) { // Display user information, giving admin the option to lock // (or unlock if already locked), delete or modify user. String fName = (String)null; String MI = (String)null; String lName = (String)null; String Last = (String)null; String Email = (String)null; String Create = (String)null; String Locked = (String)null; userName = request.getParameter("userName"); java.util.Date lastDate = new java.util.Date(); java.util.Date lastTime = new java.util.Date(); java.util.Date createDate = new java.util.Date(); java.util.Date createTime = new java.util.Date(); Locale locale = new Locale("en","US"); // Set the format for time and date DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG, locale); DateFormat timeFormat = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, locale); query = "select Fname, Mi, Lname, Email, Dcreate, Locked, LastLogin from Account where Username = '" + userName + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { fName = result.getString("Fname"); MI = result.getString("Mi"); lName = result.getString("Lname"); Email = result.getString("Email"); createDate = result.getDate("Dcreate"); createTime = result.getTime("Dcreate"); lastDate = result.getDate("LastLogin"); lastTime = result.getTime("LastLogin"); Last = result.getString("LastLogin"); Locked = result.getString("Locked"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } sessionbase.printTop(out, 22); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); if (Last.equals("0000-00-00 00:00:00")) { out.println(""); } else { out.println(""); } out.println(""); if (Locked.equals("Y")) { out.println(""); String Reason = (String)null; AccountId = (String)null; query = "select AccountId from Account where Username = '" + userName + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { AccountId = result.getString("AccountId"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } query = "select Reason from Locks where AccountId = " + AccountId; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { Reason = result.getString("Reason"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } out.println(""); out.println(""); } else { out.println(""); } out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    Username:" + userName + "
    Email:" + Email + "
    Name:" + fName + " " + MI + " " + lName + "
    Date Created:" + dateFormat.format(createDate) + " at " + timeFormat.format(createTime) + "
    Last Login:Never Logged In
    Date Created:" + dateFormat.format(createDate) + " at " + timeFormat.format(createTime) + "
    Last Login:" + dateFormat.format(lastDate) + " at " + timeFormat.format(lastTime) + "
    Note: User's account has been Locked
    " + Reason + "
    Unlock UserLock UserModify UserDelete User
    "); showHoldings(out, userName, SessionId); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("modUser")) { String fName = (String)null; String MI = (String)null; String lName = (String)null; String Email = (String)null; String AccId = (String)null; userName = ""; userName += request.getParameter("User"); query = "select Username, Fname, Lname, Mi, Email, AccountId from Account where Username = '" + userName + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { fName = result.getString("Fname"); MI = result.getString("Mi"); lName = result.getString("Lname"); Email = result.getString("Email"); AccId = result.getString("AccountId"); userName = result.getString("Username"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Get user's Balance String Bal = ""; query = "select Balance from Portfolio where AccountId = " + AccId; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { Bal = result.getString("Balance"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Make sure user is valid if (userName == null) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 22); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Modify User
    "); out.println("Error:
    "); out.println("Invalid User Specified."); out.println("
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    Name of User to Modify:
    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else { sessionbase.printTop(out, 22); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    Username:" + userName + "
    First Name:
    Middle Initial:
    Last Name:
    If you wish to change the user's password "); out.println("please enter it below, or select Random Password
    New Password:
    Password Again:
    Choose this option to have the Exchange select a new Random password, to be emailed to the user.

    User's Balance:
    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } } else if (task.equals("deleteUser")) { String delUser = request.getParameter("User"); if (delUser == null) { delUser = ""; } sessionbase.printTop(out, 22); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Delete a User Account
    "); out.println("List Users
    "); out.println("
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    User to Delete:
    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("deleteArticle")) { String newsId = request.getParameter("Id"); String Title = ""; String Author = ""; query = "select Title, Author from News where Id = " + newsId; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { Title += result.getString("Title"); Author += result.getString("Author"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (Title.length() < 1) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 26); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Error!
    "); out.println("The article entered does not exist.
    Please go back and try again."); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else { sessionbase.printTop(out, 26); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Delete a News Article
    "); out.println("Are you sure you want to delete the article
    "); out.println(Title + " by " + Author + "?
    "); out.println(""); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } } else if (task.equals("confirmDeleteArticle")) { String newsId = request.getParameter("Id"); // Delete News item // First check the Type of article. If this is a Headline // article, use the most recent News article for the Headline. String Type = (String)null; query = "select Type from News where Id = " + newsId; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { Type = result.getString("Type"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (Type.equals("3")) { query = "select max(Stamp) from News where Type = 1 or Type = 2"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); String Stamp = (String)null; try { while ( { Stamp = result.getString("max(Stamp)"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // The Timestamp is probably unique but just in case, do // another query for a specific News Id String headId = ""; query = "select Id from News where Stamp = " + Stamp; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { // If there is more than one that match, we only want // one of them, so no need for a while loop.; headId += result.getString("Id"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Switch this article to Type 3 if (headId.length() > 0) { query = "update News set Type = 3 where Id = " + headId; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); } else { // There is no remaining news! Add a default addNews("No News", "root", "3", "No news is good news.", SessionId); } } // Delete the article query = "delete from News where Id = " + newsId; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); response.sendRedirect(ServletURL + ".Admin?task=showNews"); } else if (task.equals("delCompany")) { String delCmp = request.getParameter("Symbol"); if (delCmp == null) { delCmp = ""; } sessionbase.printTop(out, 24); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Delete a Company
    "); out.println("List Companies
    "); out.println("
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    Symbol of Company to Delete:
    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("createUser")) { double startBal = 0; query = "select userBalance from Parameters"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { startBal = result.getDouble("userBalance"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } sessionbase.printTop(out, 22); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Create a New User"); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    Starting Balance:
    First name:
    Middle Initial:
    Last name:
    Email Address:
    Verify Password:
    Choose this option to have the Exchange select a new Random password, to be emailed to the user.
    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("viewCompanies")) { String Name = (String)null; Symbol = (String)null; String Last = (String)null; String Locked = (String)null; query = "select Name, Symbol, Last, Locked from Companies where Symbol != 'SYS' order by Symbol"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); sessionbase.printTop(out, 24); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("View Companies"); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); try { while ( { Symbol = result.getString("Symbol"); Name = result.getString("Name"); Last = result.getString("Last"); Locked = result.getString("Locked"); if (Locked.equals("N")) { out.println(""); } else { out.println(""); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } out.println("
    SymbolCompany NameTask
    " + Symbol + "" + Name + "ModifyLock
    " + Symbol + "" + Name + "ModifyUnlock
    "); out.println("
    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("viewUsers")) { String fName = (String)null; String MI = (String)null; String lName = (String)null; String Last = (String)null; String Email = (String)null; String Create = (String)null; java.util.Date lastDate = new java.util.Date(); java.util.Date lastTime = new java.util.Date(); Locale locale = new Locale("en","US"); // Set the format for time and date DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG, locale); DateFormat timeFormat = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, locale); query = "select Username, Fname, Lname, LastLogin from Account where Type != 'C' order by Username"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); sessionbase.printTop(out, 22); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println(""); out.println("
    "); out.println("Standard Users:
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); try { while ( { userName = result.getString("Username"); fName = result.getString("Fname"); lName = result.getString("Lname"); lastDate = result.getDate("LastLogin"); lastTime = result.getTime("LastLogin"); Last = result.getString("LastLogin"); if (Last.equals("0000-00-00 00:00:00")) { out.println(""); } else { out.println(""); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } out.println("
    UsernameFirst nameLast nameLast Login
    " + userName + "" + fName + "" + lName + "Never logged in
    " + userName + "" + fName + "" + lName + "" + dateFormat.format(lastDate) + " at " + timeFormat.format(lastTime) + "
    "); out.println("
    "); out.println("
    "); query = "select Username, Fname, Lname, LastLogin from Account where Type != 'U' order by Username"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); out.println("

    "); out.println("Company Users:
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); // out.println(""); try { while ( { userName = result.getString("Username"); fName = result.getString("Fname"); lName = result.getString("Lname"); lastDate = result.getDate("LastLogin"); lastTime = result.getTime("LastLogin"); Last = result.getString("LastLogin"); if (Last.equals("0000-00-00 00:00:00")) { out.println(""); } else { out.println(""); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } out.println("
    UsernameFirst nameLast nameLast Login
    " + userName + "" + fName + "" + lName + "Never logged in
    " + userName + "" + fName + "" + lName + "" + dateFormat.format(lastDate) + " at " + timeFormat.format(lastTime) + "
    "); out.println("
    "); out.println("
    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("clearLog")) { query = "delete from TransLog"; sessionbase.doQuery(query); sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); out.println("\"Admin\"

    "); out.println("The Transaction Log has been cleared.
    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("viewLog")) { // This section outputs the contents of the TransLog table, // which records all transactions that take place. java.util.Date transDate = new java.util.Date(); java.util.Date transTime = new java.util.Date(); Locale locale = new Locale("en","US"); // Set the format for time and date DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG, locale); DateFormat timeFormat = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, locale); String tempOwn = (String)null; String tradeFrom = (String)null; String tradeTo = (String)null; int numShares = 0; double Value = 0; sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); out.println("\"Admin\"

    "); out.println("Clear Transaction Log

    "); out.println("

    "); out.println(""); out.println("
    "); out.println(""); out.println(" "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); // Retrieve the contents of the TransLog table query = "select * from TransLog order by Symbol, Trans"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query); try { while ( { Symbol = result.getString("Symbol"); tradeFrom = result.getString("tradeFrom"); tradeTo = result.getString("tradeTo"); Trans = result.getString("Trans"); numShares = result.getInt("Shares"); transDate = result.getDate("Time"); transTime = result.getTime("Time"); Value = result.getDouble("Value"); if (Trans.equals("B")) { tempOwn = tradeTo; tradeTo = tradeFrom; tradeFrom = tempOwn; } out.println(""); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } out.println(""); out.println("
    " + tradeFrom + "" + tradeTo + "" + Symbol + "" + numShares + "" + curFormat.format(Value) + "" + dateFormat.format(transDate) + " at " + timeFormat.format(transTime) + "
    "); out.println("
    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("trans")) { // Manage transactions sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); out.println("\"Admin\"

    "); out.println("Please select an option:
    "); out.println("

    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("news")) { // Manage news sessionbase.printTop(out, 26); out.println("\"Admin\"

    "); out.println("Please select an option:
    "); out.println(""); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("loffers")) { // List pending offers with modify/freeze/delete option displayAllTrans(request, response, SessionId); out.close(); } else if(task.equals("confirmBuy")) { // Initialize variables String nums = request.getParameter("numShares"); String buyVal = request.getParameter("askPrice"); Symbol = request.getParameter("Symbol"); Timestamp now = null; Double buyTemp = Double.valueOf(buyVal); double buyAt = buyTemp.doubleValue(); Integer NumS = Integer.valueOf(nums); int offerShares = NumS.intValue(); Offers currentOffer = new Offers(Symbol, "B", buyAt, offerShares, now, sessionbase.getAccountId(SessionId)); sessionbase.doTrans(currentOffer, SessionId, false, response); response.sendRedirect(ServletURL + ".Admin?task=buysell"); } else if(task.equals("confirmSell")) { // Initialize variables String nums = request.getParameter("numShares"); String buyVal = request.getParameter("askPrice"); Symbol = request.getParameter("Symbol"); Timestamp now = null; Double buyTemp = Double.valueOf(buyVal); double buyAt = buyTemp.doubleValue(); Integer NumS = Integer.valueOf(nums); int offerShares = NumS.intValue(); Offers currentOffer = new Offers(Symbol, "S", buyAt, offerShares, now, sessionbase.getAccountId(SessionId)); sessionbase.doTrans(currentOffer, SessionId, false, response); response.sendRedirect(ServletURL + ".Admin?task=buysell"); } else if (task.equals("viewHold")) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); sessionbase.showHoldings(out, 1, SessionId); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); } else if (task.equals("buysell")) { String NumS = (String)null; String Price = (String)null; Symbol = request.getParameter("Symbol"); Trans = request.getParameter("Trans"); NumS = request.getParameter("NumShares"); Price = request.getParameter("Price"); // Print top template for Buy and Sell sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); // Print link to view all current offers before Buy and Sell form out.println("View pending offers on all stock.

    "); // Output form for user to make selections on out.println("
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); if (Trans != null) { if (Trans.equals("S")) { out.println(""); out.println(""); } else if (Trans.equals("B")) { out.println(""); out.println(""); } } else { out.println(""); out.println(""); } out.println(""); if (NumS != null) { out.println(""); } else { out.println(""); } out.println(""); if (Symbol != null) { out.println(""); } else { out.println(""); } out.println(""); if (Price != null) { out.println(""); } else { out.println(""); } out.println("
    Please select:BuySellBuySellBuySellNo. of shares:
    Symbol:Asking price:$$
    "); // Print user holdings sessionbase.showHoldings(out, 1, SessionId); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("lfrozen")) { // List frozen offers with modify/unfreeze/delete option displayAllFrozen(request, response, SessionId); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("VOffers")) { // List offers of a particular stock displayTrans(request, response, SessionId); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("quote")) { // Show a stock quote String Type = request.getParameter("Type"); displayQuote(request, response, SessionId, Type); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("modf")) { Symbol = request.getParameter("Symbol"); Owner = request.getParameter("Owner"); Trans = request.getParameter("Trans"); query = "select * from Frozen where Trans = '" + Trans + "' and AccountId = " + Owner + " and Symbol = '" + Symbol + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { Shares = result.getInt("NumShares"); Cost = result.getDouble("tradeAt"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } query = "select Username from Account where AccountId = " + Owner; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { userName = result.getString("Username"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Note:
    "); out.println("This will modify a frozen offer. Please "); out.println("be sure of the changes you make. These changes will effect"); out.println("the portfolio of the user owning this transaction.

    "); out.println("Transaction owner: " + userName + "

    "); out.println("Modify the transaction:"); out.println("
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); if (Trans.equals("S")) { out.println(""); } else if (Trans.equals("B")) { out.println(""); } out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    Symbol: " + Symbol + "Sell offer
    Buy offer
    No. of shares:
    Asking price:$

    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("mod")) { Symbol = request.getParameter("Symbol"); Owner = request.getParameter("Owner"); Trans = request.getParameter("Trans"); query = "select * from qt" + Symbol.toLowerCase() + " where Trans = '" + Trans + "' and AccountId = " + Owner; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { Shares = result.getInt("NumShares"); Cost = result.getDouble("tradeAt"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } query = "select Username from Account where AccountId = " + Owner; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { userName = result.getString("Username"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Note:
    "); out.println("This will modify a currently existing offer. Please "); out.println("be sure of the changes you make. These changes will effect"); out.println("the portfolio of the user owning this transaction.

    "); out.println("Transaction owner: " + userName + "

    "); out.println("Modify the transaction:"); out.println("
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); if (Trans.equals("S")) { out.println(""); } else if (Trans.equals("B")) { out.println(""); } out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    Symbol: " + Symbol + "Sell offer
    Buy offer
    No. of shares:
    Asking price:$

    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("freeze")) { Symbol = request.getParameter("Symbol"); Trans = request.getParameter("Trans"); Owner = request.getParameter("Owner"); // Get the username query = "select Username from Account where AccountId = " + Owner; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { userName = result.getString("Username"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Get transaction info query = "select tradeAt, NumShares from qt" + Symbol.toLowerCase() + " where AccountId = " + Owner + " and Trans = '" + Trans + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { Cost = result.getDouble("tradeAt"); Shares = result.getInt("NumShares"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String Transe = (String)null; if (Trans.equals("B")) { Transe = "Purchase"; } else { Transe = "Sell"; } sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Are you sure you want to freeze the following transaction?

    "); out.println("Owner: " + userName + "
    "); out.println("Symbol: " + Symbol.toUpperCase() + "
    "); out.println("Transaction type: " + Transe + "
    "); out.println("Number of Shares: " + intFormat.format(Shares) + "
    "); out.println("Cost: " + curFormat.format(Cost) + "

    "); out.println(""); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("confirmFreeze")) { Symbol = request.getParameter("Symbol"); Trans = request.getParameter("Trans"); Owner = request.getParameter("Owner"); // Get the userName query = "select Username from Account where AccountId = " + Owner; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { userName = result.getString("Username"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Lock required tables sessionbase.doUpdate("lock tables " + userName + " write, qt" + Symbol.toLowerCase() + " write, Account write, Frozen write", SessionId); // Get value and shares query = "select tradeAt, NumShares from qt" + Symbol.toLowerCase() + " where AccountId = " + Owner + " and Trans = '" + Trans + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { Cost = result.getDouble("tradeAt"); Shares = result.getInt("NumShares"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Delete from the queue query = "delete from qt" + Symbol.toLowerCase() + " where AccountId = " + Owner + " and Trans = '" + Trans + "'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // Switch to Frozen in User Holdings query = "update " + userName + " set Trans = 'F" + Trans + "' where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "' and Trans = '" + Trans + "'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // Add to Frozen table query = "insert into Frozen (AccountId, Symbol, Trans, NumShares, tradeAt) values (" + Owner + ", '" + Symbol + "', '" + Trans + "', " + Shares + ", " + Cost + ")"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // Send an email to the user about the change. String Email = (String)null; String from = (String)null; String Subject = (String)null; String Text = (String)null; if (Trans.equals("B")) { Trans = "Purchasing"; } else { Trans = "Selling"; } query = "select Email from Account where AccountId = " + Owner; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while( { Email = result.getString("Email"); } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } from = SystemEmail; Subject = SystemShortName + " - Offer Frozen Notice"; Text = "This note is to inform you that one of your offers has been\nfrozen by a " + SystemName + " administrator\nfor suspicion of market manipulation practices.\n\nTransaction: " + Trans + " " + intFormat.format(Shares) + " shares of " + Symbol.toUpperCase() + " at " + curFormat.format(Cost) + ".\n\n"; sessionbase.sendEmail(Subject, Email, from, Text, SessionId); sessionbase.doUpdate("unlock tables", SessionId); response.sendRedirect(ServletURL + ".Admin?task=loffers"); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("unfreeze")) { Symbol = request.getParameter("Symbol"); Trans = request.getParameter("Trans"); Owner = request.getParameter("Owner"); // Get the userName query = "select Username from Account where AccountId = " + Owner; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { userName = result.getString("Username"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Get value and shares query = "select NumShares, tradeAt from Frozen where AccountId = " + Owner + " and Symbol = '" + Symbol + "' and Trans = '" + Trans + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { Cost = result.getDouble("tradeAt"); Shares = result.getInt("NumShares"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Okay, put the transaction through doTrans. First delete it from the // users frozen holdings query = "delete from " + userName + " where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "' and Trans = 'F" + Trans + "'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query); // Delete from Frozen table query = "delete from Frozen where AccountId = " + Owner + " and Trans = '" + Trans + "' and Symbol = '" + Symbol + "'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query); Timestamp now = null; Offers currentOffer = new Offers(Symbol, Trans, Cost, Shares, now, Owner); sessionbase.doTrans(currentOffer, SessionId, true, response); // Send an email to the user about the change. String from = (String)null; String Subject = (String)null; String Text = (String)null; if (Trans.equals("B")) { Trans = "Purchasing"; } else { Trans = "Selling"; } Subject = SystemShortName + " - Offer UnFrozen Notice"; Text = "This note is to inform you that one of your frozen offers has been\nreleased by a " + SystemName + " administrator.\n\nTransaction: " + Trans + " " + intFormat.format(Shares) + " shares of " + Symbol.toUpperCase() + " at " + curFormat.format(Cost) + ".\n\n"; sessionbase.sendEmail(Subject, Text, Owner, SessionId); response.sendRedirect(ServletURL + ".Admin?task=lfrozen"); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("deletef")) { Symbol = request.getParameter("Symbol"); Trans = request.getParameter("Trans"); Owner = request.getParameter("Owner"); // Get the username query = "select Username from Account where AccountId = " + Owner; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { userName = result.getString("Username"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Get transaction info query = "select tradeAt, NumShares from Frozen where AccountId = " + Owner + " and Trans = '" + Trans + "' and Symbol = '" + Symbol + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { Cost = result.getDouble("tradeAt"); Shares = result.getInt("NumShares"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String Transe = (String)null; if (Trans.equals("B")) { Transe = "Purchase"; } else { Transe = "Sell"; } sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Are you sure you want to delete the following frozen transaction?

    "); out.println("Owner: " + userName + "
    "); out.println("Symbol: " + Symbol.toUpperCase() + "
    "); out.println("Transaction type: " + Transe + "
    "); out.println("Number of Shares: " + intFormat.format(Shares) + "
    "); out.println("Cost: " + curFormat.format(Cost) + "

    "); out.println(""); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("delete")) { Symbol = request.getParameter("Symbol"); Trans = request.getParameter("Trans"); Owner = request.getParameter("Owner"); // Get the username query = "select Username from Account where AccountId = " + Owner; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { userName = result.getString("Username"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Get transaction info query = "select tradeAt, NumShares from qt" + Symbol.toLowerCase() + " where AccountId = " + Owner + " and Trans = '" + Trans + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { Cost = result.getDouble("tradeAt"); Shares = result.getInt("NumShares"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String Transe = (String)null; if (Trans.equals("B")) { Transe = "Purchase"; } else { Transe = "Sell"; } sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Are you sure you want to delete the following transaction?

    "); out.println("Owner: " + userName + "
    "); out.println("Symbol: " + Symbol.toUpperCase() + "
    "); out.println("Transaction type: " + Transe + "
    "); out.println("Number of Shares: " + intFormat.format(Shares) + "
    "); out.println("Cost: " + curFormat.format(Cost) + "

    "); out.println(""); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("confirmDelF")) { Symbol = request.getParameter("Symbol"); Trans = request.getParameter("Trans"); Owner = request.getParameter("Owner"); // Get the userName query = "select Username from Account where AccountId = " + Owner; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { userName = result.getString("Username"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Lock required tables sessionbase.doUpdate("lock tables " + userName + " write, Frozen write, Portfolio write, Account write", SessionId); // Get value and shares query = "select tradeAt, NumShares from Frozen where AccountId = " + Owner + " and Trans = '" + Trans + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { Cost = result.getDouble("tradeAt"); Shares = result.getInt("NumShares"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Delete from the queue query = "delete from Frozen where AccountId = " + Owner + " and Trans = '" + Trans + "' and Symbol = '" + Symbol + "'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // If it's a Buy offer, delete offer from users Holdings // and add balance back into Portfolio // If it's a Sell offer, place shares back into Holdings as // fixed and delete the offer. double Balance = 0.00; if (Trans.equals("B")) { // Retrieve users balance query = "select Balance from Portfolio where AccountId = " + Owner; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { Balance = result.getDouble("Balance"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Update balance Balance += (Shares * Cost); query = "update Portfolio set Balance = " + Balance + " where AccountId = " + Owner; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); } else { // Check to see if user already has Fixed shares of this // type and just update that. Otherwise, insert the new // amount. int oShares = 0; query = "select NumShares from " + userName + " where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "' and Trans = 'C'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { oShares = result.getInt("NumShares"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (oShares > 0) { oShares += Shares; query = "update " + userName + " set NumShares = " + oShares + " where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "' and Trans = 'C'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); } else { query = "insert into " + userName + " (Symbol, NumShares, tradeAt, Trans, Dtime) values ('" + Symbol + "', " + Shares + ", " + Cost + ", 'C', NOW())"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); } } // Delete offer query = "delete from " + userName + " where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "' and Trans = 'F" + Trans + "'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // Send an email to the user about the change. String Email = (String)null; String from = (String)null; String Subject = (String)null; String Text = (String)null; if (Trans.equals("B")) { Trans = "Purchasing"; } else { Trans = "Selling"; } query = "select Email from Account where AccountId = " + Owner; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while( { Email = result.getString("Email"); } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Get current balance query = "select Balance from Portfolio where AccountId = " + Owner; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { Balance = result.getDouble("Balance"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } from = SystemEmail; Subject = SystemShortName + " - Frozen Offer Deleted Notice"; Text = "This note is to inform you that one of your frozen offers has been\ndeleted by a " + SystemName + " administrator.\n\nTransaction: " + Trans + " " + intFormat.format(Shares) + " shares of " + Symbol.toUpperCase() + " at " + curFormat.format(Cost) + ".\n\nBalance: " + curFormat.format(Balance) + "\n"; sessionbase.sendEmail(Subject, Email, from, Text, SessionId); sessionbase.doUpdate("unlock tables", SessionId); response.sendRedirect(ServletURL + ".Admin?task=loffers"); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("confirmDel")) { Symbol = request.getParameter("Symbol"); Trans = request.getParameter("Trans"); Owner = request.getParameter("Owner"); // Get the userName query = "select Username from Account where AccountId = " + Owner; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { userName = result.getString("Username"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Lock required tables sessionbase.doUpdate("lock tables " + userName + " write, qt" + Symbol.toLowerCase() + " write, Portfolio write, Account write", SessionId); // Get value and shares query = "select tradeAt, NumShares from qt" + Symbol.toLowerCase() + " where AccountId = " + Owner + " and Trans = '" + Trans + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { Cost = result.getDouble("tradeAt"); Shares = result.getInt("NumShares"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Delete from the queue query = "delete from qt" + Symbol.toLowerCase() + " where AccountId = " + Owner + " and Trans = '" + Trans + "'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // If it's a Buy offer, delete offer from users Holdings // and add balance back into Portfolio // If it's a Sell offer, place shares back into Holdings as // fixed and delete the offer. double Balance = 0.00; if (Trans.equals("B")) { // Retrieve users balance query = "select Balance from Portfolio where AccountId = " + Owner; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { Balance = result.getDouble("Balance"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Update balance Balance += (Shares * Cost); query = "update Portfolio set Balance = " + Balance + " where AccountId = " + Owner; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); } else { // Check to see if user already has Fixed shares of this // type and just update that. Otherwise, insert the new // amount. int oShares = 0; query = "select NumShares from " + userName + " where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "' and Trans = 'C'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { oShares = result.getInt("NumShares"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (oShares > 0) { oShares += Shares; query = "update " + userName + " set NumShares = " + oShares + " where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "' and Trans = 'C'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); } else { query = "insert into " + userName + " (Symbol, NumShares, tradeAt, Trans, Dtime) values ('" + Symbol + "', " + Shares + ", " + Cost + ", 'C', NOW())"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); } } // Delete offer query = "delete from " + userName + " where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "' and Trans = '" + Trans + "'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // Send an email to the user about the change. String Email = (String)null; String from = (String)null; String Subject = (String)null; String Text = (String)null; if (Trans.equals("B")) { Trans = "Purchasing"; } else { Trans = "Selling"; } query = "select Email from Account where AccountId = " + Owner; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while( { Email = result.getString("Email"); } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Get current balance query = "select Balance from Portfolio where AccountId = " + Owner; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { Balance = result.getDouble("Balance"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } from = SystemEmail; Subject = SystemShortName + " - Offer Deleted Notice"; Text = "This note is to inform you that one of your offers has been\ndeleted by a " + SystemName + " administrator.\n\nTransaction: " + Trans + " " + intFormat.format(Shares) + " shares of " + Symbol.toUpperCase() + " at " + curFormat.format(Cost) + ".\n\nBalance: " + curFormat.format(Balance) + "\n"; sessionbase.sendEmail(Subject, Email, from, Text, SessionId); sessionbase.doUpdate("unlock tables", SessionId); response.sendRedirect(ServletURL + ".Admin?task=loffers"); out.close(); } else { // Invalid task sessionbase.printTop(out, 21); out.println("Error:

    "); out.println("

    Invalid Task Specified

    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    Number of Shares Available:
    Current Value:
    Company Balance:
    Company Email Address:
    Company Password:
    Verify Password:
    Choose this option to have the Exchange select a new Random password, to be emailed to the company.
    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else { // Everything is okay, create the company // Lock required tables sessionbase.doUpdate("lock tables Companies write, Account write, Portfolio write", SessionId); // Add company to the Companies table query = "insert into Companies (Name, Symbol, Tshares, Open, Last, Volume, 52WkHi, 52WkLo, DayHi, DayLo, Previous, IPO) values ('" + Name + "', '" + Symbol + "', " + numShares + ", " + Value + ", " + Value + ", 0, " + Value + ", " + Value + ", " + Value + ", " + Value + ", " + Value + ", " + Value + ")"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // Create Company Table query = "create table qt" + Symbol.toLowerCase() + " (AccountId int(12) not null, Trans enum('B','S') not null, NumShares int(10) not null, tradeAt double(5, 2) not null, Dtime timestamp not null, primary key(AccountId, Trans))"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // Create Company History table query = "create table ht" + Symbol.toLowerCase() + " (Date date not null, Time time not null, Value double(5, 2) not null)"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // Create Company History table query = "create table eht" + Symbol.toLowerCase() + " (Date date not null, Value double(5, 2) not null)"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // Create Company user // Was a random password requested? if (Rand.equals("rand")) { Pass = sessionbase.genPass("", false); } // Get the next AccountId query = "select max(AccountId) from Account"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); int AcId = 0; try { while ( { AcId = result.getInt("max(AccountId)"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } AcId += 1; // Insert into Account query = "insert into Account (AccountId, Username, Password, Fname, Lname, Dcreate, Email, Type) values (" + AcId + ", '" + Symbol + "', Password('" + Pass + "'), 'Company', 'User', NOW(), '" + Email + "', 'C')"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // Create a Company User table query = "create table " + Symbol + " (Symbol varchar(4) not null, NumShares int(10) not null, boughtAt double(5, 2) not null, tradeAt double(5, 2) not null, Trans enum('B','S','C','FB','FS') not null, Dtime datetime not null, primary key(Symbol, Trans))"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // Add Company User Portfolio query = "insert into Portfolio (AccountId, Balance) values (" + AcId + ", " + CmpBal + ")"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // Unlock tables sessionbase.doUpdate("unlock tables", SessionId); // Add initial entries query = "insert into eht" + Symbol.toLowerCase() + " (Date, Value) values (NOW(), " + Value + ")"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // Add Company Holdings query = "insert into " + Symbol + " (Symbol, NumShares, tradeAt, boughtAt, Trans, Dtime) values ('" + Symbol + "', " + numShares + ", " + Value + ", " + Value + ", 'C', NOW())"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // Email Company User String from = SystemEmail; String Subject = "" + SystemShortName + " - Company Created!"; String Text = "An account has been created for the company " + Name + "(" + Symbol + " on the " + SystemName + ".\n\nPoint your browser to: " + SystemURL + " to log in.\n\nUsername: " + Symbol + "\nPassword: " + Pass + "\n"; sessionbase.sendEmail(Subject, Email, from, Text, SessionId); sessionbase.printTop(out, 24); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Company Creation
    "); out.println("The Company '" + Name + "'(" + Symbol + ") has been created.
    "); out.println("Add a Company"); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    Number of Shares Available:
    Company Balance:
    Current Value:
    Company Email Address:
    Company Password:
    Verify Password:
    Choose this option to have the Exchange select a new Random password, to be emailed to the company.
    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } } else if (task.equals("addNews")) { String Author = ""; Author += request.getParameter("Name"); String Title = ""; Title += request.getParameter("Title"); String Type = ""; Type += request.getParameter("Type"); String Story = ""; Story += request.getParameter("Story"); String chkAuthor = ""; String cmpAuthor = ""; String Message = ""; int error = 0; // Check for authentic user query = "select Username from Account where Username = '" + Author + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { chkAuthor += result.getString("Username"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } cmpAuthor = Author.toLowerCase(); if (!cmpAuthor.equals(chkAuthor.toLowerCase())) { Message += "The user you entered is not a registered user.
    "; error++; } if (Title.length() < 1) { Message += "You must provide a Title for the Article.
    "; error++; } if (Story.length() < 1) { Message += "You must provide text for the Article.
    "; error++; } if (error > 0) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 26); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Error:
    "); out.println(Message); out.println("
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    Author's Username:
    (Must be the name of a registered user)
    (60 character limit)
    Article Type:
    General News
    Breaking News
    Front Article
    Story: (HTML Tags Accepted)
    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else { addNews(Title, Author, Type, Story, SessionId); response.sendRedirect(ServletURL + ".Admin?task=news"); } } else if (task.equals("clearSys")) { // This will clear all History tables. Make sure the user // really wants to do this. sessionbase.printTop(out, 21); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Confirm
    "); out.println("Notice: This will clear the history tables of every company on the Exchange. Are you sure you want to do this?

    "); out.println(""); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (task.equals("confirmParamsChange")) { // Retrieve all the values // Initialize each variable first so that we can do comparisons. String Name = ""; String shortName = ""; String URL = ""; String SrvURL = ""; String Path = ""; String Email = ""; String Pass = ""; String verPass = ""; String changePer = ""; String changeCap = ""; String compBal = ""; String usrBal = ""; String Comms = ""; Name += request.getParameter("exchangeName"); shortName += request.getParameter("shortName"); URL += request.getParameter("httpurl"); SrvURL += request.getParameter("servleturl"); Path += request.getParameter("path"); Email += request.getParameter("Email"); Pass += request.getParameter("password"); verPass += request.getParameter("verpass"); changePer += request.getParameter("changepercent"); changeCap += request.getParameter("changecap"); Comms += request.getParameter("commission"); compBal += request.getParameter("companybalance"); usrBal += request.getParameter("userbalance"); int error = 0; Double Conv; double ChangePer = 0; double ChangeCap = 0; double Commission = 0.00; double userBalance = 0.00; double companyBalance = 0.00; String numCheck = ""; char Checkit; int lenCheck = 0; String Message = ""; // Convert changePer and changeCap to double try { numCheck = ""; lenCheck = changePer.length(); for (int i = 0 ; i < lenCheck ; i++) { Checkit = changePer.charAt(i); if (Checkit != '$' && Checkit != ',') { numCheck += Checkit; } } Conv = new Double(numCheck); ChangePer = Conv.doubleValue(); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { Message += "Percentage Change Value contains invalid characters.
    "; error++; } try { numCheck = ""; lenCheck = Comms.length(); for (int i = 0 ; i < lenCheck ; i++) { Checkit = Comms.charAt(i); if (Checkit != '$' && Checkit != ',') { numCheck += Checkit; } } Conv = new Double(numCheck); Commission = Conv.doubleValue(); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { Message += "Commission Rate contains invalid characters.
    "; error++; } try { numCheck = ""; lenCheck = compBal.length(); for (int i = 0 ; i < lenCheck ; i++) { Checkit = compBal.charAt(i); if (Checkit != '$' && Checkit != ',') { numCheck += Checkit; } } Conv = new Double(numCheck); companyBalance = Conv.doubleValue(); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { Message += "Company Default balance contains invalid characters.
    "; error++; } try { numCheck = ""; lenCheck = usrBal.length(); for (int i = 0 ; i < lenCheck ; i++) { Checkit = usrBal.charAt(i); if (Checkit != '$' && Checkit != ',') { numCheck += Checkit; } } Conv = new Double(numCheck); userBalance = Conv.doubleValue(); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { Message += "User Default balance contains invalid characters.
    "; error++; } try { numCheck = ""; lenCheck = changeCap.length(); for (int i = 0 ; i < lenCheck ; i++) { Checkit = changeCap.charAt(i); if (Checkit != '$' && Checkit != ',') { numCheck += Checkit; } } Conv = new Double(numCheck); ChangeCap = Conv.doubleValue(); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { Message += "Market Capitalization Change contains invalid characters.
    "; error++; } // Check everything if (ChangePer >= 1 || ChangePer < 0) { Message += "Change Percentage has to be a positive decimal value or 0.
    "; error++; } if (ChangeCap < 0) { Message += "Market Capitalization Change cannot be a negative value.
    "; error++; } if (Commission < 0) { Message += "Commission Rate cannot be a negative value.
    "; error++; } if (userBalance < 0) { Message += "User Default balance cannot be a negative value.
    "; error++; } if (companyBalance < 0) { Message += "Company Default balance cannot be a negative value.
    "; error++; } if (Name.length() < 1) { Message += "An Exchange Name must be provided.
    "; error++; } if (shortName.length() < 1) { Message += "An Exchange Short Name must be provided.
    "; error++; } if (URL.length() < 1) { Message += "A System URL must be provided.
    "; error++; } if (SrvURL.length() < 1) { Message += "A Servlet Server URL must be provided.
    "; error++; } if (Path.length() < 1) { Message += "A System Path must be provided.
    "; error++; } if (Email.length() < 1) { Message += "An Exchange Email Address must be provided.
    "; error++; } if ((Pass.length() > 0 && verPass.length() < 1) || (verPass.length() > 0 && Pass.length() < 1)) { Message += "A Password was entered but not verified.
    "; error++; } if ((Pass.length() > 0 && verPass.length() > 0) && (Pass.length() < 5)) { Message += "Password must be at least 5 characters long.
    "; error++; } if ((Pass.length() > 0 && verPass.length() > 0) && (!Pass.equals(verPass))) { Message += "The passwords entered don't match.
    "; error++; } // Check URL and SrvURL from http:// // Convert a temporary to lowercase (user may enter httP, HTTP, or // some such combination so just make sure it's lowercase) String tmp = URL.toLowerCase(); if (!tmp.startsWith("http://")) { URL = "http://" + URL; } tmp = SrvURL.toLowerCase(); if (!tmp.startsWith("http://")) { SrvURL = "http://" + SrvURL; } // Check for a valid, unique email address // Check for invalid email address. Must match *@*.* in some way. // Simply checks character by character for @ and . then checks // positioning. if (Email.length() > 0) { String lookFor = "@"; int found = 0; for (int i = 0; i< Email.length(); i++) { if(Email.charAt(i) == ' ') { Message += "An invalid email address was entered.
    "; error++; } if (Email.charAt(i) == lookFor.charAt(0)) { found++; if (i == 0) { Message += "An invalid email address was entered.
    "; error++; } else if (i == (Email.length()-1)) { Message += "An invalid email address was entered.
    "; error++; } else { int j = i+1; lookFor = "."; for (int k = 0; k < (Email.length()-j); k++) { if (Email.charAt(k+j) == lookFor.charAt(0)) { found++; if (k == 0) { Message += "An invalid email address was entered.
    "; error++; } else if ( k == (Email.length()-j-1)) { Message += "An invalid email address was entered.
    "; error++; } } } } } } if (found < 2) { Message += "An invalid email address was entered.
    "; error++; } } if (error > 0) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 21); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Error:
    "); out.println(Message + "
    "); out.println("" + SystemShortName + " Parameters
    "); out.println("Here you can change parameters affecting how the Exchange
    "); out.println("works.

    "); out.println("Warning: Several of these parameters are vital to the
    "); out.println("Exchange working properly. Please be careful when making changes.
    "); out.println("
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    Exchange Name:
    Short Name:
    Path to Exchange Files:
    Exchange URL(HTTP):
    Exchange URL(Servlet Server):
    Exchange Email Address:
    Administrative Password:
    Verify Password:
    What do you want the commission to be when a user makes a transaction?
    The default amount of money a user should start with when created.
    User Balance:
    The default amount of money a company should start with when created.
    Company Balance:
    The next parameters modify the rules used with the automatic transaction
    filters. Changing these will modify what transactions are allowed to go through.
    What percent can a users offer change the value of a stock? (Note, setting this to
    0 will prevent any percentage checks.
    (decimal value)
    How much can a transaction change a companies Market Capitalization? (Note, setting
    this to 0 will prevent any Capitalization checks.
    Execute the changes:
    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else { // Make changes to Parameters query = "update Parameters set URL = '" + URL + "', ServletURL = '" + SrvURL + "', Path = '" + Path + "', Email = '" + Email + "', Name = '" + Name + "', ShortName = '" + shortName + "', ChangeCap = " + ChangeCap + ", ChangeValue = " + ChangePer + ", Commission = " + Commission + ", userBalance = " + userBalance + ", compBalance = " + companyBalance; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // Update Admin email query = "update Account set Email = '" + Email + "' where AccountId = 1"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // Change Admin password, if entered if (Pass.length() > 0) { query = "update Account set Password = Password('" + Pass + "') where AccountId = 1"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); } // Have the system reload changes sessionbase.loadParams(); sessionbase.printTop(out, 21); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println(SystemName + " parameters successfully updated."); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } } else if (task.equals("modusrRedir")) { String Name = request.getParameter("Name"); response.sendRedirect(ServletURL + ".Admin?task=modUser&User=" + Name); } else if (task.equals("modcomRedir")) { String Symbol = request.getParameter("companySym"); response.sendRedirect(ServletURL + ".Admin?task=modCompany&companySym=" + Symbol); } else if (task.equals("createUser")) { String userName = ""; userName += request.getParameter("User"); String Bal = ""; Bal += request.getParameter("Balance"); String Fname = ""; Fname += request.getParameter("Fname"); String Lname = ""; Lname += request.getParameter("Lname"); String Mi = ""; Mi += request.getParameter("Mi"); String Email = ""; Email += request.getParameter("Email"); String Pass = ""; Pass += request.getParameter("Pass"); String Pass1 = ""; Pass1 += request.getParameter("Pass1"); String Randm = ""; Randm += request.getParameter("Random"); String Message = ""; int error = 0; Double convD = null; double Balance = 0; int lenCheck = 0; char Checkit; String numCheck = ""; // Convert Balance to Double try { numCheck = ""; lenCheck = Bal.length(); for (int i = 0 ; i < lenCheck ; i++) { Checkit = Bal.charAt(i); if (Checkit != '$' && Checkit != ',') { numCheck += Checkit; } } convD = new Double(numCheck); Balance = convD.doubleValue(); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { Message += "Balance contains invalid characters.
    "; error++; } double startBal = 0; query = "select userBalance from Parameters"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { startBal = result.getDouble("userBalance"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (Balance < sessionbase.getCommission(SessionId)) { Message += "Balance should be at least $" + sessionbase.getCommission(SessionId) + " to cover the commission charge.
    "; error++; } if (userName.length() < 1) { Message += "Username field cannot be left empty.
    "; error++; } if (Fname.length() < 1) { Message += "First Name field cannot be left empty.
    "; error++; } if (Mi.length() < 1 || Mi.equals("null")) { Mi = ""; } if (Lname.length() < 1) { Message += "Last name field cannot be left empty.
    "; error++; } if (Email.length() < 1) { Message += "Email field cannot be left empty.
    "; error++; } if (Randm.equals("rand") && (Pass.length() > 0 || Pass1.length() > 0)) { Message += "You entered a password and selected Random Password. Please choose one or the other.
    "; error++; } if (Pass.length() > 0 && Pass1.length() > 0) { if (!Pass.equals(Pass1)) { Message += "The passwords you entered do not match.
    "; error++; } } if (Pass.length() > 0 && Pass.length() < 5 && Pass.equals(Pass1) && !Randm.equals("rand")) { Message += "Passwords must be at least 5 characters long.
    "; error++; } if (!Randm.equals("rand") && (!(Pass.length() > 0) || !(Pass1.length() > 0))) { Message += "You must either enter a password or select Random Password.
    "; error++; } // Check for duplicate Username query = "select Username from Account where Username = '" + userName + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); String checkUser = ""; try { while ( { checkUser = result.getString("Username"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (checkUser.length() > 0) { Message += "Another user is registered with the selected username.
    "; error++; } // Check for duplicate email address query = "select Username from Account where Email = '" + Email + "' and Type != 'C'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); String checkEmail = ""; try { while ( { checkEmail = result.getString("Username"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (checkEmail.length() > 0) { Message += "Another user is registered with the selected email address.
    "; error++; } if (error > 0) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 22); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Error:
    "); out.println(Message); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    Starting Balance:
    First name:
    Middle Initial:
    Last name:
    Email Address:
    Verify Password:
    Choose this option to have the Exchange select a new Random password, to be emailed to the user.
    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else { // Everything is okay, create the account // Lock required tables sessionbase.doUpdate("lock tables Account write, Portfolio write, Parameters write", SessionId); // Was a random password requested? if (Randm.equals("rand")) { Pass = sessionbase.genPass("", false); } // Add user to the Account table // Get the next AccountId // Check to see what the current max AccountId is. int NewAccountId = 0; query = "select max(AccountId) from Account"; // Pass the query over to the BullyDB object. Return type is ResultSet. result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while( { NewAccountId = result.getInt("max(AccountId)"); } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Increment AccountId for the new user NewAccountId++; // Add entry query = "insert into Account (AccountId, Username, Password, Fname, Mi, Lname, Email, Dcreate) values (" + NewAccountId + ", '" + userName + "', Password('" + Pass + "'), '" + Fname + "', '" + Mi + "', '" + Lname + "', '" + Email + "', NOW())"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // Create Holdings table query = "create table " + userName + " (Symbol varchar(4) not null, NumShares int(10) not null, boughtAt double(5, 2) not null, tradeAt double(5, 2) not null, Trans enum('B','S','C','FB','FS') not null, Dtime datetime not null, primary key(Symbol, Trans))"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // Add user's Portfolio query = "insert into Portfolio (AccountId, Balance) values (" + NewAccountId + ", " + Balance + ")"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // Unlock tables sessionbase.doUpdate("unlock tables", SessionId); // Email creation message to user String from = SystemEmail; String Subject = SystemShortName + " - Account Creation Notice"; String Text = "An account has been created for you on the " + SystemName + ".\n\nPoint your browser to: " + SystemURL + " to log in.\n\nUsername: " + userName + "\nPassword: " + Pass + "\n"; sessionbase.sendEmail(Subject, Email, from, Text, SessionId); // In the event that the admin is wanting to add a large // block of users, have it display another User Creation // page. sessionbase.printTop(out, 22); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("User Successfully Added"); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    Starting Balance:
    First name:
    Middle Initial:
    Last name:
    Email Address:
    Verify Password:
    Choose this option to have the Exchange select a new Random password, to be emailed to the user.
    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } } else if (task.equals("modcmp")) { String Symbol = request.getParameter("Symbol"); String Name = request.getParameter("Name"); String nums = request.getParameter("numShares"); String lst = request.getParameter("Last"); String opn = request.getParameter("Open"); String dayh = request.getParameter("DayHi"); String dayl = request.getParameter("DayLo"); String fth = request.getParameter("52WkHi"); String ftl = request.getParameter("52WkLo"); String vol = request.getParameter("Volume"); String Email = request.getParameter("Email"); String Locked = request.getParameter("Locked"); String prev = request.getParameter("Previous"); String Pass = request.getParameter("Pass"); String Pass1 = request.getParameter("Pass1"); String Bal = request.getParameter("Balance"); String Rand = ""; Rand += request.getParameter("Random"); Double convD; Integer convI; int numShares = 0; double Balance = 0.00; double Last = 0.00; double Open = 0.00; double DayHi = 0.00; double DayLo = 0.00; double ftHi = 0.00; double ftLo = 0.00; double Previous = 0.00; int Volume = 0; int lenCheck = 0; char Checkit; String numCheck = ""; String Message = ""; int error = 0; try { numCheck = ""; lenCheck = Bal.length(); for (int i = 0 ; i < lenCheck ; i++) { Checkit = Bal.charAt(i); if (Checkit != '$' && Checkit != ',') { numCheck += Checkit; } } convD = new Double(numCheck); Balance = convD.doubleValue(); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { Message += "Balance contains invalid characters.
    "; error++; } try { numCheck = ""; lenCheck = lst.length(); for (int i = 0 ; i < lenCheck ; i++) { Checkit = lst.charAt(i); if (Checkit != '$' && Checkit != ',') { numCheck += Checkit; } } convD = new Double(numCheck); Last = convD.doubleValue(); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { Message += "Current Value contains invalid characters.
    "; error++; } try { numCheck = ""; lenCheck = prev.length(); for (int i = 0 ; i < lenCheck ; i++) { Checkit = prev.charAt(i); if (Checkit != '$' && Checkit != ',') { numCheck += Checkit; } } convD = new Double(numCheck); Previous = convD.doubleValue(); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { Message += "Previous Value contains invalid characters.
    "; error++; } try { numCheck = ""; lenCheck = nums.length(); for (int i = 0 ; i < lenCheck ; i++) { Checkit = nums.charAt(i); if (Checkit != '$' && Checkit != ',') { numCheck += Checkit; } } convI = new Integer(numCheck); numShares = convI.intValue(); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { Message += "Total Shares contains invalid characters.
    "; error++; } try { numCheck = ""; lenCheck = opn.length(); for (int i = 0 ; i < lenCheck ; i++) { Checkit = opn.charAt(i); if (Checkit != '$' && Checkit != ',') { numCheck += Checkit; } } convD = new Double(numCheck); Open = convD.doubleValue(); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { Message += "Opening Value contains invalid characters.
    "; error++; } try { numCheck = ""; lenCheck = dayh.length(); for (int i = 0 ; i < lenCheck ; i++) { Checkit = dayh.charAt(i); if (Checkit != '$' && Checkit != ',') { numCheck += Checkit; } } convD = new Double(numCheck); DayHi = convD.doubleValue(); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { Message += "Day High contains invalid characters.
    "; error++; } try { numCheck = ""; lenCheck = dayl.length(); for (int i = 0 ; i < lenCheck ; i++) { Checkit = dayl.charAt(i); if (Checkit != '$' && Checkit != ',') { numCheck += Checkit; } } convD = new Double(numCheck); DayLo = convD.doubleValue(); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { Message += "Day Low contains invalid characters.
    "; error++; } try { numCheck = ""; lenCheck = fth.length(); for (int i = 0 ; i < lenCheck ; i++) { Checkit = fth.charAt(i); if (Checkit != '$' && Checkit != ',') { numCheck += Checkit; } } convD = new Double(numCheck); ftHi = convD.doubleValue(); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { Message += "52 Week High contains invalid characters.
    "; error++; } try { numCheck = ""; lenCheck = ftl.length(); for (int i = 0 ; i < lenCheck ; i++) { Checkit = ftl.charAt(i); if (Checkit != '$' && Checkit != ',') { numCheck += Checkit; } } convD = new Double(numCheck); ftLo = convD.doubleValue(); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { Message += "52 Week Low contains invalid characters.
    "; error++; } try { numCheck = ""; lenCheck = vol.length(); for (int i = 0 ; i < lenCheck ; i++) { Checkit = vol.charAt(i); if (Checkit != '$' && Checkit != ',') { numCheck += Checkit; } } convI = new Integer(numCheck); Volume = convI.intValue(); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { Message += "Volume contains invalid characters.
    "; error++; } if (Symbol.length() < 1) { Message += "A Symbol must be provided.
    "; error++; } if (Name.length() < 1) { Message += "A name must be provided.
    "; error++; } if ((Pass.length() > 0 && Pass1.length() < 1) || (Pass.length() < 1 && Pass1.length() > 0)) { Message += "When changing password, you must enter both the Password and the Verify Password.
    "; error++; } if ((Pass.length() > 0 && Pass1.length() > 0) && !(Pass.equals(Pass1))) { Message += "The passwords you entered do not match!
    "; error++; } if (Rand.equals("rand") && (Pass.length() > 0 || Pass1.length() > 0)) { Message += "You cannot enter a password and choose Random Password, please pick one or the other.
    "; error++; } if (Balance < 0) { Message += "The Balance field cannot be a negative value.
    "; error++; } if (Volume < 0) { Message += "The Volume field cannot be a negative value.
    "; error++; } if (numShares < 0) { Message += "Total Shares cannot be a negative value.
    "; error++; } if (Last < 0.01 || Open < 0.01 || DayHi < 0.01 || DayLo < 0.01 || ftHi < 0.01 || ftLo < 0.01 || Previous < 0.01) { Message += "Monetary Values must be at least 0.01.
    "; error++; } if (Email.length() < 1) { Message += "A Company Email Address must be provided.
    "; error++; } // Make sure a duplicate email address was not entered String checkCmp = ""; query = "select Username from Account where Email = '" + Email + "' and Type = 'C'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { checkCmp = result.getString("Username"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (checkCmp.length() > 0 && !checkCmp.equals(Symbol)) { Message += "The email address you entered is in use by another company.
    "; error++; } if (error > 0) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 24); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Modify a Company"); out.println("Error:
    "); out.println(Message); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); if (Locked.equals("Y")) { out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); } else { out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); } out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    Company Name:
    Note: Lowering the Total Shares could result in bad things happening since this wouldn't remove shares held by users.
    Modifying the company here won't change any details on the Company user.
    Total Shares
    Previous Close
    Current Value:Opening Value:
    Day High:Day Low:
    52 Week High:52 Week Low:
    Company Balance
    Company Email Address:
    Company Password:
    Verify Password:
    Choose this option to have the Exchange select a new Random password, to be emailed to the company.
    Note: Changing the status to Locked will prevent any users from buying or selling this stock.
    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else { // Everything seems to be fine, update the company info. // Lock required tables sessionbase.doUpdate("lock tables Companies write, Account write, Portfolio write, " + Symbol + " write", SessionId); // Was a random password requested? if (Rand.equals("rand")) { Pass = sessionbase.genPass("", false); } // Was the password set to be changed? if (Pass.length() > 0) { // Update the password in Account query = "update Account set Password = Password('" + Pass + "') where Username = '" + Symbol + "'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // Email password to the user String from = SystemEmail; String Subject = SystemShortName + " - Password Change Notification"; String Text = "Please note that your password on the " + SystemName + " has been changed.\n\nCompany: " + Symbol + "\nPassword: " + Pass + "\n"; sessionbase.sendEmail(Subject, Email, from, Text, SessionId); } // Get original numShares to see if we'll need to add shares to // the Company user. int origShares = 0; query = "select Tshares from Companies where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { origShares = result.getInt("Tshares"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (origShares < numShares) { // Okay, number of shares was increased. Add the extra to // the Company User // Check and see if user already has Fixed shares of this // company. If so, just add to that. int userShares = 0; query = "select NumShares from " + Symbol + " where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "' and Trans = 'C'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { userShares = result.getInt("NumShares"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (userShares > 0) { // Okay, user has some. Just add to that. userShares += (numShares - origShares); query = "update " + Symbol + " set NumShares = " + userShares + " where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "' and Trans = 'C'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); } else { // Nope, no shares. Add an entry. query = "insert into " + Symbol + " (Symbol, NumShares, tradeAt, Trans, Dtime) values ('" + Symbol + "', " + (numShares - origShares) + ", " + Last + ", 'C', NOW())"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); } } // Update Company information query = "update Companies set Name = '" + Name + "', Tshares = " + numShares + ", Open = " + Open + ", Last = " + Last + ", Volume = " + Volume + ", 52WkHi = " + ftHi + ", 52WkLo = " + ftLo + ", DayHi = " + DayHi + ", DayLo = " + DayLo + ", Previous = " + Previous + ", Locked = '" + Locked + "' where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // Update Email address in Account query = "update Account set Email = '" + Email + "' where Username = '" + Symbol + "'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // Update Portfolio // Get Company AccountId String CmpAccountId = (String)null; query = "select AccountId from Account where Username = '" + Symbol + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { CmpAccountId = result.getString("AccountId"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } query = "update Portfolio set Balance = " + Balance + " where AccountId = " + CmpAccountId; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // Unlock tables sessionbase.doUpdate("unlock tables", SessionId); sessionbase.printTop(out, 24); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Modify Company
    "); out.println("Company information for " + Name + "(" + Symbol + ") successfully updated."); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } } else if (task.equals("modusr")) { String userName = ""; userName += request.getParameter("User"); String fName = ""; fName += request.getParameter("fName"); String lName = ""; lName += request.getParameter("lName"); String MI = ""; MI += request.getParameter("MI"); String Email = ""; Email += request.getParameter("Email"); String Pass = ""; Pass += request.getParameter("Pass"); String Pass1 = ""; Pass1 += request.getParameter("Pass1"); String Bal = ""; Bal += request.getParameter("Balance"); String Randm = ""; Randm += request.getParameter("Random"); String Message = ""; int error = 0; String numCheck = ""; int lenCheck = 0; Double convD; double Balance = 0.00; char Checkit; try { numCheck = ""; lenCheck = Bal.length(); for (int i = 0 ; i < lenCheck ; i++) { Checkit = Bal.charAt(i); if (Checkit != '$' && Checkit != ',') { numCheck += Checkit; } } convD = new Double(numCheck); Balance = convD.doubleValue(); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { Message += "Balance contains invalid characters.
    "; error++; } if (Balance < 0) { Message += "Balance field cannot be a negative value.
    "; error++; } if (fName.length() < 1) { Message += "First Name field cannot be left empty.
    "; error++; } if (lName.length() < 1) { Message += "Last name field cannot be left empty.
    "; error++; } if (Email.length() < 1) { Message += "Email field cannot be left empty.
    "; error++; } if ((Pass.length() < 1 && Pass1.length() > 0) || (Pass1.length() < 1 && Pass.length() > 0)) { Message += "Password field cannot be left empty without selecting Random Password.
    "; error++; } if (Pass.length() > 0 && Pass.length() < 5 && Pass.equals(Pass1) && !Randm.equals("rand")) { Message += "The password you have entered is too short.
    "; error++; } if (Randm.equals("rand") && (Pass.length() > 0 || Pass1.length() > 0)) { Message += "You entered a password and selected Random Password. Please choose one or the other.
    "; error++; } if (Pass.length() > 0) { if (!Pass.equals(Pass1)) { Message += "The passwords you entered do not match.
    "; error++; } } // Check for duplicate email address query = "select AccountId from Account where Email = '" + Email + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); String checkEmail = ""; try { while ( { checkEmail = result.getString("AccountId"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } AccountId = ""; query = "select AccountId from Account where Username = '" + userName + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { AccountId = result.getString("AccountId"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (!AccountId.equals(checkEmail) && checkEmail.length() > 0) { Message += "Another user is registered with the selected email address.
    "; error++; } if (error > 0) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 22); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Error:
    "); out.println(Message); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    Username:" + userName + "
    First Name:
    Middle Initial:
    Last Name:
    If you wish to change the user's password "); out.println("please enter it below, or select Random Password
    New Password:
    Password Again:
    Choose this option to have the Exchange select a new Random password, to be emailed to the user.

    User's Balance:
    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else { // Everything is okay, modify the account // Lock required tables sessionbase.doUpdate("lock tables Account write, Portfolio write", SessionId); // Was a random password requested? if (Randm.equals("rand")) { Pass = sessionbase.genPass("", false); } // Modify information // Don't change the password if nothing is set for it if (Pass.length() < 1) { query = "update Account set Fname = '" + fName + "', Lname = '" + lName + "', Mi = '" + MI + "', Email = '" + Email + "' where Username = '" + userName + "'"; } else { query = "update Account set Fname = '" + fName + "', Lname = '" + lName + "', Mi = '" + MI + "', Email = '" + Email + "', Password = Password('" + Pass + "') where Username = '" + userName + "'"; // Email password to the user String from = SystemEmail; String Subject = SystemShortName + " - Password Change Notification"; String Text = "Please note that your password on the " + SystemName + " has been changed.\n\nUsername: " + userName + "\nPassword: " + Pass + "\n"; sessionbase.sendEmail(Subject, Email, from, Text, SessionId); } sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); query = "update Portfolio set Balance = " + numFormat.format(Balance) + " where AccountId = " + AccountId; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // Unlock tables sessionbase.doUpdate("unlock tables", SessionId); sessionbase.printTop(out, 22); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Information for " + userName + " successfully updated."); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } } else if (task.equals("confirmUserDel")) { String userName = request.getParameter("User"); // Make sure it's a valid user and not a Company User String userCheck = ""; String Fname = ""; String Lname = ""; query = "select Username, Fname, Lname from Account where Username = '" + userName + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { userCheck = result.getString("Username"); Fname = result.getString("Fname"); Lname = result.getString("Lname"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String uChk = userName.toLowerCase(); if (!uChk.equals(userCheck.toLowerCase())) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("You have specified an invalid user."); out.println("Please go Back and re-enter the user."); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else { if (Fname.equals("Company") && Lname.equals("User")) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("You are trying to delete a Company User. These users cannot be deleted - they are automatically removed when a Company is deleted.
    "); out.println("Please go Back and re-enter the user."); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (sessionbase.checkRoot(userCheck)) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("You are trying to delete the Administrative user. This user cannot be deleted.
    "); out.println("Please go Back and re-enter the user."); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else { sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Confirm Account Delete
    "); out.println("Delete the Account of " + userCheck + "?
    "); out.println("Note: This will permanently delete the user account.
    "); out.println(""); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } } } else if (task.equals("confirmCompDel")) { String Symbol = request.getParameter("Symbol"); // Make sure it's a valid company String cmpCheck = ""; String cName = (String)null; query = "select Symbol, Name from Companies where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { cmpCheck = result.getString("Symbol"); cName = result.getString("Name"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String uChk = Symbol.toLowerCase(); if (!uChk.equals(cmpCheck.toLowerCase())) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 24); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("You have specified an invalid company."); out.println("Please go Back and re-enter the symbol."); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else { sessionbase.printTop(out, 24); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Confirm Company Deletion
    "); out.println("Delete the Company " + cName + "(" + cmpCheck + ")?
    "); out.println("Warning: This will permanently delete the Company. This step cannot be undone and will alter the holdings of everyone owning shares in this company.

    "); out.println("Please make sure this is the right company to delete.
    "); out.println(""); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } } else if (task.equals("confirmCompanyUnlock")) { String companySym = request.getParameter("companySym"); // Make sure it's a valid company and that it's locked String compCheck = ""; String lockStat = ""; query = "select Name, Locked from Companies where Symbol = '" + companySym + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { compCheck = result.getString("Name"); lockStat = result.getString("Locked"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (!(compCheck.length() > 0)) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 24); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Company Unlock"); out.println("You have specified an invalid company."); out.println("Please go Back and re-enter the company."); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (lockStat.equals("N")) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 24); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Company Unlock"); out.println("The company you are trying to unlock has not been locked."); out.println("Please go Back and re-enter the company."); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else { sessionbase.printTop(out, 24); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Confirm Company Unlock"); out.println("Unlock the Company " + compCheck + "(" + companySym + ")?
    "); out.println(""); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } } else if (task.equals("confirmCompanyLock")) { String companySym = request.getParameter("companySym"); // Make sure it's a valid company and that it's unlocked String compCheck = ""; String lockStat = ""; query = "select Name, Locked from Companies where Symbol = '" + companySym + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { compCheck = result.getString("Name"); lockStat = result.getString("Locked"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (!(compCheck.length() > 0)) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 24); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("You have specified an invalid company."); out.println("Please go Back and re-enter the company."); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (lockStat.equals("Y")) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 24); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("The company you are trying to lock is already locked."); out.println("Please go Back and re-enter the company."); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else { sessionbase.printTop(out, 24); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Confirm Company Lock"); out.println("Lock the Company " + compCheck + "(" + companySym + ")?
    "); out.println(""); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } } else if (task.equals("confirmLock")) { String userName = request.getParameter("User"); String reasonLock = request.getParameter("reason"); // Make sure it's a valid user String userCheck = ""; query = "select AccountId from Account where Username = '" + userName + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { userCheck = result.getString("AccountId"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (!(userCheck.length() > 0)) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("You have specified an invalid user."); out.println("Please go Back and re-enter the user."); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else if (reasonLock.equals("")) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("You must enter a reason for locking the account."); out.println("Please go Back and enter one."); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else { sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Confirm Account Lock"); out.println("Lock the Account of " + userCheck + " with the reason:
    "); out.println(reasonLock + "
    "); int lenS = reasonLock.length(); String tempS = ""; // Filter out things in the string that might throw off the url. // Use a little pattern just for the Exchange. for (int i = 0 ; i < lenS ; i++) { if (reasonLock.charAt(i) != ' ' && reasonLock.charAt(i) != '\"' && reasonLock.charAt(i) !='\'' && reasonLock.charAt(i) != '?' && reasonLock.charAt(i) != '&') { tempS = tempS + reasonLock.charAt(i); } else if (reasonLock.charAt(i) == ' ') { tempS += "^!1!^"; } else if (reasonLock.charAt(i) == '\"') { tempS += "^!2!^"; } else if (reasonLock.charAt(i) == '\'') { tempS += "^!3!^"; } else if (reasonLock.charAt(i) == '?') { tempS += "^!4!^"; } else if (reasonLock.charAt(i) == '&') { tempS += "^!5!^"; } } reasonLock = tempS; out.println(""); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } } else if (task.equals("confirmUnlock")) { String userName = request.getParameter("User"); // Make sure it's a valid user String userCheck = ""; query = "select AccountId from Account where Username = '" + userName + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { userCheck = result.getString("AccountId"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (!(AccountId.length() > 0)) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("You have specified an invalid user."); out.println("Please go Back and re-enter the user."); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else { sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Confirm Unlock
    "); out.println("Are you sure you want to unlock the account of " + userCheck + "?
    "); out.println(""); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } } else if (task.equals("modf")) { String Symbol = request.getParameter("Symbol"); String Trans = request.getParameter("Trans"); String askP = request.getParameter("Cost"); String numShares = request.getParameter("Shares"); String Owner = request.getParameter("Owner"); String userName = request.getParameter("Name"); int error = 0; int lenCheck = 0; char Checkit; String numCheck = ""; Integer convInt; Double contP; double Cost = 0.00; int Shares = 0; int oShares = 0; double oCost = 0.00; double Balance = 0.00; askP = askP.trim(); lenCheck = askP.length(); for (int i = 0 ; i < lenCheck ; i++) { Checkit = askP.charAt(i); if (Checkit != '$' && Checkit != ',') { numCheck += Checkit; } } askP = numCheck; try { convInt = new Integer(numShares); Shares = convInt.intValue(); contP = new Double(askP); Cost = contP.doubleValue(); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("Error:

    "); out.println("

    Invalid characters entered."); out.println("Please go back and correct the problem.

    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); error++; } if (error == 0) { // First lock the tables needed sessionbase.doUpdate("lock tables " + userName + " write, Frozen write, Portfolio write, Account write", SessionId); // Modify the transaction. For a Buy transaction, Frozen queue, // users Holdings and users Balance need to be modified. // For a sell only the Frozen queue and Holdings need be modified. if (Trans.equals("B")) { // Modify Buy offer // Load the old transaction query = "select * from Frozen where AccountId = " + Owner + " and Trans = 'B' and Symbol = '" + Symbol + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { oShares = result.getInt("NumShares"); oCost = result.getDouble("tradeAt"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Extract users balance query = "select Balance from Portfolio where AccountId = " + Owner; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { Balance = result.getDouble("Balance"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Add cost of original transaction back in Balance = Balance + (oCost*oShares); // Take out cost of modified transaction Balance = Balance - (Cost * Shares); // Make sure the user doesn't have a negative balance if (Balance < 0) { Balance = 0; } // Update Balance query = "update Portfolio set Balance = " + numFormat.format(Balance) + " where AccountId = " + Owner; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); query = "update Frozen set NumShares = " + Shares + ", tradeAt = " + Cost + " where AccountId = " + Owner + " and Trans = 'B' and Symbol = '" + Symbol + "'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); query = "update " + userName + " set NumShares = " + Shares + ", tradeAt = " + Cost + " where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "' and Trans = 'FB'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); } else if (Trans.equals("S")) { // Modify Sell offer // Load the old transaction query = "select NumShares, tradeAt from Frozen where AccountId = " + Owner + " and Trans = 'S' and Symbol = '" + Symbol + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { oShares = result.getInt("NumShares"); oCost = result.getDouble("tradeAt"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Update the Queue table query = "update Frozen set NumShares = " + Shares + ", tradeAt = " + Cost + " where AccountId = " + Owner + " and Trans = 'S' and Symbol = '" + Symbol + "'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // Update the User table query = "update " + userName + " set NumShares = " + Shares + ", tradeAt = " + Cost + " where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "' and Trans = 'FS'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // Check to see if any shares need to be added back in if (Shares < oShares) { int newShares = oShares - Shares; // First see if there are any Completed shares query = "select NumShares from " + userName + " where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "' and Trans = 'C'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); int cShares = 0; try { while ( { cShares = result.getInt("NumShares"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (cShares > 0) { newShares += cShares; query = "update " + userName + " set NumShares = " + newShares + " where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "' and Trans = 'C'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); } else { query = "insert into " + userName + " (Symbol, NumShares, tradeAt, Trans, Dtime) values ('" + Symbol + "', " + newShares + ", " + Cost + ", 'C', NOW())"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); } } // Check to see if any shares need to be removed if (Shares > oShares) { int newShares = Shares - oShares; // First see if there are any Completed shares query = "select NumShares from " + userName + " where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "' and Trans = 'C'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); int cShares = 0; try { while ( { cShares = result.getInt("NumShares"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (cShares > 0) { if (cShares <= newShares) { // User would be left with 0, just // remove from their holdings query = "delete from " + userName + " where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "' and Trans = 'C'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); } else { int tShares = cShares - newShares; query = "update " + userName + " set NumShares = " + tShares + " where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "' and Trans = 'C'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); } } } } // Send an email to the user about the change. String Email = (String)null; String from = (String)null; String Subject = (String)null; String Text = (String)null; if (Trans.equals("B")) { Trans = "Purchasing"; } else { Trans = "Selling"; } query = "select Email from Account where AccountId = " + Owner; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while( { Email = result.getString("Email"); } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Get current balance query = "select Balance from Portfolio where AccountId = " + Owner; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { Balance = result.getDouble("Balance"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } from = SystemEmail; Subject = SystemShortName + " - Frozen Offer Modified Notice"; Text = "This note is to inform you that one of your Frozen offers has been\nmodified by a " + SystemName + " administrator.\n\nOriginal Transaction: " + Trans + " " + intFormat.format(oShares) + " shares of " + Symbol.toUpperCase() + " at " + curFormat.format(oCost) + ".\n\nNew Transaction: " + Trans + " " + intFormat.format(Shares) + " of " + Symbol.toUpperCase() + " at " + curFormat.format(Cost) + ".\n\nBalance: " + curFormat.format(Balance) + "\n"; sessionbase.sendEmail(Subject, Email, from, Text, SessionId); sessionbase.doUpdate("unlock tables", SessionId); response.sendRedirect(ServletURL + ".Admin?task=lfrozen"); } } else { // Invalid task sessionbase.printTop(out, 21); out.println("Error:
    "); out.println("

    Invalid Task Specified

    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } } } public void displayQuote(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String SessionId, String Type) throws IOException, ServletException { String Symbol = request.getParameter("Symbol"); String query = (String)null; String Name = (String)null; int Tshares = 0; double Ipo = 0.00; double Open = 0.00; double Last = 0.00; int Volume = 0; double Change = 0.00; double WkHi = 0.00; double WkLo = 0.00; double DayHi = 0.00; double DayLo = 0.00; double Previous = 0.00; String fLast = (String)null; String fChange = (String)null; String fLow = (String)null; String fHigh = (String)null; ResultSet result = null; double Capitalization = 0.00; ResultSet result2 = null; double userValue = 0; int userShares = 0; String userName = (String)null; boolean member = true; String Locked = (String)null; String Email = (String)null; // Set up decimal formatting for digits. This will force at least 0.00. DecimalFormat curFormat = new DecimalFormat("$##,###,###,###,###,##0.00"); DecimalFormat numFormat = new DecimalFormat("################0.00"); DecimalFormat intFormat = new DecimalFormat("################0"); // Initialize output stream response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out=response.getWriter(); // Extract Company info from the database. A null ResultSet means the company // must not be in the database. query = "select * from Companies where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query); try { while( { Name = result.getString("Name"); Tshares = result.getInt("Tshares"); Open = result.getDouble("Open"); Last = result.getDouble("Last"); Volume = result.getInt("Volume"); WkHi = result.getDouble("52WkHi"); WkLo = result.getDouble("52WkLo"); DayHi = result.getDouble("DayHi"); DayLo = result.getDouble("DayLo"); Previous = result.getDouble("Previous"); Locked = result.getString("Locked"); } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Get Company Email address query = "select Email from Account where Username = '" + Symbol + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query); try { while ( { Email = result.getString("Email"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Change = Last - Previous; // Calculating an accurate total Market Cap is a little // trickier. query = "select Username from Account where Username != 'root' order by Username"; result2 = sessionbase.doQuery(query); try { while ( { userName = result2.getString("Username"); query = "select * from " + userName + " where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "' and Trans != 'B' and Trans != 'FB'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query); while ( { userValue = result.getDouble("boughtAt"); userShares = result.getInt("NumShares"); Capitalization += (userValue * userShares); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (Name == null) { response.sendRedirect(ServletURL + ".Quotes?Task=invalid&Link=3"); out.close(); } else { sessionbase.printTop(out, 25); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("
    "); out.println(" Today with " + Name + " (" + Symbol + ") "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); if (Locked.equals("Y")) { out.println(""); } else { out.println(""); } out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    Today's Open:" + numFormat.format(Open) + " Yesterday's Close:" + numFormat.format(Previous) + "
    Current Price:" + numFormat.format(Last) + "Change:" + numFormat.format(Change) + "
    Today's Low:" + numFormat.format(DayLo) + "Today's High:" + numFormat.format(DayHi) + "
    52wk High:" + numFormat.format(WkHi) + "52wk Low:" + numFormat.format(WkLo) + "
    Volume:" + Volume + "
    Market Capitalization" + curFormat.format(Capitalization) + "
    Company Email:" + Email + "
    Modify CompanyUnlock Company
    Lock Company
    View all offers for this stock...
    List all owners of this stock
    "); // Display the Company graph sessionbase.displayGraph(out, Type, Symbol, 2); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } } public void displayTrans(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String SessionId) throws IOException, ServletException { String Trans = (String)null; String TransN = (String)null; int numShares = 0; double tradeAt = 0.00; int Owner = 0; String userName = (String)null; String AccountId = (String)null; String query = (String)null; String Symbol = request.getParameter("Symbol"); String Name = (String)null; ResultSet result = null; ResultSet un = null; // Set up decimal formatting for digits. This will force at least 0.00. DecimalFormat curFormat = new DecimalFormat("$##,###,###,###,###,##0.00"); DecimalFormat numFormat = new DecimalFormat("################0.00"); DecimalFormat intFormat = new DecimalFormat("################0"); // Retrieve AccountId AccountId = sessionbase.getAccountId(SessionId); if (AccountId == null) { response.sendRedirect(ServletURL + ".nonMember?task=LI&Type=1"); } else { // Initialize output stream response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out=response.getWriter(); // Get Company name query = "select Name from Companies where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query); try { while( { Name = result.getString("Name"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Make sure the company has offers available query = "select Trans from qt" + Symbol.toLowerCase(); result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { Trans = result.getString("Trans"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (Trans == null) { sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("

    No Data

    "); out.println("

    No offers are currently pending for this stock.

    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else { // Extract Company info from the database. A null ResultSet means // the company must not be in the database. query = "select * from qt" + Symbol.toLowerCase(); result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); out.println("\"Home\"
    "); out.println("
    " + Name + " (" + Symbol.toUpperCase() + ")
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); try { while( { Trans = result.getString("Trans"); numShares = result.getInt("NumShares"); tradeAt = result.getDouble("tradeAt"); Owner = result.getInt("AccountId"); query = "select Username from Account where AccountId = " + Owner; un = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); while ( { userName = un.getString("Username"); } if (Trans.equals("S")) { TransN = "Sell"; } else if (Trans.equals("B")) { TransN = "Buy"; } else { TransN = "Unknown"; } out.println(" "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); if (Trans.equals("S")) { out.println(" "); } else { out.println(" "); } } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } out.println(""); out.println("
    Offer TypeSharesCostOwnerTask
    " + TransN + "" + intFormat.format(numShares) + "" + curFormat.format(tradeAt) + "" + userName + "ModifyFreezeDeleteBuySell
    "); out.println("
    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } } public void displayAll(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String SessionId) throws IOException, ServletException { String query = (String)null; String Name = (String)null; int Tshares = 0; double Ipo = 0.00; double Open = 0.00; double Last = 0.00; int Volume = 0; double Change = 0.00; double WkHi = 0.00; double WkLo = 0.00; double DayHi = 0.00; double DayLo = 0.00; double Previous = 0.00; String fLast = (String)null; String fChange = (String)null; String fLow = (String)null; String fHigh = (String)null; String Symbol = (String)null; ResultSet result = null; double Capitalization = 0.00; Vector dumpPlace = new Vector(); int i = 0; // Set up decimal formatting for digits. This will force at least 0.00. DecimalFormat curFormat = new DecimalFormat("$##,###,###,###,###,##0.00"); DecimalFormat numFormat = new DecimalFormat("################0.00"); DecimalFormat intFormat = new DecimalFormat("################0"); // Initialize output stream response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out=response.getWriter(); // Extract Company info from the database. A null ResultSet means the company // must not be in the database. query = "select * from Companies where Symbol != 'SYS' order by Symbol"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query); try { while ( { Symbol = result.getString("Symbol"); Last = result.getDouble("Last"); DayHi = result.getDouble("DayHi"); DayLo = result.getDouble("DayLo"); Volume = result.getInt("Volume"); dumpPlace.addElement(new Companies(Symbol, DayHi, DayLo, Last, Volume)); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } sessionbase.printTop(out, 25); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); Companies Company = new Companies(); int vSize = dumpPlace.size(); for (i = 0 ; i < vSize ; i++) { Company = (Companies)dumpPlace.elementAt(i); Symbol = Company.getSymbol(); DayHi = Company.getHigh(); DayLo = Company.getLow(); Last = Company.getCurrent(); Volume = Company.getVolume(); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(" "); } out.println(""); out.println("
    " + Symbol + "" + numFormat.format(DayHi) + "" + numFormat.format(DayLo) + "" + numFormat.format(Last) + "" + Volume + "ViewModify
    "); out.println("
    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } public void displayAllTrans(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String SessionId) throws IOException, ServletException { String Trans = (String)null; int numShares = 0; double tradeAt = 0.00; String AccountId = (String)null; String query = (String)null; String Symbol = request.getParameter("Symbol"); String Name = (String)null; String Owner = (String)null; String userName = (String)null; ResultSet Symbols = null; ResultSet result = null; Vector dumpPlace = new Vector(); Vector Buys = new Vector(); Vector Sells = new Vector(); int i = 0; int j = 0; Timestamp timeStamp = null; int buy = 0; int sell = 0; int check = 1; // Set up decimal formatting for digits. This will force at least 0.00. DecimalFormat curFormat = new DecimalFormat("$##,###,###,###,###,##0.00"); DecimalFormat numFormat = new DecimalFormat("################0.00"); DecimalFormat intFormat = new DecimalFormat("################0"); // Initialize output stream response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out=response.getWriter(); // Retrieve AccountId AccountId = sessionbase.getAccountId(SessionId); if (AccountId == null || !AccountId.equals("1") ) { response.sendRedirect(ServletURL + ".nonMember?task=LI&Type=1"); } else { // Output the header information sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); // Get symbols to use. These will be plugged in to the next search. query = "select Symbol from Companies where Symbol != 'SYS' order by Symbol"; Symbols = sessionbase.doQuery(query); try { while ( { Symbol = Symbols.getString("Symbol"); // Extract all offers for the symbols query = "select * from qt" + Symbol.toLowerCase() + " order by Trans, Dtime"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query); while ( { Trans = result.getString("Trans"); numShares = result.getInt("NumShares"); Owner = result.getString("AccountId"); tradeAt = result.getDouble("tradeAt"); timeStamp = result.getTimestamp("Dtime"); dumpPlace.addElement(new Offers(Symbol, Trans, tradeAt, numShares, timeStamp, Owner)); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } int vSize = dumpPlace.size(); if (vSize < 1) { out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("
    No offers currently exist.

    "); out.println(""); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else { out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); for (i = 0 ; i < vSize ; i++) { Offers thisOffer = (Offers)dumpPlace.elementAt(i); Owner = thisOffer.getAccountId(); Symbol = thisOffer.getSymbol(); Trans = thisOffer.getType(); numShares = thisOffer.getShares(); tradeAt = thisOffer.getValue(); // Get the Username query = "select Username from Account where AccountId = " + Owner; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query); try { while ( { userName = result.getString("Username"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } out.println(" "); out.println(""); if (Trans.equals("S")) { out.println(""); } else { out.println(""); } out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); if (Trans.equals("S")) { out.println(" "); } else { out.println(" "); } out.println(""); } out.println(""); out.println("
    SymbolOffer TypeSharesCostOwnerTask
    " + Symbol.toUpperCase() + "SellBuy" + intFormat.format(numShares) + "" + curFormat.format(tradeAt) + "" + userName + "ModifyFreezeDeleteBuySell
    "); out.println("
    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } } } public void displayAllFrozen(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String SessionId) throws IOException, ServletException { String Trans = (String)null; int numShares = 0; double tradeAt = 0.00; String AccountId = (String)null; String query = (String)null; String Symbol = request.getParameter("Symbol"); String Name = (String)null; String Owner = (String)null; String userName = (String)null; ResultSet Symbols = null; ResultSet result = null; Vector dumpPlace = new Vector(); Vector Buys = new Vector(); Vector Sells = new Vector(); int i = 0; int j = 0; int timeStamp = 0; int buy = 0; int sell = 0; int check = 1; // Set up decimal formatting for digits. This will force at least 0.00. DecimalFormat curFormat = new DecimalFormat("$##,###,###,###,###,##0.00"); DecimalFormat numFormat = new DecimalFormat("################0.00"); DecimalFormat intFormat = new DecimalFormat("################0"); // Initialize output stream response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out=response.getWriter(); // Retrieve AccountId AccountId = sessionbase.getAccountId(SessionId); Timestamp now = null; if (AccountId == null || !AccountId.equals("1") ) { response.sendRedirect(ServletURL + ".nonMember?task=LI&Type=1"); } else { // Output the header information sessionbase.printTop(out, 23); query = "select * from Frozen order by Symbol, Trans"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query); try { while ( { Symbol = result.getString("Symbol"); Trans = result.getString("Trans"); numShares = result.getInt("NumShares"); Owner = result.getString("AccountId"); tradeAt = result.getDouble("tradeAt"); dumpPlace.addElement(new Offers(Symbol, Trans, tradeAt, numShares, now, Owner)); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } int vSize = dumpPlace.size(); if (vSize < 1) { out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("No frozen jobs currently exist.

    "); out.println(""); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } else { out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    "); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); for (i = 0 ; i < vSize ; i++) { Offers thisOffer = (Offers)dumpPlace.elementAt(i); Owner = thisOffer.getAccountId(); Symbol = thisOffer.getSymbol(); Trans = thisOffer.getType(); numShares = thisOffer.getShares(); tradeAt = thisOffer.getValue(); // Get the Username query = "select Username from Account where AccountId = " + Owner; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query); try { while ( { userName = result.getString("Username"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } out.println(" "); out.println(""); if (Trans.equals("S")) { out.println(""); } else { out.println(""); } out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(""); } out.println(""); out.println("
    SymbolOffer TypeSharesCostOwnerTask
    " + Symbol.toUpperCase() + "SellBuy" + intFormat.format(numShares) + "" + curFormat.format(tradeAt) + "" + userName + "ModifyUnFreezeDelete
    "); out.println("
    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } } } public void showHoldings(PrintWriter out, String userName, String SessionId) throws IOException, ServletException { String query = (String)null; ResultSet result = null; double Balance = 0.00; String Symbol = (String)null; double boughtAt = 0.00; String Trans = (String)null; double Last = 0.00; double Profit = 0.00; int numShares = 0; int count = 0; double Total = 0.00; Vector dumpPlace = new Vector(); String AccountId = (String)null; // Set up decimal formatting for digits. This will force at least 0.00. DecimalFormat curFormat = new DecimalFormat("$##,###,###,###,###,##0.00"); DecimalFormat numFormat = new DecimalFormat("################0.00"); DecimalFormat intFormat = new DecimalFormat("################0"); // Get Username query = "select AccountId from Account where Username = '" + userName + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { AccountId = result.getString("AccountId"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Extract users Balance from database query = "select Balance from Portfolio where AccountId = '" + AccountId + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while( { Balance = result.getDouble("Balance"); } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Extract users Holdings from database query = "select t1.Symbol, t1.NumShares, t1.Trans, t1.tradeAt, t2.Last from " + userName + " as t1, Companies as t2 where t1.Symbol = t2.Symbol"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { count++; Symbol = result.getString("Symbol"); numShares = result.getInt("NumShares"); Trans = result.getString("Trans"); boughtAt = result.getDouble("tradeAt"); Last = result.getDouble("Last"); // Place users Holdings into a Holdings object. Each new // object is stored in a temporary Vector. dumpPlace.addElement(new Holdings(Symbol, boughtAt, Trans, numShares, Last)); } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Display user holdings if(count == 0) { out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    No holdings found for this account.
    "); out.println("
    "); out.println("Current Balance: " + curFormat.format(Balance) + "
    "); } else { out.println("User's Holdings:
    "); out.println("

    "); out.println(""); out.println("
    "); out.println(""); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); out.println(" "); // Loop to go through each of the stocks in the storage // vector. for(int i=0; i"); Holdings hold = (Holdings) dumpPlace.elementAt(i); Trans = hold.getTrans(); if (Trans.equals("C")) { Profit = hold.getLast() * hold.getnumShares(); Total += Profit; out.println(""); } else { Profit = hold.getboughtAt() * hold.getnumShares(); out.println(""); } } Total += Balance; out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("
    StatusSymbolNumber of SharesCurrent BidNet Worth
    Fixed" + hold.getSymbol() + "" + hold.getnumShares() + "" + curFormat.format(hold.getLast()) + "" + curFormat.format(Profit) + "
    " + hold.getTransL() + "" + hold.getSymbol() + "" + hold.getnumShares() + "" + curFormat.format(hold.getboughtAt()) + "" + curFormat.format(Profit) + "
    "); out.println("
    "); out.println("
    " + curFormat.format(Balance) + "
    "); out.println("
    Total Net Worth
    "); out.println("
    " + curFormat.format(Total) + "
    "); out.println("
    "); } } // This object holds details on the users Holdings. Used // by the showHoldings method. public class Holdings { private String Symbol; private String Trans; private double boughtAt; private int numShares; private double Last; public Holdings (String Symbol, double boughtAt, String Trans, int numShares, double Last) { this.Symbol = Symbol; this.boughtAt = boughtAt; this.Trans = Trans; this.numShares = numShares; this.Last = Last; } // Return details on the users holdings when requested. public String getSymbol() { return Symbol.toUpperCase(); } public double getboughtAt() { return boughtAt; } public int getnumShares() { return numShares; } public double getLast() { return Last; } public String getTrans() { return Trans; } public String getTransL() { // Check Trans type, return a String based on this. if (Trans.equals("B")) { return "Pending Purchase"; } else if (Trans.equals("S")) { return "Pending Sale"; } else if (Trans.equals("FB")) { return "Frozen Purchase"; } else if (Trans.equals("FS")) { return "Frozen Sale"; } else if (Trans.equals("C")) { return " "; } else { return "Unknown"; } } } public void displayNews(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String SessionId) throws IOException, ServletException { String query = (String)null; ResultSet result = null; // Initialize the output stream response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); // Let's get the news sessionbase.printTop(out, 26); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); // Get the Front Article String frontTitle = (String)null; String frontAuthor = (String)null; int frontId = 0; java.util.Date frontDate = new java.util.Date(); java.util.Date frontTime = new java.util.Date(); Locale locale = new Locale("en","US"); // Set the format for time and date DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG, locale); DateFormat shortFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, locale); DateFormat timeFormat = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, locale); String frontStory = (String)null; query = "select Title, Author, Date, Story, Id from News where Type = 3"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { frontTitle = result.getString("Title"); frontAuthor = result.getString("Author"); frontDate = result.getDate("Date"); frontTime = result.getTime("Date"); frontStory = result.getString("Story"); frontId = result.getInt("Id"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Get Author's Full Name query = "select Fname, Lname from Account where Username = '" + frontAuthor + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); String frontFullAuthor = ""; try { while ( { frontFullAuthor += result.getString("Fname"); frontFullAuthor += " "; frontFullAuthor += result.getString("Lname"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } out.println("

    "); out.println("Article Submitted: " + dateFormat.format(frontDate) + " at " + timeFormat.format(frontTime) + "

    "); out.println("" + frontTitle + "
    "); out.println(frontStory + "
    "); out.println("

    "); out.println("Article submitted by: " + frontFullAuthor); out.println("
    "); out.println("Delete Article"); out.println("

    "); // Get Breaking News Links query = "select Title, Date, Id from News where Type = 2"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); String breakingTitle = (String)null; java.util.Date breakingDate = new java.util.Date(); java.util.Date breakingTime = new java.util.Date(); String breakingId = (String)null; // Make sure there are any Breaking News articles int bId = 0; query = "select Id from News where Type = 2"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { bId = result.getInt("Id"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (bId > 0) { out.println("

    "); out.println("Breaking News
    "); try { while ( { breakingTitle = result.getString("Title"); breakingDate = result.getDate("Date"); breakingId = result.getString("Id"); out.println("" + dateFormat.format(breakingDate) + " " + breakingTitle + "
    "); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } out.println("
    MoreView all headlines...

    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } public void displayHeadlines(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String SessionId) throws IOException, ServletException { String query = (String)null; ResultSet result = null; // Initialize the output stream response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); // Let's get the news sessionbase.printTop(out, 26); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); java.util.Date frontDate = new java.util.Date(); java.util.Date frontTime = new java.util.Date(); Locale locale = new Locale("en","US"); // Set the format for time and date DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG, locale); DateFormat shortFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, locale); DateFormat timeFormat = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, locale); java.util.Date curDate = new java.util.Date(); int Day = curDate.getDate(); int Month = (curDate.getMonth()) + 1; int Year = (curDate.getYear()) + 1900; Day = Day - 14; if (Day < 1) { Month = Month - 1; if (Month == 1) { Day = 31 + Day; } else if (Month == 2) { Day = 28 + Day; } else if (Month == 3) { Day = 31 + Day; } else if (Month == 4) { Day = 30 + Day; } else if (Month == 5) { Day = 31 + Day; } else if (Month == 6) { Day = 30 + Day; } else if (Month == 7) { Day = 31 + Day; } else if (Month == 8) { Day = 31 + Day; } else if (Month == 9) { Day = 30 + Day; } else if (Month == 10) { Day = 31 + Day; } else if (Month == 11) { Day = 30 + Day; } else if (Month == 12) { Day = 31 + Day; } if (Month < 1) { Month = 12; Year = Year - 1; } } // Get all Headlines String headTitle = (String)null; String headId = (String)null; java.util.Date headDate = new java.util.Date(); java.util.Date headDateO = new java.util.Date(); query = "select Title, Date, Id from News where Date >= " + Year + "-" + Month + "-" + Day + " order by Date desc"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); int i = 0; out.println("These articles have been submitted within the last two "); out.println("weeks. To view older articles, visit the archives."); out.println("
    News Articles"); try { while ( { i++; headDateO = headDate; headTitle = result.getString("Title"); headDate = result.getDate("Date"); headId = result.getString("Id"); if (!headDate.equals(headDateO)) { if (i > 1) { out.println("
    "); } out.println("" + shortFormat.format(headDate) + "
    "); out.println("° " + headTitle + "
    "); } else { out.println("° " + headTitle + "
    "); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (i == 0) { out.println("No New Articles
    "); } out.println("
    MoreView old news...

    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } public void displayArchives(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String SessionId) throws IOException, ServletException { String query = (String)null; ResultSet result = null; // Initialize the output stream response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); // Let's get the news sessionbase.printTop(out, 26); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); java.util.Date frontDate = new java.util.Date(); java.util.Date frontTime = new java.util.Date(); Locale locale = new Locale("en","US"); // Set the format for time and date DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG, locale); DateFormat shortFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, locale); DateFormat timeFormat = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, locale); java.util.Date curDate = new java.util.Date(); int Day = curDate.getDate(); int Month = (curDate.getMonth()) + 1; int Year = (curDate.getYear()) + 1900; Day = Day - 14; if (Day < 1) { Month = Month - 1; if (Month == 1) { Day = 31 + Day; } else if (Month == 2) { Day = 28 + Day; } else if (Month == 3) { Day = 31 + Day; } else if (Month == 4) { Day = 30 + Day; } else if (Month == 5) { Day = 31 + Day; } else if (Month == 6) { Day = 30 + Day; } else if (Month == 7) { Day = 31 + Day; } else if (Month == 8) { Day = 31 + Day; } else if (Month == 9) { Day = 30 + Day; } else if (Month == 10) { Day = 31 + Day; } else if (Month == 11) { Day = 30 + Day; } else if (Month == 12) { Day = 31 + Day; } if (Month < 1) { Month = 12; Year = Year - 1; } } // Get all Headlines String headTitle = (String)null; String headId = (String)null; java.util.Date headDate = new java.util.Date(); java.util.Date headDateO = new java.util.Date(); query = "select Title, Date, Id from News where Date < " + Year + "-" + Month + "-" + Day + " order by Date desc"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); int i = 0; out.println("These articles are all over two weeks old. To view newer "); out.println("articles, visit the headlines."); out.println("
    News Articles"); try { while ( { i++; headDateO = headDate; headTitle = result.getString("Title"); headDate = result.getDate("Date"); headId = result.getString("Id"); if (!headDate.equals(headDateO)) { if (i > 1) { out.println("
    "); } out.println("" + shortFormat.format(headDate) + "
    "); out.println("° " + headTitle + "
    "); } else { out.println("° " + headTitle + "
    "); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (i == 0) { out.println("No Old Articles
    "); } out.println("
    MoreView all headlines...

    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } public void displayArticle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String SessionId) throws IOException, ServletException { String Id = request.getParameter("Id"); String query = (String)null; ResultSet result = null; // Initialize the output stream response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); // Get the Article String Title = (String)null; String Author = (String)null; java.util.Date Date = new java.util.Date(); java.util.Date Time = new java.util.Date(); Locale locale = new Locale("en","US"); // Set the format for time and date DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG, locale); DateFormat shortFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, locale); DateFormat timeFormat = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, locale); String Story = (String)null; query = "select Title, Author, Date, Story from News where Id = " + Id; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { Title = result.getString("Title"); Author = result.getString("Author"); Date = result.getDate("Date"); Time = result.getTime("Date"); Story = result.getString("Story"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Get Author's Full Name query = "select Fname, Lname from Account where Username = '" + Author + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); String FullAuthor = ""; try { while ( { FullAuthor += result.getString("Fname"); FullAuthor += " "; FullAuthor += result.getString("Lname"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } sessionbase.printTop(out, 26); out.println("\"Admin\"
    "); out.println("

    "); out.println("Article Submitted: " + dateFormat.format(Date) + " at " + timeFormat.format(Time) + "

    "); out.println("" + Title + "
    "); out.println(Story + "
    "); out.println("

    "); out.println("Article submitted by: " + FullAuthor + "
    "); out.println("Delete Article"); out.println("

    "); // Get Breaking News Links // Make sure there are any Breaking News articles int bId = 0; query = "select Id from News where Type = 2"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { bId = result.getInt("Id"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (bId > 0) { query = "select Title, Date, Id from News where Type = 2"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); String breakingTitle = (String)null; java.util.Date breakingDate = new java.util.Date(); java.util.Date breakingTime = new java.util.Date(); String breakingId = (String)null; out.println("

    "); out.println("Breaking News
    "); try { while ( { breakingTitle = result.getString("Title"); breakingDate = result.getDate("Date"); breakingId = result.getString("Id"); out.println("" + dateFormat.format(breakingDate) + " " + breakingTitle + "
    "); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } out.println("
    MoreView all headlines...

    "); sessionbase.printBot(out, SessionId, 3); out.close(); } public void addNews (String Title, String Author, String Type, String Story, String SessionId) throws IOException { String query = (String)null; ResultSet result = null; int Id = 0; int newsId = 0; Timestamp newsTime = null; Timestamp newsTimeCmp = null; int count = 0; // Lock News table sessionbase.doUpdate("lock tables News write", SessionId); // Get next NewsId query = "select max(Id) from News"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { newsId = result.getInt("max(Id)"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } newsId++; if (Type.equals("2")) { // If item is Breaking News, check the total number of Breaking // News items currently in queue. Shouldn't be more than three, // if this would cause more, change the oldest to General News query = "select Id, Stamp from News where Type = 2"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { count++; newsTime = result.getTimestamp("Stamp"); if (count == 1) { newsTimeCmp = newsTime; Id = result.getInt("Id"); } if (newsTime.before(newsTimeCmp)) { Id = result.getInt("Id"); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (count >= 3) { // Move oldest article to General query = "update News set Type = 1 where Id = " + Id; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); } } // If article is the new Front Article, move the old one to // General News. if (Type.equals("3")) { // Check article, make sure it isn't a default article. If // so, just delete it String chkTitle = ""; String chkStory = ""; query = "select Title, Story from News where Type = 3"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); try { while ( { chkTitle += result.getString("Title"); chkStory += result.getString("Story"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (chkTitle.equals("No News") && chkStory.equals("No news is good news.")) { // This must be default article, just delete it query = "delete from News where Type = 3"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); } else { query = "update News set Type = 1 where Type = 3"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); } } // Modify any ' in the string char Checkit; String StorChek = ""; for (int i = 0 ; i < Story.length() ; i++) { Checkit = Story.charAt(i); if (Checkit == '\''){ StorChek += "\\'"; } else { StorChek += Checkit; } } Story = StorChek; String TitlChek = ""; for (int i = 0 ; i < Title.length() ; i++) { Checkit = Title.charAt(i); if (Checkit == '\''){ TitlChek += "\'"; } else { TitlChek += Checkit; } } Title = TitlChek; // Add news item query = "insert into News (Title, Author, Date, Type, Story, Id, Stamp) values ('" + Title + "', '" + Author + "', NOW(), " + Type + ", '" + Story + "', " + newsId + ", NOW())"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query, SessionId); // Unlock tables sessionbase.doUpdate("unlock tables", SessionId); } public void displayQuickNews(PrintWriter out, String SessionId) throws IOException, ServletException { ResultSet result = null; String query = (String)null; Locale locale = new Locale("en","US"); DateFormat shortFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, locale); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("Market News"); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); String weekTitle = (String)null; String weekId = (String)null; java.util.Date weekDate = new java.util.Date(); java.util.Date weekDateO = new java.util.Date(); // We only want to get Headlines within 2 weeks of the current // date, set up the Date qualifier. query = "select Title, Id, Date from News order by Date desc"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query, SessionId); int reps = 0; try { while ( && reps < 6) { weekDateO = weekDate; reps++; weekTitle = result.getString("Title"); weekId = result.getString("Id"); weekDate = result.getDate("Date"); if (!weekDate.equals(weekDateO)) { // Just a formatting thing, don't want to push down the links // if it is printing the top one. if (reps > 1) { out.println("
    "); } out.println("" + shortFormat.format(weekDate) + "
    "); out.println("° " + weekTitle + "
    "); } else { out.println("° " + weekTitle + "
    "); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } out.println("
    Moreall headlines..."); out.println(""); } // This method will delete all the holdings of a user, restoring them to // the originating company. private void deleteHoldings(String AccountId) throws IOException { ResultSet result = null; String query = (String)null; String Symbol = (String)null; int Shares = 0; String Username = sessionbase.getUser(AccountId); // Delete anything the user might have in Frozen query = "delete from Frozen where AccountId = " + AccountId; sessionbase.doUpdate(query); // Find all pending offers and delete them from the queue tables query = "select Symbol from " + Username + " where Trans = 'S' or Trans = 'B'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query); try { while ( { Symbol = result.getString("Symbol"); query = "delete from qt" + Symbol.toLowerCase() + " where AccountId = " + AccountId; sessionbase.doUpdate(query); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Delete all Buy offers the user has query = "delete from " + Username + " where Trans = 'B' or Trans = 'FB'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query); // Loop through all other holdings, restoring them to the Company query = "select Symbol, NumShares from " + Username; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query); try { while ( { Symbol = result.getString("Symbol"); Shares = result.getInt("NumShares"); sessionbase.modHoldings(Symbol, Symbol, Shares); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Delete what's left query = "delete from " + Username; sessionbase.doUpdate(query); } // This method deletes a Company user. Any User with holdings of this // Company has their holdings converted to cash. private void deleteCompany(String Symbol) throws IOException { String query = (String)null; ResultSet result = null; ResultSet result2 = null; int Shares = 0; double Value = 0.00; double Earn = 0.00; String User = (String)null; // First get the last value and proper Symbol of the company query = "select Last, Symbol from Companies where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query); try { while ( { Value = result.getDouble("Last"); Symbol = result.getString("Symbol"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Check all user accounts and convert their shares to cash. query = "select Username from Account where Type != 'C'"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query); try { while ( { Earn = 0; User = result.getString("Username"); query = "select NumShares from " + User + " where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "' and Trans = 'C' or Trans = 'S' or Trans = 'FS'"; result2 = sessionbase.doQuery(query); try { while ( { Shares = result2.getInt("NumShares"); Earn = Earn + (Shares * Value); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Add the money to the user sessionbase.modBalance(sessionbase.getAccountId(User, 1), Earn, "+"); // Delete the company from the users holdings query = "delete from " + User + " where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Delete Company User deleteHoldings(sessionbase.getAccountId(Symbol, 1)); // Delete any entries in Frozen query = "delete from Frozen where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query); // Delete the company tables query = "drop table qt" + Symbol.toLowerCase(); sessionbase.doUpdate(query); query = "drop table ht" + Symbol.toLowerCase(); sessionbase.doUpdate(query); query = "drop table eht" + Symbol.toLowerCase(); sessionbase.doUpdate(query); // Delete from Companies query = "delete from Companies where Symbol = '" + Symbol + "'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query); query = "delete from Portfolio where AccountId = " + sessionbase.getAccountId(Symbol, 1); sessionbase.doUpdate(query); query = "delete from Account where Username = '" + Symbol + "'"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query); query = "drop table " + Symbol; sessionbase.doUpdate(query); } // This method resets a users balance back to the default value specified // in Parameters private void resetBalance(String AccountId, String Type) throws IOException { String query = (String)null; ResultSet result = null; double defaultBal = 0.00; if (Type.equals("U")) { query = "select userBalance from Parameters"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query); try { while ( { defaultBal = result.getDouble("userBalance"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (Type.equals("C")) { query = "select compBalance from Parameters"; result = sessionbase.doQuery(query); try { while ( { defaultBal = result.getDouble("compBalance"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } query = "update Portfolio set Balance = " + defaultBal + " where AccountId = " + AccountId; sessionbase.doUpdate(query); } static public void reload() { SystemURL = sessionbase.getURL(); ServletURL = sessionbase.getServletURL(); SystemEmail = sessionbase.getEmail(); SystemPath = sessionbase.getPath(); SystemName = sessionbase.getName(); SystemShortName = sessionbase.getShortName(); SystemFreeze = sessionbase.getFreezeStatus(); SystemLock = sessionbase.getLockStatus(); } }