package; // file: // Handles inserting new user accounts into the database // import*; import java.util.*; import java.sql.*; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; // This file handles account creation for the Bulldog Stock Exchange. All interaction // with the browser is here, including reading in information the user submitted and // outputting error and success messages. // // Actual calls to the database are handled by BullyDB. public class AccountCreation extends HttpServlet { public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { // Extract everything the user set in the form. String firstName = request.getParameter("firstname"); String middleInitial = request.getParameter("midinitial"); String lastName = request.getParameter("lastname"); String user = request.getParameter("desirename"); String newpass = request.getParameter("newpass"); String verpass = request.getParameter("verifypass"); String email = request.getParameter("email"); boolean Login = false; // Variables for database query int AccountId = 0; ResultSet result; // Will contain the address if it exists already. Not to be confused // with email entered by the user. String DBEmail = ""; // tracks problems in the code int error = 0; // Create a new session for the user HttpSession session = request.getSession(true); BullyDB sessionbase = new BullyDB(); if (sessionbase == null) { sessionbase = new BullyDB(); session.setAttribute("BullySE.user", sessionbase); session.setMaxInactiveInterval(3600); } // Initialize output to the browser response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out=response.getWriter(); // Compare user password and username. If they match, password is too simple // to crack. if(newpass.equals(user)) { response.sendRedirect(""); // Close the output stream out.close(); error++; } // Compare passwords first. If they don't match, send back to fix. if(!newpass.equals(verpass)) { // Read appropriate html file for error display. This will eventually // be handled via jsp files but this will do for now. response.sendRedirect(""); // Close the output stream out.close(); error++; } // Test to see if password is too short if(newpass.length()<5) { sessionbase.printFile("/ftp/pub/projects/bse/html/errors/passhort.html", out); // Close the output stream out.close(); error++; } // Check for invalid password. Must match *@*.* in some way. // Simply checks character by character for @ and . then checks // positioning. String lookFor = "@"; int found = 0; for (int i = 0; i< email.length(); i++) { if(email.charAt(i) == ' ') { sessionbase.printFile("/ftp/pub/projects/bse/html/errors/invalid_email.html", out); out.close(); error++; } if (email.charAt(i) == lookFor.charAt(0)) { found++; if (i == 0) { sessionbase.printFile("/ftp/pub/projects/bse/html/errors/invalid_email.html", out); out.close(); error++; } else if (i == (email.length()-1)) { sessionbase.printFile("/ftp/pub/projects/bse/html/errors/invalid_email.html", out); out.close(); error++; } else { int j = i+1; lookFor = "."; for (int k = 0; k < (email.length()-j); k++) { if (email.charAt(k+j) == lookFor.charAt(0)) { found++; if (k == 0) { sessionbase.printFile("/ftp/pub/projects/bse/html/errors/invalid_email.html", out); out.close(); error++; } else if ( k == (email.length()-j-1)) { sessionbase.printFile("/ftp/pub/projects/bse/html/errors/invalid_email.html", out); out.close(); error++; } } } } } } if (found < 2) { sessionbase.printFile("/ftp/pub/projects/bse/html/errors/invalid_email.html", out); out.close(); error++; } // Various tests for missing fields. A different if for each right now so // that the specific error file can be specified. This will eventually // be more dynamic when everything gets moved to jsp files. if (firstName.length()<1) { sessionbase.printFile("/ftp/pub/projects/bse/html/errors/missing_Fname.html", out); // Close the output stream out.close(); error++; } else if(lastName.length()<1) { sessionbase.printFile("/ftp/pub/projects/bse/html/errors/missing_Lname.html", out); // Close the output stream out.close(); error++; } else if(user.length()<1) { sessionbase.printFile("/ftp/pub/projects/bse/html/errors/missing_Uname.html", out); // Close the output stream out.close(); error++; } else if(newpass.length()<1) { sessionbase.printFile("/ftp/pub/projects/bse/html/errors/missing_Pass.html", out); // Close the output stream out.close(); error++; } else if(email.length()<1) { sessionbase.printFile("/ftp/pub/projects/bse/html/errors/missing_Email.html", out); // Close the output stream out.close(); error++; } // Everything seems to be in place, lets check the database. // Check database to see if account or email address already exists. String query = "SELECT AccountId from Account where Username = '" + user + "'"; // Pass the query over to the BullyDB object. Return type is ResultSet. result = sessionbase.doQuery(query); try { while( { AccountId = result.getInt("AccountId"); } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } query = "SELECT Email from Account where Email = '" + email + "'"; // Pass the query over to the BullyDB object. Return type is ResultSet. result = sessionbase.doQuery(query); try { while( { DBEmail = result.getString("Email"); } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Check to see if AccountId exists. If so, the account must // already be in the db. if(AccountId != 0) { // account must exist, redirect user to error page sessionbase.printFile("/ftp/pub/projects/bse/html/errors/exists_username.html", out); // Close the output stream out.close(); error++; } // Check to see if DBEmail exists. If so, duplicate account would // be generated, we want to avoid this. if(DBEmail.length()>0) { response.sendRedirect(""); // Close the output stream out.close(); error++; } if(error==0) { // Nothing seems to be missing, account doesn't already // exist, safe to go ahead and create. // Check to see what the current max AccountId is. query = "SELECT max(AccountId) FROM Account"; // Pass the query over to the BullyDB object. Return type is ResultSet. result = sessionbase.doQuery(query); try { while( { AccountId = result.getInt("max(AccountId)"); } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Increment AccountId for the new user AccountId++; query = "insert into Account (AccountId, Username, Password, Fname, Lname, Mi, Dcreate, Email) VALUES ("+ AccountId + ",'" + user + "',password('" + newpass + "'),'" + firstName + "','" + lastName + "','" + middleInitial + "',NOW(),'" + email + "')"; // Pass the update over to BullyDB. Updates don't have anything to return. sessionbase.doUpdate(query); query = "insert into Portfolio (AccountId, Balance) VALUES (" + AccountId + ", 5000)"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query); // Initialize the database table for personal info query = "insert into Personal (AccountId) VALUES (" + AccountId + ")"; sessionbase.doUpdate(query); // Assume the creation worked. Login = sessionbase.doLogon(user, newpass, session.getId()); if (Login == true) { response.sendRedirect(""); } else { // Don't want to leave a session open if the user didn't // successfully log in session.invalidate(); response.sendRedirect(""); } } out.close(); } // If someone tries to go straight to this servlet, the following will be // displayed. public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); out.println("Error"); out.println("Invalid Task"); out.println("BSE Main"); out.close(); } }