In celebration of Earth Day, Temple University will be hosting an Earth Day event on April 21, 2011. The main purpose is to raise awareness to better protect and maintain our planet.
Most people take for granted the power that they use everyday because they don't really understand what 1 watt of power really is. Therefore in an attempt to educate the general public on the subject of energy, students from Temple University College of Engeering have set out on a quest to define the meaning of "1 watt of power". We will showcase our results at the Earth Day event on April 21, 2011.
The goal is show people how hard it is to produce electrical energy by human power. It is important for people to understand what it takes to power their daily lives, since we have become heavily dependent on fossil fuels such as coal for much of our electricity production. As we become more conscious about our impact on the Earth, we should begin to search for alternative sources for electrical energy, and one of the most readily available sources is human power.
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