%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% $RCSfile: example_file_process.tlc,v $ %% $Revision: $ %% $Date: 2010/09/13 16:20:21 $ %% %% Abstract: %% Example Embedded Coder custom file processing template. %% %% Note: This file can contain any valid TLC code, which Embedded Coder %% executes just prior to writing the generated source files to disk. %% Using this template "hook" file, you are able to augment the generated %% source code and create additional files. %% %% Copyright 1994-2010 The MathWorks, Inc. %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %selectfile NULL_FILE %% Uncomment this TLC line to execute the example %% || || %% || || %% \/ \/ %% %assign ERTCustomFileTest = TLC_TRUE %if EXISTS("ERTCustomFileTest") && ERTCustomFileTest == TLC_TRUE %% Need to set the template compliance flag before you can use the API % %% Add a new C file timestwo.c and put a simple function in it %assign cFile = LibCreateSourceFile("Source", "Custom", "timestwo") %openfile tmwtypesBuf #include "tmwtypes.h" %closefile tmwtypesBuf % %openfile tmpBuf /* Times two function */ real_T timestwofcn(real_T input) { return (input * 2.0); } %closefile tmpBuf % %% Add a corresponding H file timestwo.h %assign hFile = LibCreateSourceFile("Header", "Custom", "timestwo") %openfile tmpBuf /* Times two function */ extern real_T timestwofcn(real_T input); %closefile tmpBuf % % %% Add a #define to the model's public header file model.h %assign pubName = LibGetMdlPubHdrBaseName() %assign modelH = LibCreateSourceFile("Header", "Simulink", pubName) %openfile tmpBuf #define ACCELERATION 9.81 %closefile tmpBuf % %% Add a #define to the model's private header file model_private.h %assign prvName = LibGetMdlPrvHdrBaseName() %assign privateH = LibCreateSourceFile("Header", "Simulink", prvName) %openfile tmpBuf #define STARTING_POINT 100.0 %closefile tmpBuf % %% Add a #include to the model's C file model.c %assign srcName = LibGetMdlSrcBaseName() %assign modelC = LibCreateSourceFile("Source", "Simulink", srcName) %openfile tmpBuf /* #include "mytables.h" */ %closefile tmpBuf % %% Create a simple main. Files are located in MATLAB/rtw/c/tlc/mw. %if LibIsSingleRateModel() || LibIsSingleTasking() %include "bareboard_srmain.tlc" % %else %include "bareboard_mrmain.tlc" % %endif %endif