/* * File: rtwtypes.h * * Code generated for Simulink model 'external_test'. * * Model version : 1.5 * Simulink Coder version : 8.0 (R2011a) 09-Mar-2011 * TLC version : 8.0 (Feb 3 2011) * C/C++ source code generated on : Thu Mar 29 13:03:46 2012 * * Target selection: ert.tlc * Embedded hardware selection: Generic->16-bit Embedded Processor * Code generation objectives: Unspecified * Validation result: Not run */ #ifndef RTW_HEADER_rtwtypes_h_ #define RTW_HEADER_rtwtypes_h_ #ifndef __RTWTYPES_H__ #define __RTWTYPES_H__ #ifndef TRUE # define TRUE (1U) #endif #ifndef FALSE # define FALSE (0U) #endif #ifndef __TMWTYPES__ #define __TMWTYPES__ #include /*=======================================================================* * Target hardware information * Device type: Generic->16-bit Embedded Processor * Number of bits: char: 8 short: 16 int: 16 * long: 32 native word size: 16 * Byte ordering: Unspecified * Signed integer division rounds to: Undefined * Shift right on a signed integer as arithmetic shift: on *=======================================================================*/ /*=======================================================================* * Fixed width word size data types: * * int8_T, int16_T, int32_T - signed 8, 16, or 32 bit integers * * uint8_T, uint16_T, uint32_T - unsigned 8, 16, or 32 bit integers * * real32_T, real64_T - 32 and 64 bit floating point numbers * *=======================================================================*/ typedef signed char int8_T; typedef unsigned char uint8_T; typedef int int16_T; typedef unsigned int uint16_T; typedef long int32_T; typedef unsigned long uint32_T; typedef float real32_T; typedef double real64_T; /*===========================================================================* * Generic type definitions: real_T, time_T, boolean_T, int_T, uint_T, * * ulong_T, char_T and byte_T. * *===========================================================================*/ typedef double real_T; typedef double time_T; typedef unsigned char boolean_T; typedef int int_T; typedef unsigned int uint_T; typedef unsigned long ulong_T; typedef char char_T; typedef unsigned char uchar_T; typedef char_T byte_T; /*===========================================================================* * Complex number type definitions * *===========================================================================*/ #define CREAL_T typedef struct { real32_T re; real32_T im; } creal32_T; typedef struct { real64_T re; real64_T im; } creal64_T; typedef struct { real_T re; real_T im; } creal_T; typedef struct { int8_T re; int8_T im; } cint8_T; typedef struct { uint8_T re; uint8_T im; } cuint8_T; typedef struct { int16_T re; int16_T im; } cint16_T; typedef struct { uint16_T re; uint16_T im; } cuint16_T; typedef struct { int32_T re; int32_T im; } cint32_T; typedef struct { uint32_T re; uint32_T im; } cuint32_T; /*=======================================================================* * Min and Max: * * int8_T, int16_T, int32_T - signed 8, 16, or 32 bit integers * * uint8_T, uint16_T, uint32_T - unsigned 8, 16, or 32 bit integers * *=======================================================================*/ #define MAX_int8_T ((int8_T)(127)) #define MIN_int8_T ((int8_T)(-128)) #define MAX_uint8_T ((uint8_T)(255U)) #define MIN_uint8_T ((uint8_T)(0U)) #define MAX_int16_T ((int16_T)(32767)) #define MIN_int16_T ((int16_T)(-32768)) #define MAX_uint16_T ((uint16_T)(65535U)) #define MIN_uint16_T ((uint16_T)(0U)) #define MAX_int32_T ((int32_T)(2147483647)) #define MIN_int32_T ((int32_T)(-2147483647-1)) #define MAX_uint32_T ((uint32_T)(0xFFFFFFFFU)) #define MIN_uint32_T ((uint32_T)(0U)) /* Logical type definitions */ #if (!defined(__cplusplus)) && (!defined(__true_false_are_keywords)) # ifndef false # define false (0U) # endif # ifndef true # define true (1U) # endif #endif /* * Simulink Coder assumes the code is compiled on a target using a 2's complement representation * for signed integer values. */ #if ((SCHAR_MIN + 1) != -SCHAR_MAX) #error "This code must be compiled using a 2's complement representation for signed integer values" #endif /* This ID is used to detect inclusion of an incompatible rtwtypes.h */ #define RTWTYPES_ID_C08S16I16L32N16F1 #else /* __TMWTYPES__ */ #define TMWTYPES_PREVIOUSLY_INCLUDED #endif /* __TMWTYPES__ */ /* Block D-Work pointer type */ typedef void * pointer_T; /* * Definitions supporting external data access */ typedef int32_T chunk_T; typedef uint32_T uchunk_T; /* Simulink specific types */ #ifndef __SIMSTRUC_TYPES_H__ #define __SIMSTRUC_TYPES_H__ /* Trigger directions: falling, either, and rising */ typedef enum { FALLING_ZERO_CROSSING = -1, ANY_ZERO_CROSSING = 0, RISING_ZERO_CROSSING = 1 } ZCDirection; /* Previous state of a trigger signal */ typedef uint8_T ZCSigState; /* Initial value of a trigger zero crossing signal */ #define UNINITIALIZED_ZCSIG 0x03U #define NEG_ZCSIG 0x02U #define POS_ZCSIG 0x01U #define ZERO_ZCSIG 0x00U /* Current state of a trigger signal */ typedef enum { FALLING_ZCEVENT = -1, NO_ZCEVENT = 0, RISING_ZCEVENT = 1 } ZCEventType; #endif /* __SIMSTRUC_TYPES_H__ */ #endif /* __RTWTYPES_H__ */ #endif /* RTW_HEADER_rtwtypes_h_ */ /* * File trailer for generated code. * * [EOF] */