/* * File: external_test_private.h * * Code generated for Simulink model 'external_test'. * * Model version : 1.5 * Simulink Coder version : 8.0 (R2011a) 09-Mar-2011 * TLC version : 8.0 (Feb 3 2011) * C/C++ source code generated on : Sat Mar 24 19:12:40 2012 * * Target selection: ert.tlc * Embedded hardware selection: 32-bit Generic * Code generation objectives: Unspecified * Validation result: Not run */ #ifndef RTW_HEADER_external_test_private_h_ #define RTW_HEADER_external_test_private_h_ #include "rtwtypes.h" /* Private macros used by the generated code to access rtModel */ #ifndef rtmIsMajorTimeStep # define rtmIsMajorTimeStep(rtm) (((rtm)->Timing.simTimeStep) == MAJOR_TIME_STEP) #endif #ifndef rtmIsMinorTimeStep # define rtmIsMinorTimeStep(rtm) (((rtm)->Timing.simTimeStep) == MINOR_TIME_STEP) #endif #ifndef rtmSetTFinal # define rtmSetTFinal(rtm, val) ((rtm)->Timing.tFinal = (val)) #endif #ifndef rtmGetTPtr # define rtmGetTPtr(rtm) ((rtm)->Timing.t) #endif #ifndef rtmSetTPtr # define rtmSetTPtr(rtm, val) ((rtm)->Timing.t = (val)) #endif #ifndef __RTWTYPES_H__ #error This file requires rtwtypes.h to be included #else #ifdef TMWTYPES_PREVIOUSLY_INCLUDED #error This file requires rtwtypes.h to be included before tmwtypes.h #else /* Check for inclusion of an incorrect version of rtwtypes.h */ #ifndef RTWTYPES_ID_C08S16I32L32N32F1 #error This code was generated with a different "rtwtypes.h" than the file included #endif /* RTWTYPES_ID_C08S16I32L32N32F1 */ #endif /* TMWTYPES_PREVIOUSLY_INCLUDED */ #endif /* __RTWTYPES_H__ */ #endif /* RTW_HEADER_external_test_private_h_ */ /* * File trailer for generated code. * * [EOF] */