Course Description: The objectives of the course are to
learn about economic analysis tools and communication skills for
engineers. The economics component places an emphasis on
engineering problems and projects, where measures of merit such as
present worth, rate of return, and benefit / cost ratio are used
in problem solving. Written communication techniques, for
improving the clarity of technical documents are discussed, along
with systematic methods to improve oral presentation skills.
Course Overview: This course is designed to provide the
engineering student with the decision making skills necessary to
evaluate the economic feasibility of investment projects. As the
capital outlays may be significant and affect the productive
potential of a firm over the long term, it is important to
understand the time value of money. The course emphasizes on
measurements of economic worth, after tax cash flow analysis,
replacement analysis, and supplemental analysis; including break
even, sensitivity, and risk analysis. A final project consisting
of evaluating a real world investment project is performed and
submitted as a report and presented at the end of the course.
This is a writing-intensive course, which means a number of
assignments will be focused on developing your ability to
communicate effectively (in English). The assignments will
consist of case studies taken from real world examples
and be designed to prepare you for future courses such as
Senior Design that will require you to do detailed cost
Course Learning Objectives (CLO):
- Identify, formulate, analyze, and solve engineering
economic problems (SO E).
- Communicate effectively (SO A).
- Recognition of the need for, and the ability to engage
in lifelong learning (SO I).
Course Topics: Refer to the CLOs above to understand how these
topics relate to our stated program outcomes.
- Time Value of Money (CLO 1).
- Present and Future Worth Analysis (CLO 1).
- Rate of Return (CLO 1)
- Depreciation (CLO 1)
- Implementation in Microsoft Excel (CLO 2)
- Case Studies (CLO 2)
- Fundamentals of Engineering Exam Preparation (CLO 3)
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