DETAILED OVERALL REPORT FOR THE SYSTEM: wsj_hypo_d.score SENTENCE RECOGNITION PERFORMANCE sentences 166 with errors 100.0% ( 166) with substitions 98.8% ( 164) with deletions 70.5% ( 117) with insertions 61.4% ( 102) WORD RECOGNITION PERFORMANCE Percent Total Error = 76.9% (2029) Percent Correct = 33.0% ( 872) Percent Substitution = 44.7% (1179) Percent Deletions = 22.3% ( 589) Percent Insertions = 9.9% ( 261) Percent Word Accuracy = 23.1% Ref. words = (2640) Hyp. words = (2312) Aligned words = (2901) CONFUSION PAIRS Total (1088) With >= 1 occurances (1088) 1: 10 -> the ==> a 2: 5 -> of ==> in 3: 4 -> and ==> in 4: 4 -> that ==> the 5: 4 -> the ==> and 6: 4 -> the ==> to 7: 3 -> a ==> to 8: 3 -> and ==> to 9: 3 -> begin ==> in 10: 3 -> for ==> of 11: 3 -> forty ==> twenty 12: 3 -> four ==> one 13: 3 -> shares ==> a 14: 2 -> a ==> her 15: 2 -> a ==> of 16: 2 -> a ==> the 17: 2 -> a ==> who 18: 2 -> and ==> a 19: 2 -> and ==> while 20: 2 -> are ==> a 21: 2 -> are ==> the 22: 2 -> at ==> of 23: 2 -> at ==> the 24: 2 -> but ==> and 25: 2 -> eight ==> y. 26: 2 -> fight ==> the 27: 2 -> five ==> one 28: 2 -> for ==> a 29: 2 -> for ==> to 30: 2 -> hundred ==> the 31: 2 -> icahn ==> iran 32: 2 -> in ==> and 33: 2 -> is ==> the 34: 2 -> issue ==> a 35: 2 -> least ==> the 36: 2 -> lost ==> last 37: 2 -> month ==> her 38: 2 -> of ==> a 39: 2 -> of ==> and 40: 2 -> of ==> to 41: 2 -> on ==> and 42: 2 -> one ==> n. 43: 2 -> percent ==> her 44: 2 -> percent ==> iowa 45: 2 -> percent ==> iran 46: 2 -> percent ==> the 47: 2 -> percent ==> to 48: 2 -> point ==> i. 49: 2 -> point ==> r. 50: 2 -> rates ==> rate 51: 2 -> s. ==> to 52: 2 -> said ==> a 53: 2 -> said ==> that 54: 2 -> seven ==> and 55: 2 -> that ==> to 56: 2 -> the ==> her 57: 2 -> the ==> in 58: 2 -> the ==> who 59: 2 -> to ==> a 60: 2 -> to ==> and 61: 2 -> to ==> in 62: 2 -> to ==> the 63: 2 -> too ==> to 64: 2 -> we ==> and 65: 2 -> year ==> iowa 66: 1 -> a ==> air 67: 1 -> a ==> and 68: 1 -> a ==> been 69: 1 -> a ==> in 70: 1 -> a ==> indicated 71: 1 -> a ==> loan 72: 1 -> a ==> new 73: 1 -> a ==> other 74: 1 -> a. ==> to 75: 1 -> a.'s ==> the 76: 1 -> about ==> a 77: 1 -> about ==> in 78: 1 -> about ==> nine 79: 1 -> above ==> and 80: 1 -> above ==> of 81: 1 -> abroad ==> the 82: 1 -> accept ==> to 83: 1 -> accepted ==> the 84: 1 -> accepts ==> into 85: 1 -> according ==> warning 86: 1 -> acknowledges ==> to 87: 1 -> acknowledges ==> why 88: 1 -> acquisition ==> who 89: 1 -> act ==> holding 90: 1 -> action ==> london 91: 1 -> actual ==> over 92: 1 -> administration ==> industry 93: 1 -> administration ==> iowa 94: 1 -> advantages ==> iowa 95: 1 -> advocates ==> head 96: 1 -> affected ==> iran 97: 1 -> affiliate ==> era 98: 1 -> after ==> to 99: 1 -> afternoon ==> as 100: 1 -> agreed ==> area 101: 1 -> agricultural ==> industry 102: 1 -> ahead ==> warning 103: 1 -> aircraft ==> hard 104: 1 -> airing ==> and 105: 1 -> airlines ==> lines 106: 1 -> all ==> handle 107: 1 -> all ==> the 108: 1 -> allegedly ==> data 109: 1 -> already ==> story 110: 1 -> also ==> a 111: 1 -> also ==> and 112: 1 -> although ==> and 113: 1 -> america ==> and 114: 1 -> american ==> error 115: 1 -> american ==> iran 116: 1 -> among ==> mind 117: 1 -> among ==> taiwan 118: 1 -> an ==> and 119: 1 -> analysts ==> a 120: 1 -> and ==> among 121: 1 -> and ==> d. 122: 1 -> and ==> for 123: 1 -> and ==> have 124: 1 -> and ==> never 125: 1 -> and ==> on 126: 1 -> and ==> or 127: 1 -> and ==> out 128: 1 -> and ==> share 129: 1 -> and ==> the 130: 1 -> and ==> three 131: 1 -> and ==> who 132: 1 -> anticipated ==> in 133: 1 -> any ==> in 134: 1 -> appealed ==> among 135: 1 -> applied ==> wide 136: 1 -> are ==> and 137: 1 -> are ==> earlier 138: 1 -> are ==> uncertainties 139: 1 -> arranged ==> her 140: 1 -> arrangement ==> era 141: 1 -> as ==> has 142: 1 -> as ==> order 143: 1 -> as ==> the 144: 1 -> aspects ==> y. 145: 1 -> assumed ==> earned 146: 1 -> at ==> an 147: 1 -> at ==> and 148: 1 -> at ==> eight 149: 1 -> at ==> former 150: 1 -> at ==> operate 151: 1 -> at ==> over 152: 1 -> at ==> r. 153: 1 -> at ==> to 154: 1 -> atlantic's ==> and 155: 1 -> atlantic's ==> the 156: 1 -> auction ==> a 157: 1 -> auto ==> a 158: 1 -> auto ==> the 159: 1 -> automotive ==> sellers 160: 1 -> b. ==> d. 161: 1 -> b. ==> who 162: 1 -> b. ==> you 163: 1 -> balance ==> turn 164: 1 -> banks ==> and 165: 1 -> banks ==> era 166: 1 -> base ==> out 167: 1 -> based ==> ago 168: 1 -> based ==> or 169: 1 -> basic ==> a 170: 1 -> be ==> all 171: 1 -> be ==> and 172: 1 -> be ==> housing 173: 1 -> be ==> to 174: 1 -> because ==> iran 175: 1 -> because ==> low 176: 1 -> because ==> who 177: 1 -> been ==> are 178: 1 -> been ==> related 179: 1 -> before ==> i 180: 1 -> before ==> in 181: 1 -> before ==> iowa 182: 1 -> begin ==> london 183: 1 -> being ==> then 184: 1 -> best ==> to 185: 1 -> bidders ==> area 186: 1 -> bids ==> it 187: 1 -> big ==> read 188: 1 -> big ==> the 189: 1 -> big ==> trading 190: 1 -> big ==> twentieth 191: 1 -> bigger ==> his 192: 1 -> billion ==> million 193: 1 -> bills ==> data 194: 1 -> board ==> area 195: 1 -> boost ==> used 196: 1 -> boosting ==> and 197: 1 -> both ==> raw 198: 1 -> brian ==> a 199: 1 -> brian ==> haven't 200: 1 -> bright ==> additional 201: 1 -> bright ==> morning 202: 1 -> broadcaster ==> to 203: 1 -> brothers ==> for 204: 1 -> budget ==> to 205: 1 -> business ==> area 206: 1 -> business ==> iowa 207: 1 -> businessman ==> her 208: 1 -> but ==> her 209: 1 -> but ==> latest 210: 1 -> but ==> the 211: 1 -> but ==> with 212: 1 -> buyers ==> area 213: 1 -> by ==> boeing 214: 1 -> by ==> due 215: 1 -> by ==> in 216: 1 -> by ==> iran 217: 1 -> by ==> money 218: 1 -> by ==> one 219: 1 -> by ==> seven 220: 1 -> by ==> when 221: 1 -> by ==> why 222: 1 -> c. ==> iowa 223: 1 -> c. ==> the 224: 1 -> campaign ==> have 225: 1 -> can ==> and 226: 1 -> can ==> in 227: 1 -> can ==> the 228: 1 -> can ==> to 229: 1 -> canada ==> iowa 230: 1 -> capital ==> an 231: 1 -> capitol ==> allow 232: 1 -> cards ==> long 233: 1 -> cards ==> said 234: 1 -> cards ==> single 235: 1 -> care ==> same 236: 1 -> category ==> i. 237: 1 -> caution ==> and 238: 1 -> cent ==> a 239: 1 -> cents ==> santa 240: 1 -> certificates ==> a 241: 1 -> chairman ==> lot 242: 1 -> change ==> meetings 243: 1 -> changed ==> revenue 244: 1 -> changes ==> role 245: 1 -> cite ==> nine 246: 1 -> cites ==> our 247: 1 -> citicorp ==> one 248: 1 -> close ==> end 249: 1 -> closely ==> although 250: 1 -> closely ==> only 251: 1 -> cohn ==> home 252: 1 -> comment ==> idea 253: 1 -> committed ==> aid 254: 1 -> common ==> n. 255: 1 -> common ==> to 256: 1 -> companies ==> a 257: 1 -> companies ==> on 258: 1 -> companies ==> report 259: 1 -> companies ==> son 260: 1 -> company ==> come 261: 1 -> company ==> companies 262: 1 -> company ==> has 263: 1 -> company ==> have 264: 1 -> company ==> having 265: 1 -> company ==> her 266: 1 -> company ==> income 267: 1 -> company ==> n. 268: 1 -> company ==> via 269: 1 -> company's ==> handling 270: 1 -> comparable ==> earlier 271: 1 -> compared ==> an 272: 1 -> compared ==> ended 273: 1 -> compared ==> the 274: 1 -> compared ==> yen 275: 1 -> competing ==> young 276: 1 -> comply ==> lie 277: 1 -> computer ==> enter 278: 1 -> computer ==> for 279: 1 -> concern ==> has 280: 1 -> concern ==> iowa 281: 1 -> concluded ==> in 282: 1 -> condition ==> the 283: 1 -> confidence ==> and 284: 1 -> congressional ==> would 285: 1 -> contributions ==> little 286: 1 -> count ==> that 287: 1 -> court ==> her 288: 1 -> court ==> metal 289: 1 -> covers ==> every 290: 1 -> covers ==> would 291: 1 -> crash ==> her 292: 1 -> credit ==> from 293: 1 -> day ==> data 294: 1 -> decline ==> or 295: 1 -> decline ==> who 296: 1 -> declined ==> wouldn't 297: 1 -> department ==> one 298: 1 -> depends ==> announcement 299: 1 -> despite ==> role 300: 1 -> development ==> are 301: 1 -> didn't ==> white 302: 1 -> diplomat ==> iran 303: 1 -> directly ==> year 304: 1 -> directors ==> filing 305: 1 -> disclose ==> raw 306: 1 -> discussions ==> sessions 307: 1 -> doesn't ==> never 308: 1 -> doesn't ==> the 309: 1 -> doing ==> in 310: 1 -> dollar ==> buy 311: 1 -> dollars ==> a 312: 1 -> dollars ==> and 313: 1 -> dollars ==> r. 314: 1 -> dollars ==> while 315: 1 -> done ==> to 316: 1 -> down ==> in 317: 1 -> durable ==> and 318: 1 -> durable ==> is 319: 1 -> durable ==> the 320: 1 -> during ==> air 321: 1 -> each ==> in 322: 1 -> each ==> iowa 323: 1 -> earnings ==> into 324: 1 -> earnings ==> or 325: 1 -> economy's ==> london 326: 1 -> economy's ==> via 327: 1 -> effect ==> in 328: 1 -> eight ==> a 329: 1 -> eight ==> i. 330: 1 -> eight ==> n. 331: 1 -> eighteen ==> eighty 332: 1 -> eighteen ==> the 333: 1 -> eighth ==> a 334: 1 -> eighths ==> iowa 335: 1 -> eighths ==> long 336: 1 -> eighty ==> another 337: 1 -> eighty ==> industry 338: 1 -> emphasized ==> side 339: 1 -> emphasized ==> who 340: 1 -> end ==> iowa 341: 1 -> endorses ==> analyst 342: 1 -> equaling ==> when 343: 1 -> equity ==> the 344: 1 -> eroded ==> hot 345: 1 -> estate ==> related 346: 1 -> estimates ==> estimate 347: 1 -> europe ==> at 348: 1 -> even ==> to 349: 1 -> everybody ==> canada 350: 1 -> everybody ==> heard 351: 1 -> everyone ==> one 352: 1 -> example ==> a 353: 1 -> exceeding ==> eighty 354: 1 -> exchange ==> a 355: 1 -> exchange ==> america 356: 1 -> exchange ==> area 357: 1 -> expect ==> r. 358: 1 -> expected ==> it 359: 1 -> experience ==> market 360: 1 -> exploration ==> try 361: 1 -> exploration ==> will 362: 1 -> export ==> when 363: 1 -> expulsion ==> iowa 364: 1 -> f. ==> owner 365: 1 -> failed ==> handled 366: 1 -> failure ==> here 367: 1 -> federal ==> london 368: 1 -> fees ==> ease 369: 1 -> fees ==> he's 370: 1 -> fell ==> been 371: 1 -> fell ==> is 372: 1 -> fifty ==> a 373: 1 -> fifty ==> enough 374: 1 -> fifty ==> the 375: 1 -> fight ==> flight 376: 1 -> file ==> loan 377: 1 -> file ==> oil 378: 1 -> filed ==> decision 379: 1 -> financial ==> covering 380: 1 -> fine ==> idea 381: 1 -> firm ==> her 382: 1 -> five ==> don't 383: 1 -> five ==> e. 384: 1 -> five ==> i. 385: 1 -> five ==> in 386: 1 -> five ==> or 387: 1 -> five ==> the 388: 1 -> five ==> to 389: 1 -> five ==> warrant 390: 1 -> for ==> handle 391: 1 -> for ==> in 392: 1 -> for ==> ohio 393: 1 -> for ==> old 394: 1 -> for ==> the 395: 1 -> for ==> twenty 396: 1 -> foreign ==> an 397: 1 -> forty ==> and 398: 1 -> forty ==> i 399: 1 -> forty ==> million 400: 1 -> four ==> a 401: 1 -> four ==> area 402: 1 -> four ==> iowa 403: 1 -> fourth ==> than 404: 1 -> free ==> hard 405: 1 -> frequently ==> bring 406: 1 -> frequently ==> we 407: 1 -> friday ==> iowa 408: 1 -> from ==> a 409: 1 -> from ==> and 410: 1 -> from ==> earn 411: 1 -> from ==> eleven 412: 1 -> from ==> firm's 413: 1 -> from ==> handle 414: 1 -> from ==> in 415: 1 -> fundamentals ==> i. 416: 1 -> fundamentals ==> metals 417: 1 -> furniture ==> era 418: 1 -> g. ==> candidate 419: 1 -> g. ==> morning 420: 1 -> g. ==> t. 421: 1 -> gain ==> a 422: 1 -> gain ==> half 423: 1 -> gains ==> data 424: 1 -> general ==> a 425: 1 -> general ==> bank 426: 1 -> generally ==> a 427: 1 -> given ==> in 428: 1 -> gold ==> and 429: 1 -> goods ==> morning 430: 1 -> goods ==> one 431: 1 -> goods ==> warrants 432: 1 -> governing ==> done 433: 1 -> government ==> london 434: 1 -> governments ==> her 435: 1 -> grand ==> on 436: 1 -> greek ==> iran 437: 1 -> group ==> are 438: 1 -> grow ==> i. 439: 1 -> growth ==> an 440: 1 -> had ==> it 441: 1 -> hands ==> in 442: 1 -> has ==> as 443: 1 -> has ==> contra 444: 1 -> has ==> era 445: 1 -> has ==> the 446: 1 -> has ==> year 447: 1 -> have ==> one 448: 1 -> have ==> other 449: 1 -> have ==> r. 450: 1 -> he ==> t. 451: 1 -> he ==> to 452: 1 -> held ==> and 453: 1 -> held ==> now 454: 1 -> high ==> a 455: 1 -> hill ==> it 456: 1 -> history ==> iowa 457: 1 -> hold ==> editor 458: 1 -> hold ==> or 459: 1 -> holders ==> holder 460: 1 -> honda ==> idea 461: 1 -> hoping ==> in 462: 1 -> hundred ==> america 463: 1 -> hundred ==> i. 464: 1 -> hundred ==> wanted 465: 1 -> hungry ==> has 466: 1 -> icahn ==> america 467: 1 -> illinois ==> alliance 468: 1 -> improper ==> it 469: 1 -> in ==> a 470: 1 -> in ==> air 471: 1 -> in ==> all 472: 1 -> in ==> an 473: 1 -> in ==> by 474: 1 -> in ==> end 475: 1 -> in ==> has 476: 1 -> in ==> iowa 477: 1 -> in ==> is 478: 1 -> in ==> matter 479: 1 -> in ==> o. 480: 1 -> in ==> r. 481: 1 -> in ==> return 482: 1 -> in ==> this 483: 1 -> in ==> to 484: 1 -> income ==> in 485: 1 -> increase ==> arena 486: 1 -> increase ==> didn't 487: 1 -> increased ==> has 488: 1 -> index ==> a 489: 1 -> indicate ==> i. 490: 1 -> industry ==> three 491: 1 -> inflation ==> formula 492: 1 -> intend ==> cases 493: 1 -> interest ==> interests 494: 1 -> interest ==> our 495: 1 -> investment ==> area 496: 1 -> investment ==> iowa 497: 1 -> investment ==> to 498: 1 -> investments ==> investment 499: 1 -> is ==> add 500: 1 -> is ==> are 501: 1 -> is ==> been 502: 1 -> is ==> iran 503: 1 -> is ==> its 504: 1 -> is ==> remaining 505: 1 -> is ==> year 506: 1 -> isn't ==> area 507: 1 -> isn't ==> in 508: 1 -> issue ==> in 509: 1 -> it ==> area 510: 1 -> it ==> hope 511: 1 -> it ==> i. 512: 1 -> it ==> know 513: 1 -> it ==> list 514: 1 -> it ==> of 515: 1 -> it ==> the 516: 1 -> it ==> trying 517: 1 -> it ==> were 518: 1 -> it ==> who 519: 1 -> italian ==> wide 520: 1 -> its ==> a 521: 1 -> its ==> afternoon 522: 1 -> its ==> in 523: 1 -> its ==> more 524: 1 -> j. ==> telling 525: 1 -> j. ==> won 526: 1 -> january ==> era 527: 1 -> job ==> businesses 528: 1 -> july ==> line 529: 1 -> july ==> m. 530: 1 -> jumped ==> to 531: 1 -> june ==> an 532: 1 -> just ==> later 533: 1 -> just ==> leaders 534: 1 -> just ==> the 535: 1 -> k. ==> the 536: 1 -> keep ==> go 537: 1 -> kelly ==> a 538: 1 -> kelly ==> her 539: 1 -> kyocera ==> analyst 540: 1 -> kyocera ==> u. 541: 1 -> large ==> i. 542: 1 -> large ==> very 543: 1 -> last ==> more 544: 1 -> last ==> the 545: 1 -> late ==> a 546: 1 -> lately ==> late 547: 1 -> lawrence ==> settlement 548: 1 -> led ==> with 549: 1 -> leery ==> in 550: 1 -> lehman ==> agreement 551: 1 -> lengthy ==> link 552: 1 -> let ==> one 553: 1 -> level ==> her 554: 1 -> light ==> area 555: 1 -> light ==> her 556: 1 -> like ==> man 557: 1 -> like ==> the 558: 1 -> likely ==> her 559: 1 -> lilco's ==> loans 560: 1 -> little ==> done 561: 1 -> local ==> total 562: 1 -> long ==> y. 563: 1 -> losses ==> her 564: 1 -> lost ==> the 565: 1 -> lost ==> two 566: 1 -> low ==> our 567: 1 -> lower ==> or 568: 1 -> lumber ==> nine 569: 1 -> m. ==> end 570: 1 -> machinery ==> a 571: 1 -> major ==> limited 572: 1 -> makers ==> of 573: 1 -> making ==> new 574: 1 -> managers ==> lending 575: 1 -> many ==> handle 576: 1 -> market ==> area 577: 1 -> market ==> finance 578: 1 -> marketed ==> eighty 579: 1 -> mastercard ==> r. 580: 1 -> maximum ==> to 581: 1 -> may ==> to 582: 1 -> mean ==> imminent 583: 1 -> members ==> era 584: 1 -> men ==> and 585: 1 -> million ==> hard 586: 1 -> million ==> in 587: 1 -> million ==> iran 588: 1 -> million ==> not 589: 1 -> million ==> the 590: 1 -> minus ==> the 591: 1 -> monday ==> canada 592: 1 -> monday ==> data 593: 1 -> monday ==> her 594: 1 -> money ==> many 595: 1 -> month ==> iowa 596: 1 -> month ==> lives 597: 1 -> month ==> on 598: 1 -> month ==> one 599: 1 -> month ==> y. 600: 1 -> moody's ==> whose 601: 1 -> morning ==> money 602: 1 -> most ==> in 603: 1 -> most ==> s. 604: 1 -> mr. ==> and 605: 1 -> mr. ==> hundred 606: 1 -> mr. ==> latin 607: 1 -> mr. ==> less 608: 1 -> mr. ==> the 609: 1 -> much ==> and 610: 1 -> named ==> are 611: 1 -> needed ==> three 612: 1 -> neither ==> either 613: 1 -> new ==> or 614: 1 -> new ==> to 615: 1 -> new ==> year 616: 1 -> next ==> been 617: 1 -> next ==> in 618: 1 -> next ==> two 619: 1 -> night ==> has 620: 1 -> nine ==> four 621: 1 -> nine ==> i. 622: 1 -> nine ==> iowa 623: 1 -> nine ==> to 624: 1 -> nine ==> y. 625: 1 -> nineteen ==> a 626: 1 -> nineteen ==> change 627: 1 -> nineteen ==> iowa 628: 1 -> nineteen ==> to 629: 1 -> ninety ==> a 630: 1 -> ninety ==> guy 631: 1 -> ninety ==> iran 632: 1 -> nissan ==> resigned 633: 1 -> no ==> a 634: 1 -> no ==> the 635: 1 -> nonelectrical ==> iowa 636: 1 -> nor ==> who 637: 1 -> numbers ==> r. 638: 1 -> of ==> an 639: 1 -> of ==> awarded 640: 1 -> of ==> been 641: 1 -> of ==> condition 642: 1 -> of ==> data 643: 1 -> of ==> decision 644: 1 -> of ==> for 645: 1 -> of ==> having 646: 1 -> of ==> march 647: 1 -> of ==> seem 648: 1 -> of ==> significant 649: 1 -> of ==> the 650: 1 -> of ==> whether 651: 1 -> offers ==> t. 652: 1 -> officers ==> a 653: 1 -> officials ==> or 654: 1 -> often ==> meanwhile 655: 1 -> omitted ==> idea 656: 1 -> on ==> a 657: 1 -> on ==> along 658: 1 -> on ==> going 659: 1 -> on ==> handle 660: 1 -> on ==> i 661: 1 -> on ==> in 662: 1 -> on ==> neither 663: 1 -> on ==> never 664: 1 -> on ==> of 665: 1 -> on ==> the 666: 1 -> one ==> a 667: 1 -> one ==> a. 668: 1 -> one ==> share 669: 1 -> one ==> the 670: 1 -> onto ==> and 671: 1 -> opposed ==> not 672: 1 -> opposes ==> voted 673: 1 -> or ==> iowa 674: 1 -> or ==> to 675: 1 -> or ==> who 676: 1 -> orders ==> hundred 677: 1 -> orders ==> won 678: 1 -> other ==> cents 679: 1 -> our ==> large 680: 1 -> outstanding ==> but 681: 1 -> owens ==> an 682: 1 -> ownership ==> owners 683: 1 -> owns ==> public 684: 1 -> p. ==> e. 685: 1 -> p. ==> idea 686: 1 -> pages ==> idea 687: 1 -> paper ==> the 688: 1 -> part ==> and 689: 1 -> part ==> s. 690: 1 -> participation ==> a 691: 1 -> parts ==> an 692: 1 -> passive ==> investor 693: 1 -> paying ==> name 694: 1 -> payments ==> iowa 695: 1 -> pays ==> eliminate 696: 1 -> penalties ==> to 697: 1 -> per ==> a 698: 1 -> percent ==> an 699: 1 -> percent ==> are 700: 1 -> percent ==> formula 701: 1 -> percent ==> one 702: 1 -> percent ==> out 703: 1 -> piece ==> widened 704: 1 -> place ==> i. 705: 1 -> plan ==> her 706: 1 -> plan ==> man 707: 1 -> plan ==> the 708: 1 -> plans ==> and 709: 1 -> played ==> general 710: 1 -> point ==> close 711: 1 -> point ==> how 712: 1 -> point ==> in 713: 1 -> point ==> o. 714: 1 -> point ==> or 715: 1 -> point ==> revenue 716: 1 -> points ==> facility 717: 1 -> points ==> little 718: 1 -> points ==> point 719: 1 -> policy ==> and 720: 1 -> political ==> would 721: 1 -> positions ==> iowa 722: 1 -> powerful ==> the 723: 1 -> president ==> evident 724: 1 -> president ==> iowa 725: 1 -> pretty ==> loans 726: 1 -> prevent ==> a 727: 1 -> previous ==> was 728: 1 -> previously ==> a. 729: 1 -> previously ==> interview 730: 1 -> price ==> below 731: 1 -> priced ==> price 732: 1 -> prices ==> price 733: 1 -> probably ==> an 734: 1 -> problem ==> iowa 735: 1 -> proceeds ==> ton 736: 1 -> produced ==> an 737: 1 -> products ==> to 738: 1 -> projected ==> iran 739: 1 -> proposals ==> in 740: 1 -> proposals ==> proposal 741: 1 -> publications ==> delay 742: 1 -> publishing ==> won 743: 1 -> purchases ==> area 744: 1 -> purposes ==> formula 745: 1 -> pushed ==> owned 746: 1 -> pushed ==> push 747: 1 -> qualified ==> gallon 748: 1 -> quarter ==> acquiring 749: 1 -> quarter ==> iowa 750: 1 -> quarter ==> partner 751: 1 -> quarterly ==> cover 752: 1 -> raised ==> home 753: 1 -> ranged ==> rate 754: 1 -> rate ==> iowa 755: 1 -> ratings ==> entering 756: 1 -> reach ==> or 757: 1 -> read ==> i. 758: 1 -> real ==> a 759: 1 -> real ==> long 760: 1 -> really ==> a 761: 1 -> really ==> i. 762: 1 -> reason ==> and 763: 1 -> rebounded ==> the 764: 1 -> recently ==> total 765: 1 -> recession ==> iran 766: 1 -> recognition ==> human 767: 1 -> recovery ==> her 768: 1 -> reduced ==> area 769: 1 -> regular ==> when 770: 1 -> regulators ==> related 771: 1 -> remain ==> n. 772: 1 -> remain ==> remains 773: 1 -> remained ==> million 774: 1 -> reported ==> a 775: 1 -> reported ==> in 776: 1 -> reported ==> is 777: 1 -> reported ==> the 778: 1 -> reports ==> to 779: 1 -> reports ==> when 780: 1 -> republic ==> iran 781: 1 -> republic ==> outlook 782: 1 -> republic ==> share 783: 1 -> required ==> the 784: 1 -> required ==> to 785: 1 -> retail ==> and 786: 1 -> retailing ==> new 787: 1 -> revenues ==> who 788: 1 -> revised ==> and 789: 1 -> rising ==> into 790: 1 -> risk ==> reason 791: 1 -> role ==> who 792: 1 -> rose ==> from 793: 1 -> rose ==> moves 794: 1 -> rose ==> ones 795: 1 -> rose ==> than 796: 1 -> s. ==> a 797: 1 -> s. ==> nine 798: 1 -> s. ==> other 799: 1 -> said ==> her 800: 1 -> said ==> little 801: 1 -> said ==> require 802: 1 -> said ==> time 803: 1 -> said ==> to 804: 1 -> said ==> y. 805: 1 -> say ==> a 806: 1 -> schedules ==> data 807: 1 -> securities ==> area 808: 1 -> securities ==> during 809: 1 -> see ==> iowa 810: 1 -> senn ==> and 811: 1 -> separately ==> a 812: 1 -> separately ==> early 813: 1 -> september ==> oregon 814: 1 -> services ==> the 815: 1 -> sessions ==> willing 816: 1 -> set ==> reason 817: 1 -> seven ==> a 818: 1 -> seven ==> an 819: 1 -> seven ==> i 820: 1 -> seven ==> idea 821: 1 -> seventy ==> a 822: 1 -> seventy ==> in 823: 1 -> seventy ==> of 824: 1 -> several ==> air 825: 1 -> shareholders ==> all 826: 1 -> shareholders ==> shareholder 827: 1 -> shares ==> iran 828: 1 -> shares ==> lot 829: 1 -> shares ==> y. 830: 1 -> shearson ==> an 831: 1 -> should ==> another 832: 1 -> sides ==> data 833: 1 -> sign ==> oil 834: 1 -> signs ==> y. 835: 1 -> simon ==> and 836: 1 -> since ==> air 837: 1 -> since ==> nine 838: 1 -> six ==> contra 839: 1 -> six ==> eight 840: 1 -> six ==> once 841: 1 -> six ==> one 842: 1 -> sixty ==> and 843: 1 -> sixty ==> home 844: 1 -> sixty ==> was 845: 1 -> slid ==> iran 846: 1 -> slid ==> slim 847: 1 -> slump ==> put 848: 1 -> so ==> and 849: 1 -> sold ==> home 850: 1 -> sold ==> notes 851: 1 -> some ==> a 852: 1 -> some ==> n. 853: 1 -> some ==> raise 854: 1 -> sony ==> e. 855: 1 -> sony ==> pursue 856: 1 -> sony ==> seventeen 857: 1 -> sort ==> was 858: 1 -> sound ==> y. 859: 1 -> space ==> iran 860: 1 -> space ==> to 861: 1 -> speak ==> row 862: 1 -> specifically ==> only 863: 1 -> spies ==> eleven 864: 1 -> standards ==> area 865: 1 -> standards ==> who 866: 1 -> state ==> a 867: 1 -> state ==> day 868: 1 -> stayed ==> said 869: 1 -> steady ==> short 870: 1 -> stems ==> to 871: 1 -> still ==> read 872: 1 -> stock ==> a 873: 1 -> stock ==> iowa 874: 1 -> stock ==> latin 875: 1 -> stockholders ==> hard 876: 1 -> stockholders ==> in 877: 1 -> stores ==> who 878: 1 -> street ==> n. 879: 1 -> stuff ==> to 880: 1 -> subscribers ==> idea 881: 1 -> suit ==> sudden 882: 1 -> support ==> at 883: 1 -> surprise ==> price 884: 1 -> surprise ==> the 885: 1 -> sustain ==> named 886: 1 -> t. ==> give 887: 1 -> t. ==> of 888: 1 -> t. ==> other 889: 1 -> take ==> had 890: 1 -> take ==> is 891: 1 -> tape ==> iowa 892: 1 -> tax ==> idaho 893: 1 -> ten ==> a 894: 1 -> ten ==> ohio 895: 1 -> terms ==> an 896: 1 -> testimony ==> include 897: 1 -> that ==> a 898: 1 -> that ==> an 899: 1 -> that ==> are 900: 1 -> that ==> assessment 901: 1 -> that ==> division 902: 1 -> that ==> idea 903: 1 -> that ==> n. 904: 1 -> that ==> who 905: 1 -> that ==> would 906: 1 -> that's ==> a 907: 1 -> that's ==> the 908: 1 -> the ==> an 909: 1 -> the ==> any 910: 1 -> the ==> are 911: 1 -> the ==> at 912: 1 -> the ==> been 913: 1 -> the ==> big 914: 1 -> the ==> how 915: 1 -> the ==> hundred 916: 1 -> the ==> india 917: 1 -> the ==> is 918: 1 -> the ==> its 919: 1 -> the ==> late 920: 1 -> the ==> limited 921: 1 -> the ==> london 922: 1 -> the ==> million 923: 1 -> the ==> more 924: 1 -> the ==> new 925: 1 -> the ==> on 926: 1 -> the ==> standard 927: 1 -> the ==> wanted 928: 1 -> the ==> warrant 929: 1 -> the ==> when 930: 1 -> their ==> in 931: 1 -> their ==> the 932: 1 -> them ==> a 933: 1 -> them ==> iowa 934: 1 -> then ==> ran 935: 1 -> there ==> and 936: 1 -> there ==> era 937: 1 -> there ==> her 938: 1 -> there ==> year 939: 1 -> there's ==> has 940: 1 -> they ==> as 941: 1 -> they ==> year 942: 1 -> third ==> a 943: 1 -> thirty ==> data 944: 1 -> thirty ==> the 945: 1 -> this ==> his 946: 1 -> this ==> iran 947: 1 -> this ==> to 948: 1 -> thousand ==> arrange 949: 1 -> thousand ==> d. 950: 1 -> thousand ==> one 951: 1 -> thousand ==> past 952: 1 -> thousand ==> revenue 953: 1 -> thousand ==> to 954: 1 -> three ==> a 955: 1 -> three ==> are 956: 1 -> three ==> around 957: 1 -> three ==> in 958: 1 -> three ==> iowa 959: 1 -> three ==> only 960: 1 -> three ==> reverse 961: 1 -> times ==> he 962: 1 -> to ==> agreement 963: 1 -> to ==> among 964: 1 -> to ==> by 965: 1 -> to ==> entered 966: 1 -> to ==> fear 967: 1 -> to ==> going 968: 1 -> to ==> have 969: 1 -> to ==> industry 970: 1 -> to ==> landing 971: 1 -> to ==> n. 972: 1 -> to ==> or 973: 1 -> to ==> other 974: 1 -> to ==> r. 975: 1 -> to ==> return 976: 1 -> to ==> two 977: 1 -> to ==> u. 978: 1 -> to ==> was 979: 1 -> to ==> what 980: 1 -> today ==> a 981: 1 -> told ==> owns 982: 1 -> too ==> a 983: 1 -> took ==> the 984: 1 -> totaling ==> only 985: 1 -> tough ==> never 986: 1 -> toyota ==> it 987: 1 -> trading ==> a 988: 1 -> trading ==> area 989: 1 -> transaction ==> idea 990: 1 -> trial ==> trying 991: 1 -> trust ==> a 992: 1 -> tuesday ==> hurt 993: 1 -> tuesday ==> to 994: 1 -> turn ==> suitor 995: 1 -> twenty ==> the 996: 1 -> two ==> annual 997: 1 -> two ==> between 998: 1 -> two ==> eight 999: 1 -> two ==> i. 1000: 1 -> two ==> in 1001: 1 -> two ==> nine 1002: 1 -> two ==> to 1003: 1 -> u. ==> and 1004: 1 -> u. ==> dollar 1005: 1 -> u. ==> twenty 1006: 1 -> u. ==> when 1007: 1 -> under ==> a 1008: 1 -> under ==> to 1009: 1 -> unit ==> her 1010: 1 -> unit ==> high 1011: 1 -> unsold ==> to 1012: 1 -> until ==> and 1013: 1 -> until ==> from 1014: 1 -> up ==> a 1015: 1 -> up ==> iran 1016: 1 -> up ==> of 1017: 1 -> upon ==> one 1018: 1 -> used ==> the 1019: 1 -> value ==> valued 1020: 1 -> vary ==> very 1021: 1 -> very ==> been 1022: 1 -> very ==> n. 1023: 1 -> very ==> name 1024: 1 -> victor ==> didn't 1025: 1 -> volatile ==> to 1026: 1 -> volume ==> of 1027: 1 -> votes ==> loss 1028: 1 -> w. ==> hand 1029: 1 -> w. ==> us 1030: 1 -> wants ==> iowa 1031: 1 -> wants ==> time 1032: 1 -> warning ==> the 1033: 1 -> warning ==> when 1034: 1 -> was ==> at 1035: 1 -> was ==> hand 1036: 1 -> was ==> i. 1037: 1 -> was ==> in 1038: 1 -> was ==> is 1039: 1 -> was ==> line 1040: 1 -> was ==> list 1041: 1 -> was ==> of 1042: 1 -> was ==> own 1043: 1 -> was ==> s. 1044: 1 -> was ==> the 1045: 1 -> was ==> to 1046: 1 -> was ==> women 1047: 1 -> washington ==> iran 1048: 1 -> we ==> hundred 1049: 1 -> we ==> said 1050: 1 -> we ==> the 1051: 1 -> we're ==> are 1052: 1 -> wednesday's ==> the 1053: 1 -> week ==> iowa 1054: 1 -> week ==> reduce 1055: 1 -> week ==> way 1056: 1 -> weekly ==> or 1057: 1 -> weeks ==> a 1058: 1 -> well ==> twelve 1059: 1 -> were ==> during 1060: 1 -> were ==> unrelated 1061: 1 -> were ==> when 1062: 1 -> west ==> than 1063: 1 -> west's ==> west 1064: 1 -> what ==> did 1065: 1 -> which ==> it 1066: 1 -> which ==> with 1067: 1 -> whom ==> of 1068: 1 -> will ==> i. 1069: 1 -> will ==> in 1070: 1 -> will ==> seven 1071: 1 -> will ==> to 1072: 1 -> will ==> year 1073: 1 -> william ==> hand 1074: 1 -> with ==> and 1075: 1 -> with ==> area 1076: 1 -> with ==> hour 1077: 1 -> with ==> money 1078: 1 -> with ==> ohio 1079: 1 -> within ==> in 1080: 1 -> women ==> london 1081: 1 -> women ==> the 1082: 1 -> would ==> or 1083: 1 -> year ==> an 1084: 1 -> yesterday ==> one 1085: 1 -> york ==> a 1086: 1 -> york ==> and 1087: 1 -> york ==> more 1088: 1 -> zero ==> i. ------- 1179 INSERTIONS Total (96) With >= 1 occurances (96) 1: 31 -> the 2: 30 -> to 3: 27 -> a 4: 19 -> in 5: 18 -> her 6: 15 -> who 7: 10 -> and 8: 7 -> of 9: 5 -> on 10: 3 -> an 11: 3 -> has 12: 3 -> one 13: 2 -> dollar 14: 2 -> is 15: 2 -> months 16: 2 -> nine 17: 2 -> read 18: 2 -> what 19: 1 -> afternoon 20: 1 -> all 21: 1 -> although 22: 1 -> among 23: 1 -> artists 24: 1 -> at 25: 1 -> atlantic 26: 1 -> be 27: 1 -> beverly 28: 1 -> boeing 29: 1 -> data 30: 1 -> day 31: 1 -> decline 32: 1 -> doesn't 33: 1 -> don't 34: 1 -> dun 35: 1 -> economies 36: 1 -> end 37: 1 -> era 38: 1 -> every 39: 1 -> government 40: 1 -> half 41: 1 -> high 42: 1 -> highest 43: 1 -> him 44: 1 -> home 45: 1 -> how 46: 1 -> human 47: 1 -> i 48: 1 -> iran 49: 1 -> it 50: 1 -> know 51: 1 -> land 52: 1 -> last 53: 1 -> lawyer 54: 1 -> lives 55: 1 -> loans 56: 1 -> local 57: 1 -> loss 58: 1 -> m. 59: 1 -> maker 60: 1 -> money 61: 1 -> n. 62: 1 -> national 63: 1 -> new 64: 1 -> next 65: 1 -> not 66: 1 -> nursing 67: 1 -> our 68: 1 -> own 69: 1 -> priced 70: 1 -> race 71: 1 -> raise 72: 1 -> ran 73: 1 -> red 74: 1 -> reduce 75: 1 -> retailing 76: 1 -> revenue 77: 1 -> s. 78: 1 -> said 79: 1 -> seventy 80: 1 -> share 81: 1 -> stock 82: 1 -> thirty 83: 1 -> try 84: 1 -> u. 85: 1 -> until 86: 1 -> value 87: 1 -> very 88: 1 -> way 89: 1 -> we 90: 1 -> week 91: 1 -> when 92: 1 -> which 93: 1 -> while 94: 1 -> whom 95: 1 -> world 96: 1 -> year ------- 261 DELETIONS Total (325) With >= 1 occurances (325) 1: 27 -> the 2: 18 -> of 3: 13 -> in 4: 12 -> to 5: 11 -> one 6: 9 -> point 7: 9 -> six 8: 8 -> a 9: 8 -> two 10: 7 -> as 11: 7 -> hundred 12: 7 -> it 13: 7 -> that 14: 6 -> and 15: 6 -> be 16: 6 -> he 17: 6 -> is 18: 6 -> on 19: 5 -> at 20: 5 -> fifty 21: 5 -> five 22: 5 -> said 23: 5 -> twenty 24: 5 -> was 25: 4 -> but 26: 4 -> nineteen 27: 4 -> percent 28: 4 -> stock 29: 4 -> thousand 30: 4 -> would 31: 3 -> based 32: 3 -> closed 33: 3 -> had 34: 3 -> holdings 35: 3 -> index 36: 3 -> no 37: 3 -> other 38: 3 -> sales 39: 3 -> seventy 40: 3 -> shares 41: 3 -> three 42: 3 -> under 43: 3 -> up 44: 3 -> with 45: 2 -> also 46: 2 -> analysts 47: 2 -> any 48: 2 -> are 49: 2 -> assets 50: 2 -> banks 51: 2 -> bills 52: 2 -> by 53: 2 -> cents 54: 2 -> changes 55: 2 -> commodity 56: 2 -> dollars 57: 2 -> eight 58: 2 -> exchange 59: 2 -> fed 60: 2 -> fifteen 61: 2 -> first 62: 2 -> for 63: 2 -> forty 64: 2 -> four 65: 2 -> from 66: 2 -> grand 67: 2 -> has 68: 2 -> have 69: 2 -> high 70: 2 -> isn't 71: 2 -> it's 72: 2 -> its 73: 2 -> large 74: 2 -> national 75: 2 -> new 76: 2 -> officials 77: 2 -> policy 78: 2 -> preferred 79: 2 -> products 80: 2 -> quarter 81: 2 -> securities 82: 2 -> such 83: 2 -> washington 84: 1 -> a. 85: 1 -> about 86: 1 -> according 87: 1 -> across 88: 1 -> act 89: 1 -> addition 90: 1 -> administration 91: 1 -> affiliated 92: 1 -> after 93: 1 -> alarm 94: 1 -> all 95: 1 -> american 96: 1 -> among 97: 1 -> attack 98: 1 -> attracted 99: 1 -> australia 100: 1 -> auto 101: 1 -> b. 102: 1 -> because 103: 1 -> been 104: 1 -> began 105: 1 -> bell 106: 1 -> beneficial 107: 1 -> big 108: 1 -> billion 109: 1 -> brewing 110: 1 -> britain 111: 1 -> business 112: 1 -> c. 113: 1 -> came 114: 1 -> can 115: 1 -> cards 116: 1 -> case 117: 1 -> cases 118: 1 -> cause 119: 1 -> certain 120: 1 -> certainly 121: 1 -> certificates 122: 1 -> change 123: 1 -> close 124: 1 -> coming 125: 1 -> common 126: 1 -> companies 127: 1 -> company 128: 1 -> company's 129: 1 -> composite 130: 1 -> concern 131: 1 -> confidence 132: 1 -> consensus 133: 1 -> consumer 134: 1 -> contended 135: 1 -> contract 136: 1 -> controlled 137: 1 -> could 138: 1 -> couldn't 139: 1 -> counter 140: 1 -> country 141: 1 -> credit 142: 1 -> critics 143: 1 -> d. 144: 1 -> department 145: 1 -> diana 146: 1 -> didn't 147: 1 -> direct 148: 1 -> drop 149: 1 -> efforts 150: 1 -> eighteen 151: 1 -> eighth 152: 1 -> eighty 153: 1 -> elders 154: 1 -> end 155: 1 -> ended 156: 1 -> envirodyne 157: 1 -> estimates 158: 1 -> expects 159: 1 -> experience 160: 1 -> exploration 161: 1 -> exposure 162: 1 -> f. 163: 1 -> fed's 164: 1 -> fidelity 165: 1 -> financial 166: 1 -> fine 167: 1 -> firm's 168: 1 -> focused 169: 1 -> following 170: 1 -> fourteen 171: 1 -> further 172: 1 -> gencorp 173: 1 -> goal 174: 1 -> gold 175: 1 -> good 176: 1 -> group 177: 1 -> groups 178: 1 -> half 179: 1 -> happened 180: 1 -> haven't 181: 1 -> heads 182: 1 -> health 183: 1 -> held 184: 1 -> helped 185: 1 -> highest 186: 1 -> hold 187: 1 -> holders 188: 1 -> hour 189: 1 -> i 190: 1 -> i'd 191: 1 -> identified 192: 1 -> if 193: 1 -> including 194: 1 -> increasing 195: 1 -> increasingly 196: 1 -> investor 197: 1 -> involved 198: 1 -> issues 199: 1 -> japan 200: 1 -> join 201: 1 -> language 202: 1 -> last 203: 1 -> law 204: 1 -> let 205: 1 -> like 206: 1 -> likely 207: 1 -> limited 208: 1 -> list 209: 1 -> looked 210: 1 -> lower 211: 1 -> make 212: 1 -> making 213: 1 -> many 214: 1 -> market 215: 1 -> marketed 216: 1 -> massive 217: 1 -> men 218: 1 -> merit 219: 1 -> million 220: 1 -> mining 221: 1 -> modest 222: 1 -> money 223: 1 -> monsanto 224: 1 -> month 225: 1 -> most 226: 1 -> move 227: 1 -> mr. 228: 1 -> much 229: 1 -> multiple 230: 1 -> murphy 231: 1 -> my 232: 1 -> needs 233: 1 -> nine 234: 1 -> northgate 235: 1 -> not 236: 1 -> noted 237: 1 -> numbers 238: 1 -> october 239: 1 -> offer 240: 1 -> offering 241: 1 -> only 242: 1 -> orders 243: 1 -> otherwise 244: 1 -> outside 245: 1 -> owners 246: 1 -> ownership 247: 1 -> package 248: 1 -> past 249: 1 -> pat 250: 1 -> people 251: 1 -> percentage 252: 1 -> performing 253: 1 -> points 254: 1 -> positive 255: 1 -> prepared 256: 1 -> presidential 257: 1 -> privately 258: 1 -> publicly 259: 1 -> raising 260: 1 -> reach 261: 1 -> reached 262: 1 -> read 263: 1 -> reagan 264: 1 -> received 265: 1 -> restore 266: 1 -> rise 267: 1 -> robertson 268: 1 -> s. 269: 1 -> say 270: 1 -> says 271: 1 -> second 272: 1 -> service 273: 1 -> share 274: 1 -> should 275: 1 -> significant 276: 1 -> single 277: 1 -> slid 278: 1 -> sold 279: 1 -> some 280: 1 -> sony 281: 1 -> specific 282: 1 -> speed 283: 1 -> spies 284: 1 -> sprung 285: 1 -> stands 286: 1 -> state 287: 1 -> support 288: 1 -> supported 289: 1 -> ten 290: 1 -> test 291: 1 -> testified 292: 1 -> texas 293: 1 -> their 294: 1 -> then 295: 1 -> third 296: 1 -> thirty 297: 1 -> this 298: 1 -> those 299: 1 -> thought 300: 1 -> through 301: 1 -> tight 302: 1 -> tighten 303: 1 -> too 304: 1 -> toronto 305: 1 -> tough 306: 1 -> traded 307: 1 -> transaction 308: 1 -> trigger 309: 1 -> true 310: 1 -> turn 311: 1 -> united 312: 1 -> unless 313: 1 -> very 314: 1 -> ways 315: 1 -> we 316: 1 -> week 317: 1 -> what 318: 1 -> which 319: 1 -> while 320: 1 -> who 321: 1 -> will 322: 1 -> without 323: 1 -> work 324: 1 -> york 325: 1 -> you ------- 589 SUBSTITUTIONS Total (567) With >= 1 occurances (567) 1: 46 -> the 2: 26 -> to 3: 24 -> of 4: 23 -> and 5: 19 -> a 6: 17 -> in 7: 15 -> percent 8: 15 -> that 9: 13 -> for 10: 13 -> was 11: 12 -> at 12: 12 -> on 13: 10 -> five 14: 10 -> it 15: 10 -> point 16: 10 -> said 17: 9 -> by 18: 9 -> company 19: 9 -> is 20: 7 -> are 21: 7 -> from 22: 7 -> month 23: 7 -> three 24: 7 -> two 25: 6 -> but 26: 6 -> forty 27: 6 -> four 28: 6 -> one 29: 6 -> seven 30: 6 -> shares 31: 6 -> thousand 32: 5 -> eight 33: 5 -> has 34: 5 -> hundred 35: 5 -> million 36: 5 -> mr. 37: 5 -> nine 38: 5 -> s. 39: 5 -> we 40: 5 -> will 41: 5 -> with 42: 4 -> be 43: 4 -> begin 44: 4 -> big 45: 4 -> can 46: 4 -> companies 47: 4 -> compared 48: 4 -> dollars 49: 4 -> its 50: 4 -> lost 51: 4 -> nineteen 52: 4 -> reported 53: 4 -> rose 54: 4 -> six 55: 4 -> there 56: 4 -> u. 57: 3 -> about 58: 3 -> as 59: 3 -> b. 60: 3 -> because 61: 3 -> before 62: 3 -> cards 63: 3 -> durable 64: 3 -> exchange 65: 3 -> fifty 66: 3 -> fight 67: 3 -> g. 68: 3 -> goods 69: 3 -> have 70: 3 -> icahn 71: 3 -> investment 72: 3 -> issue 73: 3 -> just 74: 3 -> monday 75: 3 -> new 76: 3 -> next 77: 3 -> ninety 78: 3 -> or 79: 3 -> plan 80: 3 -> points 81: 3 -> quarter 82: 3 -> republic 83: 3 -> seventy 84: 3 -> sixty 85: 3 -> some 86: 3 -> sony 87: 3 -> stock 88: 3 -> t. 89: 3 -> this 90: 3 -> too 91: 3 -> up 92: 3 -> very 93: 3 -> week 94: 3 -> were 95: 3 -> year 96: 3 -> york 97: 2 -> above 98: 2 -> acknowledges 99: 2 -> administration 100: 2 -> all 101: 2 -> also 102: 2 -> american 103: 2 -> among 104: 2 -> atlantic's 105: 2 -> auto 106: 2 -> banks 107: 2 -> based 108: 2 -> been 109: 2 -> brian 110: 2 -> bright 111: 2 -> business 112: 2 -> c. 113: 2 -> closely 114: 2 -> common 115: 2 -> computer 116: 2 -> concern 117: 2 -> court 118: 2 -> covers 119: 2 -> decline 120: 2 -> doesn't 121: 2 -> each 122: 2 -> earnings 123: 2 -> economy's 124: 2 -> eighteen 125: 2 -> eighths 126: 2 -> eighty 127: 2 -> emphasized 128: 2 -> everybody 129: 2 -> exploration 130: 2 -> fees 131: 2 -> fell 132: 2 -> file 133: 2 -> frequently 134: 2 -> fundamentals 135: 2 -> gain 136: 2 -> general 137: 2 -> he 138: 2 -> held 139: 2 -> hold 140: 2 -> increase 141: 2 -> interest 142: 2 -> isn't 143: 2 -> j. 144: 2 -> july 145: 2 -> kelly 146: 2 -> kyocera 147: 2 -> large 148: 2 -> last 149: 2 -> least 150: 2 -> light 151: 2 -> like 152: 2 -> market 153: 2 -> most 154: 2 -> no 155: 2 -> orders 156: 2 -> p. 157: 2 -> part 158: 2 -> president 159: 2 -> previously 160: 2 -> proposals 161: 2 -> pushed 162: 2 -> rates 163: 2 -> real 164: 2 -> really 165: 2 -> remain 166: 2 -> reports 167: 2 -> required 168: 2 -> securities 169: 2 -> separately 170: 2 -> shareholders 171: 2 -> since 172: 2 -> slid 173: 2 -> sold 174: 2 -> space 175: 2 -> standards 176: 2 -> state 177: 2 -> stockholders 178: 2 -> surprise 179: 2 -> take 180: 2 -> ten 181: 2 -> that's 182: 2 -> their 183: 2 -> them 184: 2 -> they 185: 2 -> thirty 186: 2 -> trading 187: 2 -> tuesday 188: 2 -> under 189: 2 -> unit 190: 2 -> until 191: 2 -> w. 192: 2 -> wants 193: 2 -> warning 194: 2 -> which 195: 2 -> women 196: 1 -> a. 197: 1 -> a.'s 198: 1 -> abroad 199: 1 -> accept 200: 1 -> accepted 201: 1 -> accepts 202: 1 -> according 203: 1 -> acquisition 204: 1 -> act 205: 1 -> action 206: 1 -> actual 207: 1 -> advantages 208: 1 -> advocates 209: 1 -> affected 210: 1 -> affiliate 211: 1 -> after 212: 1 -> afternoon 213: 1 -> agreed 214: 1 -> agricultural 215: 1 -> ahead 216: 1 -> aircraft 217: 1 -> airing 218: 1 -> airlines 219: 1 -> allegedly 220: 1 -> already 221: 1 -> although 222: 1 -> america 223: 1 -> an 224: 1 -> analysts 225: 1 -> anticipated 226: 1 -> any 227: 1 -> appealed 228: 1 -> applied 229: 1 -> arranged 230: 1 -> arrangement 231: 1 -> aspects 232: 1 -> assumed 233: 1 -> auction 234: 1 -> automotive 235: 1 -> balance 236: 1 -> base 237: 1 -> basic 238: 1 -> being 239: 1 -> best 240: 1 -> bidders 241: 1 -> bids 242: 1 -> bigger 243: 1 -> billion 244: 1 -> bills 245: 1 -> board 246: 1 -> boost 247: 1 -> boosting 248: 1 -> both 249: 1 -> broadcaster 250: 1 -> brothers 251: 1 -> budget 252: 1 -> businessman 253: 1 -> buyers 254: 1 -> campaign 255: 1 -> canada 256: 1 -> capital 257: 1 -> capitol 258: 1 -> care 259: 1 -> category 260: 1 -> caution 261: 1 -> cent 262: 1 -> cents 263: 1 -> certificates 264: 1 -> chairman 265: 1 -> change 266: 1 -> changed 267: 1 -> changes 268: 1 -> cite 269: 1 -> cites 270: 1 -> citicorp 271: 1 -> close 272: 1 -> cohn 273: 1 -> comment 274: 1 -> committed 275: 1 -> company's 276: 1 -> comparable 277: 1 -> competing 278: 1 -> comply 279: 1 -> concluded 280: 1 -> condition 281: 1 -> confidence 282: 1 -> congressional 283: 1 -> contributions 284: 1 -> count 285: 1 -> crash 286: 1 -> credit 287: 1 -> day 288: 1 -> declined 289: 1 -> department 290: 1 -> depends 291: 1 -> despite 292: 1 -> development 293: 1 -> didn't 294: 1 -> diplomat 295: 1 -> directly 296: 1 -> directors 297: 1 -> disclose 298: 1 -> discussions 299: 1 -> doing 300: 1 -> dollar 301: 1 -> done 302: 1 -> down 303: 1 -> during 304: 1 -> effect 305: 1 -> eighth 306: 1 -> end 307: 1 -> endorses 308: 1 -> equaling 309: 1 -> equity 310: 1 -> eroded 311: 1 -> estate 312: 1 -> estimates 313: 1 -> europe 314: 1 -> even 315: 1 -> everyone 316: 1 -> example 317: 1 -> exceeding 318: 1 -> expect 319: 1 -> expected 320: 1 -> experience 321: 1 -> export 322: 1 -> expulsion 323: 1 -> f. 324: 1 -> failed 325: 1 -> failure 326: 1 -> federal 327: 1 -> filed 328: 1 -> financial 329: 1 -> fine 330: 1 -> firm 331: 1 -> foreign 332: 1 -> fourth 333: 1 -> free 334: 1 -> friday 335: 1 -> furniture 336: 1 -> gains 337: 1 -> generally 338: 1 -> given 339: 1 -> gold 340: 1 -> governing 341: 1 -> government 342: 1 -> governments 343: 1 -> grand 344: 1 -> greek 345: 1 -> group 346: 1 -> grow 347: 1 -> growth 348: 1 -> had 349: 1 -> hands 350: 1 -> high 351: 1 -> hill 352: 1 -> history 353: 1 -> holders 354: 1 -> honda 355: 1 -> hoping 356: 1 -> hungry 357: 1 -> illinois 358: 1 -> improper 359: 1 -> income 360: 1 -> increased 361: 1 -> index 362: 1 -> indicate 363: 1 -> industry 364: 1 -> inflation 365: 1 -> intend 366: 1 -> investments 367: 1 -> italian 368: 1 -> january 369: 1 -> job 370: 1 -> jumped 371: 1 -> june 372: 1 -> k. 373: 1 -> keep 374: 1 -> late 375: 1 -> lately 376: 1 -> lawrence 377: 1 -> led 378: 1 -> leery 379: 1 -> lehman 380: 1 -> lengthy 381: 1 -> let 382: 1 -> level 383: 1 -> likely 384: 1 -> lilco's 385: 1 -> little 386: 1 -> local 387: 1 -> long 388: 1 -> losses 389: 1 -> low 390: 1 -> lower 391: 1 -> lumber 392: 1 -> m. 393: 1 -> machinery 394: 1 -> major 395: 1 -> makers 396: 1 -> making 397: 1 -> managers 398: 1 -> many 399: 1 -> marketed 400: 1 -> mastercard 401: 1 -> maximum 402: 1 -> may 403: 1 -> mean 404: 1 -> members 405: 1 -> men 406: 1 -> minus 407: 1 -> money 408: 1 -> moody's 409: 1 -> morning 410: 1 -> much 411: 1 -> named 412: 1 -> needed 413: 1 -> neither 414: 1 -> night 415: 1 -> nissan 416: 1 -> nonelectrical 417: 1 -> nor 418: 1 -> numbers 419: 1 -> offers 420: 1 -> officers 421: 1 -> officials 422: 1 -> often 423: 1 -> omitted 424: 1 -> onto 425: 1 -> opposed 426: 1 -> opposes 427: 1 -> other 428: 1 -> our 429: 1 -> outstanding 430: 1 -> owens 431: 1 -> ownership 432: 1 -> owns 433: 1 -> pages 434: 1 -> paper 435: 1 -> participation 436: 1 -> parts 437: 1 -> passive 438: 1 -> paying 439: 1 -> payments 440: 1 -> pays 441: 1 -> penalties 442: 1 -> per 443: 1 -> piece 444: 1 -> place 445: 1 -> plans 446: 1 -> played 447: 1 -> policy 448: 1 -> political 449: 1 -> positions 450: 1 -> powerful 451: 1 -> pretty 452: 1 -> prevent 453: 1 -> previous 454: 1 -> price 455: 1 -> priced 456: 1 -> prices 457: 1 -> probably 458: 1 -> problem 459: 1 -> proceeds 460: 1 -> produced 461: 1 -> products 462: 1 -> projected 463: 1 -> publications 464: 1 -> publishing 465: 1 -> purchases 466: 1 -> purposes 467: 1 -> qualified 468: 1 -> quarterly 469: 1 -> raised 470: 1 -> ranged 471: 1 -> rate 472: 1 -> ratings 473: 1 -> reach 474: 1 -> read 475: 1 -> reason 476: 1 -> rebounded 477: 1 -> recently 478: 1 -> recession 479: 1 -> recognition 480: 1 -> recovery 481: 1 -> reduced 482: 1 -> regular 483: 1 -> regulators 484: 1 -> remained 485: 1 -> retail 486: 1 -> retailing 487: 1 -> revenues 488: 1 -> revised 489: 1 -> rising 490: 1 -> risk 491: 1 -> role 492: 1 -> say 493: 1 -> schedules 494: 1 -> see 495: 1 -> senn 496: 1 -> september 497: 1 -> services 498: 1 -> sessions 499: 1 -> set 500: 1 -> several 501: 1 -> shearson 502: 1 -> should 503: 1 -> sides 504: 1 -> sign 505: 1 -> signs 506: 1 -> simon 507: 1 -> slump 508: 1 -> so 509: 1 -> sort 510: 1 -> sound 511: 1 -> speak 512: 1 -> specifically 513: 1 -> spies 514: 1 -> stayed 515: 1 -> steady 516: 1 -> stems 517: 1 -> still 518: 1 -> stores 519: 1 -> street 520: 1 -> stuff 521: 1 -> subscribers 522: 1 -> suit 523: 1 -> support 524: 1 -> sustain 525: 1 -> tape 526: 1 -> tax 527: 1 -> terms 528: 1 -> testimony 529: 1 -> then 530: 1 -> there's 531: 1 -> third 532: 1 -> times 533: 1 -> today 534: 1 -> told 535: 1 -> took 536: 1 -> totaling 537: 1 -> tough 538: 1 -> toyota 539: 1 -> transaction 540: 1 -> trial 541: 1 -> trust 542: 1 -> turn 543: 1 -> twenty 544: 1 -> unsold 545: 1 -> upon 546: 1 -> used 547: 1 -> value 548: 1 -> vary 549: 1 -> victor 550: 1 -> volatile 551: 1 -> volume 552: 1 -> votes 553: 1 -> washington 554: 1 -> we're 555: 1 -> wednesday's 556: 1 -> weekly 557: 1 -> weeks 558: 1 -> well 559: 1 -> west 560: 1 -> west's 561: 1 -> what 562: 1 -> whom 563: 1 -> william 564: 1 -> within 565: 1 -> would 566: 1 -> yesterday 567: 1 -> zero ------- 1179 * NOTE: The 'Substitution' words are those reference words for which the recognizer supplied an incorrect word. FALSELY RECOGNIZED Total (347) With >= 1 occurances (347) 1: 89 -> a 2: 76 -> the 3: 63 -> to 4: 59 -> and 5: 54 -> in 6: 38 -> iowa 7: 27 -> her 8: 22 -> iran 9: 19 -> an 10: 19 -> i. 11: 18 -> area 12: 18 -> one 13: 18 -> who 14: 17 -> of 15: 14 -> or 16: 11 -> n. 17: 10 -> are 18: 10 -> idea 19: 10 -> r. 20: 10 -> y. 21: 9 -> data 22: 9 -> when 23: 8 -> era 24: 8 -> has 25: 7 -> been 26: 7 -> is 27: 7 -> it 28: 7 -> london 29: 7 -> year 30: 6 -> nine 31: 5 -> air 32: 5 -> handle 33: 5 -> on 34: 5 -> other 35: 5 -> twenty 36: 4 -> at 37: 4 -> for 38: 4 -> hard 39: 4 -> have 40: 4 -> home 41: 4 -> hundred 42: 4 -> i 43: 4 -> industry 44: 4 -> million 45: 4 -> more 46: 4 -> never 47: 4 -> new 48: 4 -> only 49: 4 -> was 50: 4 -> would 51: 3 -> all 52: 3 -> america 53: 3 -> among 54: 3 -> as 55: 3 -> d. 56: 3 -> e. 57: 3 -> eight 58: 3 -> eighty 59: 3 -> end 60: 3 -> formula 61: 3 -> from 62: 3 -> hand 63: 3 -> into 64: 3 -> little 65: 3 -> long 66: 3 -> money 67: 3 -> morning 68: 3 -> ohio 69: 3 -> our 70: 3 -> out 71: 3 -> price 72: 3 -> rate 73: 3 -> related 74: 3 -> revenue 75: 3 -> s. 76: 3 -> said 77: 3 -> share 78: 3 -> t. 79: 3 -> than 80: 3 -> that 81: 3 -> three 82: 3 -> two 83: 3 -> while 84: 3 -> with 85: 3 -> won 86: 2 -> a. 87: 2 -> agreement 88: 2 -> analyst 89: 2 -> another 90: 2 -> by 91: 2 -> canada 92: 2 -> contra 93: 2 -> decision 94: 2 -> didn't 95: 2 -> done 96: 2 -> during 97: 2 -> earlier 98: 2 -> eleven 99: 2 -> going 100: 2 -> having 101: 2 -> his 102: 2 -> how 103: 2 -> its 104: 2 -> last 105: 2 -> late 106: 2 -> latin 107: 2 -> limited 108: 2 -> line 109: 2 -> list 110: 2 -> loan 111: 2 -> loans 112: 2 -> lot 113: 2 -> man 114: 2 -> name 115: 2 -> not 116: 2 -> o. 117: 2 -> oil 118: 2 -> over 119: 2 -> raw 120: 2 -> read 121: 2 -> reason 122: 2 -> return 123: 2 -> role 124: 2 -> seven 125: 2 -> time 126: 2 -> total 127: 2 -> trying 128: 2 -> u. 129: 2 -> very 130: 2 -> via 131: 2 -> wanted 132: 2 -> warning 133: 2 -> warrant 134: 2 -> why 135: 2 -> wide 136: 1 -> acquiring 137: 1 -> add 138: 1 -> additional 139: 1 -> afternoon 140: 1 -> ago 141: 1 -> aid 142: 1 -> alliance 143: 1 -> allow 144: 1 -> along 145: 1 -> although 146: 1 -> announcement 147: 1 -> annual 148: 1 -> any 149: 1 -> arena 150: 1 -> around 151: 1 -> arrange 152: 1 -> assessment 153: 1 -> awarded 154: 1 -> bank 155: 1 -> below 156: 1 -> between 157: 1 -> big 158: 1 -> boeing 159: 1 -> bring 160: 1 -> businesses 161: 1 -> but 162: 1 -> buy 163: 1 -> candidate 164: 1 -> cases 165: 1 -> cents 166: 1 -> change 167: 1 -> close 168: 1 -> come 169: 1 -> companies 170: 1 -> condition 171: 1 -> cover 172: 1 -> covering 173: 1 -> day 174: 1 -> delay 175: 1 -> did 176: 1 -> division 177: 1 -> dollar 178: 1 -> don't 179: 1 -> due 180: 1 -> early 181: 1 -> earn 182: 1 -> earned 183: 1 -> ease 184: 1 -> editor 185: 1 -> either 186: 1 -> eliminate 187: 1 -> ended 188: 1 -> enough 189: 1 -> enter 190: 1 -> entered 191: 1 -> entering 192: 1 -> error 193: 1 -> estimate 194: 1 -> every 195: 1 -> evident 196: 1 -> facility 197: 1 -> fear 198: 1 -> filing 199: 1 -> finance 200: 1 -> firm's 201: 1 -> flight 202: 1 -> former 203: 1 -> four 204: 1 -> gallon 205: 1 -> general 206: 1 -> give 207: 1 -> go 208: 1 -> guy 209: 1 -> had 210: 1 -> half 211: 1 -> handled 212: 1 -> handling 213: 1 -> haven't 214: 1 -> he 215: 1 -> he's 216: 1 -> head 217: 1 -> heard 218: 1 -> here 219: 1 -> high 220: 1 -> holder 221: 1 -> holding 222: 1 -> hope 223: 1 -> hot 224: 1 -> hour 225: 1 -> housing 226: 1 -> human 227: 1 -> hurt 228: 1 -> idaho 229: 1 -> imminent 230: 1 -> include 231: 1 -> income 232: 1 -> india 233: 1 -> indicated 234: 1 -> interests 235: 1 -> interview 236: 1 -> investment 237: 1 -> investor 238: 1 -> know 239: 1 -> landing 240: 1 -> large 241: 1 -> later 242: 1 -> latest 243: 1 -> leaders 244: 1 -> lending 245: 1 -> less 246: 1 -> lie 247: 1 -> lines 248: 1 -> link 249: 1 -> lives 250: 1 -> loss 251: 1 -> low 252: 1 -> m. 253: 1 -> many 254: 1 -> march 255: 1 -> market 256: 1 -> matter 257: 1 -> meanwhile 258: 1 -> meetings 259: 1 -> metal 260: 1 -> metals 261: 1 -> mind 262: 1 -> moves 263: 1 -> named 264: 1 -> neither 265: 1 -> notes 266: 1 -> now 267: 1 -> old 268: 1 -> once 269: 1 -> ones 270: 1 -> operate 271: 1 -> order 272: 1 -> oregon 273: 1 -> outlook 274: 1 -> own 275: 1 -> owned 276: 1 -> owner 277: 1 -> owners 278: 1 -> owns 279: 1 -> partner 280: 1 -> past 281: 1 -> point 282: 1 -> proposal 283: 1 -> public 284: 1 -> pursue 285: 1 -> push 286: 1 -> put 287: 1 -> raise 288: 1 -> ran 289: 1 -> reduce 290: 1 -> remaining 291: 1 -> remains 292: 1 -> report 293: 1 -> require 294: 1 -> resigned 295: 1 -> reverse 296: 1 -> row 297: 1 -> same 298: 1 -> santa 299: 1 -> seem 300: 1 -> sellers 301: 1 -> sessions 302: 1 -> settlement 303: 1 -> seventeen 304: 1 -> shareholder 305: 1 -> short 306: 1 -> side 307: 1 -> significant 308: 1 -> single 309: 1 -> slim 310: 1 -> son 311: 1 -> standard 312: 1 -> story 313: 1 -> sudden 314: 1 -> suitor 315: 1 -> taiwan 316: 1 -> telling 317: 1 -> then 318: 1 -> this 319: 1 -> ton 320: 1 -> trading 321: 1 -> try 322: 1 -> turn 323: 1 -> twelve 324: 1 -> twentieth 325: 1 -> uncertainties 326: 1 -> unrelated 327: 1 -> us 328: 1 -> used 329: 1 -> valued 330: 1 -> voted 331: 1 -> warrants 332: 1 -> way 333: 1 -> we 334: 1 -> were 335: 1 -> west 336: 1 -> what 337: 1 -> whether 338: 1 -> white 339: 1 -> whose 340: 1 -> widened 341: 1 -> will 342: 1 -> willing 343: 1 -> women 344: 1 -> wouldn't 345: 1 -> yen 346: 1 -> you 347: 1 -> young ------- 1179 * NOTE: The 'Falsely Recognized' words are those hypothesis words which the recognizer incorrectly substituted for a reference word. DUMP OF SYSTEM ALIGNMENT STRUCTURE System name: wsj_hypo_d.score Speakers: 0: Speaker sentences 0: #utts: 166 id: (440c020a) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 6 11 0 2 REF: * DESPITE THE JULY DECLINE DURABLE GOODS ORDERS REMAINED seven point seven percent ABOVE THE year earlier ***** LEVEL HYP: A ROLE IN LINE WHO IS ONE HUNDRED MILLION seven point seven percent OF A year earlier WHILE HER Eval: I S S S S S S S S S S I S id: (440c0207) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 7 10 6 0 REF: the agency ISN'T LIKELY TO TAKE ANY ACTION UNTIL THE union's rank and FILE VOTES on the CONTRACT IN TWO TO THREE WEEKS HYP: the agency ***** ****** ** IS IN LONDON AND WHEN union's rank and LOAN LOSS on the ******** ** *** INDUSTRY ONLY A Eval: D D D S S S S S S S D D D S S S id: (440c0201) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 6 6 0 0 REF: AT n. e. c. THE need for international MANAGERS WILL KEEP RISING HYP: THE n. e. c. WHO need for international LENDING TO GO INTO Eval: S S S S S S id: (440c020g) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 1 8 0 1 REF: *** analysts TOO GENERALLY PLAYED DOWN THE EFFECT ON BANKS HYP: THE analysts TO A GENERAL IN LATE IN THE ERA Eval: I S S S S S S S S id: (440c020h) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 16 3 1 4 REF: *** *** IN A fundamental sense ** the equity markets have very little to do WITH what goes ON in the commercial banks ** HYP: AND THE END OF fundamental sense OF the equity markets have very little to do **** what goes ALONG in the commercial banks TO Eval: I I S S I D S I id: (440c020y) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 7 4 0 1 REF: *** ESTIMATES FOR the gain ranged from two percent to THREE PERCENT HYP: THE ESTIMATE OF the gain ranged from two percent to REVERSE HER Eval: I S S S S id: (440c020t) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 3 4 0 1 REF: *** RATES FELL ON short term treasury BILLS HYP: THE RATE IS GOING short term treasury DATA Eval: I S S S S id: (440c0210) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 6 12 0 6 REF: ** yesterday MOODY'S investors service ** ***** RAISED LILCO'S CREDIT RATINGS IN RECOGNITION OF THE improved outlook for *** ******* ** STEADY FINANCIAL RECOVERY HYP: M. yesterday WHOSE investors service TO RAISE HOME LOANS FROM ENTERING THIS HUMAN CONDITION AND improved outlook for THE DECLINE IN SHORT COVERING HER Eval: I S I I S S S S S S S S I I I S S S id: (440c0209) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 3 5 0 2 REF: A P. B. G. c. spokeswoman DECLINED comment ** *** HYP: THE E. D. T. c. spokeswoman WOULDN'T comment ON HER Eval: S S S S S I I id: (440c020f) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 10 7 5 1 REF: ** the average rate on new TWENTY SIX WEEK BILLS ROSE to SIX POINT ONE SIX PERCENT FROM six point one two PERCENT HYP: TO the average rate on new ****** *** **** ***** ONES to *** CLOSE THE ONCE THE FIRM'S six point one two TO Eval: I D D D D S D S S S S S S id: (440c020i) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 10 11 3 1 REF: THERE shouldn't be any RISK to THE BANKS IN THIS SORT OF STUFF SAID LAWRENCE COHN A banking analyst at merrill lynch and ** COMPANY HYP: HER shouldn't be any REASON to *** ***** ** IRAN WAS AWARDED TO A SETTLEMENT HOME LOAN banking analyst at merrill lynch and IN HER Eval: S S D D D S S S S S S S S I S id: (440c0211) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 4 5 1 1 REF: ** about three point FIVE BILLION dollars OF SECURITIES ARE AFFECTED HYP: TO about three point ONE MILLION dollars ** DURING THE IRAN Eval: I S S D S S S id: (440c020k) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 9 5 4 2 REF: THE transaction requires approval of a majority of * ***** THE SHARES of the HOLDERS NOT AFFILIATED WITH MR. ICAHN HYP: A transaction requires approval of a majority of A SHARE A LOT of the ******* *** ********** **** LATIN AMERICA Eval: S I I S S D D D D S S id: (440c020n) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 3 19 1 1 REF: IT CAN SIGN ONTO the **** PLAN FILE A COMPETING PLAN OR TAKE A completely PASSIVE ROLE THAT neither ENDORSES NOR OPPOSES A PLAN HYP: ** THE OIL AND the LAND THE OIL AND YOUNG MAN WHO HAD BEEN completely INVESTOR WHO WOULD neither ANALYST WHO VOTED TO HER Eval: D S S S I S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S id: (440c020w) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 3 8 0 3 REF: * *** ***** DURABLE GOODS REPORTS FREQUENTLY ARE highly volatile from MONTH TO MONTH HYP: A NEW LOANS AND WARRANTS TO BRING A highly volatile from ONE AMONG HER Eval: I I I S S S S S S S S id: (440c0205) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 7 0 0 2 REF: the company previously traded over the counter *** *** HYP: the company previously traded over the counter WHO OWN Eval: I I id: (440c020d) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 5 11 2 1 REF: *** interest RATES ROSE ON short term treasury BILLS SOLD BY THE GOVERNMENT yesterday AT ITS REGULAR WEEKLY AUCTION HYP: THE interest RATE MOVES IN short term treasury ***** NOTES DUE IN LONDON yesterday ** AFTERNOON WHEN OR A Eval: I S S S D S S S S D S S S S id: (440c020j) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 13 9 1 2 REF: ** the independent committee will recommend THAT HOLDERS ACCEPT the OFFER AT A meeting expected to be held in december ** T. W. A. SAID HYP: TO the independent committee will recommend THE HOLDER TO the ***** OVER WHO meeting expected to be held in december TO GIVE US TO HER Eval: I S S S D S S I S S S S id: (440c0206) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 1 5 4 1 REF: TWO OTHER ISSUES BEGAN TRADING RECENTLY ON the ********* BIG BOARD HYP: *** ***** ****** ***** A TOTAL OF the AFTERNOON TRADING AREA Eval: D D D D S S S I S S id: (440c020c) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 4 17 0 2 REF: the rise in THAT CATEGORY IN JULY WAS LED BY INCREASED ORDERS FOR AIRCRAFT AND PARTS NONELECTRICAL MACHINERY LUMBER and ** *** FURNITURE HYP: the rise in THE I. O. M. LINE WITH BOEING HAS WON A HARD TO AN IOWA A NINE and ON THE ERA Eval: S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S I I S id: (441c0207) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 0 5 3 0 REF: IN JAPAN IT'S ALL GREEK SO TO SPEAK HYP: ** ***** **** THE IRAN AND A ROW Eval: D D D S S S S S id: (441c0212) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 3 13 8 1 REF: *** volume WAS MODEST AS THREE HUNDRED TWENTY SIX POINT SEVEN MILLION SHARES CHANGED HANDS COMPARED WITH THREE HUNDRED NINETY SIX point five MILLION FRIDAY HYP: THE volume *** ****** ** ***** ******* ****** *** ***** AND NOT A REVENUE IN THE AREA AROUND THE IRAN CONTRA point five IN IOWA Eval: I D D D D D D D D S S S S S S S S S S S S S id: (441c020b) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 1 6 7 0 REF: GRAND AUTO SLID THREE to FIFTEEN AND ONE EIGHTH ON THE AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE HYP: ***** THE IRAN ARE to ******* *** *** ****** ** *** IRAN LATIN AMERICA Eval: D S S S D D D D D D S S S id: (441c020s) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 0 2 6 0 REF: ANALYSTS HAVEN'T FOCUSED ON WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM HYP: ******** ******* ******* ** **** ******** THE IOWA Eval: D D D D D D S S id: (441c020e) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 0 2 16 0 REF: ELDERS BREWING WILL BE BASED OUTSIDE AUSTRALIA BECAUSE SEVENTY PERCENT OF ITS ASSETS ARE IN BRITAIN AND CANADA HYP: ****** ******* **** ** ***** ******* ********* ******* ******* ******* ** *** ****** *** ** ******* THE IOWA Eval: D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D S S id: (441c0205) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 1 1 4 0 REF: the LANGUAGE IS A BIG PROBLEM HYP: the ******** ** * *** IOWA Eval: D D D D S id: (441c020y) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 2 10 2 2 REF: * REPUBLIC NEW YORK ROSE one ****** and ONE QUARTER TO FORTY FIVE AND SEVEN EIGHTHS HYP: A SHARE OR MORE THAN one LAWYER and *** ******* WHAT I DON'T HAVE A LONG Eval: I S S S S I D D S S S S S S id: (441c0209) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 3 4 4 0 REF: the earlier RISE WAS PREVIOUSLY reported AS FOUR POINT THREE PERCENT HYP: the earlier **** I. A. reported ** **** ***** A FORMULA Eval: D S S D D D S S id: (441c020f) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 0 8 3 0 REF: ALSO A MOVE TO BASE IT ABROAD WILL HAVE TAX ADVANTAGES HYP: **** * **** GOING OUT OF THE I. R. IDAHO IOWA Eval: D D D S S S S S S S S id: (441c020d) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 1 12 3 0 REF: IT RECEIVED NO PROPOSALS THAT WERE IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE SHAREHOLDERS the COMPANY SAID HYP: ** ******** ** IN AN UNRELATED MATTER HOW TO OUR DATA ARE ALL the N. Y. Eval: D D D S S S S S S S S S S S S id: (441c0215) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 0 2 13 0 REF: HE SAID SUCH PRODUCTS WOULD BE MARKETED BY OTHER COMPANIES WITH EXPERIENCE IN THAT BUSINESS HYP: ** **** **** ******** ***** ** ******** ** ***** ********* **** ********** ** THE IOWA Eval: D D D D D D D D D D D D D S S id: (441c0210) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 2 10 3 0 REF: AFTER the OFFERING REPUBLIC NEW YORK WILL HOLD about FORTY NINE PERCENT OF THE AFFILIATE HYP: ***** the ******** IRAN TO A YEAR OR about ***** FOUR TO A NEW ERA Eval: D D S S S S S D S S S S S id: (441c020m) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 1 7 13 0 REF: UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED CHANGES INVOLVED DIRECT HOLDINGS OF COMMON STOCK AND TOOK PLACE IN SEPTEMBER and OCTOBER OF NINETEEN EIGHTY SEVEN HYP: ****** ********* ***** ******* ******** ****** ******** ** ****** ***** AMONG THE I. R. OREGON and ******* ** ******** ANOTHER IDEA Eval: D D D D D D D D D D S S S S S D D D S S id: (441c020t) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 0 3 2 0 REF: HAS EXPOSURE REALLY BEEN REDUCED HYP: *** ******** A RELATED AREA Eval: D D S S S id: (441c0203) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 0 2 6 0 REF: FIRST COMMODITY OFFICIALS COULDN'T BE REACHED FOR COMMENT HYP: ***** ********* ********* ******** ** ******* THE IDEA Eval: D D D D D D S S id: (441c020k) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 2 10 10 0 REF: THE FOLLOWING OFFICERS DIRECTORS AND LARGE STOCKHOLDERS OF COMPANIES REPORTED CHANGES in HOLDINGS UNDER the SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF NINETEEN THIRTY FOUR HYP: *** ********* A FILING A VERY HARD TO REPORT A ROLE in ******** ***** the ********** ******** *** ** ******** ****** AREA Eval: D D S S S S S S S S S D D D D D D D D S id: (441c0201) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 2 5 6 0 REF: FIRST COMMODITY APPEALED the EXPULSION and FINE TO THE C. F. T. C. HYP: ***** ********* AMONG the IOWA and **** ** *** ** OWNER OF IOWA Eval: D D S S D D D D S S S id: (441c0206) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 1 9 0 1 REF: *** IN EUROPE an AMERICAN CAN AT LEAST READ STREET SIGNS HYP: THE AIR AT an ERROR TO OPERATE THE I. N. Y. Eval: I S S S S S S S S S id: (441c020j) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 2 10 9 0 REF: TODAY NINETY PERCENT of THE four BILLION DOLLARS OF B. A. S. F. SALES IN THE U. S. IS PRODUCED THERE HYP: A GUY OUT of A four ******* ******* ** ** ** ** ** ***** ** MILLION DOLLAR TO ADD AN ERA Eval: S S S S D D D D D D D D D S S S S S S id: (441c020l) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 0 8 7 0 REF: THOSE IDENTIFIED AS BENEFICIAL OWNERS HOLD AT LEAST TEN PERCENT OF A COMPANY'S EQUITY SECURITIES HYP: ***** ********** ** ********** ****** **** ** THE OHIO ARE HAVING HER HANDLING THE AREA Eval: D D D D D D D S S S S S S S S id: (441c0213) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 0 6 14 0 REF: THE ONE HUNDRED SHARE INDEX CLOSED SIX POINT EIGHT POINTS LOWER AT ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY NINE POINT NINE HYP: *** *** ******* ***** ***** ****** *** ***** ***** ****** ***** ** *** ******** I WANTED THE I. R. IOWA Eval: D D D D D D D D D D D D D D S S S S S S id: (442c0202) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 2 4 9 0 REF: ACCEPTED bids ranged FROM SIX POINT TWO PERCENT TO SIX POINT TWO TWO FIVE PERCENT HYP: THE bids ranged **** *** ***** *** ******* ** *** ***** *** BETWEEN THE IOWA Eval: S D D D D D D D D D S S S id: (442c020z) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 1 9 5 0 REF: HE SAID SUCH PRODUCTS WOULD BE MARKETED BY OTHER COMPANIES WITH EXPERIENCE in THAT BUSINESS HYP: ** **** **** ******** ***** TO EIGHTY SEVEN CENTS A MONEY MARKET in THE AREA Eval: D D D D D S S S S S S S S S id: (442c020e) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 13 7 1 2 REF: UNDER tokyo trading rules the **** MAXIMUM one day DROP FOR SONY IS five hundred yen ** about three dollars and FIFTY CENTS HYP: A tokyo trading rules the NEXT TO one day **** TO PURSUE ITS five hundred yen AT about three dollars and A SANTA Eval: S I S D S S S I S S id: (442c0204) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 8 6 7 1 REF: *** m. i. c. c. INVESTMENTS HAS three series OF PUBLICLY TRADED PREFERRED SHARES AND TEN series of PRIVATELY HELD PREFERRED STOCK HYP: THE m. i. c. c. INVESTMENT AS three series ** ******** ****** ********* A SHARE A series of ********* **** ********* IOWA Eval: I S S D D D D S S S D D D S id: (442c020u) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 7 6 7 0 REF: THE one hundred share INDEX CLOSED SIX POINT EIGHT POINTS LOWER at one thousand seven HUNDRED FIFTY NINE POINT NINE HYP: A one hundred share ***** ****** *** IN A LITTLE OR at one thousand seven ******* ***** **** ***** TO Eval: S D D D S S S S D D D D S id: (442c020f) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 7 8 4 3 REF: ** THIS MORNING THE asking price ** *** for the STOCK WAS FOUR THOUSAND eight hundred fifty BUT THERE WERE NO BUYERS HYP: IN HIS MONEY AND asking price IS NOT for the ***** *** **** PAST eight hundred fifty *** AND DURING THE AREA Eval: I S S S I I D D D S D S S S S id: (442c020p) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 23 4 0 3 REF: * THE COMPANY SAID it would ** BEGIN a dutch auction later this week for as many as forty million shares or twenty six percent of its shares outstanding ** HYP: A BIG COMPANIES THAT it would BE IN a dutch auction later this week for as many as forty million shares or twenty six percent of its shares outstanding TO Eval: I S S S I S I id: (442c020m) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 1 14 0 5 REF: * **** *** ******* EVEN SOME BIGGER COMPANIES CAUTION THAT THEY ARE LEERY OF PAYING TOO BIG A premium ** HYP: A YEAR AND SEVENTY TO RAISE HIS SON AND A YEAR EARLIER IN THE NAME TO THE NEW premium TO Eval: I I I I S S S S S S S S S S S S S S I id: (442c0201) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 10 2 0 2 REF: **** BIDS TOTALING five hundred twenty five point five million dollars were submitted ** HYP: WHAT IT ONLY five hundred twenty five point five million dollars were submitted TO Eval: I S S I id: (442c020h) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 5 6 3 0 REF: WE JUST received THE suit AND the document is MASSIVE IT'S TWO HUNDRED PAGES HYP: THE LEADERS received A suit IN the document is ******* **** *** THE IDEA Eval: S S S S D D D S S id: (442c020a) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 11 12 1 1 REF: UNDER TERMS PREVIOUSLY REPORTED the ***** ITALIAN AGRICULTURAL CONCERN ASSUMED about one hundred ninety five million dollars IN subordinated debt AS PART OF the TRANSACTION HYP: TO AN INTERVIEW IS the WORLD WIDE INDUSTRY HAS EARNED about one hundred ninety five million dollars AND subordinated debt ** AND IN the IDEA Eval: S S S S I S S S S S D S S S id: (442c020d) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 16 3 2 5 REF: ** *** ** SONY corporation FOR EXAMPLE closed at FOUR thousand nine hundred FIFTY yen ** thirty four dollars and fifty cents a share yesterday **** HYP: IN THE N. E. corporation *** A closed at ONE thousand nine hundred ***** yen TO thirty four dollars and fifty cents a share yesterday DATA Eval: I I I S D S S D I I id: (442c020y) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 12 5 6 3 REF: * HE also said THAT THE COMPANY FOR the first time was developing drugs *** *** SPECIFICALLY for the over the COUNTER CONSUMER HEALTH CARE MARKET HYP: A T. also said **** *** ******* IN the first time was developing drugs AND THE ONLY for the over the ******* ******** ****** SAME AREA Eval: I S D D D S I I S D D D S S id: (442c0207) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 1 3 10 0 REF: GRAND AUTO SLID THREE TO FIFTEEN AND ONE EIGHTH ON the AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE HYP: ***** **** **** ***** ** ******* *** *** A HANDLE the ******** ***** AREA Eval: D D D D D D D D S S D D S id: (442c020i) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 2 6 9 0 REF: BUT ON the first READ THROUGH THE CASE IS WITHOUT MERIT AND WE INTEND TO FIGHT IT HYP: *** ** the first **** ******* *** **** ** ******* ***** THREE HUNDRED CASES IN THE AREA Eval: D D D D D D D D D S S S S S S id: (442c020l) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 6 10 8 1 REF: the **** MAY SLUMP REPORTED june TWENTY SECOND CAME AS A BIG SURPRISE TO MOST analysts AND HELPED TRIGGER A POWERFUL bond rally that DAY HYP: the RACE TO PUT IN june ****** ****** **** ** * TWENTIETH THE U. S. analysts *** ****** ******* IN THE bond rally that DATA Eval: I S S S D D D D D S S S S D D D S S S id: (442c0214) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 3 4 7 0 REF: A change in the FIRM'S OWNERSHIP ALSO SHOULD TURN ON A BRIGHT WARNING LIGHT HYP: THE change in the ****** ********* **** ****** **** ** * ADDITIONAL THE AREA Eval: S D D D D D D D S S S id: (442c0210) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 4 1 1 1 REF: ******** he declined to name SPECIFIC PRODUCTS HYP: ALTHOUGH he declined to name ******** TO Eval: I D S id: (442c020g) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 3 6 1 3 REF: *** *** a MONSANTO spokesman said ** THERE'S VERY LITTLE WE CAN SAY HYP: DUN AND a ******** spokesman said IT HAS BEEN DONE SAID IN A Eval: I I D I S S S S S S id: (442c020r) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 11 10 4 1 REF: the company THEN ACCEPTS THE shares tendered AT the lowest ****** PRICE NEEDED to REACH ITS GOAL THEN PAYS that amount FOR all shares IT PURCHASES HYP: the company RAN INTO ITS shares tendered AND the lowest PRICED BELOW THREE to ***** *** **** **** ELIMINATE that amount OF all shares THE AREA Eval: S S S S I S S D D D D S S S S id: (442c0213) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 0 2 0 0 REF: THAT'S FINE HYP: THE IDEA Eval: S S id: (443c020p) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 12 9 1 5 REF: * in addition *** u. s. WEST'S data solutions business * APPLIED communications incorporated *** IS working out * WELL and PERFORMING AHEAD OF ALL OUR SCHEDULES HYP: A in addition THE u. s. WEST data solutions business A WIDE communications incorporated HAS BEEN working out A TWELVE and ********** WARNING TO HANDLE LARGE DATA Eval: I I S I S I S I S D S S S S S id: (443c0211) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 5 3 0 2 REF: *** estimated AND actual results involving losses ** ARE OMITTED HYP: THE estimated IN actual results involving losses IN THE IDEA Eval: I S I S S id: (443c0214) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 16 5 3 4 REF: *** NISSAN LOST thirty to one thousand five hundred twenty **** ****** AND TOYOTA was down thirty TO END THE day AT two thousand six hundred twenty ** HYP: WHO RESIGNED LAST thirty to one thousand five hundred twenty NINE MONTHS WHILE IT was down thirty ** *** *** day TO two thousand six hundred twenty TO Eval: I S S I I S S D D D S I id: (443c0201) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 21 7 1 4 REF: the labor department said non farm payroll employment increased A robust three hundred thirty seven thousand last month * **** AFTER a **** REVISED three hundred ** NINETEEN THOUSAND GAIN the MONTH BEFORE HYP: the labor department said non farm payroll employment increased TO robust three hundred thirty seven thousand last month A HALF TO a HIGH AND three hundred TO A ONE HALF the ***** IOWA Eval: S I I S I S I S S S D S id: (443c020f) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 2 13 2 3 REF: SONY WHICH LOST POINTS in ***** PREVIOUS SESSIONS THIS WEEK REBOUNDED EIGHTY to **** *** FIVE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED THIRTY HYP: **** ***** THE FACILITY in WHICH WAS WILLING TO REDUCE THE INDUSTRY to READ AND E. D. A. I. DATA Eval: D D S S I S S S S S S I I S S S S S id: (443c0202) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 9 5 0 1 REF: the department previously said jobs rose BY FOUR hundred forty eight ** THOUSAND IN JANUARY HYP: the department previously said jobs rose ONE ONE hundred forty eight TO ARRANGE AN ERA Eval: S S I S S S id: (443c020t) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 6 13 0 5 REF: * visa ** ** AND MASTERCARD FEES VARY BECAUSE THEY ARE SET BY the banks OR other institutions THAT ISSUE the ******* *** CARDS HYP: A visa U. S. D. R. HE'S VERY LOW AS A REASON WHY the banks TO other institutions DIVISION IN the ARTISTS WHO LONG Eval: I I I S S S S S S S S S S S S I I S id: (443c0213) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 7 2 1 2 REF: *** HONDA was down TEN TO one thousand nine hundred thirty ** HYP: THE IDEA was down *** AND one thousand nine hundred thirty TO Eval: I S D S I id: (443c020g) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 6 10 6 1 REF: ** the following officers directors AND LARGE STOCKHOLDERS OF COMPANIES REPORTED changes in HOLDINGS UNDER THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF NINETEEN THIRTY FOUR HYP: IN the following officers directors *** ***** IN MARCH ON THE changes in ******** ***** *** ********** A HOLDING A CHANGE THE IOWA Eval: I D D S S S S D D D D S S S S S S id: (443c020y) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 15 3 0 3 REF: ** * THERE WERE two hundred fifty six issues advancing ** three hundred three declining AND two hundred ninety two unchanged HYP: IN A YEAR WHEN two hundred fifty six issues advancing TO three hundred three declining TO two hundred ninety two unchanged Eval: I I S S I S id: (443c020b) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 4 2 0 2 REF: *** THAT WAS certainly true last week ** HYP: THE N. IS certainly true last week TO Eval: I S S I id: (443c020v) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 2 4 4 2 REF: IN CERTAIN CASES the CARDS ARE GIVEN FREE to ****** *** SUBSCRIBERS HYP: ** ******* ***** the ***** UNCERTAINTIES IN HARD to REDUCE THE IDEA Eval: D D D D S S S I I S id: (443c020u) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 7 12 0 1 REF: ** FEES range UP TO ABOUT FORTY dollars annually FOR BASIC CARDS AND sixty dollars a year FOR GOLD CARDS HYP: TO EASE range OF TWO NINE MILLION dollars annually TO A SINGLE A sixty dollars a year OLD AND SAID Eval: I S S S S S S S S S S S S id: (443c020n) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 16 2 0 3 REF: *** ** the official declined to elaborate on projections for non telephone operations ** BUT cited several indicators of recent GAINS HYP: AND IN the official declined to elaborate on projections for non telephone operations TO THE cited several indicators of recent DATA Eval: I I I S S id: (443c020r) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 18 3 0 2 REF: ** as part of the marketing plan THE company will begin airing television commercials during prime time on election night * NEXT TUESDAY HYP: TO as part of the marketing plan AND company will begin airing television commercials during prime time on election night A TWO TO Eval: I S I S S id: (443c0210) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 15 6 0 4 REF: the companies are followed by at least three analysts AND had a minimum ******* FIVE CENT change in ******** ACTUAL EARNINGS PER share ** * HYP: the companies are followed by at least three analysts WHO had a minimum HIGHEST IN A change in NATIONAL OVER INTO A share ON A Eval: S I S S I S S S I I id: (443c020x) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 15 3 0 4 REF: ***** *** volume was EIGHTEEN million one hundred ninety thousand shares COMPARED with ten million * five hundred fifty thousand *** MONDAY HYP: AMONG THE volume was EIGHTY million one hundred ninety thousand shares ENDED with ten million A five hundred fifty thousand ONE DATA Eval: I I S S I I S id: (443c020e) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 2 8 0 2 REF: *** KYOCERA WAS UP SIXTY AT FIVE THOUSAND two hundred ******* SIXTY HYP: THE U. S. IRAN WAS THE I. TO two hundred NURSING HOME Eval: I S S S S S S S I S id: (443c020a) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 6 11 0 6 REF: IN THE efforts to restore *** ** MARKET CONFIDENCE ADMINISTRATION officials ** HAVE EMPHASIZED THAT the ********* ** ECONOMY'S FUNDAMENTALS REMAIN sound ** HYP: TO ANY efforts to restore ONE TO FINANCE AND INDUSTRY officials IN OTHER SIDE TO the ECONOMIES IN LONDON METALS REMAINS sound TO Eval: S S I I S S S I S S S I I S S S I id: (443c0208) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 11 8 1 1 REF: * LOCAL membership JUMPED twenty two percent BUT the union HAS ALREADY LOST twenty eight OF THE seventy three new MEMBERS HYP: A TOTAL membership TO twenty two percent WITH the union THE STORY LAST twenty eight ** HUNDRED seventy three new ERA Eval: I S S S S S S D S S id: (444c020c) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 5 4 11 1 REF: *** senate finance chairman lloyd bentsen D. TEXAS SAID HE WOULD SPEED UP WORK ON THE PACKAGE BECAUSE OF THE CRASH HYP: THE senate finance chairman lloyd bentsen ** ***** **** ** ***** ***** ** **** ** *** ******* WHO SEEM TO HER Eval: I D D D D D D D D D D D S S S S id: (444c020n) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 0 4 0 3 REF: * ***** **** WE DIDN'T LIKE THAT HYP: I DON'T READ AND WHITE MAN WHO Eval: I I I S S S S id: (444c020u) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 5 7 3 1 REF: *** M. C. i. PLANS TO BEGIN offering THE SERVICE AT the end of THIS MONTH HYP: THE END THE i. AND LANDING IN offering *** ******* OF the end of **** IOWA Eval: I S S S S S D D S D S id: (444c020y) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 8 6 4 2 REF: *** ***** VOLUME WAS eighteen million one hundred ninety thousand SHARES COMPARED WITH ten million FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND MONDAY HYP: THE VALUE OF THE eighteen million one hundred ninety thousand ****** YEN AND ten million **** ******* ***** REVENUE CANADA Eval: I I S S D S S D D D S S id: (444c020h) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 11 7 0 4 REF: *** AMONG EXPORT led electrical and computer ***** MAKERS japan VICTOR COMPANY FELL FIFTY to ****** two thousand three hundred twenty *** HYP: HER MIND WHEN led electrical and computer MAKER OF japan DIDN'T HAVE BEEN ENOUGH to THIRTY two thousand three hundred twenty HER Eval: I S S I S S S S S I I id: (444c020o) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 10 7 2 1 REF: THE COMPANY declined to identify the BIDDERS BUT SAID it received offers IN THE HIGH FORTY dollars per share *** HYP: HER INCOME declined to identify the AREA AND THAT it received offers ** *** A TWENTY dollars per share HER Eval: S S S S S D D S S I id: (444c020l) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 7 13 0 7 REF: **** no one ** IS MAKING VERY MUCH MONEY on ***** ***** ** IT ACKNOWLEDGES BRIAN J. KELLY chairman OF bell ******** ATLANTIC'S investment development ** UNIT HYP: WHOM no one IN THE NEW NAME AND MANY on HUMAN LIVES IS TRYING TO A TELLING HER chairman AND bell ATLANTIC AND investment development IN HER Eval: I I S S S S S I I I S S S S S S I S I S id: (444c0207) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 10 4 2 3 REF: *** the issue is rated single a *** by moody's and SINGLE A MINUS BY S. and *** P. HYP: HER the issue is rated single a DAY by moody's and ****** * THE MONEY NINE and THE IDEA Eval: I I D D S S S I S id: (444c020g) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 17 4 0 3 REF: *** state officials however say the airlines have indicated they will COMPLY with most of * THE STANDARDS AS long as competitors do *** HYP: THE state officials however say the airlines have indicated they will LIE with most of A STANDARD WHO HAS long as competitors do HER Eval: I S I S S S I id: (444c0211) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 20 4 0 4 REF: *** however ** investment INCOME which represents thirteen percent OF the industry's ******* REVENUES rose eleven percent in the quarter reflecting gains FROM the rising stock market *** HYP: HER however AN investment IN which represents thirteen percent IN the industry's REVENUE WHO rose eleven percent in the quarter reflecting gains IN the rising stock market HER Eval: I I S S I S S I id: (444c0203) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 18 6 1 3 REF: * revenue in THE QUARTER more than doubled to three hundred sixty TWO point FOUR million dollars ** FROM one hundred FORTY nine point TWO million dollars * HYP: A revenue in *** ACQUIRING more than doubled to three hundred sixty EIGHT point ONE million dollars TO EARN one hundred TWENTY nine point NINE million dollars A Eval: I D S S S I S S S I id: (444c020a) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 2 10 3 0 REF: IN ADDITION BANKS IN GENERAL ARE BEING PUSHED by regulators TO BOOST THEIR CAPITAL POSITIONS HYP: ** ******** ***** A BANK AND THEN OWNED by regulators HAVE USED IN AN IOWA Eval: D D D S S S S S S S S S S id: (444c020m) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 2 6 0 4 REF: * **** WE HAD TO SUSTAIN SOME modest operating **** ** LOSSES HYP: A WEEK AND IT WAS NAMED A modest operating LOSS IN HER Eval: I I S S S S S I I S id: (444c0205) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 20 5 1 2 REF: *** THE ISSUE WAS PRICED after auction to yield from three point five percent in nineteen eighty seven TO FIVE point five percent in nineteen ninety seven *** HYP: WHO IS A LIST PRICE after auction to yield from three point five percent in nineteen eighty seven ** ONE point five percent in nineteen ninety seven HER Eval: I S S S S D S I id: (444c0209) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 6 14 6 1 REF: AS ONE OF THE MOST ACQUISITION HUNGRY OF MAJOR BANKS CITICORP IS OFTEN REQUIRED BY REGULATORS to raise additional capital AS A CONDITION OF making acquisitions *** HYP: ** *** ** *** **** WHO HAS BEEN LIMITED AND ONE REMAINING MEANWHILE THE IRAN RELATED to raise additional capital ** OF THE DECISION making acquisitions HER Eval: D D D D D S S S S S S S S S S S D S S S I id: (444c020q) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 15 6 1 2 REF: THE OFFERS INDICATE A total price for the company ** EXCEEDING eight hundred million dollars BASED ON seventeen point two million shares outstanding *** HYP: A T. I. INDICATED total price for the company TO EIGHTY eight hundred million dollars ***** A seventeen point two million shares outstanding HER Eval: S S S S I S D S I id: (444c020j) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 13 3 1 3 REF: * SONY which **** LOST POINTS in previous sessions this week rebounded eighty TO five thousand one hundred thirty *** HYP: A SEVENTEEN which LAST TWO POINT in previous sessions this week rebounded eighty ** five thousand one hundred thirty HER Eval: I S I S S D I id: (444c0204) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 12 3 1 4 REF: *** SEPARATELY new york state *** sold about seventy seven point one million dollars OF CERTIFICATES OF participation ** *** HYP: THE EARLY new york state AND sold about seventy seven point one million dollars ** A SIGNIFICANT participation IN HER Eval: I S I D S S I I id: (444c020i) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 6 4 0 4 REF: *** *** ** KYOCERA WAS UP sixty AT five thousand two hundred sixty *** HYP: WHO HAS AN ANALYST AT A sixty EIGHT five thousand two hundred sixty WHO Eval: I I I S S S S I id: (444c0213) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 4 10 0 0 REF: A CHANGE in the firm's OWNERSHIP ALSO SHOULD TURN ON a BRIGHT WARNING LIGHT HYP: WHO MEETINGS in the firm's OWNERS AND ANOTHER SUITOR NEITHER a MORNING WHEN HER Eval: S S S S S S S S S S id: (444c020e) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 3 11 0 5 REF: *** **** SEVERAL AIRLINES have also *** OPPOSED THE STANDARDS AND may *** ** FIGHT SOME ASPECTS IN COURT HYP: THE IRAN AIR LINES have also HAS NOT AN AREA IN may TRY TO THE N. Y. AND HER Eval: I I S S I S S S S I I S S S S S id: (445c020f) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 6 10 0 0 REF: IT received NO PROPOSALS that were in the best INTEREST OF THE SHAREHOLDERS THE COMPANY SAID HYP: WHO received A PROPOSAL that were in the best INTERESTS IN A SHAREHOLDER WHO HAS TO Eval: S S S S S S S S S S id: (445c020p) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 1 10 3 0 REF: ABOUT ALL THE BUSINESSMAN CAN COUNT on IS THAT POLICY WILL BE PRETTY VOLATILE HYP: ***** *** *** HER AND THAT on THE ASSESSMENT AND SEVEN HOUSING LOANS TO Eval: D D D S S S S S S S S S S id: (445c0201) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 12 7 0 3 REF: *** ***** OWENS ILLINOIS said ITS share purchases would be financed by existing credit lines AND new ones *** TO BE ARRANGED HYP: WHO UNTIL AN ALLIANCE said A share purchases would be financed by existing credit lines IN new ones WHO FEAR AND HER Eval: I I S S S S I S S S id: (445c020k) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 12 8 0 4 REF: BUT to the ***** SURPRISE of almost ***** EVERYONE stock prices began a steady climb THAT PUSHED the average ** ***** ABOVE WEDNESDAY'S CLOSE HYP: HER to the STOCK PRICE of almost EVERY ONE stock prices began a steady climb TO PUSH the average OF LOCAL AND THE END Eval: S I S I S S S I I S S S id: (445c0205) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 5 3 3 2 REF: * no one AT the state *** DEPARTMENT WANTS to LET SPIES IN HYP: A no one OF the state AND ONE TIME to *** ***** ** Eval: I S I S S D D D id: (445c0207) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 1 5 1 1 REF: BUT THE PENALTIES FOR FAILURE are **** REAL HYP: *** HER TO HANDLE HERE are VERY LONG Eval: D S S S S I S id: (445c020e) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 14 6 1 5 REF: ** the company ** which runs ********* RETAIL AUTOMOTIVE STORES TOLD shearson lehman brothers **** its financial adviser to terminate *** DISCUSSIONS to sell THE FIRM HYP: TO the company IN which runs RETAILING AND SELLERS WHO OWNS shearson lehman brothers SAID its financial adviser to terminate THE SESSIONS to sell *** HER Eval: I I I S S S S I I S D S id: (445c0203) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 11 0 0 2 REF: *** a spokesman said the company has about sixty million shares outstanding *** HYP: HER a spokesman said the company has about sixty million shares outstanding HER Eval: I I id: (445c020y) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 4 1 0 3 REF: *** NEITHER side would disclose terms ** *** HYP: WHO EITHER side would disclose terms OF HER Eval: I S I I id: (445c0210) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 10 11 0 2 REF: AS PART OF the marketing plan THE COMPANY WILL BEGIN AIRING television commercials during prime time on election **** ****** NIGHT NEXT TUESDAY HYP: THE S. FOR the marketing plan TO COME IN LONDON AND television commercials during prime time on election NINE MONTHS HAS BEEN HURT Eval: S S S S S S S S I I S S S id: (445c020c) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 6 6 0 3 REF: *** ******* TESTIMONY CONCLUDED this WEEK AND closing arguments are scheduled to *** BEGIN MONDAY HYP: WHO DOESN'T INCLUDE IN this WAY TO closing arguments are scheduled to HIM IN HER Eval: I I S S S S I S S id: (445c0206) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 3 6 2 2 REF: *** WE'RE not PREPARED to BE ADVOCATES FOR the *** K. G. B. HYP: WHO ARE not ******** to ** HEAD OF the END THE CANDIDATE WHO Eval: I S D D S S I S S S id: (445c0208) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 0 7 2 0 REF: THEIR BUSINESS ISN'T JUST A JOB BUT THEIR INVESTMENT HYP: ***** ******** IN THE OTHER BUSINESSES AND THE AREA Eval: D D S S S S S S S id: (445c0213) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 1 2 2 1 REF: ** FROM AMERICA china LOOKED GOOD HYP: TO ELEVEN AND china ****** **** Eval: I S S D D id: (445c020b) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 2 10 0 2 REF: *** BUT IT IS MR. WEST UPON WHOM the outcome ** PROBABLY DEPENDS MOST HYP: THE LATEST LIST ARE LESS THAN ONE OF the outcome OF AN ANNOUNCEMENT IN Eval: I S S S S S S S I S S S id: (445c020s) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 2 3 3 2 REF: *** lately ** COMPUTER retailing HAS BEEN TOUGH ON EVERYBODY HYP: WHO lately TO ENTER retailing *** **** ***** AND CANADA Eval: I I S D D D S S id: (445c020g) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 10 12 3 2 REF: *** the order issued late wednesday BY judge DIANA MURPHY STEMS FROM a SUIT FILED IN FEDERAL COURT LAST MONTH BY THE union representing THE machinists *** HYP: HER the order issued late wednesday WHEN judge ***** ****** TO HANDLE a SUDDEN DECISION BY LONDON METAL MORE LIVES IN LONDON union representing *** machinists WHO Eval: I S D D S S S S S S S S S S S D I id: (445c020o) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 2 3 0 3 REF: ** a LENGTHY FIGHT is *** **** LIKELY HYP: TO a LINK FLIGHT is ONE WHEN HER Eval: I S S I I S id: (445c020l) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 6 11 4 4 REF: * **** ALTHOUGH those gains ** *** ERODED DURING THE AFTERNOON STOCK PRICES STAYED WITHIN a narrow range UNTIL the LAST HALF HOUR OF TRADING HYP: A HOME AND those gains IN RED HOT AIR INDIA AS A PRICE SAID IN a narrow range FROM the **** **** **** ** AREA Eval: I I S I I S S S S S S S S S D D D D S id: (445c020a) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 8 8 1 0 REF: A long list of other witnesses have also TESTIFIED IN THE TRIAL now IN ITS FOURTH MONTH HYP: HER long list of other witnesses have also ********* HAS BEEN TRYING now IS MORE THAN HER Eval: S D S S S S S S S id: (445c020d) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 10 4 0 2 REF: *** *** GRAND AUTO SLID three TO fifteen and one eighth on the american stock exchange HYP: WHO RAN ON A SLIM three AND fifteen and one eighth on the american stock exchange Eval: I I S S S S id: (446c0204) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 1 10 5 0 REF: THE CONSENSUS WAS THAT a NEW PIECE OF PAPER ISN'T REQUIRED SAID ONE U. S. DIPLOMAT HYP: *** ********* *** **** a *** WIDENED IN THE AREA TO REQUIRE A TWENTY TO IRAN Eval: D D D D D S S S S S S S S S S id: (446c0203) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 1 4 2 0 REF: the PERCENTAGE CHANGE IS SINCE YEAR END HYP: the ********** ****** IRAN AIR AN IOWA Eval: D D S S S S id: (446c020n) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 2 13 1 0 REF: THE REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT TRUST SAID IT WAS STILL HOPING TO REACH a new CREDIT ARRANGEMENT HYP: TO A RELATED TO A LITTLE HOPE TO READ IN RETURN OR a new ****** ERA Eval: S S S S S S S S S S S S D S id: (446c020g) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 2 10 4 0 REF: the CLOSELY HELD GROUP DOESN'T have ANY SIGNIFICANT ASSETS ACCORDING TO WILLIAM G. SIMON ITS PRESIDENT HYP: the ONLY NOW ARE NEVER have *** *********** ****** ********* A HAND MORNING AND IN IOWA Eval: S S S S D D D D S S S S S S id: (446c020s) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 1 14 2 0 REF: AMONG MEN FORTY one PERCENT SUPPORTED BOOSTING THE SPACE EXPLORATION BUDGET COMPARED WITH NINETEEN PERCENT OF WOMEN HYP: TAIWAN AND TWENTY one ******* ********* AND MORE TO TRY TO AN HOUR TO IRAN IN LONDON Eval: S S S D D S S S S S S S S S S S id: (446c020x) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 1 16 1 1 REF: * MANY ANALYSTS CITE AN EXPECTED INCREASE IN aircraft ORDERS AS A BIG REASON FOR THE ANTICIPATED JUNE INCREASE HYP: A HANDLE A NINE AND IT DIDN'T RETURN aircraft ****** ORDER TO READ AND TWENTY AND IN AN ARENA Eval: I S S S S S S S D S S S S S S S S S id: (446c0202) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 3 12 4 2 REF: TO MAKE THEM DIRECTLY COMPARABLE EACH INDEX IS BASED ON the CLOSE OF NINETEEN SIXTY nine *** EQUALING one ** HUNDRED HYP: ** **** A YEAR EARLIER IN A YEAR AGO AND the ***** ** IOWA AND nine AND WHEN one OF AMERICA Eval: D D S S S S S S S S D D S S I S I S id: (446c0212) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 2 22 0 9 REF: ** **** ** **** *** ** * ****** CLOSELY HELD TIMES PUBLISHING ALSO OWNS TWO WASHINGTON BASED PUBLICATIONS CONGRESSIONAL QUARTERLY WHICH COVERS CAPITOL HILL AND GOVERNING WHICH COVERS STATE and local ********** GOVERNMENTS HYP: IN WHAT WE KNOW HOW TO A BOEING ALTHOUGH AND HE WON A PUBLIC TO IRAN OR DELAY WOULD COVER IT WOULD ALLOW IT NEVER DONE WITH EVERY DAY and local GOVERNMENT HER Eval: I I I I I I I I S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S I S id: (446c020a) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 5 8 3 2 REF: *** ******* SEPARATELY NEW YORK STATE SOLD ABOUT SEVENTY seven point one million dollars OF CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION HYP: THE BEVERLY A YEAR AND A HOME IN A seven point one million dollars ** ************ ** A Eval: I I S S S S S S S D D D S id: (446c020y) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 0 10 1 0 REF: ESTIMATES FOR THE GAIN RANGED FROM TWO PERCENT TO THREE PERCENT HYP: ********* A LIMITED A RATE AND IN AN AGREEMENT IN HER Eval: D S S S S S S S S S S id: (446c0207) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 2 6 1 2 REF: THAT DOESN'T MEAN MR. ICAHN HAS COMMITTED any wrongdoing *** *** HYP: **** THE IMMINENT AND IRAN CONTRA AID any wrongdoing AND HER Eval: D S S S S S S I I id: (446c020k) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 3 14 3 1 REF: IN MANY WAYS THAT'S JUST WHAT U. B. S. HAS DONE SINCE MR. SENN WAS NAMED PRESIDENT in nineteen eighty ** HYP: ** **** **** A LATER DID WHEN YOU A YEAR TO NINE HUNDRED AND WOMEN ARE EVIDENT in nineteen eighty TO Eval: D D D S S S S S S S S S S S S S S I id: (446c020c) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 8 13 0 8 REF: the ***** ** *** ** *** *** UNSOLD BALANCE LATE YESTERDAY WAS ABOUT thirty SIX point three million ****** DOLLARS ACCORDING TO SHEARSON LEHMAN BROTHERS the lead underwriter *** HYP: the MONEY ON ALL OF OUR WAY TO TURN A ONE OF A thirty EIGHT point three million DOLLAR AND WARNING ENTERED AN AGREEMENT FOR the lead underwriter WHO Eval: I I I I I I S S S S S S S I S S S S S S I id: (446c020r) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 5 13 4 2 REF: AMONG MEN FIFTY SIX PERCENT SAID THE U. S. WAS DOING TOO little in *** SPACE EXPLORATION only a quarter ** OF WOMEN AGREED HYP: ***** *** ***** *** THE TIME ON AND OTHER HAND IN A little in THE IRAN WILL only a quarter ON WHETHER THE AREA Eval: D D D D S S S S S S S S I S S I S S S id: (446c020e) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 1 15 6 0 REF: FIDELITY HAD CONTENDED THAT GENCORP ISN'T a QUALIFIED BROADCASTER BECAUSE IT FAILED TO DISCLOSE ALLEGEDLY IMPROPER POLITICAL CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS AND FOREIGN PAYMENTS HYP: ******** *** ********* **** ******* ***** a GALLON TO IRAN WERE HANDLED BY RAW DATA IT WOULD HAVE LITTLE OR AN IOWA Eval: D D D D D D S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S id: (446c0205) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 1 5 5 0 REF: NO ONE AT the STATE DEPARTMENT WANTS TO LET SPIES IN HYP: ** *** ** the ***** ********** IOWA OR ONE ELEVEN IOWA Eval: D D D D D S S S S S id: (446c0209) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 1 14 4 0 REF: MR. ICAHN AND an INVESTOR GROUP HE HEADS HOLD SEVENTY TWO POINT SEVEN PERCENT OF T. W. A.'S SHARES HYP: THE IRAN ON an ******** ***** ** ***** EDITOR IN ANNUAL REVENUE AND ONE AND OTHER HAND THE IRAN Eval: S S S D D D D S S S S S S S S S S S id: (446c020w) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 3 7 1 4 REF: ** ** *** ** DURABLE GOODS REPORTS FREQUENTLY are highly volatile FROM MONTH TO MONTH HYP: IN AN ERA OF THE MORNING WHEN WE are highly volatile **** ON N. Y. Eval: I I I I S S S S D S S S id: (446c0214) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 4 7 1 2 REF: * INDUSTRY analysts VALUE THE COMPANY AT about SIX hundred FIFTY million ****** DOLLARS HYP: A THREE analysts VALUED AT HAVING AN about ONE hundred ***** million DOLLAR A Eval: I S S S S S S D I S id: (446c020z) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 5 6 3 1 REF: *** REPUBLIC new york ROSE one and one QUARTER TO FORTY FIVE AND SEVEN EIGHTHS HYP: THE OUTLOOK new york FROM one and one ******* ** ***** WARRANT FOR AN IOWA Eval: I S S D D D S S S S id: (447c020t) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 1 3 21 0 REF: SOME CRITICS INCLUDING HIGH REAGAN ADMINISTRATION OFFICIALS ARE RAISING THE ALARM THAT the FED'S POLICY IS TOO TIGHT AND COULD CAUSE A RECESSION NEXT YEAR HYP: **** ******* ********* **** ****** ************** ********* *** ******* *** ***** **** the ***** ****** ** *** ***** *** ***** ***** * IRAN IN IOWA Eval: D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D S S S id: (447c0206) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 1 12 6 0 REF: HE CITES the LAW OF LARGE NUMBERS CAN YOU REALLY EXPECT IT TO GROW AT LARGE NUMBERS VERY LONG HYP: TO OUR the *** ** ***** ******* *** *** I. R. I. R. I. R. I. R. N. Y. Eval: S S D D D D D D S S S S S S S S S S id: (447c0212) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 1 11 8 0 REF: NO ONE IS MAKING VERY MUCH MONEY ON IT ACKNOWLEDGES BRIAN J. KELLY CHAIRMAN of BELL ATLANTIC'S INVESTMENT DEVELOPMENT UNIT HYP: ** *** ** ****** **** **** ***** I KNOW WHY HAVEN'T WON A LOT of **** THE IOWA ARE HIGH Eval: D D D D D D D S S S S S S S D S S S S id: (447c0216) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 2 13 7 0 REF: the INDEX ENDED WITH A DECLINE OF ZERO POINT THREE FIVE POINT to ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY TWO POINT ONE EIGHT HYP: the ***** ***** OHIO AIR OR AN I. R. IOWA OR HOW to *** ******** *** ******* ******* I. O. N. Y. Eval: D D S S S S S S S S S D D D D D S S S S id: (447c0204) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 1 10 15 0 REF: MR. ROBERTSON SAYS HE WOULD ONLY BE ATTRACTED BY A NINETEEN MULTIPLE IF HE THOUGHT the PROJECTED EARNINGS GROWTH RATE WAS EIGHTEEN PERCENT TO TWENTY PERCENT HYP: *** ********* **** ** ***** **** ** ********* ** * ******** ******** ** ** ******* the IRAN OR AN IOWA IN THE IRAN IN THE IOWA Eval: D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D S S S S S S S S S S id: (447c020m) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 1 3 13 0 REF: ENVIRODYNE SAID IT EXPECTS SALES TO BE THE HIGHEST FOR ANY THIRD QUARTER in THE COMPANY'S HISTORY HYP: ********** **** ** ******* ***** ** ** *** ******* *** *** A PARTNER in *** ********* IOWA Eval: D D D D D D D D D D D S S D D S id: (447c0209) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 0 2 5 0 REF: WASHINGTON NATIONAL IS A FINANCIAL SERVICES CONCERN HYP: ********** ******** ** * ********* THE IOWA Eval: D D D D D S S id: (447c0202) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 0 2 8 0 REF: I HAVE MY LIST OF CHANGES I'D LIKE TO SEE HYP: * **** ** **** ** ******* *** **** THE IOWA Eval: D D D D D D D D S S id: (447c020u) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 1 7 9 0 REF: OTHER ANALYSTS SAY the FED NEEDS TO TIGHTEN POLICY FURTHER TO SUPPORT THE DOLLAR AND PREVENT INFLATION HYP: ***** ******** *** the *** ***** ** ******* ****** ******* OTHER AT A BUY OUT A FORMULA Eval: D D D D D D D D D S S S S S S S id: (447c0214) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 0 2 2 0 REF: WE DIDN'T LIKE THAT HYP: ** ****** THE IDEA Eval: D D S S id: (447c020e) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 0 8 6 0 REF: NORTHGATE EXPLORATION LIMITED SAID IT SOLD FOUR MILLION COMMON SHARES AT EIGHT DOLLARS EACH HYP: ********* *********** ******* **** ** **** A HARD TO A FORMER I. R. IOWA Eval: D D D D D D S S S S S S S S id: (447c0211) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 0 8 0 1 REF: ** LATELY COMPUTER RETAILING HAS BEEN TOUGH ON EVERYBODY HYP: IN LATE FOR NEW ERA ARE NEVER NEVER HEARD Eval: I S S S S S S S S id: (447c0208) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 2 5 15 0 REF: BEFORE the TRANSACTION WASHINGTON NATIONAL CONTROLLED ONE POINT EIGHT MILLION UNITED PRESIDENTIAL SHARES OR FORTY one POINT FIVE PERCENT OF THE COMPANY HYP: IN the *********** ********** ******** ********** *** ***** ***** ******* ****** ************ ****** IOWA AND one ***** **** ******* ** WARRANT VIA Eval: S D D D D D D D D D D D S S D D D D S S id: (447c020n) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 1 8 8 0 REF: IT HAD SALES OF NINETY ONE POINT FIVE MILLION DOLLARS IN the NINETEEN EIGHTY SIX THIRD QUARTER HYP: ** *** ***** ** A SHARE OR TO IRAN WHILE ALL the ******** ****** *** ***** IOWA Eval: D D D D S S S S S S S D D D D S id: (447c020k) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 0 2 4 0 REF: THAT WAS CERTAINLY TRUE LAST WEEK HYP: **** *** ********* **** THE IOWA Eval: D D D D S S id: (447c020s) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 0 3 12 0 REF: BUT WHILE THE FED STANDS PAT IT IS COMING UNDER INCREASING ATTACK FROM BOTH SIDES HYP: *** ***** *** *** ****** *** ** ** ****** ***** ********** ****** A RAW DATA Eval: D D D D D D D D D D D D S S S id: (447c020j) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 0 10 7 0 REF: IN THE EFFORTS TO RESTORE MARKET CONFIDENCE ADMINISTRATION OFFICIALS HAVE EMPHASIZED THAT THE ECONOMY'S FUNDAMENTALS REMAIN SOUND HYP: ** *** ******* ** ******* ****** ********** IOWA OR ONE WHO ARE A VIA I. N. Y. Eval: D D D D D D D S S S S S S S S S S id: (447c020y) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 1 1 18 0 REF: INCREASINGLY PEOPLE WHO TEST POSITIVE JOIN THE SUPPORT GROUPS THAT HAVE SPRUNG UP ACROSS THE COUNTRY IN the PAST YEAR HYP: ************ ****** *** **** ******** **** *** ******* ****** **** **** ****** ** ****** *** ******* ** the **** IOWA Eval: D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D S id: (447c020w) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 1 1 20 0 REF: THE SHARES CLOSED AT EIGHTEEN DOLLARS AND TWENTY FIVE CENTS UP TWENTY FIVE CENTS ON the NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE COMPOSITE TAPE HYP: *** ****** ****** ** ******** ******* *** ****** **** ***** ** ****** **** ***** ** the *** **** ***** ******** ********* IOWA Eval: D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D S id: (447c0217) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 2 11 11 0 REF: THE LOW WAS one THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY POINT ONE NINE AND the HIGH WAS ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY THREE POINT EIGHT EIGHT HYP: TO OUR OWN one ******** *** ******* OF I. N. Y. WHILE the **** *** *** ******** *** ******* ******* ***** I. N. Y. Eval: S S S D D D S S S S S D D D D D D D D S S S id: (447c020h) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 0 8 6 0 REF: THE TORONTO BASED GOLD MINING CONCERN SAID PROCEEDS WOULD BE USED FOR GENERAL PURPOSES HYP: *** ******* ***** **** ****** ******* A TON OR ALL THE OHIO A FORMULA Eval: D D D D D D S S S S S S S S id: (447c020i) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 0 7 5 0 REF: IT HAD FOURTEEN POINT FIVE MILLION COMMON SHARES OUTSTANDING BEFORE THE ISSUE HYP: ** *** ******** ***** **** THE N. Y. BUT I WANTED A Eval: D D D D D S S S S S S S SYSTEM SUMMARY PERCENTAGES by SPEAKER ,-----------------------------------------------------------------. | wsj_hypo_d.score | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | SPKR | # Snt # Wrd | Corr Sub Del Ins Err S.Err | |--------+--------------+-----------------------------------------| | | 166 2640 | 33.0 44.7 22.3 9.9 76.9 100.0 | |=================================================================| | Sum/Avg| 166 2640 | 33.0 44.7 22.3 9.9 76.9 100.0 | |=================================================================| | Mean |166.0 2640.0 | 33.0 44.7 22.3 9.9 76.9 100.0 | | S.D. | 0.0 0.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 | | Median |166.0 2640.0 | 33.0 44.7 22.3 9.9 76.9 100.0 | `-----------------------------------------------------------------' SYSTEM SUMMARY PERCENTAGES by SPEAKER ,-----------------------------------------------------------------. | wsj_hypo_d.score | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | SPKR | # Snt # Wrd | Corr Sub Del Ins Err S.Err | |------+--------------+-------------------------------------------| | | 166 2640 | 872 1179 589 261 2029 166 | |=================================================================| | Sum | 166 2640 | 872 1179 589 261 2029 166 | |=================================================================| | Mean |166.0 2640.0 |872.0 1179.0 589.0 261.0 2029.0 166.0 | | S.D. | 0.0 0.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 | |Median|166.0 2640.0 |872.0 1179.0 589.0 261.0 2029.0 166.0 | `-----------------------------------------------------------------'