#!/usr/bin/env python # # file: $NEDC_NFC/src/python/util/imld.py # # file: imld.py # # revision history: # # 20240118 (SM): update features for v3.0.0 release # 20200707 (LV): added missing functions, overhauled modules # 20200305 (SJ): first version # # This file contains the main function of the ISIP Machine Learning Demo (IMLD) # software. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # import system modules # import os import sys import logging from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtWidgets, QtCore # import local modules: # import imld_gui_events as ige import imld_gui_window as igw #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # functions are listed here # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def main(): # create Qt boilerplate which performs event # handling, cursor handling and manages the application # app = QtWidgets.QApplication([]) # create an event handler instance # handler = ige.EventHandler() # loop until an event is generated # app.exec_() # clean up and exit gracefully # sys.exit(0) # begin gracefully # if __name__ == "__main__": #**> log all events that meet INFO level of severity # logging.basicConfig(level='INFO') # invoke the main program # main() # # end of file