# file: imld_window.py # # This script implements the main window, menu bar and 3 widgets in the ISIP # Machine Learning Demo user interface # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # import system modules # import numpy as np import os import time # import other modules # from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg \ as FigureCanvas from matplotlib.figure import Figure from matplotlib.colors import cnames from matplotlib.pyplot import colormaps from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets import alg.imld_model as model # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # define global variables # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # define algorithm names # ALG_PCA_CI = "Class Independent Principle Component Analysis (CI-PCA)" ALG_PCA_CD = "Class Dependent Principle Component Analysis (CD-PCA)" ALG_LDA_CI = "Class Independent LDA (CI-LDA)" ALG_LDA_CD = "Class Dependent LDA (CD-LDA)" ALG_NEAREST = "K Nearest Neighbor (KNN)" ALG_KMEANS = "K-Means (KM)" ALG_LBG = "Linde-Buzo-Gray (LBG)" ALG_SUPPORT = "Support Vector Machines (SVM)" ALG_MLP = "Multilayer Perceptron (MLP)" ALG_RF = "Random Forest (RF)" # define window parameter # INPUT_DISP_ROW = 0 INPUT_DISP_COL = 0 OUTPUT_DISP_ROW = 2 OUTPUT_DISP_COL = 0 PROCES_ROW = 0 PROCES_COL = 1 PROCES_ROW_SPAN = 0 PROCES_COL_SPAN = 2 WINDOW_X = 800 WINDOW_Y = 768 SURFACE_COLOR = 'winter' COLORS = [*cnames] DEFAULT = 1 # class: MainWindow # # This class uses QMainWindow which provides a main application window. The # modules in this class handles the graphics of the UI and logic that connects # the UI to specific actions. # class MainWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow): # method: MainWindow::constructor # # arguments: # event_loop_a: the event loop # def __init__(self, event_loop_a): super(MainWindow, self).__init__() # add all classes from QMainWindow so they may be referenced # by self.class # QtWidgets.QMainWindow.__init__(self) # store reference to parent loop # self.parent_loop = event_loop_a # create instance of widgets including the train display, eval # display and progress description # self.input_display = InputDisplay() self.output_display = OutputDisplay() self.process_desc = ProcessDescription() # create instance of menu bar at top of window using MenuBar # self.menu_bar = MenuBar() # create layout for applet, set style of frame and lay out # widgets in a grid # self.central_widget = QtWidgets.QFrame() self.central_widget.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.StyledPanel) self.layout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self.central_widget) self.central_widget.setStyleSheet("background-color: white;") # initialize window # self.initUI() # method: MainWindow::initUI # # This method lays out and positions widgets, creates a menu bar and # connects the physical menu created in class MenuBar to the actions # required when user selects an option # def initUI(self): # give the main window a title # self.setWindowTitle("ISIP Machine Learning Demonstration") # set app icon scriptDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) app_icon = QtGui.QIcon() app_icon.addFile(scriptDir + os.path.sep + 'logo_16.png', \ QtCore.QSize(16, 16)) app_icon.addFile(scriptDir + os.path.sep + 'logo_24.png', \ QtCore.QSize(24, 24)) app_icon.addFile(scriptDir + os.path.sep + 'logo_32.png', \ QtCore.QSize(32, 32)) app_icon.addFile(scriptDir + os.path.sep + 'logo_48.png', \ QtCore.QSize(48, 48)) app_icon.addFile(scriptDir + os.path.sep + 'logo_256.png', \ QtCore.QSize(256, 256)) self.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon(scriptDir + os.path.sep + 'logo.png')) self.setWindowIcon(app_icon) # layout the widgets' positions in window: # self.setCentralWidget(self.central_widget) self.layout.addWidget(self.input_display, INPUT_DISP_ROW, INPUT_DISP_COL) self.layout.addWidget(self.output_display, OUTPUT_DISP_ROW, OUTPUT_DISP_COL) #self.layout.addWidget() self.layout.addWidget(self.process_desc, PROCES_ROW, PROCES_COL, PROCES_ROW_SPAN, PROCES_COL_SPAN) # make sure that the columns are shared equally # self.layout.setColumnStretch(0, 1) self.layout.setColumnStretch(1, 1) # creates menu bar # self.setMenuBar(self.menu_bar) self.menu_bar.setNativeMenuBar(False) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # connect pattern bar actions to event loop # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # IMLD menu # self.menu_bar.quit.triggered.connect( QtWidgets.QApplication.quit) # create instance of text edit for IMLD > About menu # self.menu_bar.about_menu.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.about_IMLD) # file menu (load and save) # self.menu_bar.load_train_menu.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.prompt_for_load_train) self.menu_bar.load_eval_menu.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.prompt_for_load_eval) self.menu_bar.save_train_menu.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.prompt_for_save_train) self.menu_bar.save_eval_menu.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.prompt_for_save_eval) # when Edit > Set Range menu option selected, open set plot # ranges window # self.menu_bar.set_range_menu.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.set_plot_ranges) self.menu_bar.set_scolor_menu.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.surface_color_show) # when Edit > Set Gaussian menu option selected, open gaussian # pattern window # self.menu_bar.set_gaussian_menu.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.prompt_set_gauss_prop) # when Edit > Normalize Data menu option selected, call normalize # data # self.menu_bar.set_normalize_menu.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.normalize_data) # when Edit > Clear Descriptions selected, clear the window # self.menu_bar.clear_des_menu.triggered.connect( self.process_desc.output.clear) self.menu_bar.clear_des_menu.triggered.connect( self.process_desc.clear_progress) # when Edit > Clear Train # self.menu_bar.clear_train_data.triggered.connect( lambda checked: self.parent_loop.clear_input(checked)) self.menu_bar.clear_train_result.triggered.connect( lambda checked: self.parent_loop.clear_input_result(checked)) self.menu_bar.clear_train_all.triggered.connect( lambda checked: self.parent_loop.clear_input(checked)) # when Edit > Clear Eval # self.menu_bar.clear_eval_data.triggered.connect( lambda checked: self.parent_loop.clear_output(checked)) self.menu_bar.clear_eval_result.triggered.connect( lambda checked: self.parent_loop.clear_output_result(checked)) self.menu_bar.clear_eval_all.triggered.connect( lambda checked: self.parent_loop.clear_output(checked)) # when Edit > Clear All, clear Train, Eval, and Process Log # self.menu_bar.clear_all_menu.triggered.connect( lambda checked: self.parent_loop.clear_input(checked)) self.menu_bar.clear_all_menu.triggered.connect( lambda checked: self.parent_loop.clear_output(checked)) self.menu_bar.clear_all_menu.triggered.connect( self.process_desc.output.clear) self.menu_bar.reset_menu.triggered.connect( lambda checked: self.parent_loop.reset_window(checked)) # when Classes > Add Class, Delete Class # self.menu_bar.add_class_menu.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.add_class_show) # resets the color chosen when adding classes # self.menu_bar.add_class_menu.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.reset_color) # handles the signal of the added class # self.menu_bar.class_group.triggered.connect( (lambda checked: self.parent_loop.handled_signal( checked, self.menu_bar.class_group.sender()))) # removes the class selected # self.menu_bar.delete_class_menu.triggered.connect( lambda checked: self.parent_loop.remove_classes(checked)) # when Algorithms > PCA, LDA, SVM, KNN, KMean, MLP # when LDA > Independent (ID), Dependent (CD) # self.menu_bar.algo_lda_cd_menu.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.algorithm_lda_cd) self.menu_bar.algo_lda_ci_menu.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.algorithm_lda_ci) # when PCA > Independent (ID), Dependent (CD) # self.menu_bar.algo_pca_cd_menu.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.algorithm_pca_cd) self.menu_bar.algo_pca_ci_menu.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.algorithm_pca_ci) # When Algorithms > SVM, KNN, KMean, MLP # self.menu_bar.algo_svm_menu.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.prompt_algo_svm) self.menu_bar.algo_knn_menu.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.prompt_algo_knn) self.menu_bar.algo_kmean_menu.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.prompt_algo_kmeans) self.menu_bar.algo_mlp_menu.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.prompt_algo_mlp) self.menu_bar.algo_rf_menu.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.prompt_algo_rf) # patterns menu: # These will bring up the parameter windows from the _show methods # in event_loop when the menu option is selected. # # handles connecting GUI to draw point and gaussian # self.menu_bar.draw_points_menu.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.set_point) # self.menu_bar.draw_points_menu.triggered.connect( # self.menu_bar.draw_gauss_menu.setChecked(False)) self.menu_bar.draw_gauss_menu.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.set_gauss) # handles connecting GUI to showing two gaussian # self.menu_bar.two_gauss_menu_t.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.two_gauss_show) self.menu_bar.two_gauss_menu_e.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.two_gauss_show) # handles connecting GUI to showing four gaussian # self.menu_bar.four_gauss_menu_t.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.four_gauss_show) self.menu_bar.four_gauss_menu_e.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.four_gauss_show) # handles connecting GUI to showing over gaussian # self.menu_bar.over_gauss_menu_t.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.over_gauss_show) self.menu_bar.over_gauss_menu_e.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.over_gauss_show) # handles connecting GUI to showing two ellipse # self.menu_bar.two_ellipse_menu_t.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.two_ellipse_show) self.menu_bar.two_ellipse_menu_e.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.two_ellipse_show) # handles connecting GUI to showing four ellipse # self.menu_bar.four_ellipse_menu_t.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.four_ellipse_show) self.menu_bar.four_ellipse_menu_e.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.four_ellipse_show) # handles connecting GUI to showing rotated ellipse # self.menu_bar.rotated_ellipse_menu_t.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.rotated_ellipse_show) self.menu_bar.rotated_ellipse_menu_e.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.rotated_ellipse_show) # handles connecting GUI to showing toroidal # self.menu_bar.toroidal_menu_t.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.toroidal_show) self.menu_bar.toroidal_menu_e.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.toroidal_show) # handles connecting GUI to showing yin_yang symbol # self.menu_bar.yin_yang_menu_t.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.yin_yang_show) self.menu_bar.yin_yang_menu_e.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.yin_yang_show) # run menu # # self.menu_bar.run_menu.triggered.connect(self.process_desc.start_progress) self.menu_bar.run_menu.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.run_complete) self.menu_bar.step_menu.triggered.connect( self.parent_loop.run_step) #self.menu_bar.step_menu.triggered.connect(self.process_desc.start_progress) # resize to specified dimension # self.resize(WINDOW_X, WINDOW_Y) # finally, show the window # self.show() # class: MenuBar # # arguments: # QMenuBar: QT class which provides a horizontal menu bar # # This class physically adds options, suboptions and other formatting items # to the menu bar. # class MenuBar(QtWidgets.QMenuBar): # method: MenuBar::constructor # def __init__(self): # inherit methods of PyQt object QMenuBar # QtWidgets.QMenuBar.__init__(self) # create menu bar options # self.imld_menu = self.addMenu('IMLD') self.file_menu = self.addMenu('File') self.edit_menu = self.addMenu('Edit') self.class_menu = self.addMenu('Classes') self.pattern_menu = self.addMenu('Patterns') self.demo_menu = self.addMenu('Demo') self.algo_menu = self.addMenu('Algorithms') self.process_menu = self.addMenu('Process') # IMLD menu bar # create options # self.about_menu = QtWidgets.QAction('About', self) self.quit = QtWidgets.QAction('Quit', self) # add options to IMLD slide down menu # self.imld_menu.addAction(self.about_menu) self.imld_menu.addAction(self.quit) # File menu bar # creates options for file slide down (load train) # self.load_train_menu = QtWidgets.QAction('Load Train Data', self) self.load_eval_menu = QtWidgets.QAction('Load Eval Data', self) # adds options to file slide down menu as well as a separator to # physically separate these from the next options # self.file_menu.addAction(self.load_train_menu) self.file_menu.addAction(self.load_eval_menu) self.file_menu.addSeparator() # creates options to save train/eval data # self.save_train_menu = QtWidgets.QAction('Save Train As...', self) self.save_eval_menu = QtWidgets.QAction('Save Eval As...', self) # adds save options to file menu # self.file_menu.addAction(self.save_train_menu) self.file_menu.addAction(self.save_eval_menu) # Edit menu bar # add 'Settings' sub menu to 'Edit' menu # self.settings_menu = self.edit_menu.addMenu("Settings") self.edit_menu.addSeparator() # create 'Set Ranges', 'Set Color', and 'Set Gaussian' options under 'Settings' # sub-menu # self.set_range_menu = QtWidgets.QAction('Set Ranges') self.set_gaussian_menu = QtWidgets.QAction('Set Gaussian') self.set_scolor_menu = QtWidgets.QAction('Set Color') self.set_normalize_menu = QtWidgets.QAction('Normalize Data', self, checkable = True, checked = False) # add options to 'Settings' menu # self.settings_menu.addAction(self.set_range_menu) self.settings_menu.addAction(self.set_gaussian_menu) self.settings_menu.addAction(self.set_scolor_menu) self.settings_menu.addAction(self.set_normalize_menu) # create 'Clear' options # self.clear_des_menu = QtWidgets.QAction('Clear Process Log') self.clear_all_menu = QtWidgets.QAction('Clear All') self.reset_menu = QtWidgets.QAction('Reset') self.clear_train_data = QtWidgets.QAction('Clear Data') self.clear_train_result = QtWidgets.QAction('Clear Results') self.clear_train_all = QtWidgets.QAction('Clear All') self.clear_eval_data = QtWidgets.QAction('Clear Data') self.clear_eval_result = QtWidgets.QAction('Clear Results') self.clear_eval_all = QtWidgets.QAction('Clear All') # add 'Clear' options under 'Edit' menu # self.edit_menu.addAction(self.clear_des_menu) # create Clear Train options # self.clear_train = self.edit_menu.addMenu('Clear Train') self.clear_train.addAction(self.clear_train_data) self.clear_train.addAction(self.clear_train_result) self.clear_train.addAction(self.clear_train_all) # create Clear Eval options # self.clear_eval = self.edit_menu.addMenu('Clear Eval') self.clear_eval.addAction(self.clear_eval_data) self.clear_eval.addAction(self.clear_eval_result) self.clear_eval.addAction(self.clear_eval_all) # create Clear All menu # self.edit_menu.addAction(self.clear_all_menu) self.edit_menu.addAction(self.reset_menu) # Classes menu bar # create an action group so that the checkable option can be # made exclusive # self.class_group = QtWidgets.QActionGroup(self.class_menu) # create sub-menu options for "Classes" menu # self.add_class_menu = QtWidgets.QAction("Add Class") self.delete_class_menu = QtWidgets.QAction("Delete Class") # add sub-menus Add Class and Delete Class, to "Classes" menu group # self.class_menu.addAction(self.add_class_menu) self.class_menu.addAction(self.delete_class_menu) self.class_menu.addSeparator() # Patterns menu bar # create options to add to pattern slide down # (Draw Options) # self.draw_points_menu = QtWidgets.QAction('Draw Points', self, checkable = True, checked = True) self.draw_gauss_menu = QtWidgets.QAction('Draw Gaussian', self, checkable = True) self.pattern_menu.addAction(self.draw_points_menu) self.pattern_menu.addAction(self.draw_gauss_menu) # Demo menu bar # create options for use of predefined demos # two gaussian - add options to create in Train or Eval window # self.two_gauss_menu = self.demo_menu.addMenu("Two Gaussian") self.two_gauss_menu_t = QtWidgets.QAction('Train') self.two_gauss_menu_e = QtWidgets.QAction('Eval') label = QtWidgets.QLabel("Set Parameters") label_action = QtWidgets.QWidgetAction(self) label_action.setDefaultWidget(label) self.two_gauss_menu.addAction(label_action) self.two_gauss_menu.addAction(self.two_gauss_menu_t) self.two_gauss_menu.addAction(self.two_gauss_menu_e) # four gaussian - add options to create in Train or Eval window # self.four_gauss_menu = self.demo_menu.addMenu("Four Gaussian") self.four_gauss_menu_t = QtWidgets.QAction('Train') self.four_gauss_menu_e = QtWidgets.QAction('Eval') label = QtWidgets.QLabel("Set Parameters") label_action = QtWidgets.QWidgetAction(self) label_action.setDefaultWidget(label) self.four_gauss_menu.addAction(label_action) self.four_gauss_menu.addAction(self.four_gauss_menu_t) self.four_gauss_menu.addAction(self.four_gauss_menu_e) # overlapping gaussian - add options to create in Train or Eval window # self.over_gauss_menu = \ self.demo_menu.addMenu("Overlapping Gaussian") self.over_gauss_menu_t = QtWidgets.QAction('Train') self.over_gauss_menu_e = QtWidgets.QAction('Eval') label = QtWidgets.QLabel("Set Parameters") label_action = QtWidgets.QWidgetAction(self) label_action.setDefaultWidget(label) self.over_gauss_menu.addAction(label_action) self.over_gauss_menu.addAction(self.over_gauss_menu_t) self.over_gauss_menu.addAction(self.over_gauss_menu_e) # two ellipses - add options to create in Train or Eval window # self.two_ellipse_menu = self.demo_menu.addMenu("Two Ellipses") self.two_ellipse_menu_t = QtWidgets.QAction('Train') self.two_ellipse_menu_e = QtWidgets.QAction('Eval') label = QtWidgets.QLabel("Set Parameters") label_action = QtWidgets.QWidgetAction(self) label_action.setDefaultWidget(label) self.two_ellipse_menu.addAction(label_action) self.two_ellipse_menu.addAction(self.two_ellipse_menu_t) self.two_ellipse_menu.addAction(self.two_ellipse_menu_e) # four ellipses - add options to create in Train or Eval window # self.four_ellipse_menu = self.demo_menu.addMenu("Four Ellipses") self.four_ellipse_menu_t = QtWidgets.QAction('Train') self.four_ellipse_menu_e = QtWidgets.QAction('Eval') label = QtWidgets.QLabel("Set Parameters") label_action = QtWidgets.QWidgetAction(self) label_action.setDefaultWidget(label) self.four_ellipse_menu.addAction(label_action) self.four_ellipse_menu.addAction(self.four_ellipse_menu_t) self.four_ellipse_menu.addAction(self.four_ellipse_menu_e) # rotated ellipses - add options to create in Train or Eval window # self.rotated_ellipse_menu = \ self.demo_menu.addMenu("Rotated Ellipses") self.rotated_ellipse_menu_t = QtWidgets.QAction('Train') self.rotated_ellipse_menu_e = QtWidgets.QAction('Eval') label = QtWidgets.QLabel("Set Parameters") label_action = QtWidgets.QWidgetAction(self) label_action.setDefaultWidget(label) self.rotated_ellipse_menu.addAction(label_action) self.rotated_ellipse_menu.addAction(self.rotated_ellipse_menu_t) self.rotated_ellipse_menu.addAction(self.rotated_ellipse_menu_e) # toroidal - add options to create in Train or Eval window # self.toroidal_menu = self.demo_menu.addMenu("Toroidal") self.toroidal_menu_t = QtWidgets.QAction('Train') self.toroidal_menu_e = QtWidgets.QAction('Eval') label = QtWidgets.QLabel("Set Parameters") label_action = QtWidgets.QWidgetAction(self) label_action.setDefaultWidget(label) self.toroidal_menu.addAction(label_action) self.toroidal_menu.addAction(self.toroidal_menu_t) self.toroidal_menu.addAction(self.toroidal_menu_e) # yin yang - add options to create in Train or Eval window # self.yin_yang_menu = self.demo_menu.addMenu("Yin-Yang") self.yin_yang_menu_t = QtWidgets.QAction('Train') self.yin_yang_menu_e = QtWidgets.QAction('Eval') label = QtWidgets.QLabel("Set Parameters") label_action = QtWidgets.QWidgetAction(self) label_action.setDefaultWidget(label) self.yin_yang_menu.addAction(label_action) self.yin_yang_menu.addAction(self.yin_yang_menu_t) self.yin_yang_menu.addAction(self.yin_yang_menu_e) # Algorithm Menu Bar # create group so that we can later make them checkable and exclusive # (only one can be checked at a time) # self.algo_group = QtWidgets.QActionGroup(self.algo_menu) # add menu options PCA to "Algorithm" menu choice # self.algo_pcas_menu = self.algo_menu.addMenu("PCA") # create sub-option for PCA sub-menu # self.algo_pca_ci_menu = QtWidgets.QAction(ALG_PCA_CI, checkable=True) self.algo_pca_cd_menu = QtWidgets.QAction(ALG_PCA_CD, checkable=True) # add sub-option to PCA sub-menu # self.algo_pcas_menu.addAction(self.algo_group.addAction (self.algo_pca_ci_menu)) self.algo_pcas_menu.addAction(self.algo_group.addAction (self.algo_pca_cd_menu)) # add menu option LDA to "Algorithm" menu choice # self.algo_ldas_menu = self.algo_menu.addMenu("LDA") # create sub-options for PCA menu option # self.algo_lda_ci_menu = QtWidgets.QAction(ALG_LDA_CI, checkable=True) self.algo_lda_cd_menu = QtWidgets.QAction(ALG_LDA_CD, checkable=True) # add sub-options to PCA menu # self.algo_ldas_menu.addAction(self.algo_group.addAction (self.algo_lda_ci_menu)) self.algo_ldas_menu.addAction(self.algo_group.addAction (self.algo_lda_cd_menu)) # create sub-menu options Nearest Neighbor, KMeans # self.algo_knn_menu = QtWidgets.QAction(ALG_NEAREST, checkable=True) self.algo_kmean_menu = QtWidgets.QAction(ALG_KMEANS, checkable=True) # add these sub-menus to "Algorithm" menu option # self.algo_menu.addAction(self.algo_group.addAction(self.algo_knn_menu)) self.algo_menu.addAction(self.algo_group.addAction (self.algo_kmean_menu)) # create sub-menu options Linde-Buzo-Gray, Support Vector Machines # and Multilayer Perceptron # self.algo_svm_menu = QtWidgets.QAction(ALG_SUPPORT, checkable=True) self.algo_mlp_menu = QtWidgets.QAction(ALG_MLP, checkable=True) self.algo_rf_menu = QtWidgets.QAction(ALG_RF, checkable=True) # add these sub-menus to the "Algorithm" menu option # self.algo_menu.addAction(self.algo_group.addAction(self.algo_svm_menu)) self.algo_menu.addAction(self.algo_group.addAction(self.algo_mlp_menu)) self.algo_menu.addAction(self.algo_group.addAction(self.algo_rf_menu)) # Process menu bar # create sub-menu options to add to the "Process" menu option # self.step_menu = QtWidgets.QAction("Step") self.run_menu = QtWidgets.QAction("Run ...") # add sub-menus to "Process" menu # self.process_menu.addAction(self.step_menu) self.process_menu.addAction(self.run_menu) # set keyboard shortcuts for menu options # self.run_menu.setShortcut("Ctrl+R") self.step_menu.setShortcut("Ctrl+N") self.setStyleSheet(""" QMenuBar { color: rgb(255,255,255); background-color: qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1, stop:0 lightgray, stop:1 darkgray); border-radius: 5px padding: 2px 10px; spacing: 3px; } """) # class: InputDisplay # # arguments: # Qwidget: base class for all UI interface objects # # This class sets up the Train window (Input display). # class InputDisplay(QtWidgets.QWidget): # method: constructor InputDisplay::constructor # # arguments: # parent: parent widget (widget that drew child widget) set to None as # default # def __init__(self, parent=None): super(InputDisplay, self).__init__(parent) # set up Canvas # self.canvas = FigureCanvas(Figure(tight_layout=True)) self.label = QtWidgets.QLabel() # set up the x and y coordinate arrays # self.x = np.empty((0, 0)) self.y = np.empty((0, 0)) # set up the covariance of the gaussian # when user draws # self.cov = [[0.05, 0.0], [0.0, 0.05]] self.num_points = 25 # set up color variables: color bank, colors used, and # current colors # self.colors = [*cnames] self.colors_used = [] self.color_c = None self.surface_color = 'winter' # set up current class, triggered class, all_classes # self.current_class = None self.t_current_class = None self.all_classes = [] self.current_co = None # set up dictionary to store class information # self.once_c = True self.pair = 0 self.class_info = {} # set up initial press and draw flag # self.pressed = False self.draw = 'point' # Set title and maximum size in pixels for Train window # self.label.setText("Train:") self.label.setStyleSheet("color: black;") self.label.setMaximumSize(35, 10) # set up canvas layout # vertical_layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self) vertical_layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) vertical_layout.addWidget(self.label) vertical_layout.addWidget(self.canvas) # set up canvas in GUI # self.canvas.axes = self.canvas.figure.add_subplot(111) self.x_axis = [-DEFAULT, DEFAULT] self.y_axis = [-DEFAULT, DEFAULT] self.initUI() # set handles for pressing, releasing and moving # self.canvas.mpl_connect("button_press_event", self.on_press) self.canvas.mpl_connect("button_release_event", self.on_release) self.canvas.mpl_connect("motion_notify_event", self.on_move) # method: InputDisplay::initUI # # This method creates the input display graph overlay # def initUI(self): self.canvas.axes.set_xlim([self.x_axis[0], self.x_axis[-1]]) self.canvas.axes.set_ylim([self.y_axis[0], self.y_axis[-1]]) # set range and grid # self.canvas.axes.set_axisbelow(True) # set visual aspects of grid # self.canvas.axes.grid(which='major', color='grey', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.25, alpha=0.50) self.canvas.axes.tick_params(labelsize=8) self.x_axislim = self.canvas.axes.get_xlim() self.y_axislim = self.canvas.axes.get_ylim() self.x_axis = np.linspace(self.x_axislim[0], self.x_axislim[1], 9) self.y_axis = np.linspace(self.y_axislim[0], self.y_axislim[1], 9) self.canvas.axes.set_xticks(self.x_axis) self.canvas.axes.set_yticks(self.y_axis) # method: InputDisplay::clear_plot # # This method clears any data that is shown in the input display. # def clear_plot(self): # clear the input canvas and reset with the intial UI # self.canvas.axes.clear() self.initUI() # iterate through class info and reset all information while keeping the color of the class # count = 0 for key in self.class_info: # reset x and y coordinates # self.class_info[key][1] = np.empty((0, 0)) self.class_info[key][2] = np.empty((0, 0)) # reset class plot with same color # self.class_info[key][0] = self.canvas.axes.scatter(self.class_info[key][1], self.class_info[key][2], s=1) self.class_info[key][0].set_color(self.class_info[key][4]) # set current class to the key # self.current_class = key self.class_info[self.current_class][0].set_gid( np.full((1, np.shape(self.class_info[self.current_class][1])[0]), count)) self.canvas.draw_idle() count = count + 1 self.canvas.draw_idle() # method: InputDisplay::clear_result_plot # # This method clears the results from the plot and keeps the data plotted # def clear_result_plot(self): # remove canvas and reinsert the initial UI # self.canvas.axes.clear() self.initUI() # iterate through class dictionary and replot the graphs without results # count = 0 for key in self.class_info: self.class_info[key][0] = self.canvas.axes.scatter(self.class_info[key][1], self.class_info[key][2], s=1) self.class_info[key][0].set_color(self.class_info[key][4]) self.current_class = key self.class_info[self.current_class][0].set_gid( np.full((1, np.shape(self.class_info[self.current_class][1])[0]), count)) count = count + 1 self.canvas.draw_idle() # method: InputDisplay::remove_class # # arguments: # name: the current class that is chosen to be removed # # This method removes a single class using the delete class button. # def remove_class(self, name=None): if self.class_info: # clear the visual plot self.canvas.axes.clear() self.initUI() # set the current class and reset the colors used # tmp = self.current_class if self.class_info[self.current_class] is not None: color = self.class_info[self.current_class][4] if color in self.colors_used: self.colors_used.remove(color) else: self.colors.append(color) self.class_info.pop(self.current_class) # Replot the remaining classes from class_info with their appropriate colors # count = 0 for key in self.class_info: self.class_info[key][0] = self.canvas.axes.scatter(self.class_info[key][1], self.class_info[key][2], s=1) self.class_info[key][0].set_color(self.class_info[key][4]) self.current_class = key self.class_info[self.current_class][0].set_gid( np.full((1, np.shape(self.class_info[self.current_class][1])[0]), count)) self.canvas.draw_idle() count = count + 1 self.t_current_class.remove(tmp) self.canvas.draw_idle() else: pass # method: InputDisplay::on_press # # arguments: # event: the event loop for this app # # This method calculates where the mouse is on the display and records both the # the x and y coordinates of the data and stores them into a dictionary where # the class is linked with its data. There are two options either a click and drag # for points or use of gaussian plots. This makes up the training data. # def on_press(self, event): # check if current class name is a string and if not make it a string # if not isinstance(self.current_class, str): self.current_class = "%s" % self.current_class # find the index of current class in total list # self.pair = self.t_current_class.index(self.current_class) # if the current class is not in the class dictionary or is initialized to Norn # initialize the class in the dictionary # if self.current_class not in self.class_info or (self.class_info[self.current_class] == None): self.class_info[self.current_class] = [self.current_c, self.x, self.y, self.once_c] # check to make sure mouse is within data input window # if isinstance(event.xdata, float) and isinstance(event.ydata, float): if self.x_axis[0] <= event.xdata <= self.x_axis[-1] \ and self.y_axis[0] <= event.ydata <= self.y_axis[-1]: # set the draw to point and track the x and y data if self.draw == "point": self.pressed = True if self.class_info[self.current_class][3]: self.class_info[self.current_class][0] = self.canvas.axes.scatter(None, None, s=1) self.class_info[self.current_class][3] = False self.class_info[self.current_class][1] = np.append(self.class_info[self.current_class][1], event.xdata) self.class_info[self.current_class][2] = np.append(self.class_info[self.current_class][2], event.ydata) self.class_info[self.current_class][0].set_color(self.class_info[self.current_class][4]) self.canvas.draw_idle() # set the draw to gaussian and track the data produced by the target x,y and the # gaussian formula # else: self.pressed = True if self.class_info[self.current_class][3]: self.class_info[self.current_class][0] = self.canvas.axes.scatter(None, None, s=1) self.class_info[self.current_class][0].set_color(self.class_info[self.current_class][4]) self.class_info[self.current_class][3] = False mu = [event.xdata, event.ydata] cov = self.cov gauss_plot = np.random.multivariate_normal(mu, cov, self.num_points) self.class_info[self.current_class][1] = np.append(self.class_info[self.current_class][1], gauss_plot[:, 0]) self.class_info[self.current_class][2] = np.append(self.class_info[self.current_class][2], gauss_plot[:, 1]) self.class_info[self.current_class][0].set_offsets( np.column_stack((self.class_info[self.current_class][1], self.class_info[self.current_class][2]))) self.canvas.draw_idle() # method: InputDisplay::on_move # # arguments: # event: the event loop for this app # # this method records the x and y data while the mouse is moving # def on_move(self, event): if self.pressed: # Check to make sure mouse is within data input window # if isinstance(event.xdata, float) and isinstance(event.ydata, float): if self.x_axis[0] <= event.xdata <= self.x_axis[-1] \ and self.y_axis[0] <= event.ydata <= self.y_axis[-1]: # if set to point, append the x and y data of the current mouse position # if self.draw == "point": self.class_info[self.current_class][1] = np.append(self.class_info[self.current_class][1], event.xdata) self.class_info[self.current_class][2] = np.append(self.class_info[self.current_class][2], event.ydata) self.class_info[self.current_class][0].set_offsets( np.column_stack((self.class_info[self.current_class][1], self.class_info[self.current_class][2]))) self.canvas.draw_idle() # if set to gaussian, record the gaussian with current mouse placement while moving # else: mu = [event.xdata, event.ydata] cov = self.cov gauss_plot = np.random.multivariate_normal(mu, cov, self.num_points) self.class_info[self.current_class][1] = np.append(self.class_info[self.current_class][1], gauss_plot[:, 0]) self.class_info[self.current_class][2] = np.append(self.class_info[self.current_class][2], gauss_plot[:, 1]) self.class_info[self.current_class][0].set_offsets( np.column_stack((self.class_info[self.current_class][1], self.class_info[self.current_class][2]))) self.canvas.draw_idle() # method: InputDisplay::on_release # # arguments: # event: the event loop for this app # # reset the pressed flag and set a name for the class_info correlating with graphical data # def on_release(self, event): # set the pressed flag to false # self.pressed = False # set class in dictionary to pair with the graphical data # self.class_info[self.current_class][0].set_gid(np.full((1, np.shape(self.class_info[self.current_class][1])[0]), self.pair)) self.canvas.draw_idle() # method: InputDisplay::find_class_c # # arguments: # sender: The menu item that is currently triggered # # This method finds the current class object that is triggered and finds what # the appropriate color that is paired with with class # def find_class_c(self, sender=None): # check if the sender signal is triggered # if sender is not None: # find the class pair of the signal and set it to the current class # self.pair = self.all_classes.index(sender) self.current_co = sender self.current_class = self.t_current_class[self.pair] # method: InputDisplay::set_point # # arguments: none # # set draw flag to point def set_point(self): self.draw = 'point' # method: InputDisplay::set_gauss # # arguments: none # # set draw flag to gauss def set_gauss(self): self.draw = 'gauss' # class: OutputDisplay # # arguments: # Qwidget: base class for all UI interface objects # # This class sets up the Eval window (output display). # class OutputDisplay(QtWidgets.QWidget): # method: OutputDisplay::constructor # # arguments: # parent: the parent widget # def __init__(self, parent=None): super(OutputDisplay, self).__init__(parent) # initialize the canvas and label objects # self.canvas = FigureCanvas(Figure(tight_layout=True)) self.label = QtWidgets.QLabel() # set up the x and y coordinate arrays # self.x = np.empty((0, 0)) self.y = np.empty((0, 0)) # set up the covariance of the gaussian # when user draws # self.cov = [[0.05, 0.0], [0.0, 0.05]] self.num_points = 25 # set up color variables: color bank, colors used, and # current colors # self.colors = [*cnames] self.colors_used = [] self.color_c = None # set up current class, triggered class, all_classes # self.current_class = None self.t_current_class = None self.all_classes = [] self.current_co = None # set up dictionary to store class information # self.once_c = True self.pair = 0 self.class_info = {} # set up initial press and draw flag # self.pressed = False self.draw = 'point' # sets title and maximum size in pixels for Eval window # self.label.setText("Eval:") self.label.setStyleSheet("color: black;") self.label.setMaximumSize(35, 10) # defines the layout for the widget # vertical_layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self) vertical_layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) vertical_layout.addWidget(self.label) vertical_layout.addWidget(self.canvas) self.canvas.axes = self.canvas.figure.add_subplot(111) self.x_axis = [-DEFAULT, DEFAULT] self.y_axis = [-DEFAULT, DEFAULT] self.initUI() self.canvas.mpl_connect("button_press_event", self.on_press) self.canvas.mpl_connect("button_release_event", self.on_release) self.canvas.mpl_connect("motion_notify_event", self.on_move) # method: OutputDisplay::initUI # # This method creates the GUI. # def initUI(self): self.canvas.axes.set_xlim([self.x_axis[0], self.x_axis[-1]]) self.canvas.axes.set_ylim([self.y_axis[0], self.y_axis[-1]]) # set range and grid # self.canvas.axes.set_axisbelow(True) # set visual aspects of grid # self.canvas.axes.grid(which='major', color='grey', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.25, alpha=0.50) self.canvas.axes.tick_params(labelsize=8) self.x_axislim = self.canvas.axes.get_xlim() self.y_axislim = self.canvas.axes.get_ylim() self.x_axis = np.linspace(self.x_axislim[0], self.x_axislim[1], 9) self.y_axis = np.linspace(self.y_axislim[0], self.y_axislim[1], 9) self.canvas.axes.set_xticks(self.x_axis) self.canvas.axes.set_yticks(self.y_axis) # method: OutputDisplay::clear_plot # # This method clears any data that is shown in the output display. # def clear_plot(self): # clear the input canvas and reset with the intial UI # self.canvas.axes.clear() self.initUI() print(self.canvas.axes.collections) # iterate through class info and reset all information while keeping the color of the class # count = 0 for key in self.class_info: # reset x and y coordinates # self.class_info[key][1] = np.empty((0, 0)) self.class_info[key][2] = np.empty((0, 0)) # reset class plot with same color # self.class_info[key][0] = self.canvas.axes.scatter(self.class_info[key][1], self.class_info[key][2], s=1) self.class_info[key][0].set_color(self.class_info[key][4]) # set current class to the key # self.current_class = key self.class_info[self.current_class][0].set_gid( np.full((1, np.shape(self.class_info[self.current_class][1])[0]), count)) self.canvas.draw_idle() count = count + 1 self.canvas.draw_idle() # method: OutputDisplay::clear_result_plot # # This method clears the results from the plot and keeps the data plotted # def clear_result_plot(self): # remove canvas and reinsert the initial UI # self.canvas.axes.clear() self.initUI() # iterate through class dictionary and replot the graphs without results # count = 0 for key in self.class_info: self.class_info[key][0] = self.canvas.axes.scatter(self.class_info[key][1], self.class_info[key][2], s=1) self.class_info[key][0].set_color(self.class_info[key][4]) self.current_class = key self.class_info[self.current_class][0].set_gid( np.full((1, np.shape(self.class_info[self.current_class][1])[0]), count)) count = count + 1 self.canvas.draw_idle() # method: OutputDisplay::remove_class # # arguments: # name: the current class that is chosen to be removed # # This method removes a single class using the delete class button. # def remove_class(self, name): if self.class_info: # clear the visual plot # self.canvas.axes.clear() self.initUI() # set the current class and reset the colors used # tmp = self.current_class if self.class_info[self.current_class] is not None: color = self.class_info[self.current_class][4] if color in self.colors_used: self.colors_used.remove(color) else: self.colors.append(color) self.class_info.pop(self.current_class) # replot the remaining classes from class_info with their appropriate color # count = 0 for key in self.class_info: self.class_info[key][0] = self.canvas.axes.scatter(self.class_info[key][1], self.class_info[key][2], s=1) self.class_info[key][0].set_color(self.class_info[key][4]) self.current_class = key self.class_info[self.current_class][0].set_gid( np.full((1, np.shape(self.class_info[self.current_class][1])[0]), count)) self.canvas.draw_idle() count = count + 1 self.canvas.draw_idle() else: pass # method: OutputDisplay::on_press # # arguments: # event: the event loop for this app # # This method calculates where the mouse is on the display and records both the # the x and y coordinates of the data and stores them into a dictionary where # the class is linked with its data. There are two options either a click and drag # for points or use of gaussian plots. This makes up the evaluation data. # def on_press(self, event): # check if current class name is a string and if not make it a string # if not isinstance(self.current_class, str): self.current_class = "%s" % self.current_class # find the index of current class in total list # self.pair = self.t_current_class.index(self.current_class) # if the current class is not in the class dictionary or is initialized to Norn # initialize the class in the dictionary # if self.current_class not in self.class_info or (self.class_info[self.current_class] == None): if self.color_c == None: self.color_c = self.colors.pop() self.class_info[self.current_class] = [self.current_c, self.x, self.y, self.once_c, self.color_c] # set the draw to point and track the x and y data # if self.draw == "point": self.pressed = True if self.class_info[self.current_class][3]: self.class_info[self.current_class][0] = self.canvas.axes.scatter(None, None, s=1) self.class_info[self.current_class][3] = False self.class_info[self.current_class][1] = np.append(self.class_info[self.current_class][1], event.xdata) self.class_info[self.current_class][2] = np.append(self.class_info[self.current_class][2], event.ydata) self.class_info[self.current_class][0].set_color(self.class_info[self.current_class][4]) self.canvas.draw_idle() # set the draw to gaussian and track the data produced by the target x,y and the # gaussian formula # else: self.pressed = True if self.class_info[self.current_class][3]: self.class_info[self.current_class][0] = self.canvas.axes.scatter(None, None, s=1) self.class_info[self.current_class][0].set_color(self.class_info[self.current_class][4]) self.class_info[self.current_class][3] = False mu = [event.xdata, event.ydata] cov = self.cov gauss_plot = np.random.multivariate_normal(mu, cov, self.num_points) self.class_info[self.current_class][1] = np.append(self.class_info[self.current_class][1], gauss_plot[:, 0]) self.class_info[self.current_class][2] = np.append(self.class_info[self.current_class][2], gauss_plot[:, 1]) self.class_info[self.current_class][0].set_offsets( np.column_stack((self.class_info[self.current_class][1], self.class_info[self.current_class][2]))) self.canvas.draw_idle() # method: OutputDisplay::on_move # # arguments: # event: the event loop for this app # # this method records the x and y data while the mouse is moving # def on_move(self, event): if self.pressed: # if set to point, append the x and y data of teh current mouse position # if self.draw == "point": self.class_info[self.current_class][1] = np.append(self.class_info[self.current_class][1], event.xdata) self.class_info[self.current_class][2] = np.append(self.class_info[self.current_class][2], event.ydata) self.class_info[self.current_class][0].set_offsets( np.column_stack((self.class_info[self.current_class][1], self.class_info[self.current_class][2]))) self.canvas.draw_idle() # if set to gaussian, record the gaussian with current mouse placement while moving # else: mu = [event.xdata, event.ydata] cov = self.cov gauss_plot = np.random.multivariate_normal(mu, cov, self.num_points) self.class_info[self.current_class][1] = np.append(self.class_info[self.current_class][1], gauss_plot[:, 0]) self.class_info[self.current_class][2] = np.append(self.class_info[self.current_class][2], gauss_plot[:, 1]) self.class_info[self.current_class][0].set_offsets( np.column_stack((self.class_info[self.current_class][1], self.class_info[self.current_class][2]))) self.canvas.draw_idle() # method: OutputDisplay::on_release # # arguments: # event: the event loop for this app # # reset the pressed flag and set a name for the class_info correlating with graphical data # def on_release(self, event): # set the pressed flag to false # self.pressed = False # set class in dictionary to pair with the graphical data # self.class_info[self.current_class][0].set_gid(np.full((1, np.shape(self.class_info[self.current_class][1])[0]), self.pair)) self.canvas.draw_idle() # method: OutputDisplay::find_class_c # # arguments: # sender: The menu item that is currently triggered # # This method finds the current class object that is triggered and finds what # the appropriate color that is paired with with class # def find_class_c(self, sender=None): # check if the sender signal is triggered # if sender is not None: # find the class pair of the signal and set it to the current class # self.pair = self.all_classes.index(sender) self.current_co = sender self.current_class = self.t_current_class[self.pair] else: pass # method: OuputDisplay::set_point # # arguments: none # # set draw flag to point def set_point(self): self.draw = 'point' # method: OutputDisplay::set_gauss # # arguments: none # # set draw flag to gauss def set_gauss(self): self.draw = 'gauss' # class: ProcessDescription # # arguments: # QWidget: base class for all UI interface objects # # This class contains methods that create the process description window which # narrates the process of the algorithms as they run to evaluate the data # in the Train and Eval windows. # class ProcessDescription(QtWidgets.QWidget): # method: ProcessDescription::constructor # # arguments: # parent: the parent widget (widget that draws the child) # def __init__(self, parent=None): super(ProcessDescription, self).__init__(parent) # defines the size policy for the widget # self.output = QtWidgets.QTextEdit() self.label = QtWidgets.QLabel() self.pbar = QtWidgets.QProgressBar() self.initUI() def update_process(self, value): self.pbar.setValue = value self.value = value # method: ProcessDescription::initUI # # This method creates the GUI. # def initUI(self): # sets the textbox to read-only # font = QtGui.QFont("Consolas") font.setStyleHint(QtGui.QFont.Monospace) self.output.setFont(font) self.output.setReadOnly(True) self.line_edit = QtGui.QTextLine() self.label.setText("Process Log:") # set size and color of title text # self.label.setStyleSheet("color: black;") self.label.setMaximumSize(124, 17) self.output.setStyleSheet("color: black;") # defines the layout for the widget # vertical_layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self) vertical_layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) vertical_layout.addWidget(self.label) vertical_layout.addWidget(self.pbar) vertical_layout.addWidget(self.output) # method: ProcessDescription::clear_progress # # arguments: None # def clear_progress(self): self.pbar.setValue(0) # # end of class # # end of file