#!/usr/bin/env python # # file: event_loop.py # # This script implements the event loop of the ISIP Machine Learning Demo # user interface. The event loop runs until the application is quit. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # import system modules # import numpy as np import sys import time as t from sklearn.preprocessing import Normalizer from copy import deepcopy # import GUI modules # from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtCore, QtWidgets # import locally defined modules # import gui.imld_gui_window as igw import gui.imld_gui_params as igp from data.imld_data_gen import DataGenerator import data.imld_data_io as idio from alg.imld_alg_pca import AlgorithmPCA from alg.imld_alg_svm import AlgorithmSVM from alg.imld_alg_knn import AlgorithmKNN from alg.imld_alg_kmeans import AlgorithmKMeans from alg.imld_alg_lda import AlgorithmLDA from alg.imld_alg_mlp import AlgorithmMLP from alg.imld_alg_rf import AlgorithmRF import alg.imld_model as model #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # define global variables # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECTED_CLASS="" TOTAL_CLASSES=[] SELECTED_NAME="" TOTAL_NAMES=[] STANDARD_COLORS = ["red","blue","yellow","black","orange","purple","green","magenta" ] # this text appears in a pop-up window when users select IMLD > About # ABOUT_TEXT = "This software is intended to be used for \ educational purposes. Please direct any feedback or questions to \ help@nedcdata.org." IMLD_VERSION = "v1.8.0" #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # classes are listed here # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # class: EventLoop # # This class contains a variety of methods including those to prompt the user, # set up for data to be plotted, and to show data in the Train and Eval # windows of the application. # class EventHandler(QtCore.QEventLoop): # define class variables # def __init__(self): QtCore.QEventLoop.__init__(self) # create instance of the main window user interface and DataPoint # self.ui = igw.MainWindow(self) self.data_points_t = DataGenerator(self.ui.input_display) self.data_points_e = DataGenerator(self.ui.output_display) self.item_now = [None, None] self.io = idio.DataIO(self.ui) self.load_flag = False self.color_bank = [] self.saved_color = 'color' self.standard_colors = ["red","blue","yellow","black","orange","purple","green","magenta" ] self.is_normalized = False # current algorithm # self.algo = None self.data = False self.initialized = False self.t_classes = [] self.classes = None # define variables for gaussian generator # self.mu = np.nan self.cov = np.nan self.points = np.nan self.params = np.nan # method: EventLoop::display_warning # arguments: # message: a message to display to the user # # This method sends warning message to user. # def display_warning(self, message): # instantiate QMessageBox # self.warning = QtWidgets.QMessageBox() # set title and sub text of pop-up window # self.warning.setText("Warning:") self.warning.setInformativeText(message) # set window size # self.warning.setStyleSheet("QLabel{min-width:200 px;" "min-height:30 px;}") # show window # self.warning.show() # method: EventLoop::display_error # # send error message to user # def display_error(self, message): # instantiate QMessageBox # self.error = QtWidgets.QMessageBox() # set title and sub text of pop-up window # self.error.setText("Error:") self.error.setInformativeText(message) # set window size # self.error.setStyleSheet("QLabel{min-width:200 px; min-height:30 px;}") # show window # self.error.show() # method: EventLoop::about_IMLD # # This method creates pop-up window for the IMLD > About menu option. # def about_IMLD(self): # instantiate QMessageBox # self.dialog = QtWidgets.QMessageBox() # set title and sub text of pop-up window # self.dialog.setText( "ISIP Machine Learning Demonstration") self.dialog.setInformativeText("Version: " + IMLD_VERSION + "\n\n" + ABOUT_TEXT) self.dialog.setWindowTitle("About IMLD") # set window size # self.dialog.setStyleSheet("QLabel{min-width:500 px; min-height:60 px;}") # remove "Ok" button (needs work) # button = self.dialog.defaultButton() self.dialog.removeButton(button) # show window # self.dialog.show() # method: EventLoop::EventLoop::prompt_for_load_train # # This method contains a pop-up window for users to load data into the # Eval window of the UI and stores the data. # def prompt_for_load_train(self): try: # read in the data from the file # classes, colors, limits, self.train= self.io.load_file('train') # clear the window # # if there is data in the window: # if len(self.ui.input_display.class_info) != 0: check_data = False for class_name in self.ui.input_display.class_info: if np.size(self.ui.input_display.class_info[class_name][1]) > 0\ and np.size(self.ui.input_display.class_info[class_name][2]) > 0: check_data = True if check_data: message = "Current data is replaced with the loaded data " self.display_warning(message) self.ui.input_display.clear_plot() self.ui.input_display.class_info = {} # get a list of class # self.train_class = [] # if classes is not declared in file # if classes == []: # find classes from data/self.train # self.train_class = list(self.train.keys()) else: self.train_class = classes # check if classes from the comment doesnt match with data # if set(self.train_class) != set(list(self.train.keys())): # print out error # message = "Classes declared in the comment does not match with data, use classes in data" self.display_warning(message) self.train_class = list(self.train.keys()) # get a dict of color # train_color = {} # if color is not declared in file # if colors == []: for class_i in self.train_class: # check if color is declared in eval window # if class_i in list(self.ui.outtput_display.class_info.keys()): new_color = self.ui.output_display.class_info[class_i][4] else: new_color = self.preset_color() if class_i not in train_color: train_color[class_i] = [] train_color[class_i] = new_color # if color is declared # else: for idx, class_i in enumerate(self.train_class): if class_i not in train_color: train_color[class_i] = [] if (idx < len(colors)): train_color[class_i] = colors[idx] # if color declared in the comment is not enough # else: if class_i in list(self.ui.output_display.class_info.keys()): new_color = self.ui.output_display.class_info[class_i][4] else: new_color = self.preset_color() while(new_color in train_color.values()): new_color = self.preset_color() train_color[class_i] = new_color # if limits is not declared, use min and max of each coordinate # if limits == []: limits_for_all_class = [] # find min/max of x and y for each class # for class_name in self.train_class: min_x = min(self.train[class_name], key=lambda x:x[0])[0] max_x = max(self.train[class_name], key=lambda x:x[0])[0] min_y = min(self.train[class_name], key=lambda x:x[1])[1] max_y = max(self.train[class_name], key=lambda x:x[1])[1] limits_for_all_class.append([min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y]) # choose the limits based on all the classes # min_x = min(limits_for_all_class, key=lambda x:x[0])[0] max_x = max(limits_for_all_class, key=lambda x:x[1])[1] min_y = min(limits_for_all_class, key=lambda x:x[2])[2] max_y = max(limits_for_all_class, key=lambda x:x[3])[3] limits = [min_x-1, max_x+1, min_y-1, max_y+1] # set limits in training window # self.ui.input_display.x_axis = [float(limits[0]), float(limits[1])] self.ui.input_display.y_axis = [float(limits[2]), float(limits[3])] self.ui.input_display.initUI() # stores important variables (train_c holds the classes) # if self.train is not None: # set up dictionary variables to store training data # self.current_c = None train_x = np.empty((0, 0)) train_y = np.empty((0, 0)) self.once_c = False self.load_flag = True for class_name in self.train_class: train_x = np.empty((0, 0)) train_y = np.empty((0, 0)) # Add the classes to both the GUI toolbar and the display dictionary # self.retrieve_class_parameters(class_name, train_color[class_name]) self.ui.input_display.class_info[class_name] = [self.current_c, train_x, train_y, self.once_c, train_color[class_name]] # get list of x coordinate from self.train at class_name # train_x = [[point[0] for point in self.train[class_name]]] # get list of y coordinate from self.train at class_name # train_y = [[point[1] for point in self.train[class_name]]] # populate the classes in the dictionary with data # # append train x coordinate to class_info # self.ui.input_display.class_info[class_name][1] = np.append\ (self.ui.input_display.class_info[class_name][1], train_x) # append train y coordinate to class_info # self.ui.input_display.class_info[class_name][2] = np.append\ (self.ui.input_display.class_info[class_name][2], train_y) # plot the training data in the Input display # self.plot_train_data() self.load_flag = False except: print("Warning: File is not loaded") # method: EventLoop::prompt_for_load_eval # # This method contains a pop-up window for users to load data into the # Eval window of the UI and stores the data. # def prompt_for_load_eval(self): try: # read in the data from the file # classes, colors, limits, self.eval= self.io.load_file('eval') # clear the window # # if there is data in the window # if len(self.ui.output_display.class_info) != 0: check_data = False for class_name in self.ui.output_display.class_info: if np.size(self.ui.output_display.class_info[class_name][1]) > 0\ and np.size(self.ui.output_display.class_info[class_name][2]) > 0: check_data = True if check_data: message = "Current data is replaced with the loaded data " self.display_warning(message) self.ui.output_display.clear_plot() self.ui.output_display.class_info = {} # get a list of class # self.eval_class = [] # if classes is not declared in file # if classes == []: # find classes from data/self.eval # self.eval_class = list(self.eval.keys()) else: self.eval_class = classes # check if classes from the comment doesnt match with data # if set(self.eval_class) != set(list(self.eval.keys())): # print out error # message = "Classes declared in the comment does not match with data, use classes in data" self.display_warning(message) self.eval_class = list(self.eval.keys()) # get a dict of color # eval_color = {} # if color is not declared in file # if colors == []: for class_i in self.eval_class: # check if color is declared in train window # if class_i in list(self.ui.input_display.class_info.keys()): new_color = self.ui.input_display.class_info[class_i][4] else: new_color = self.preset_color() if class_i not in eval_color: eval_color[class_i] = [] eval_color[class_i] = new_color # if color is declared # else: for idx, class_i in enumerate(self.eval_class): if class_i not in eval_color: eval_color[class_i] = [] if (idx < len(colors)): eval_color[class_i] = colors[idx] # if color declared in the comment is not enough # else: # check if the color is in the train window # if class_i in list(self.ui.input_display.class_info.keys()): new_color = self.ui.input_display.class_info[class_i][4] else: new_color = self.preset_color() while(new_color in eval_color.values()): new_color = self.preset_color() eval_color[class_i] = new_color # if limits is not declared, use min and max of each coordinate # if limits == []: limits_for_all_class = [] # find min/max of x and y for each class # for class_name in self.eval_class: min_x = min(self.eval[class_name], key=lambda x:x[0])[0] max_x = max(self.eval[class_name], key=lambda x:x[0])[0] min_y = min(self.eval[class_name], key=lambda x:x[1])[1] max_y = max(self.eval[class_name], key=lambda x:x[1])[1] limits_for_all_class.append([min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y]) # choose the limits based on all the classes # min_x = min(limits_for_all_class, key=lambda x:x[0])[0] max_x = max(limits_for_all_class, key=lambda x:x[1])[1] min_y = min(limits_for_all_class, key=lambda x:x[2])[2] max_y = max(limits_for_all_class, key=lambda x:x[3])[3] limits = [min_x-1, max_x+1, min_y-1, max_y+1] # set limits in eval window # self.ui.output_display.x_axis = [float(limits[0]), float(limits[1])] self.ui.output_display.y_axis = [float(limits[2]), float(limits[3])] self.ui.output_display.initUI() # stores important variables (train_c holds the classes) # if self.eval is not None: # set up dictionary variables to store training data # self.current_c = None eval_x = np.empty((0, 0)) eval_y = np.empty((0, 0)) self.once_c = False self.load_flag = True for class_name in self.eval_class: eval_x = np.empty((0, 0)) eval_y = np.empty((0, 0)) # Add the classes to both the GUI toolbar and the display dictionary # self.retrieve_class_parameters(class_name, eval_color[class_name]) self.ui.output_display.class_info[class_name] = [self.current_c, eval_x, eval_y, self.once_c, eval_color[class_name]] # get list of x coordinate from self.train at class_name # eval_x = [[point[0] for point in self.eval[class_name]]] # get list of y coordinate from self.train at class_name # eval_y = [[point[1] for point in self.eval[class_name]]] # populate the classes in the dictionary with data # # append train x coordinate to class_info # self.ui.output_display.class_info[class_name][1] = np.append\ (self.ui.output_display.class_info[class_name][1], eval_x) # append train y coordinate to class_info # self.ui.output_display.class_info[class_name][2] = np.append\ (self.ui.output_display.class_info[class_name][2], eval_y) # plot the training data in the Input display # self.plot_eval_data() self.load_flag = False except: print("Warning: File is not loaded") # method: EventLoop::prompt_for_save_train # # This method contains a secondary window that allows the user to save # data that is currently being stored in the Train window. # def prompt_for_save_train(self): limits = [self.ui.input_display.x_axis[0], self.ui.input_display.x_axis[-1], self.ui.input_display.y_axis[0], self.ui.input_display.y_axis[-1]] self.io.save_file(self.ui.input_display.class_info, 'train', limits) # method: EventLoop::prompt_for_save_eval # # This method contains a secondary window that allows the user to save # data that is currently being stored in the Eval window. # def prompt_for_save_eval(self): limits = [self.ui.output_display.x_axis[0], self.ui.output_display.x_axis[-1], self.ui.output_display.y_axis[0], self.ui.output_display.y_axis[-1]] self.io.save_file(self.ui.output_display.class_info, 'eval', limits) # method: EventLoop::plot_train_data # # This method is used to plot data that was loaded by the user with the # load_train_data method. # def plot_train_data(self): # iterate through the class dictionary and plot the class data # for classes in self.ui.input_display.class_info: self.ui.input_display.class_info[classes][0] = self.ui.input_display.canvas.axes.scatter(None,None, s=1) # set the color up for each class # self.ui.input_display.class_info[classes][0].set_color(self.ui.input_display.class_info[classes][4]) self.ui.input_display.class_info[classes][0].set_offsets(np.column_stack ((self.ui.input_display.class_info[classes][1], self.ui.input_display.class_info[classes][2])) ) index = self.train_class.index(classes) self.ui.input_display.class_info[classes][0].set_gid\ (np.full((1, np.shape(self.ui.input_display.class_info[classes][1])[0]),index)) self.ui.input_display.canvas.draw_idle() # method: EventLoop::plot_eval_data # # This method is used to plot data that was loaded by the user with the # load_eval_data method. # def plot_eval_data(self): # iterate through the class dictionary # for classes in self.ui.output_display.class_info: # set up the color for each class # self.ui.output_display.class_info[classes][0] = self.ui.output_display.canvas.axes.scatter(None, None, s=1) self.ui.output_display.class_info[classes][0].set_color(self.ui.output_display.class_info[classes][4]) self.ui.output_display.class_info[classes][0].set_offsets(np.column_stack ((self.ui.output_display.class_info[classes][1], self.ui.output_display.class_info[classes][2])) ) index = self.eval_class.index(classes) self.ui.output_display.class_info[classes][0].set_gid \ (np.full((1, np.shape(self.ui.output_display.class_info[classes][1])[0]), index)) self.ui.output_display.canvas.draw_idle() # method: EventLoop::retrieve_class_parameters # # arguments: # name: the name of the targeted class # # This method extracts the parameters from the input window that appears # when a new class is being added. # def retrieve_class_parameters(self,name,color=None): # call the global variables for class selections # global SELECTED_CLASS global TOTAL_NAMES global SELECTED_NAME global TOTAL_CLASSES # check if the name of the class is not empty, not in used Names and does not have a Color # if len(name) != 0 and (str(name) not in TOTAL_NAMES) and self.ui.input_display.color_c is not False: # create the widget for the new class # classes = QtWidgets.QAction(name, checkable=True) classes.setObjectName(name) # update the global variables # TOTAL_NAMES.append(name) TOTAL_CLASSES.append(classes) SELECTED_CLASS = classes SELECTED_NAME = name # update the input and output display variables # self.ui.input_display.t_current_class = TOTAL_NAMES self.ui.output_display.t_current_class = TOTAL_NAMES self.ui.input_display.current_class = name self.ui.output_display.current_class = name self.ui.input_display.all_classes = TOTAL_CLASSES self.ui.output_display.all_classes = TOTAL_CLASSES self.ui.input_display.class_info[name] = None self.ui.output_display.class_info[name] = None # add the class widget to the menu and trigger it # self.ui.menu_bar.class_menu.addAction(self.ui.menu_bar.class_group.addAction(classes)) classes.triggered.connect(self.active_class_data) classes.trigger() # check if a color is chosen, if not use one from preset # if self.ui.input_display.color_c in self.color_bank or self.ui.input_display.color_c == None: if self.load_flag == False: col = self.preset_color() self.ui.input_display.color_c = self.ui.output_display.color_c = col #message = "Color chosen is invalid, instead using a preset color: %s" % self.ui.input_display.color_c #self.display_warning(message) else: if color is not None: self.color_bank.append(color) self.ui.input_display.colors_used.append(color) self.ui.output_display.colors_used.append(color) if color is None: # set up the class dictionary # self.ui.input_display.class_info[name] = [self.ui.input_display.current_class, self.ui.input_display.x, self.ui.input_display.y, self.ui.input_display.once_c, self.ui.input_display.color_c] self.ui.output_display.class_info[name] = [self.ui.output_display.current_class, self.ui.output_display.x, self.ui.output_display.y, self.ui.output_display.once_c, self.ui.output_display.color_c] d_values = list(self.ui.input_display.class_info.values()) self.color_bank = [i[-1] for i in d_values] else: self.ui.input_display.class_info[name] = [self.ui.input_display.current_class, self.ui.input_display.x, self.ui.input_display.y, self.ui.input_display.once_c, color] self.ui.output_display.class_info[name] = [self.ui.output_display.current_class, self.ui.output_display.x, self.ui.output_display.y, self.ui.output_display.once_c, color] self.ui.process_desc.output.append("Classes: added class '%s'" % name) # update color bank # # method:EventLoop::handled_color # # argumenets: # name: the name of the color # # This method takes the color input and makes the newly added class that color def handled_color(self, name): # check if the name is not color # if name != "color": # check if the color has been used # if name in self.ui.input_display.colors_used : self.ui.process_desc.output.append("Choose a color that has not been picked yet") self.ui.process_desc.output.append("Colors already picked"+ str(self.ui.input_display.colors_used)) self.ui.input_display.color_c = False self.ui.output_display.color_c = False # update variables with the chosen color # else: self.saved_color = name # self.ui.input_display.colors_used.append(name) # self.ui.output_display.colors_used.append(name) # self.ui.input_display.color_c = name # self.ui.output_display.color_c = name # choose color if not chosen # else: self.ui.process_desc.output.append("Please choose a color") self.ui.input_display.color_c = False self.ui.output_display.color_c = False # method:EventLoop::preset_color # # argumenets: none # # This method sets up the preset color def handled_color_saver(self): if self.saved_color != "color": self.ui.input_display.colors_used.append(self.saved_color) self.ui.output_display.colors_used.append(self.saved_color) self.ui.input_display.color_c = self.saved_color self.ui.output_display.color_c = self.saved_color self.saved_color = 'color' # method:EventLoop::preset_color # # argumenets: none # # This method sets up the preset color def preset_color(self): # pop color from color stack and check if its in the color bank # if so keep going until a valid color is chosen # color = self.standard_colors.pop() if color in self.color_bank: col = self.preset_color() else: self.color_bank.append(color) self.ui.input_display.colors_used.append(color) self.ui.output_display.colors_used.append(color) return color return col # method:EventLoop::reset_color # # arguments: none # # reset the colors chosen def reset_color(self): self.ui.input_display.color_c = None self.ui.output_display.color_c = None # method:EventLoop::handled_surface_color # # arguments: none # # check surface color def handled_surface_color(self, name): if name not in igw.colormaps(): self.ui.input_display.surface_color = 'winter' else: self.ui.input_display.surface_color = name # method: EventLoop::handled_signal # # arguments: # checked: the specific signal of the button pressed # action: the button that is being checked # # This method makes the action and records its signal # def handled_signal(self, checked, action): # update current class with the triggered item # self.item_now[0]= action self.item_now[1]= action.objectName() self.ui.input_display.current_class = self.item_now[1] self.ui.output_display.current_class = self.item_now[1] # method: EventLoop::remove_classes # # arguments: # checked: the signal of the triggered item # # remove the chosen class def remove_classes(self, checked, all=None): # remove all info from chosen class # if self.ui.output_display.class_info and self.ui.input_display.class_info: self.ui.menu_bar.class_menu.removeAction(self.item_now[0]) self.item_now[0].deleteLater() self.ui.process_desc.output.append("Classes: deleted class '%s'" % self.item_now[1]) removed_color = self.ui.input_display.class_info[self.item_now[1]][-1] if len(self.standard_colors) != len(STANDARD_COLORS): self.standard_colors.append(removed_color) self.color_bank.remove(removed_color) self.ui.input_display.remove_class(self.item_now[1]) self.ui.output_display.remove_class(self.item_now[1]) if all == None: self.ui.menu_bar.class_group.actions()[0].trigger() else: pass # method: EventLoop::clear_input # arguments: # checked: the specific signal of the button pressed # This method clears all present information visible on input plot # def clear_input(self,checked): self.ui.input_display.clear_plot() # method: EventLoop::clear_output # arguments: # checked: the specific signal of the button pressed # This method clears all present information visible on output plot # def clear_output(self, checked): self.ui.output_display.clear_plot() # method: EventLoop::clear_input_result # arguments: # checked: the specific signal of the button pressed # # TThis method clears the results visible on input plot # def clear_input_result(self,checked): self.ui.input_display.clear_result_plot() # method: EventLoop::clear_output_result # arguments: # checked: the specific signal of the button pressed # # This method clears the results visible on output plot # def clear_output_result(self, checked): self.ui.output_display.clear_result_plot() # method: EventLoop::reset_window # arguments: # checked: the specific signal of the button pressed # # This method resets the app externally and internally # def reset_window(self, checked): class_list = self.ui.menu_bar.class_group.actions() all = True for i in class_list: i.triggered.connect(lambda check: self.remove_classes(check,all)) i.trigger() self.ui.input_display.class_info = {} self.ui.output_display.class_info = {} self.color_bank = [] self.reset_color() self.standard_colors = STANDARD_COLORS.copy() self.ui.process_desc.clear_progress() # method: EventLoop::active_class_data # This method selects the active class when it is either # added or selected from the menu # def active_class_data(self): self.classes = True # method: EventLoop::plot_two_gaus # # arguments: # window: the input window selected by the user (train or eval) # # This method plots the two gaussian preset pattern. # def plot_two_gaus(self, window): # retrieve user submitted parameters # if window == igp.WINDOW_TRAIN: self.ui.menu_bar.clear_train_all.trigger() else: self.ui.menu_bar.clear_eval_all.trigger() self.retrieve_parameters() self.retrieve_class_parameters("Class0") self.retrieve_class_parameters("Class1") # if user selects train option, plot in train window # if window == igp.WINDOW_TRAIN: self.data_points_t.set_two_gaussian(self.points, self.mu, self.cov) # otherwise plot in eval window # else: self.data_points_e.set_two_gaussian(self.points, self.mu, self.cov) # method: EventLoop::plot_four_gauss # # arguments: # window: the input window selected by the user (train or eval) # # This method plots the four gaussian preset pattern. # def plot_four_gaus(self, window): # retrieve user submitted parameters # if window == igp.WINDOW_TRAIN: self.ui.menu_bar.clear_train_all.trigger() else: self.ui.menu_bar.clear_eval_all.trigger() self.retrieve_parameters() self.retrieve_class_parameters("Class0") self.retrieve_class_parameters("Class1") self.retrieve_class_parameters("Class2") self.retrieve_class_parameters("Class3") # if user selects train option, plot in train window # if window == igp.WINDOW_TRAIN: self.ui.input_display.clear_plot() self.data_points_t.set_four_gaussian(self.points, self.mu, self.cov) # otherwise plot in eval window # else: self.ui.output_display.clear_plot() self.data_points_e.set_four_gaussian(self.points, self.mu, self.cov) # method: EventLoop::plot_overe_gaus # # arguments: # window: the input window selected by the user (train or eval) # # This method plots the over gaussian preset pattern. # def plot_ovlp_gaussian(self, window): # retrieve user submitted parameters # if window == igp.WINDOW_TRAIN: self.ui.menu_bar.clear_train_all.trigger() else: self.ui.menu_bar.clear_eval_all.trigger() self.retrieve_parameters() self.retrieve_class_parameters("Class0") self.retrieve_class_parameters("Class1") # if user selects train option, plot in train window # if window == igp.WINDOW_TRAIN: self.ui.input_display.clear_plot() self.data_points_t.set_ovlp_gaussian(self.points, self.mu, self.cov) # otherwise plot in eval window # else: self.ui.output_display.clear_plot() self.data_points_e.set_ovlp_gaussian(self.points, self.mu, self.cov) # method: EventLoop::plot_two_ellip # # arguments: # window: the input window selected by the user (train or eval) # # This method plots the two ellipse preset pattern. # def plot_two_ellip(self, window): # retrieve user submitted parameters # if window == igp.WINDOW_TRAIN: self.ui.menu_bar.clear_train_all.trigger() else: self.ui.menu_bar.clear_eval_all.trigger() self.retrieve_parameters() self.retrieve_class_parameters("Class0") self.retrieve_class_parameters("Class1") # if user selects train option, plot in train window # if window == igp.WINDOW_TRAIN: self.ui.input_display.clear_plot() self.data_points_t.set_two_ellipses(self.points, self.mu, self.cov) # otherwise, plot in eval window # else: self.ui.output_display.clear_plot() self.data_points_e.set_two_ellipses(self.points, self.mu, self.cov) # method: EventLoop::plot_four_ellipse # # arguments: # window: the input window selected by the user (train or eval) # # This method plots the four ellipse preset pattern. # def plot_four_ellip(self, window): # retrieve user submitted parameters # if window == igp.WINDOW_TRAIN: self.ui.menu_bar.clear_train_all.trigger() else: self.ui.menu_bar.clear_eval_all.trigger() self.retrieve_parameters() self.retrieve_class_parameters("Class0") self.retrieve_class_parameters("Class1") self.retrieve_class_parameters("Class2") self.retrieve_class_parameters("Class3") # if user selects train option, plot in train window # if window == igp.WINDOW_TRAIN: self.ui.input_display.clear_plot() self.data_points_t.set_four_ellipses(self.points, self.mu, self.cov) # otherwise plot in eval window # else: self.ui.output_display.clear_plot() self.data_points_e.set_four_ellipses(self.points, self.mu, self.cov) # method: EventLoop::plot_rotated_ellips # # arguments: # window: the input window selected by the user (train or eval) # # This method plots the rotated_ellips preset pattern. # def plot_rotated_ellips(self, window): # retrieve user defined parameters # if window == igp.WINDOW_TRAIN: self.ui.menu_bar.clear_train_all.trigger() else: self.ui.menu_bar.clear_eval_all.trigger() self.retrieve_parameters() self.retrieve_class_parameters("Class0") self.retrieve_class_parameters("Class1") # if user selects train option, plot in train window # if window == igp.WINDOW_TRAIN: self.ui.input_display.clear_plot() self.data_points_t.set_rotated_ellipse(self.points, self.mu, self.cov) # otherwise plot in eval window # else: self.ui.output_display.clear_plot() self.data_points_e.set_rotated_ellipse(self.points, self.mu, self.cov) # method: EventLoop::plot_toroidal # # arguments: # window: the input window selected by the user (train or eval) # # This method plots the toroidal preset pattern. # def plot_toroidal(self, window): # retrieve user defined parameters # if window == igp.WINDOW_TRAIN: self.ui.menu_bar.clear_train_all.trigger() else: self.ui.menu_bar.clear_eval_all.trigger() self.retrieve_parameters_mod() self.retrieve_class_parameters("Class0") self.retrieve_class_parameters("Class1") # if user selects train option, plot in train window # if window == igp.WINDOW_TRAIN: self.ui.input_display.clear_plot() self.data_points_t.set_toroidal(self.params, self.mu, self.cov) # otherwise plot in eval window # else: self.ui.output_display.clear_plot() self.data_points_e.set_toroidal(self.params, self.mu, self.cov) # method: EventLoop::plot_ying_yang # # arguments: # window: the input window selected by the user (train or eval) # # This method plots the ying yang preset pattern. # def plot_yin_yang(self, window): # retrieve user defined parameters # if window == igp.WINDOW_TRAIN: self.ui.menu_bar.clear_train_all.trigger() else: self.ui.menu_bar.clear_eval_all.trigger() self.retrieve_parameters_mod() self.retrieve_class_parameters("Class0") self.retrieve_class_parameters("Class1") # if user selects train option, plot in train window # if window == igp.WINDOW_TRAIN: #self.ui.input_display.clear_plot() self.data_points_t.set_yin_yang(self.params) # otherwise plot in eval window # else: #self.ui.output_display.clear_plot() self.data_points_e.set_yin_yang(self.params) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # show pattern methods: # These methods use the sender method to determine the signal source, call # the igp.Second class from Parameters.py to open a *second window prompting users # to input parameters with defaults in place for each class and PyQt method # show() to bring up the parameter window for the user # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def add_class_show(self): sender = self.sender() self.second = igp.Second(self) self.second.set_title("Add Class") self.second.add_classes(sender) self.second.show() def two_gauss_show(self): sender = self.sender() self.second = igp.Second(self) self.second.set_title("Two Gaussian (%s)" % sender.text()) self.second.two_gaussian(sender.text()) self.second.show() def four_gauss_show(self): sender = self.sender() self.second = igp.Second(self) self.second.set_title("Four Gaussian (%s)" % sender.text()) self.second.four_gaussian(sender.text()) self.second.show() def over_gauss_show(self): sender = self.sender() self.second = igp.Second(self) self.second.set_title("Over Gaussian (%s)" % sender.text()) self.second.over_gaussian(sender.text()) self.second.show() def two_ellipse_show(self): sender = self.sender() self.second = igp.Second(self) self.second.set_title("Two Ellipses (%s)" % sender.text()) self.second.two_ellipses(sender.text()) self.second.show() def four_ellipse_show(self): sender = self.sender() self.second = igp.Second(self) self.second.set_title("Four Ellipses (%s)" % sender.text()) self.second.four_ellipses(sender.text()) self.second.show() def rotated_ellipse_show(self): sender = self.sender() self.second = igp.Second(self) self.second.set_title("Rotated Ellipses (%s)" % sender.text()) self.second.rotated_ellipses(sender.text()) self.second.show() def toroidal_show(self): sender = self.sender() self.second = igp.Second(self) self.second.set_title("Toroidal (%s)" % sender.text()) self.second.toroidal(sender.text()) self.second.show() def yin_yang_show(self): sender = self.sender() self.second = igp.Second(self) self.second.set_title("Yin-Yang (%s)" % sender.text()) self.second.yin_yang(sender.text()) self.second.show() # method: EventLoop::surface_color_show # # This method calls the second window for choosing the decision # surface color map # def surface_color_show(self): sender = self.sender() self.second = igp.Second(self) self.second.set_title("Pick a Surface Color Map") self.second.set_surface_color(sender) self.second.show() # method: EventLoop::set_plot_ranges # # This method calls the plot_ranges method which brings up a secondary # window to prompt user to input ranges for the X and Y axes of the Train # and Eval Windows and then makes this change in the UI. # def set_plot_ranges(self): self.settings = igp.Settings(self) # bring up pop-up window to get user input # self.settings.plot_ranges() # show new axes # self.settings.show() # method: EventLoop::prompt_set_gauss_prop # # This method calls the igp.Second.gausss_pattern method which brings up a secondary # window to prompt user to input cov of the Draw Gaussian # def prompt_set_gauss_prop(self): sender = self.sender() self.second = igp.Second(self) self.second.set_title("Gaussian Pattern(%s)" % sender.text()) self.second.gauss_pattern(sender.text()) self.second.show() def set_gauss_pattern(self): self.retrieve_parameters() # update cov in draw_gauss in both train and eval window # self.ui.input_display.cov = self.cov[0] self.ui.input_display.num_points = self.points self.ui.output_display.cov = self.cov[0] self.ui.output_display.num_points = self.points # method: EventLoop::change_range # # This method changes the ranges of the X and Y axes of the Train and Eval # windows to the users specifications # def change_range(self): ranges = np.empty((0, 0)) # number of items in layout # index = self.settings.windowLayout.count() - 1 for i in range(index): current_layout = self.settings.windowLayout.itemAt(i).layout() widget_count = current_layout.count() for widgets in range(widget_count): current_widget = current_layout.itemAt(widgets).widget() children = current_widget.findChildren(QtWidgets.QLineEdit) for params in range(len(children)): try: ranges = np.append(ranges, \ float(children[params].text())) except: ranges = np.append(ranges, np.nan) ranges = np.reshape(ranges, (2, 2, 2)) # sets range for train plot # if True not in np.isnan(ranges[0][0]): if ranges[0][0][0] > ranges[0][0][1]: ranges[0][0][0], ranges[0][0][1] = \ self.change_ranges_inverted_bound(ranges[0][0][0], ranges[0][0][1]) self.ui.input_display.canvas.axes.set_xlim(ranges[0][0]) self.ui.input_display.x_axis = np.linspace(ranges[0][0][0], ranges[0][0][1], 9) self.ui.input_display.canvas.axes.set_xticks(self.ui.input_display.x_axis) t_x = ranges[0][0] if True not in np.isnan(ranges[0][1]): if ranges[0][1][0] > ranges[0][1][1]: ranges[0][1][0], ranges[0][1][1] = \ self.change_ranges_inverted_bound(ranges[0][1][0], ranges[0][1][1]) self.ui.input_display.canvas.axes.set_ylim(ranges[0][1]) self.ui.input_display.y_axis = np.linspace(ranges[0][1][0], ranges[0][1][1], 9) self.ui.input_display.canvas.axes.set_yticks(self.ui.input_display.y_axis) t_y = ranges[0][1] # sets range for eval plot # if True not in np.isnan(ranges[1][0]): if ranges[1][0][0] > ranges[1][0][1]: ranges[1][0][0], ranges[1][0][1] = \ self.change_ranges_inverted_bound(ranges[1][0][0], ranges[1][0][1]) self.ui.output_display.canvas.axes.set_xlim(ranges[1][0]) self.ui.output_display.x_axis = np.linspace(ranges[1][0][0], ranges[1][0][1], 9) self.ui.output_display.canvas.axes.set_xticks(self.ui.output_display.x_axis) e_x = ranges[1][0] if True not in np.isnan(ranges[1][1]): if ranges[1][1][0] > ranges[1][1][1]: ranges[1][1][0], ranges[1][1][1] = \ self.change_ranges_inverted_bound(ranges[1][1][0], ranges[1][1][1]) self.ui.output_display.canvas.axes.set_ylim(ranges[1][1]) self.ui.output_display.y_axis = np.linspace(ranges[1][1][0], ranges[1][1][1], 9) self.ui.output_display.canvas.axes.set_yticks(self.ui.output_display.y_axis) e_y = ranges[1][1] self.ui.input_display.canvas.draw_idle() self.ui.output_display.canvas.draw_idle() def change_ranges_inverted_bound(self, min, max): temp = min min = max max = temp message = "Invalid entry: Maximum bound was less than Minimum bound " \ "\n\nBounds were reversed to keep Minimum less than Maximum" self.display_warning(message) return min, max def algorithm_pca_cd(self): # set up the algorithm # self.algo = AlgorithmPCA(self.ui.input_display, \ self.ui.output_display,\ self.ui.process_desc.output,"CD") self.ui.process_desc.output.append("Algorithm: " + igw.ALG_PCA_CD) # initialize the model with GUI and the algorithm self.model = model.Model(self.algo,self.ui.input_display, self.ui.output_display,self.ui.process_desc, self.is_normalized) self.initialized = False def algorithm_pca_ci(self): # set up the algorithm # self.algo = AlgorithmPCA(self.ui.input_display,\ self.ui.output_display,\ self.ui.process_desc.output,"CI") self.ui.process_desc.output.append("Algorithm: " + igw.ALG_PCA_CI) self.initialized = False # set up the model with the GUI and the algorithm self.model = model.Model(self.algo,self.ui.input_display, self.ui.output_display,self.ui.process_desc, self.is_normalized) def algorithm_svm(self): # retrieve some params # maxiter = int(self.second.svm_max_iter_line.text()) gamma = self.second.svm_gamma_selection.currentText() self.algo = AlgorithmSVM(self.ui.input_display, self.ui.output_display, self.ui.process_desc.output, maxiter, gamma) self.ui.process_desc.output.append("Algorithm: " + igw.ALG_SUPPORT) self.initialized = False self.model = model.Model(self.algo, self.ui.input_display, self.ui.output_display, self.ui.process_desc, self.is_normalized) def prompt_algo_svm(self): sender = self.sender() self.second = igp.Second(self) self.second.set_title("%s" % sender.text()) self.second.svm_params(sender.text()) self.second.show() def algorithm_knn(self): # retrieve some params # weight = self.second.knn_weight_selection.currentText() algo = self.second.knn_algo_selection.currentText() neighbors = self.second.knn_neighbor_line.text() for i in self.ui.input_display.class_info: if int(neighbors)*2 > len(self.ui.input_display.class_info[i][2]): self.ui.process_desc.output.append("Data not large enough for Knn") return self.algo = AlgorithmKNN(self.ui.input_display, self.ui.output_display, self.ui.process_desc, neighbors, algo, weight) self.ui.process_desc.output.append("Algorithm: " + igw.ALG_NEAREST) self.initialized = False self.model = model.Model(self.algo, self.ui.input_display, self.ui.output_display, self.ui.process_desc, self.is_normalized) def prompt_algo_knn(self): sender = self.sender() self.second = igp.Second(self) self.second.set_title("%s" % sender.text()) self.second.knn_params(sender.text()) self.second.show() def algorithm_mlp(self): # retrieve some params # nlayers = self.second.mlp_layer_line.text() nlayers = nlayers.replace("(", "").replace(")", "").replace(",", " ") nlayers = np.fromstring(nlayers, sep=" ", dtype=int) solver = self.second.mlp_solver_selection.currentText() self.algo = AlgorithmMLP(self.ui.input_display,\ self.ui.output_display,\ self.ui.process_desc.output, nlayers, solver) self.ui.process_desc.output.append("Algorithm: "+ igw.ALG_MLP) self.initialized = False self.model = model.Model(self.algo, self.ui.input_display, self.ui.output_display, self.ui.process_desc, self.is_normalized) def prompt_algo_mlp(self): sender = self.sender() self.second = igp.Second(self) self.second.set_title("%s" % sender.text()) self.second.mlp_params(sender.text()) self.second.show() def algorithm_kmeans(self): # retrieve some params # n_clusters = int(self.second.kmeans_ncluster_line.text()) init = self.second.kmeans_init_selection.currentText() n_init = int(self.second.kmeans_ninit_line.text()) max_iter = int(self.second.kmeans_max_iter_line.text()) for i in self.ui.input_display.class_info: if n_clusters > len(self.ui.input_display.class_info[i][2]): self.ui.process_desc.output.append("Data not large enough for Kmeans") return self.algo = AlgorithmKMeans(self.ui.input_display,\ self.ui.output_display,\ self.ui.process_desc.output, n_clusters, init, n_init, max_iter) self.ui.process_desc.output.append("Algorithm: " + igw.ALG_KMEANS) self.initialized = False self.model = model.Model(self.algo, self.ui.input_display, self.ui.output_display, self.ui.process_desc, self.is_normalized) def prompt_algo_kmeans(self): sender = self.sender() self.second = igp.Second(self) self.second.set_title("%s" % sender.text()) self.second.kmeans_params(sender.text()) self.second.show() def algorithm_lda_cd(self): # set up the algorithm # self.algo = AlgorithmLDA(self.ui.input_display, \ self.ui.output_display, \ self.ui.process_desc.output, "CD") self.ui.process_desc.output.append("Algorithm: " + igw.ALG_LDA_CD) # initialize the model with GUI and the algorithm self.model = model.Model(self.algo, self.ui.input_display, self.ui.output_display, self.ui.process_desc, self.is_normalized) self.initialized = False def algorithm_lda_ci(self): # set up the algorithm # self.algo = AlgorithmLDA(self.ui.input_display, \ self.ui.output_display, \ self.ui.process_desc.output, "CI") self.ui.process_desc.output.append("Algorithm: " + igw.ALG_LDA_CI) # initialize the model with GUI and the algorithm self.model = model.Model(self.algo, self.ui.input_display, self.ui.output_display, self.ui.process_desc, self.is_normalized) self.initialized = False def algorithm_rf(self): # retrieve some params # n_estimators = int(self.second.rf_ntree_line.text()) crit = self.second.rf_crit_selection.currentText() self.algo = AlgorithmRF(self.ui.input_display, self.ui.output_display, self.ui.process_desc.output, n_estimators, crit) self.ui.process_desc.output.append("Algorithm: "+ igw.ALG_RF) self.initialized = False self.model = model.Model(self.algo, self.ui.input_display, self.ui.output_display, self.ui.process_desc, self.is_normalized) def prompt_algo_rf(self): sender = self.sender() self.second = igp.Second(self) self.second.set_title("%s" % sender.text()) self.second.rf_params(sender.text()) self.second.show() # method: EventLoop::run_complete # # This method is called when the user selects Process > Run... and will # execute all steps of the selected algorithm. # def run_complete(self): # run the model until last step is triggered # if self.algo is not None: if not self.initialized: self.run_initialize() self.initialized = True if self.data: while not self.model.is_done(): self.run_next() self.model.reset_step() self.initialized = False else: self.model.reset_step() self.initialized = False # if user runs without selecting an algorithm first, # print message in the process description window # else: self.ui.process_desc.output.append("Status: No algorithm is \ currently selected.") # method: EventLoop::run_initialize # # Initialize the model and checks if there is data available # def run_initialize(self): if self.algo is not None: self.value = 0 self.ui.process_desc.pbar.setValue(self.value) # check available data # if not self.model.prepare_data(self.ui.input_display.class_info): self.data = False self.ui.process_desc.output.append("Status: There is no data \ to initialize.") self.initialized = False return False # trigger data and initialize flag # else: self.data = True self.initialized = True else: return False # method: EventLoop::run_step # this method is called when the user selects Process > Step and will # execute a single step of the selected algorithm # def run_step(self): #QtWidgets.QApplication.processEvents() if self.algo is not None: if not self.initialized: self.run_initialize() self.ui.process_desc.output.append("\nAlgorithm Initialized, you may proceed\n") self.initialized = True # if the algorithm is complete, reset the "step" to zero but # if not, execute the next step # else: if self.data: if not self.model.is_done(): self.run_next() else: self.model.reset_step() self.initialized = False # if user steps without selecting an algorithm first, # print out message in the process description window # else: self.ui.process_desc.output.append("Status: No algorithm is currently selected.") # method: EventLoop::run_next # # this method executes the next step of an algorithm # def run_next(self): if self.algo is not None: if not self.data: # display message in process description window # self.ui.process_desc.output.append("Status: There is no data to proceed with.") else: self.model.increment_step() self.model.step() # method: EventLoop::set_point # # this method enables the user to draw points on the Train and Eval windows # def set_point(self): # remove checkmark from Draw Gaussian if it's checked # self.ui.menu_bar.draw_points_menu.setChecked(True) self.ui.menu_bar.draw_gauss_menu.setChecked(False) self.ui.input_display.set_point() self.ui.output_display.set_point() # if user tries to draw before selecting a class raise an error # if self.classes == None: # define message to display to user # message = "Warning: Please select an input class." # display warning message in process description window # self.display_warning(message) # method: EventLoop::set_gauss # # this method enables the user to draw gaussian plots on the Train and Eval windows # def set_gauss(self): # remove checkmark from Draw Points if it's checked # self.ui.menu_bar.draw_points_menu.setChecked(False) self.ui.menu_bar.draw_gauss_menu.setChecked(True) self.ui.input_display.set_gauss() self.ui.output_display.set_gauss() # if user tries to draw before selecting a class raise an error # if self.classes == None: # define message to display to user # message = "Warning: Please select an input class." # display message in process description window # self.display_warning(message) # method: EventLoop::normalize_data # # This method calls the process of Normalize Data in train and # eval window # def normalize_data(self): # if the 'Normalize Data' is checked # if self.ui.menu_bar.set_normalize_menu.isChecked(): self.is_normalized = True self.ui.process_desc.output.append("Select Normalize Data") else: self.is_normalized = True self.ui.process_desc.output.append("Unselect Normalize Data") # method: EventLoop::retrieve_parameters # # This method extracts the parameters from the input window that appears # when a pattern is selected. # def retrieve_parameters(self): # set up mean, covariance and points variables # self.mu = np.nan self.cov = np.nan self.points = np.nan # find how many child widgets there are in the main GUI # index = self.second.windowLayout.count() - 1 # set up the mean and covariance depending on the index # mu = np.empty((index - 1, 2, 1)) * np.nan cov = np.empty((index - 1, 2, 2)) * np.nan # iterate through the child widgets to find number of inputs # for i in range(index): current_layout = self.second.windowLayout.itemAt(i).layout() if type(current_layout) == QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout: widget_count = current_layout.count() # iterate through widgets to find the extracted info # for widgets in range(widget_count): current_widget = current_layout.itemAt(widgets).widget() children = current_widget.findChildren(QtWidgets.QLineEdit) if len(children)==1: try: self.points = int(self.second.num_size.text()) continue except: try: # get number of points from Set Gaussian # self.points = int(self.second.num_points.text()) except: print("Errors: Cannot set number of points") # if there are two input boxes, try mean # if len(children) == 2: try: for extract_mu in range(len(children)): mu[i - 1][extract_mu] = \ float(children[extract_mu].text()) except: pass # 4 boxes are for covariance matrices # elif len(children) == 4: temp = np.empty((0, 0)) for extract_cov in range(len(children)): try: temp = np.append(temp,\ float(children[extract_cov].text())) except: pass try: cov[i - 1] = np.reshape(temp, (-1, 2)) except: pass self.mu = mu self.cov = cov self.mu = self.mu.reshape(len(self.mu), -1) # method: EventLoop::retrieve_parameters_tor # # This method retrieves parameters for the toroidal pattern # def retrieve_parameters_mod(self): # declare local variables # self.mu = np.nan self.cov = np.nan self.points = np.nan params = np.empty([0, 0]) index = self.second.windowLayout.count() - 1 mu = np.empty((2, 1)) * np.nan cov = np.empty((2, 2)) * np.nan for i in range(index): current_layout = self.second.windowLayout.itemAt(i).layout() if type(current_layout) == QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout: widget_count = current_layout.count() for widgets in range(widget_count): current_widget = current_layout.itemAt(widgets).widget() children = current_widget.findChildren(QtWidgets.QLineEdit) # check if the paramters is not 4 for the number of points, and radius inputs # if params.size != 4: try: for extract in range(len(children)): if children[extract].text(): params = np.append(params,\ float(children[extract].text())) else: params = np.append(params, np.nan) continue except: pass if len(children) == 2: try: for extract_mu in range(len(children)): mu[extract_mu][0] = \ float(children[extract_mu].text()) except: pass elif len(children) == 4: temp = np.empty((0, 0)) for extract_cov in range(len(children)): try: temp = np.append(temp, \ float(children[extract_cov].text())) except: pass try: if temp.size == 4: cov = np.reshape(temp, (-1, 2)) else: cov = np.empty((2, 2)) * np.nan except: pass self.mu = mu self.cov = cov self.params = params # # end of class # # end of file